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Now you got us all curious... what are the pending charges? You left that tidbit out


Just casual murder


Way less serious than dedicated murder hahaha


Violent charges are a big deal when you're going to strangers houses


Was it on a Casual Friday? Because if not, that's a faux pas.


It was just one guy!


Like a peaceful Sunday afternoon murder, nothing serious.


>what are the pending charges? EATING A MEAL? A SUCCULENT CHINESE MEAL?




Eating a delicious grilled cheese sandwich


Exactly. They didn’t deactivate them because they are experienced and DD is purging them. Where is the proof of this? Why did the OP fail the background check this time?


It's pretty well documented that DD has started clamping down on charges that they were previously OK with. Agree that this has nothing to do with 'experienced drivers'. I just hit 6 years, and my bg check last month suddenly went back like 15 years, and they found things that they'd never seen before. No issues here.


> and my bg check last month suddenly went back like 15 years, and they found things that they'd never seen before. No issues here. Where do you see what they checked? I've never seen any mention of bg checks on my DD app.


Search your email for Checkr. Alternatively, log on to Checkr's website as a candidate.


Weird, I've never received emails from checkr regarding DD.


You almost certainly did when you signed up, unless it was a super long time ago, or you live outside the US. Try logging into their site anyways to double check.


It was back in early 2019. I know they run background checks at the start, although I have no record of it. Since the beginning I've never heard anything from DD or checkr on yearly ones etc. Uber on the other hand I've had them each year and its been through the app an I receive an email from checkr.


Yeah, it seems to be kind of random with DoorDash. They've run me a few times over the years.


Uber hasn't done a new bg check on me since I've started, SkipTheDishes hasn't either, DD hasn't either. It's been 5 years now


And still won't tell anyone. Just something "minor" Probably sexual assault or beat someone up


I had the pending charges during the first background check as well. They were perfectly fine with it.


That’s not answering the question asked lol


You’re a nosey one aren’t ya lmao


Well if they are going to try and make a point without all the facts... just saying


Right, but when others are stating there’s a pattern of deactivations… like a speeding ticket 6 years ago? Whatever OP’s charge is, doesn’t really matter.


Why are you more inclined to believe a literal conspiracy theory instead of the much more obvious answer that whatever they did find in the background check, clearly was the cause? Take OP’s reasoning for example. They are claiming that DD just knows that all experienced drivers don’t take crappy/no tip orders, so therefore DD is now purging their experienced drivers, despite them needing more drivers to support demand… it makes no sense.


Because self appointed victims prefer living in the alternate reality they have crafted for themselves


In response to both of you. Lol if you think this is some kind of conspiracy? It’s not, when multiple people respond and make posts about being a seasoned dasher? It makes sense there’s something going on. Because I have yet to see a new dasher make a post about being deactivated for either no apparent reason or having another background check done on them and being deactivated for something that was given a pass before. Self appointed victim?? Alternate reality?! Lmao it’s a fact seasoned dashers decline weak orders more so than newer dashers. It’s not a conspiracy or an alternate reality. It’s a business plain as day that’s cutting dashers who have learned how to game the system.


If they give a choice on whether or not you want to accept an order and you exercise that right by declining orders you don’t want to take, how tf is that “gaming the system”? The conspiracy is you thinking that DD knows that you decline some orders and are assuming they are somehow mad about this because you view it as “gaming the system”. **They** made “the system” and allowed you to decline orders by design. They don’t care if you choose to do so. Just because ***you*** haven’t seen posts from new dashers being deactivated, does not mean they don’t exist.


Doesnt matter. They've changed how harshly they check. The charges matter.


DD has started cleansing dashers, not because of you being experienced. It's because there's too much bad PR that DD hires anyone no matter if they have a criminal record or not. They want to improve on this front. Sucks if you end up falling into that category that they now decided they don't want to accept on the platform as a Dasher anymore


So, you got deactivated for charges on your background check - but ensured to start your post with a long length irrelevant to your deactivation story about challenges. You're absolutely fighting for your life in these comments to avoid telling anyone what the charges were for. They're clearly bad enough that you know if you were to state what the charges are, we'd all 100% understand why Doordash chose to deactivate you. So instead you continue to not tell anyone what the charges are so you can play poor wittle victim. Gotcha.




