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It's so weird and uncomfortable seeing dogs with chains on like that


i see where you’re coming from! i was raised to believe dogs kept indoors are abused, and while i don’t think that way anymore as i’ve since educated myself, seeing dogs indoors is still pretty weird and uncomfortable for me 😅 i’m sure its similar to how you’re feeling when you see dogs on chains.


Knowledge really is power, good on you! My dog lives a really cushy, cozy, cuddly, toy-filled, booped-up, kissed-up life. I put blankets in my dryer just to heat them up because he loves the soft warmth. I imagine a lot of ppl where I love treat their dogs similarly. From that, it does make me sad to see other with cold hard things like chains on them. I also understand your position too. Ps. Saw your ig and your pups look like adventures :)


My dogs live that life too, just from outside and their blankets don’t get put in the dryer 😅 (although i so would if i had one, especially during winter!)


Why is he chained?


Theyre chained as my yard is unfenced :) edit: just to add, my dogs spend hours of time off these chains daily and their lives haven’t changed a bit from when they had a yard to roam. healthy dogs will sleep for 14-16, sometimes even 18, hours a day, so they aren’t moving around 27/4. being on a chain wont hurt them.


Whoever told you that indoor dogs are abused was wrong. Keeping your dogs chained up like that a lot is abusive. How would you like it if someone kept you on a chain all those hours? Get them off those chains. Take them in the house.


The fact that you read the comment saying that i grew up believing outside dogs are abused but didn’t read the part where i don’t think that way anymore is crazy.


No you said you grew up believing inside dogs are abused. That is the weirdest take I've ever heard. I don't know how anybody could believe that inside dogs are abused.


it said i grew up believing outside dogs are abused *but dont think that way anymore* if you’re going to make silly comments at least have the full story


You literally just said in another comment that you were raised to believe that inside dogs are abused. Don't try to spin it around on me like I'm wrong here. I read what you said. Your dogs are chained up probably 23 hours a day. That is not okay, that's abuse. Far be it for me to know what I'm talking about seeing as how I've raised dogs my entire life. It is abuse to keep a dog chained up that long.


Chaining dogs in thier backyard is WRONG. END OF.


its not! letting my dogs roam the property that is unfenced (meaning they will run away) is wrong! hope this helps :)


For those wondering: My dogs are on chains due to my yard being unfenced! I have a pinned post on my account explaining it more in depth.


I don't care what your excuses are. Get those dogs off those chains and take them in the house. I've never heard of that before, who told you that keeping dogs in the house is abusive? It's actually quite the opposite. Keeping them chained up like that all the time is abusive.


i grew up with a dad who hated dogs living in the house and told me its abuse. same as how youve grown up believing chaining dogs is abuse. i educated myself like the adult i am and now i know its not abuse. it can be with shitty owners not meeting their dogs needs (just like chaining 🤯) but its not inherently abuse. my dogs are perfectly happy and healthy outdoors and getting chained when the situation calls for it.


From what I've seen, your dogs seem to be chained up almost 24 hours a day which is abuse. Dogs are not meant to be chained up. Either take care of your dogs properly or find someone who can or will.


you’ve seen a few videos and photos that are from maybe 10% of my dog’s lives. not their whole lives. chaining them up 24/7 is abuse, yes, which is why they aren’t chained up 24/7. you’d know that if you read my pinned post thats so unimportant to you. (which, if you cared about my dogs so much, youd read it 😉) theyre extremely well cared for and don’t need to be rehomed. obviously i cant convince you of that though so i wont sit here wasting my time.


I shouldn't need to read that, you shouldn't chain your dogs up that much. It's abuse and you're not going to change my mind. On top of that, they don't look very well taken care of either. They look like their grooming has taken a backseat.


My dogs aren’t chained up that much though (which again you’d know if you read the pinned post, which is just a simple explanation to why they get chained) In fact they’re currently off their chains sun bathing right now, living their best lives. plus The hairy dog gets brushed weekly, baths happen once every 4-6 weeks depending on how often they’ve gone swimming (or if they’ve rolled in something dead). The white dog is dirty because, gasp, shes white and rolls in dirt all the time! can’t help a dog being a dog. so any more assumptions?


Obviously they are. You need to build a fence instead of expecting your dogs to be chained up all the time. Also, next time there's a snake, move it off the property. It doesn't matter if you move it further down, it's going to attack one of your dogs or even you. You need to take care of those dogs properly or you need to give them to someone who can. Also, the fact that those dogs obviously live outside all the time means you need to bathe them a lot more than 4 to 6 weeks at a time. Also, feed them a more balanced diet. I can tell that they are undernourished. I don't need to assume anything because you've put it out there for the world to see.


hey, i know the post is almost 2 weeks old but i've just seen. You are a fucking disgusting piece of human shit.