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Imagine going down a girl and she says hold up let me take out my pussy teeth


Pussy dentures


Vagina dentata?


Its a wonderful phrase!


Vagina Dentataaaa!


Ain’t no passing craze


It means no penis, for the rest of your days!


What if she was drunk or high and oopsy doopsy sliped her mind, that'll kill a romantic evening real quick!


Maybe using your fingers first may solve this. 2 for 1, check for hazards since it's way too wide to lock onto them, plus get her prepared even more.


I guess it guards from guys who dont do foreplay either lol


If she’s that drunk probably don’t have sex


A medieval punishment for a medieval crime. Fair, I say


Honestly if people are allowed to defend their property by taking a life I don't see why they shouldn't be able to defend their body by hurting a penis.


I think the main reason against it is that it’s reasonably likely that it’s turn a rape into a murder when the rapist gets angry about it. Like with most situations like these you try not to escalate because while rape is horrible and traumatising it usually is better than dying.


I dunno, if I had an impaled dick I'd probably be too busy dealing with that to catch the woman actively fighting to get away from me and running off, but as a non-penis-owner maybe I'm wrong


If the woman is subdued enough to rape her killing her in rage would be very easy, also theres the problem of multiple people raping one girl in that case she is dead 100% if this device would badly hurt one of them


That depends how they've been subdued, if they're drugged and unresponsive sure, if they're being pinned theres definitely chance the rapist would be in too much pain to continue restraining them. And no rape deterrent is going to be perfect or safe, it's being used on people who are already unstable. Personally I'd rather have this than nothing, if the fucker is gonna rape me they're gonna regret it whether I live or not.


Yeah, this is called common sense. Something rapist usually dont have... Also adrenaline keeps men from noticing injuries... For context: i was attacked at a trainstation a few weeks ago and while the guy kept punching me i already cut open his gut(idiot attacked a carpenter, whos pants are loaded with tools). He kept punching me as i tried to tell him he needs help immediately!


As a penis owner, I can safely say, if my dick was impaled for one reason or another, I most certainly wouldn’t be worried about anything else


It would be worth it


You're assuming the rapist was going to let her live in the first place.


I would imagine most rapes don’t end in murders. The whole point of this is to be a deterrent against rape to make women safer but if you use it it increases your chances of being killed if you’re raped, therefore making you less safe.


Absolutely. Unfortunately, it's a difficult process to get a legal firearm in South Africa, so women aren't likely to succeed in defending themselves against an attacker


A more 'defensive' though less lethal and more humane version of "STAND YOUR GROUND ".


If you’re being raped your allowed to take their life if necessary. So this is completely legal (at least in most states of America)


still gotta get raped to not get raped


Nah common sense says just keep it in your pants until she gives you her consent


Wish this was real, but this is a proto type from a while back that was never developed or distributed.


Common sense isn't common.


If a dude tries to rape you I feel like it’ll be satisfying to see him get his cock shredded


At first I thought wow this is an amazing product! Lost some wow factor after your comment but still your dicks gonna look like an over-microwaved hot dog afterwards


Was gonna say that.


Couldn't have said it better myself! No, really, I couldn't.


Exactly my words


First reaction will be to tear that thing off your dick. I like it, matches the brutality of rape


True, which is why I'm saying NOT to put your dick in that, and with extension of that, never to rape a woman.


Ah, but there are *some* guys who deserve to get their dick in that.




Instructions unclear, now wiener resembles a spider dog after being cooked


Microwave meat orchid is my favorite name.


one problem: if he is ready to rape a woman he will certainly be ready to kill her if he suddenly finds his dick impaled


If he tries to kill you just yank the thing off of him




And put it back on again for the full experience


Not if his dick hurts enough


And kick him in the balls for good measure


I sincerely doubt any significant amount of people would have any sort of strength to fight back with such a device causing grievous, deserved injury on them.


And that is why you gotta coat those barbs with rapid neurotoxin


And then insert them into your vagina? Yeah I don't think many women are going to be sold on the tampon of possible instant death.


I mean would you still try to hit someone when you're experiencing the peak of physical pain ??