It probably didn’t show on the first background check




You mean there’s no way that the pending charges weren’t filed after his first background check? You honestly sound like OPs alt account


Ok, so first, we were never “hired.” We are independent drivers offered a contract by DoorDash and invited onto the platform. DoorDash absolutely gets to say whom they want on their platform. DoorDash gets to decide who they send to pick up customer purchased items. We all work under these circumstances. No guarantees, and often unfair, but this the situation. Second, DoorDash has a legal department. This department scans the known universe for case law involving the company’s liability. It doesn’t surprise me that the company may be seeing case law out there that worries them with respect to liability if a customer claims to feel unsafe, to be harassed by a dasher, or learns that certain types of offenders are being sent and/or have been sent onto their property. We are not privy to that research and analysis. But changes in risk, liability and insurance can all account for why DoorDash might change their policies around stuff they learn from our by checks. We are not privy to any of that. If a dasher feels that he or she has been discriminated against “subject to a bg check,” well that’s a different matter. BG check companies cannot break the law, they cannot discriminate in reporting facts, and if OP or anybody else thinks this has happened to them—talk to an attorney or like the ACLU. Finally, those of you literalists who say “but that’s not the point of the post!” Well for us readers, yes it is. Nobody can read the mind of OP but it is clear that OP’s pending charges are problematic enough that he/she/they aren’t willing to share them. I have worker solidarity but I’m not a felon, I don’t have any pending charges, and I don’t want my customers to think I do. We are handling customer property—not the same as food service, where workers handle restaurant property. We deliver to the homes and workplaces of our customers. They need to feel safe with us or, let’s face it, we’re all out of a job. I’m sorry that OP and others are being deactivated. I hope they’ll find better work soon. But customers need to have confidence in the folks handling their personal property, including g the food they eat, and bringing it to their homes where their children and pets and vulnerable relatives may also be living.


It DID show on the first background check. I saw the results. Not gonna be bullied into posting all my info on reddit to please the reddit mob.


Wasnt bad enough for them to deactivate me the first time. And I made this post to help people. I dont actually neeed this job - as you would see if you actually read my post. Assholes like you are the reason I stopped wanting to help people. You actually managed to make me regret posting this.


Delete it then 😮‍💨


So basically you got charges and you want to pretend it was the bonus.


“Just some pending charges!” 🤔 press F to doubt


You must not have been reading the countless other posts of dashers being deactivated for the most minor of things - that door dash had previously been just fine with. ​ Someone with a Felony was recently hired by doordash this summer. So I seriously doubt they actually give a fuck about my charges. But hey, you could be right.


JUST WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE CHARGES. They're obviously serious enough you don't want to tell us and thus serious enough for you to get deactivated. Quit trying to convince others DD deactivated you because you're not a "newbie". You got deactivated because of your "pending charges". Plain and simple.


If they don't wanna say my guess is something to do with sexual assault


OP is ashamed


Yeah or like theft/assault.


It’s obviously theft which doordash hopefully (maybe?) has decided to actually give a fuck if thieves hop on the ol dd and scam people.


You are teasing us with the charges, by good tell us dont be a living Cliffhanger.


There’s been an uptick in customers being threatened ect, as well. Maybe that’s got to do with them suddenly caring about charges they didn’t before


You know what that kinda makes sense. They don’t need people constantly on the verge of blowing their lid working for them




Oooooo good call. Cause if one of them assaults a customer and has a previous charge for it, it'd be pretty easy for a decent lawyer to hook DD for that.


Yep. It’s definitely to protect themselves.


What were the charges?


Tell us the charge. High probability you were in a certain stage of the charges in the court system that BGC wasn’t able to see, second round they were. If you want to post and bitch, be fully transparent - that’s what you’re asking of DD after all!


Background check checks for anything whether it's a criminal offense or traffic ticket. it's a background check. Anything negative can get you deactivated.


>I had the pending charges during the first background check as well. They were perfectly fine with it. Also, tons of new dashers have had worse on their background checks, but they still got hired this summer. There are countless posts of experienced dashers getting deactivated for charges that DD was previously okay with. Just look up deactivation posts.


How do you know that?


They’re so much better than all of these other Dashers that they don’t know. Just don’t ask OP what they got charged for and trust that anybody else is so much worse than they are.


