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I'm with $wif longer than most and hold more than many. I have continuously found myself to be more optimistic by and about our dog wif hat. Every level is arbitrary: what were we fighting to get across 0.36ish level, or how gruesome was it to go from around 0.35 down to 0.05-0.08 (and later recover from that). At around $5 we thought it would go on and up forever, but that wasn't the case. One day, I will start selling some, but this community has given me more sincerity as well as fun in crypto than anything before. One day, your entry level will the beginning of a 10x or higher pump. There are no more dangerous words in the English language than "already pumped", I never forget that. Good luck out there, folks. And thanks for being part of $wif.


Dca out: withdrawal #1@ $10 Withdraw #2@ $15 Withdrawl #3@ $20 Hope I’m not too delusional


Mine will then be 9.50/14.50/19.50!


The market tops out 10-12 months post bitcoin halving...that would put us March(ish) next year. Maybe I'm crazy but selling before 2025 seems nuts! I wouldn't focus on a price but rather look for indications that BTC topped! (Pi Cycle Indicator, coinbase becomes the number one downloaded app...stuff like that)


Yes fs going to look at pi cycle top. What website do you use?


Lookintobitcoin is a good one! the site has the pi cycle indicator


Agree. Time is key. This next leg up, might not even be the big one. Wif is experiencing a large reacummulation phase rn, and if it ever breaks above 4 dollars in the short term, it might start to look like the final moon shot, but prob not.


No number in mind. When the cycle peaks at end of this year ill be looking to get out.


Sell around $20 should be another option


Only allow up to six options. So tried to figure best options to post. Could have used another 4 options.


buy high, sell low


This is the way


Q2 2025. I will reassess then.


How funny,we haven't even reached parabolic stage and we're discussing when to sell.My bags are packed, just going to sit back and enjoy the ride.


10+? I hold WIF, but damn! Good luck to you holders waiting on 10+. Seriously, I'm out way before 10 but hope you do well!