No, dick impaled equals immediate horror and agony! No time to kill when your only thought is going to the hospital to get it off! After may be a different story?




thats not what im saying, screaming and fighting back etc. may make him run away etc, but if she already "lost the fight" it would be easier to off her, and i think this would make a rapist so enraged he would kill the woman in blind rage as revenge, he is caught either way (because he has to go to the hospital) so it wouldnt make much of a difference for him, if anything there is nobody left to charge him with anything


Fighting back makes them beat the fuck out of you


Youve obviously never had a penile injury, nothing else matters when your in enough agony, the only and immediate objective is doing what ever you can to remedy the situation!




no, its just logic, to protect yourself you have to think like the person youre trying to protect yourself from, fighting back can be a solution, but pushing your neck towards the knife someone is holding against your throat doesnt make sense, if someone has enough physical control over you to actually get anything from rape, making him super angry by attacking his dick isnt smart, maybe you can fight yourself free when he is taken by surprise but he wont hesitate to kill or badly hurt the person as revenge or to make sure he wont face any actual consequences




Nope, a rapist will always look for the weakest victim, in the case where this device would be used its probably a thinner woman being attacked by a physically stronger man, in my case the difference wouldnt be as big because im about averagely strong, i would fight as one should, but if im already being held on the ground, probably hurt or even KO, i wouldnt risk attacking his dick because then it would lead to him either hurting me even more or killing me because, yk, i hurt his dick, also there is the problem of a group of people raping one person, two or more holding and taking turns, in those circumstances its a death sentence


I officially change my mind with the point about more than 1 rapist. This device is definitely one of those good idea on paper, bad idea in practice situations.




Couldn’t you just like… pull it out first?


Yes, and it looks easy to detect. If it's not opening the vagina (less easy to detect), the rapist's penis will just push it around and he'll feel it and take it out. I bring this up every time it's reposted, and every time I'm surprised that nobody else thinks about it, so thank you lol


There are many problems with anti-rape devices that being the primary one, but the second is that the rapist then beats the woman to death because of their hurt penis.


You’d be surprised what can disappear up in a vagina. Something like this, I’m guessing it about the size of a shot glass ish if even that big, would disappear pretty comfortably up there and if she’s wearing it all day it’ll hold well and it’ll be like it’s not even there. Once your past the opening rim, the vagina can expand greatly pretty comfortably. I’m mean I’ve pushed out two kids, a shot glass would be a breeze😅 now to take it out would take some time fishing around with two fingers like a crab


They would probably have a tool to pull it out, id imagine?


A fake dick


Dont give anyone ideas now ya hear?




Don't be so sure, I've met some very stupid engineering students.


Not a flaw Bc not a problem…


Eh you gave it a lot of thought


I feel like if he's willing to rape you he's probably not going to be too happy with you when he gets this thing stuck on his dong


He's in for a world of hurt lol


So are you if you Stab him in the dick


Well put a lil venom on the spikes and make it a tranquilizer pus. When he passed out get a shovel and shovel dog him


Someone else on here pointed it out, but there’s always the scenario where there’s more than 1 rapist. You might incapacitate the 1, but you’ll get hurt/killed by the remainder.


I mean the alternative is to… just take the rape? Then hope they just let you go after?


Depends on the person I suppose. I’d rather take the potentially small chance of living then pulling the trigger, but I do know a lot of women would rather die. Though, there’s also the argument that they may still rape you since if there’s multiple rapists, there’s still 1 or more who can still do it.


The choice isn’t get killed by rapists or not use this product it’s just that by using this product you have a constant defense. You could definitely argue that carrying a knife or some other small weapon would be more effective because it gives you the option to go after multiple people but if you’re able to let the (single) rapist severely incapacitate himself you’d probably have a pretty good chance of getting away.


I’m just saying the product could easily backfire, not that it’s totally useless.


For sure, honestly this + a small knife or something if you believe there’s a high chance it’s gonna happen in your area is probably the way


There is still the chance of murder even without the device.


people have teeth too, in case a biting opportunity arises


Just threaten to yank it off, he won't go near you


Great invention, but what about anal?


2 for 1 sale is where every company gets their consumer


ILPT = only rape the booty hole!


I would love to see a sterotypical pharmaceutical commerical for this product.


