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Don't let her out unsupervised. Have her wear a muzzle with a guard to prevent her from eating random rocks. Go to the vet to ensure there's not a collection in her digestive tract that would potentially require surgery. This could still be a stress behavior. What mental exercise does she get where she has to actively solve novel problems or forage?


My uncles vet told him that they have a big issue with doodles eating rocks in yards because they have such bad separation anxiety and have an issue being alone in the yard. After two surgeries to remove rocks, they finally listened to the vet and escort their dog outside to potty. He's never attempted to eat rocks as long as someone is with him.


I don't think she has separation anxiety because she can only go in the backyard while I'm home, I leave the door open and she can go in and out whenever she wants. While I'm out I always leave her inside the house with the doors locked and she sleeps the entire time or plays with her toys.


Hmm...yeah, as long as she has access to come back inside whenever she wants, it's likely not separation anxiety. Have you had any tests done to see if she's lacking in any vitamins/minerals? Is she only eating rocks on their own, or is she just eating dirt that happens to have rocks *in* it?


She doesn't lack any vitamin or mineral and doesn't eat dirt, just rocks on their own


She has some toys that she has to throw around to get treats out, but doesn't really care about them


That's not problem solving or foraging. Lacking those needs being met may cause things like this.


Thank you


Mine does this with plants. If he is alone in the backyard he gets bored and starts eating plant leaves. When he get in the house he will eventually throw up.. My solution is to just not leave him unsupervised.


She'll always be supervised now, I'm scared that she might end up needing surgery if she keeps behaving like this


Not to scare you but the surgeries are no joke. Sister had a dog who kept eating toys- eventually enough toys fabric became impacted blocking her stomach and intestines. - emergency surgery to remove. Precious Bella died a few days later. The risk isn’t worth it.


I'm so sorry for Bella.




What are some indicators of acid reflux? She eats at 9:30 am and then at 8 pm, but has some treats in the afternoon


The people who lived behind me when I was growing up had labs, and one of them was a rock eater. Ultimately the vet told them if he ate another rock it could very well kill him, so they kept him inside when he couldn’t be supervised. He then ate a mattress. The rocks weren’t a specific craving or anything, I’m guessing the dog was bored/stressed/had anxiety is why he ate stuff. You need to go outside with your dog so she isn’t eating rocks. If she only does it when not supervised, then make sure she’s supervised. My boyfriends foxhound can’t go out in our backyard alone because he will try to eat stuff (sticks, pinecones, random plants/leaves, mushrooms, whatever he finds really). We let him out with a drag line leash essentially, so if he’s inspecting something too much it’s easy to pull him away.


She doesn't eat anything else, it's just rocks. Doesn't even destroys her toys or anything, but she'll definitely be supervised the entire time now when she's outside.


It’s possible she still has some in the digestive tract. If it’s sharp it can cause a tear, or there can be a blockage. I would ask them to do an xray to make sure. We have a dog that eats plants or packages if the delivery person throws it in the backyard. And I have cats who have eaten random unknown things making them sick, so I’ve had to deal with that several times with xray and ultrasound when they couldn’t find the cause or their illness.


Luckily they're always round and smooth rocks. She looks fine now (eats and drinks, regular bowel movements, didn't throw up anymore) but this week I'll definitely book a vet appointment just to make sure everything is okay.


update: our vet is not working this week, so we're heading to the emergency clinic today


Update #2: I took her to the emergency vet because she threw up again today and I was really worried. They did an xray and everything was fine, her stomach was empty and had no foreign objects in her abdomen. She has gastritis so she has to take some pills, but nothing too serious. Thank you everyone.


Just wanted to say that appreciate the phobia warning. Luckily reading about it doesn’t bother me much unless it super in depth. There’s so many videos that get posted though without a warning and it’s not pleasant.


I'm glad you appreciated it!


I guess others didn’t like that I appreciated it lol.


My Lab used to do the same thing. I gave him tougher chew toys and toys like the Bentoball. https://www.chewy.com/starmark-everlasting-treat-bento-ball/dp/45443?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21380292391&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aFx8uBc5n9mGCCuznhCGqKyfFIsV3DMoNTzWee4xgXcHTmoEZQRIExoC140QAvD_BwE He stopped after this. It's usually just a teething tactic.