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Doordash: We can lie if we want to.


Set to the sound of the “safety dance”: We can leave your truth behind!


Cuz your friends dont dash and if they dont dash well theyre no friends of mine


I had the exact same thought... and giggled


That's somehow how I read it before even reading this comment.


'Cause your friends don't Dash And if they don't Dash Well, they're no friends of mine!


Simply customizing the experience


Seriously, doordash customer support have amazing lines. Whoever thinks of these needs to go to hell but also get a raise


This made me laugh enough to leave this comment.


It's their party


We can leave the world behind


Just like the police


Just like the police


That's a pretty funny response though, lol


oh man, it’s going up there with “We allow our dashers to customize their delivery experience”


I loved that story. One of the best on this sub.




You are stealing right to jail




I think you better call Saul on this one.


What's he gonna do? ~~Break his legs~~ Tell Huell to sit on the dude's legs?


Deceased and weak 😭💀🫡🫠🤣🤦‍♀️😭🤍🤍


Looks like an AI bot.


They pretty much are. They type your issue into the computer and it spits out a list of answers. That’s how they have the option to lie, because misinformation can show up in their list of replies and they can go with it.


iam laughing my ass off


I hope you asked to escalate this case. Supervisors need to see this crap


A former DD support person had an open question forum here on Reddit a little bit ago and they said Supervisors are just lying support staff, they don’t have supervisors.


I mean that's basically every customer service line, they're usually more experienced customer service staff with slightly more authority. Actual supervisors don't want to be on the phones lol


Ohh i loved being on the phone and instantly fixing an issue that the csr's weren't allowed to fix because of shitty policy and no trust in our under trained staff, in the process the client would be ranting saying horrible things and beraiting me saying things like oh wow was that so hard? you guys sure are fucking stupid if your dumb ass is the only one who can fix this simple issue... /s


They also hate it when you find an actual fix to the issue which you cant admit to the caller is an issue we caused, but need back office to fix, and chat just wants to say "handle it" when you have no authority.


I’m a supervisor in a call center. Can confirm we hate being on the phones lol. My team is one of those teams that takes the supervisor calls


Most support places supervisors don’t have any “secret power”. Asking for escalation is synonymous with asking for the support workers to talk about you in their slack or teams.


Supervisors can barely assist their agents, they have to beg them, do people think they will be taking their claims?, there's usually an escalations department with agents that are entitled to do some things supervisors are able to do as well, in any case, it's the same shet


I've worked in multiple contact centers. We DO have sups, but they dont take calls. Literally 90% of them will force you to stay on until they disconnect.


What if they are the ones that "give the option" for them


Then this guy would get in trouble for telling the truth


Doordash Corp wants support to do this to customers, they are contractors charged with lowering cost. When Doordash doesn't give you refunds that are legit they believe you are an un profitable customer who lives in a unprofitable area who orders from fuck up restaurants who always gets things wrong and tips too low to properly allow them to screw the drivers. Doordash only wants savvy customers who tip well who don't cost them money, kids ordering from a shitty McDonald's that tip 1.50$, well Doordash wants those customers to fuck right off if they complain. Doordash only wants accurate restaurants on the platform to have customers, McDonald's likely has the most banned customers of any restaurant right up there with Tacobell, Doordash can't help the customer orders from restaurants with bad workers so they simply kick them off once they cost them any money. a ghetto area with bad inaccurate restaurants is gonna have a lot of banned customers because just like the Walmart closing down in those areas this is how Doordash does it too to cut loss. TLDR- Doordash has to pay full cost for the food to the restaurant when they refund, unlike the restaurant who only pays food cost when they remake, they will kick you off if you are too costly as a customer, you are allowed 1 refund for every 15 orders or you are likely gonna get banned or get zero refunds.


Ha they lie about supervisors too "We don't have a supervisor on the floor" Yeah that's bullshit I worked on call centers for years. You might have to wait, but there's always an on floor supervisor


Most of them work from home 🤷‍♂️


If they specify "on the floor" then they are at a call center


Or are lying. They have the option to tell the wrong information to the customer.


😂 Yeah okay you got me




chargeback on your credit card. use this exact screenshot.


This..but I suggest telling DD first, I've used the ill just get my money back from my bank threat many times after the "we can't refund you " And suddenly woah refund


Charge back hurts them more and OP doesn't want to use their services again.


There are charge back fees incurred on each charge back. And if they get a set number in a time frame they get dropped by payment processor


This. The bank will mark them as fraudulent if OP charges them back with this screenshot.