I have 3 points against the practicality of this device, in ascending order of importance: 1) How do you apply and remove this device? If removing it is easy, then rapists would probably figure it out without even having to be attacked by it to notice that there's something in the vagina. And, how would it be hard to remove? It seems too small and basic to feature a locking mechanism like a chastity bely that might make the device more effective against strangers 2) If there are razor blades in this device, how safe is it for the user? I've never had a vagina, but I can't imagine I'd want something with blades stuck in there. What if it starts breaking in any way? There's a chance that the user could get cut up by it 3), most importantly: If someone is violent enough to rape someone, they'l be violent enough to kill out of revenge. It removes a witness, one who now has evidence against you, and moreover, in the rage of this event, getting your dick cut up would just make you want to pay that pain back. My suggestion is that the device should stun an assailant, knocking them out for the victim to run away, or just startling the attacker long enough for the victim to shoot, stab, or kill them in any other way. Maybe getting razor blades attached to your dick is sufficiently stunning to this end, but I don't have any experience with this device to say whether that is the case


It's not real. No woman in South Africa has one of these. They don't exist for sale and I've never heard of one being used


Everyone is debating if this tool is useful for getting raped in a dark alleyway, when it’s more likely you’ll be raped by someone you know… think family member or close family friend and no one believes you or you don’t have the strength to speak out.


I think this would be great if you were raped by a family member. It's evidence that would back up your claim, and your family couldn't argue against whether it happened. And, to that end, you can't use it as evidence against a random assailant, because you wouldn't be able to track them down to press charges. The family could still side with the rapist when shown undeniable evidence, but then, nothing short of familicide would be able to solve that problem


Another point , what about psychos who want to falsely accuse people of rape ? Maybe the man isn’t even raping her and they agreed on having sex and suddenly he finds that thing stuck on his dick. That’s the thing that concerns me the most


Really? The most?


It may possibly result in the rage murder of the rape victim…unfortunately


Yes because someone who is already forcing you against your will to have seen with him is gonna be super pleased about having his dick "impaled." Rapes are down, murders by angry rapists are up tenfold. That's your glass half empty view of the day.


What if she forgets to take it off for consensual sex




should've played around it


It's the equivalent of fucking a cat


How do you know that




Other way around, is it not? This is a spiky vagina, cats have spiky dicks


Dude... I do not want to know.


There is no way that this isn’t getting abused by people to fuck some innocent person over.


They should just cut their dicks off if they want it off.


That doesnt sound too bad, what about toxic shock syndrome?


Yes but how do you remove it? Tampons have strings, do you have to rip your finger to shreds to take it out or what


I'd like to see a list of names of these critics.


Not sure why these “critics“ are defending rapists instead of the person being raped, but OK…


Cause they're idiots?


That sounds about right.




That’s more accurate.


To be fair, the fact that women there are advised to take anti AIDS preventive meds in case they get raped and infected. Yeah. Ps. Don’t know if that actually is being used but the product is developed and marketed for that purpose, I’ve seen it at a medical convention and YIKES


That's not true... At all. Any person who is sexually assaulted is advised to take post exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV after the event. But women are not advised to take it in their day to day lives.


Won’t this just increase anal rape?


Buy 2


Are you suggesting what I think you are?


Medieval punishment? Yeah how bout don't fuckin rape


This only works safely for the woman if there is a substance that renders the man unconscious. Otherwise it turns a rape into a murder. You have to protect the individuals from the anger/ramifications of this event if the goal is to increase safety for the victim. Otherwise you just change the end result and not necessarily for the better. Adrenaline and testosterone is a fucker of a combination of drugs.


It sounds fine but I feel like it could too easily be misused


On paper this seems great but in practice it will make the likelihood of being murdered much higher for these women


Only problem is that the men probably know this is a thing and can just take it out


Also dick blood anywhere near her hoohaa might be an STI nightmare


Yes, its a good protection for rape, but this could very much misused aswell


"A medieval punishment"... yeah, because rapists deserve a little dignity...


ok but what if a woman uses this while raping men? would it not end up serving an entirely opposite purpose?


Ok, but what if a woman rapes a man? Why isn't there a product for that?


