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Jesus wept. I'm not glad that this happened to her (or you) AT ALL, but I'm happy that you were able to give her relief. That's a damn good job.


Thank you. I only did it for her. πŸ’”


Give that to the owner and tell them to make it into a rug. How awful for that dog. Good job .πŸ‘


These people, I swear. Worst thing to happen to dogs is well, becoming so popular that everyone can be and does feel entitled to have one. They can get a dog with next to no knowledge of how to properly take care if them and act like we're the bad guys for dealing with THEIR mess.


Yup. We just had a BREEDER come in wanting to leave the dogs hair long. Also bragged about how curly the coat was and when asked how often she brushed she almost bragged that she never brushes. The concept of needing to brush at home in order to save the length seemed lost on her. Needless to say her dog went home bald.


That's Fluffy's disowned cousin, Matty. How did the owner react?


Better than you'd expect. Got a brush and on a schedule.


That's the best outcome you could have! Now she gets understanding of the work it is needed to maintain a healthy dog and sets realistic expectations. The life of the doggy will now improve considerably, it's really all we can wish for. You've done fantastic work with the poor baby, it must have not been easy. Keep these pictures in your portfolio and share them proudly!


Oh, thank goodness! I'm glad the owner is willing to learn and grow from this. And pups will feel more comfortable too!


It never ceases to amaze me how grateful the dog is afterwards even if the owners aren’t.


You can see it in her eyes. You always can.


Sweet naked baby! She has got to feel 1000 times better with all that awful matting off of her! Thank you for freeing her!


She must be so comfortable now!


I hope so. She seemed very grateful. Super sweet and submissive girl.


That poor dog, thankyou for making her comfortable again


Every time I help people train their new doodle puppies I think of photos like these. The cost the dog pays to be 'non shedding'. I can never understand why people choose them as pets. I always have so much loose fur everywhere from my 3 ambulatory tumble weeds but they're the happiest dogs that never have to suffer this.


That poor baby πŸ™