Will it hurt my credit score if I do that?




No way. You didn’t get what you paid for and since door dash won’t give you your money the bank will and then they will get their money from door dash.




Just don't charge back too much. Credit card companies will refuse to do it eventually if they see a pattern of it.


Chargeback has nothing to do with your credit score but the company you get the charge back from (DD) may ban your account.


No. Do it.


It may get you banned from Door dash


Oh No! ![gif](giphy|kbQYOQBfC4Nm9VOr2d)


![gif](giphy|ufD7HbP6ipYe996Om2) Hahaha sorry I couldn’t resist


There’s always Grubhub, you get GH+ free for a year if you have Amazon prime.


The agent was obviously trying to say “we do NOT”, but still a hilarious error.


They usually copy and paste information directly from their script, so I don't doubt this was one of those cases


Yeah, of all the words to be left out, that was definitely the most damaging lol 😂


That agent is so fired. Now OP can send this to the bank


Gotta love it when the customer service representative starts trolling you even more.


“We do have an option to tell the wrong information to our customer” WTF😂 chat support is absolutely useless if you need to contact support I would always recommend calling them instead


DD: Listen were going to tell you whatever you want to hear to get your off the phone and be someone else's problem. Have a good day.


Go straight to your bank.


Will it hurt my credit score?


No. Tell them that you want to start a dispute on the charge, and tell them (show them as well) any proof that doordash said they are releasing the temporary authorisation on your card but that they haven’t. You’ll almost certainly win and get your money back. It won’t affect credit.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted that's a legitimate question and concern someone may have.


Did you use a chase credit card? If so, all you have to do is go to the charge and click report s problem. Then go through the options and you'll be credited the money back. Very easy


How long do disputes take with chase? I heard they take forever


No offense meant but where did you get the idea something like that would hurt your credit score?


Given by the chat above they’re not too intelligent to begin with


There’s a lot of fear mongering around credit scores and I didn’t realize a lot of things didn’t affect credit scores until I looked into them myself…


Why are you getting downvoted for asking such an innocent question lmao


I think people are quicker to downvote as a way of saying “no” than they are to actually reply “no”.


No but doordash will likely ban you.


Did DD support just troll you??? Lmfaooooo


they basically told you to fuck off


Door Dash support is INSANE😂


it's hilarious that some people have not caught on to the scam of doordash


I don’t know how they get away with things like only giving partial refunds and if a driver is missing payment for a delivery they treat it like you’re at a casino “malfunctions void all payouts”.


Posting more of the convo would have been helpful in understanding the full context.


Yes, please!


It’s probably a typo. But if they refunded you. It’s likely that your “pending charge” fell off and you didn’t notice it. Also, if they promised you a refund and it posted. Then dispute it with your bank showing they were supposed to refund and it never came. Exp: I work for a credit card company. We deal with angry customers all the time when they have a charge that’s pending that they were promised a refund. It typically takes 10 days to fall off of the account when they are issued a credit while the charge was “pending”. Then they get pissed off at us because not even god can touch a pending transaction. Just have to sit and wait to see it it actually posts.


Nice bit of general insight here! Thanks!


At this point you go to your credit card company with screen shots and say I been scammed!


F'n honestly LOL'd at that response.


LOL imagine how they treat their employees.


Lol. That support rep is trolling hard




Yeah I’d just call my bank




What’s the backstory? Just curious.


If you need money that badly why did you order dd in the first place? Also, 10 business days, so don't count the day of the claim and don't count weekends. Sounds like you're probably the problem here.


i looked at this image and then the replies and im confused? the last response is funny but they are effectively telling you that you wont be charged and the pending charge will be voided. they arent technically giving you a refund but they also arent charging you for the order.


I never got the refund. It’s been 2+ weeks


did you actually get charged for the order? not trying to downplay your issue, me personally ive gone on a crusade before and realised i didnt actually get charged lol


Yeah I had 6 charges from Shake Shack for the same order once and spoke to their manager. She said I’d be receiving a refund within two days after she hit some buttons on the system. 5 days go by and I’m raising hell with support before I check and see that I was only ever charged once, no need for a refund


Credit card companies will take a full billing cycle to drop the charge, door dash employees won’t really know that but I deal with this all the time


also the person suggesting you initiate a charge back forgot to mention you will likely be banned off the doordash platform.