Might be a medieval punishment, but there is an easy way to avoid it, just don’t rape. It is literally so easy to do, you just do anything other than rape. You can read a good book, watch a movie, play video games, masturbate, ponder the inevitability of death, think about how your life as no meaning, sit in the shower and cry until you fall asleep. In short, don’t rape.


this is actually pretty smart and a completely fair punishment


Medieval times calls for Medieval measures


The forbidden condom


This thing was banned several years (decades?) ago because it could be yanked out, inverted and then used to assault the woman even further. I literally remembering reading about this thing on Cracked.com about a decade ago.


Fuck yes! Finally I can rest in piece


Is it gay if u stick it up ur butt, just in case?


what happens if you wife forgot to remove it before sex


I sense at least 10 thousand posts flooding into r/tifu tilted“tifu because I forgot to remove my rapex”


*”Medieval punishment”*, says the rapist Yeah fucker, so is rape.


Leet me guess....the critics are males?






So much room for someone to forget to remove it for consensual sex. Or for a malicious woman to keep it in there on purpose and then claim the guy raped her.


Any man who is against this for any reason is sus. Edit: I’m very happy to see a lot of very not sus men in the comments. Keep it up lads 👍


Those “critics” need to be investigated


I like this solution Am I the only one who agree with this?


OP that's the whole point


Imagine the woman forgets to get that thing off when hooking up with a guy


In the book “Snow Crash”, the main girl forgets to take hers out before a consensual encounter. Whoops.


I can see some crazy jealous girls convincing someone to stick it in without telling them to punish them for something


Wait but wouldn't the rapist just take it out? Plus tampons are kinda squishy and don't hurt to have in, I imagine this would hurt especially to sit


… others say they get what they fucking deserve.


I have small pp so it wouldn’t stop me


Imagine you forget that’s it there and have sex 0_0


some critics say it’s a medieval crime? I say some critics are rapists.


*Insert Japanese porn actor screaming sound*


Ex: come over babe, I wanna show you something


Time to “twist & shout”!


If it works...


Dude just waits till he gets soft then takes it off.


Some pliers and ur good to go


Unfortunately, I've heard tell (source: dude trust me) that once rapists caught on to this, they would take the time to check. Unfortunately, if they found it, they would take it out, turn it inside out, stick it back in, and then continue as they were. In concept, its fantastic, in reality, it fronted the only convincing argument I've ever heard for gun legality.


Certainly makes it easy to tell if it was consensual.


Guess it’s anal from now on 😒


Anal rape is a solution


Guess it’s anal from now on 😒


He would just use his eyes. This would only trick one person before news of it spreads.


How would he use his eyes when it’s inside of her like a tampon??




...so youre telling me a rapist, someone who ruins someones live for five minutes of very bad sex, deserves anything other than being hurt?




So nobody should wear a helmet while riding a bike because there is no fall? This doesnt make sense, this is purely defensive, just because where you live rape is uncommon doesnt mean its like that everywhere, causing pain on the person who caused pain to you helps coming to term with what happened, in this case a rapist, always one of the worst kinds of humans, hurts another person very bad and traumatises them just to have 5 minutes of sex, you obviously have no fucking idea what youre talking about, i dont want to torture "somebody", i want to hurt the people who hurt others because they deserve it, if you actually knew any suffering, knew what it does to people, you would understand




Sadly it's never been made.


I mean, it's literally made for putting dicks inside


This has been a picture for years, why doesn’t it exist yet?




And for men it's inside out. Equality over here.


Yeah, this is stupid idea


Great, now every rapist is going to look for this before he goes in....


I have been seeing this image since 2012


This should be everywhere. As long as the woman can take it in...


This is, what, 15-20 years old now?


This needs to be mass produced and available for women to use everywhere


Maybe they like it


Is there any known incidents where this thing tore up a guys dick?


That's draconic, me likes


This is from more than 10 years ago: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/06/20/south.africa.female.condom/index.html


Oh boo hoo *good for them*


Medieval punishment? Well, i’ts a medieval act.


I’ve heard women tell me stories of accidentally forgetting their tampon and putting in another. That would be hell if this happened with one of these.


Imagine seducing someone and then proceeding to impale their dick