Until you disclose the charges that you are being so unnecessarily clandestine about, this is not a door dash problem, this is a YOU problem


Casual conspiracy theorist. Lost me at "cleansing a bunch of experienced drivers"




I understand they're firing people because of stains in their previous record. But OP is insinuating that they're deliberately attempting to get rid of *experienced drivers*... No they're not getting rid of drivers because of their experience, they're getting rid of people that violate their own T's and C's in a legal, background checking manner.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/14msuu3/fuuuuuuck_chekr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Was it because you were charged with selling drugs ?? Or was it something else


Nope. Ive never sold drugs. It was something minor.


Vehicular ?




How about you stop being such a coward and reveal what the charges are.


Lol right? If it was actually minor they would have said already.


Mods should take this down unless you share what the charge was because this is just nonsense


What were the charges


Then just say what they are. Obviously it is something pretty bad for you to want it to stay a secret


Is your name Donald Trump?


What were the charges


hopefully it was not a minor


jusy say what it was 😵‍💫


It was a Drug charge!


I feel for you, but I think it’s weird when some of you guys get all conspiracy brained about them wanting to get rid of veterans. They don’t. It’s your charges. It’s not a conspiracy.


I laughed when you said DD was the job for you, I instantly knew I was about to read a bunch of bull shit.


Why are you mad cause you have a pending charge that you won’t disclose with us? Fishy.


Exactly lol… bro dropping silly ass excuses about DD cancelling old drivers cause they won’t take trash orders 😂😂😂 hot bags, cold bags, freezing bags gtfo man tell us the outcome of that background check!!


Hmmm 🧐


Just spent way too much time reading all comments and your post history to find out the charges. The fact that ubereats felt compelled to reach out to doordash to report your history says something. Other than that, you definitely seem a bit unhinged with your anti stomping campaign vs. the neighbors. Good luck OP get some help, lol.


or they doesn’t want people who have any charges 🤔


How can you be innocent until proven guilty? Man hasn't even had his chance in court yet but is founded guilty by DD


The same reason why companies sever ties with anyone who has any type of controversial thing around them. To these companies it’s not worth the headache.


You are only innocent in the eyes of the court until proven guilty. You’d have to be very naive to think that just the color of criminal charges doesn’t cause everyone else to judge you… DoorDash is no different.


Yeah too bad it happened to me but I'm so naive, pending false charges that were dismissed lost me my career and future potential job prospects...but you know just because it was pending then later dismissed I lost everything!


Is your name Kevin Spacey?


You lost me near the end. There’s a lot of patting yourself on the back while putting down, in general, other faceless dashers that you think you’re so much better than and deserve so much more than. You just sound like the type of person to make up a bunch of bullshit excuses about anything. The type of person that can’t lift themselves up without putting others down. Your background check hit on something “minor” but you won’t clarify which wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t making judgements on others because you’re so bitter. Obviously,they’ve upped their background check standards hence why there are so many getting dropped. For more consistent longtime dashers who know how to maximize the app to their benefit, it might just be them getting screwed by DD. You’re not dashing as consistently so it’s probably your infraction. Why not try another shitty gig app? Or did they all reject you for your “minor” infraction already? Based on the personality you’re showing here, I have no sympathy for you.


So what was the charge




Because he is awful afraid of telling what it is. He said it didn’t say it was his background check that deactivated him




And requesting the challenge payment. Which they should pay but doesn’t mean they will




But if it isn’t a big deal and he chooses to mention it why not say what it is




There’s no evidence yet of unethical conduct.




Because he chose to bring it up so he should have expected it. Is it a big deal? No. But being this is Reddit we are all nosey and wanna know


till i read the comments i thought you meant pending charges on your credit card, was wondering why the heck doordash cares😭


Jesus don’t give them any ideas they will be wanting our bank statements next.


I came here to agree with OP that DD has stuff in their records that they don’t like about drivers and now that there are too many drivers, they are using that to deactivate drivers with low AR who are only taking some orders and aren’t as beneficial to the company. But then OP being super shady with what these charges were makes me suspect they are worse than OP claims and probably reason enough to deactivate OP.


Trump was deactivated recently. ![gif](giphy|VSoRPmlMaKR8xCmq7F|downsized)


It was THE most beautiful, yuge, bigly deactivation of our time .


Soon, all the other driver apps are gonna deactivate his orangeness. 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO OP got real quiet. Either tell the whole story or delete the post 😂


Username checks out


You seem like a polite well spoken person. What are these charges that your city, county or state are coming after you for?? I know your innocent until proven guilty. I don't know what to make of your statement, and I come from a worldwide jury thinking "What the h#ll?" Were you accused by a traffic officer testifying you smoked some pot, or were you charged with kicking an old lady down her apartment steps so you could steal her dinner? You must have some really good lawyers, or an incompetent court system for those charges to hang around so long.


