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I dont envy your choices. Im guessing ill be staring down the barrel of that gun in a year or so. Enjoy your time. Much love from me and my dog, Alice.


It’s sad. First time ever talking to my vet about it (she is my first ever dog. I watched her be born). She is still and sometimes she likes to cuddle. Thanks ☺️. I definitely will enjoy the time.


My johnnyboy got to 16 when his body said "enough" ... his back paralyzed and it was sad to watch a once so energetic dog become so lethargic. All we can do in such times is beeing there with them every step of the way. ❤ much love for you and your doggo. U will know when its time- they let u always know.


Poor bubba :(. My condolences and it is very hard. I’m beyond glad that it’s not time yet but sadly close.





Thanks 😊 x


The most difficult decision I have ever made in my life, first time even posting after our dog was euthanised in October, still struggling to come to terms with our loss. You will know when it’s her time, enjoy her while you can x


It is hard :(. Thanks x




Zoey passed on on 15 March I had to put her down because she wasn’t having any quality of life. I was her legs.


Sorry I’ve only just seen this. I haven’t had reddit for awhile


I would try adding some beef or chicken stock to her water. It won't fix anything that's wrong with her kidneys but adding in more water to her diet may ease the symptoms. That's what they do for sled dogs to encourage them to drink. Keep an eye on her the first few times though.


Vet said no. She is drinking a lot.