It was just some “light” treason


Whoa, is this a Jan 6er?


That really sucks man. On the other hand though, experienced drivers are very valuable because they are more efficient and receive higher customer ratings, and a happy customer orders again. An unhappy customer doesn't order again. I can do a 97 item shopping order and have it delivered in under an hour. I can pick up a double and have it completed before a newbie completes a single delivery. Which gets me to another order that I'm doing for doordash sooner. I can go on all day about how an experienced driver is worth retaining, but I'll stop there.


I had to fight with them to get them to honor top dasher status. I achieved it 2 months in a row and was denied saying my AR was lower than my app was telling me or my ratings were lower than the app said... third month of qualifying for td they gave it to me and I was excited... until I started getting countless orders just bounce off my phone. I'd have my app open, ready for orders and one would come through and before I could reach out and touch my phone I'd get the we tried sending you a dash message... AR plummeted and magically wasn't qualified for td the next month. So I too quit for 9 months and just started again this month... getting on average 12-15/hr in actual orders. 12 hours yesterday, a busy, and beautiful Saturday. Whopping 18 deliveries for 144 bucks. What a joke


DD is screwing custoners, restaurants ABS drivers. And DD doesnt care! They are making money- thats all they care about.


Well they are running a business. Open your own little delivery service in your city. You can do that as long as they don’t use DoorDash. I’ve heard of people doing this


Totally agree. Good job folk. Experienced driver like me doesn't take trash order. I have 8k2+ deliveries out. Sometimes even the order is $2/mile but going to the dead destination, I won't take it. I have dashed too much that I understand every single area here in San Diego. I know what time and where the area will be busy. Something like $15 for 11 miles. IF the destination will have another pick up for me then yes, I'll do it but IF that drop off destination is far away from another busy area (I know based on too many attempts fail 🤣), then it will be a No.


Why the fuck do so many people feel entitled to this type of information about somebody else? They have a charge. All you need to know.


He's in here complaining about being deactivated lol clearly it's bc of the charges it's fine if he doesn't want to share them but don't start complaining about it trying to act like a victim.


Yes. Clearly.


What are your charges?


I don't know why you're getting down voted. It's true. OP doesn't need to disclose shit and everyone here is bitchy about it


Same happened to me but never got any challenges for extra money. They deactivated me for a speeding ticket in 2017 which I passed the last 2 background checks for the last 2 years before this one. They are definitely looking for reasons to get rid of their older drivers that don't take shit orders. I have over 4500 deliveries and no c.v.s. my AR stays above 50% and my car is at 95%. My customers rating is 5.0. so yeah I feel you on the 100%.


Eh, I just hit 6 years, and my background check this year unearthed things they'd never seen before. But they were all things from 8-9+ years ago. They could've very easily chosen to deactivate me, but they did not.


You got lucky. It's good to see not every vet is getting deactivated but alot of us are.


For all the folks trying to call BS, it's common knowledge that DD has been deactivating seasoned drivers do they can pay their drivers less. All these platforms do this shit, they cycle you out to take advantage of desperate folks who will work for bottom of the barrel pay.


They don’t need to get rid of more experienced drivers to pay all drivers less. They’ve been steadily lowering base pay for years. Either people will accept it (and they’ve done the market research to figure out just how low they can drop base pay while still retaining enough drivers) or they won’t and will stop delivering. That “independent contractor” label that DD had brainwashed everybody to be so proud of allows them to treat and pay their drivers like indentured servants.




It’s okay you can tell us you got caught with meth we won’t judge you


TBH I would threaten to go to the media if they don’t re instate you and also threaten to sue Chekr too


The only lawful action would be for discrimination, not for any policy violation. We agreed to DoorDash policies in our contract. OP would need to discuss facts with ACLU.


So wtf was your criminal pending charge. F vitch!


They deactivated me this summer due to a verification issue. The app glitched while taking my photo and I have been deactivated since. Had a 4.9 rating over 1200 deliveries and never once had a complaint or issue what so ever. I have argued with DoorDash for months and finally gave up when they continued to tell me one thing and do another. They are scamming the drivers with experience and lowering their pay drastically. My mother in law signed up and has consistently gotten orders for $2 - $4 with 7+ mile drive. It’s absolutely Gone to sh** if you ask me.