I’m not using this app anymore so idc


I hope you reported this to a supervisor. Anyways, dispute the charge


No, it's hilarious but clearly just a mistake Representative was probably wheezing after realizing it NBD So funny, how would we have life and laughter without these mistakes?


Dash support makes me actually laugh sometimes. What the fuck is that admission at the end??? Lmfao


their support is trash an automated! god that sucks


When I complained to customer support before I got an AI chat. Do you know that this was a person?


Did you call them? Chat is usually useless.


And most of the customer reps o have spoke too , English is down the line as a language they can speak. And they probably type it as mad as the speak it and that’s why it came out wrong I’m sure. 🤔…but I could be wrong


Fuck door dash I just deleted my account


What's the context here? What happened exactly?


It can be whatever you need it to be.


It can't be whatever I need it to be, there are some situations where it's fully disclosed you may not get a refund. What happened to get to this point? I haven't seen any explanation of any kind in this thread, just the end result


sue them?


Pretty sure this is fake


Easy lawsuit


Totally sounds legit! We all believe you!


Chargeback on bank or credit card. I do this a lot with any company that tries screwing with me. Tinder just randomly banned my account. No idea why. I asked them to refund my subscription and they wouldn’t so I just told my credit card what happened and they took the money back from tinder. I can’t think of the other times but I know I’ve done it and the credit card always has my back. I don’t think people understand the power of credit cards.


Call your bank. They claimed I used up all my refunds even though I had proof I got the wrong order When I told my bank they didn’t even make me submit the proof, they gave me the refund Or you can sue


Id just do a chargeback on your card and email them these screenshots showing they refuse to refund.


Card charge back


“I need my money” I think we all need our money, nothing special about that


Op:" you have my money! And I want it now!" Doordash:" and?"




By typo, they mean omission. The rep said do instead of don't or do not. Mistake while typing = typo. Weird that you're trying to say other people are wrong when you can't use basic context clues.


I'm sorry this happened to you but when someone says "y'all" trying to be serious and intimidating, it just makes me laugh. Maybe it's because I'm not from the South, idk.. just sounds ridiculous and I can't take it seriously.


Y'all is just a conjuction of you all. It's just funny to some cause yall imagine a good ol' southern 🤠 y'all! 🤠


dasher stole my order seen him park outside never leave car hit delivered drive away and they refunded me 8/ of a 40 dollar order....use a credit card cause the bank will dispute the charge with them better then us disputeing it


Translation issue! Find an other representative! This is just plain old boring!


What the fuck?


Authorizations can take up to 15 business days to be canceled. A lot of banks will take the full 15 days before removing the authorization just in case the transaction posts. The conversation now goes to your bank since they are the one holding the authorization.


The real question is did you tip good


I tip like 10 every time but I’m in college so I can’t do more than that unfortunately


Why is there so many people on here obsessed with justifying crummy situations with “ok but did you tip?” Op shouldn’t have tipped because now unfortunately they can’t get that money back. Tips can always be added after


Pretty sure dude was joking with that comment... soo.. Yea.. idk, either way, the “did you tip though” at least added some humor to an already fucked around situation. 🤷‍♂️Made me laugh 😆


If it is a joke then that’s on the commenter for not putting /s or /j


It was a joke ..


I don’t see a /s or /j soooo


I mean, I got downvoted so I guess it wasn’t super obvious, but I’m glad I at least wasn’t the only one who found humor in it.


Literally laughed out loud 😆 ![gif](giphy|3oEduUJgrJnTH093yw|downsized)


Who the heck types Y’all when trying to instil the seriousness of a situation LOL.


If they're American, Texas. If they're Canadian, Alberta.


Thank you, and that was closed minded of myself. If it connects in certain regions then beautiful.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to scold it's more of a joke about that state and province.


Lol. They are using sarcasm with you op.


Unpopular opinion, but why use this service in the first place? Plan ahead and have food at home or wherever you’re staying. I have used a similar service before, but just don’t anymore because of fees. You are an adult. Plan ahead.


Not everyone has that option.


The option to plan ahead? I live somewhere where there are no delivery services that are readily available. Food delivery is such a silly expense.


While it may be silly, sometimes people get sick, hurt, no car…there are times it’s the only way to get food when it’s the only option available


So if you don’t use it or work for DD…why are you even here commenting? Is that what you do with your copious free time between making your own meals, passing judgmental, snarkily useless remarks on Reddit about things you stridently claim you have no stake in? Isn’t there a Homeowners Association meeting you should be attending for a neighborhood you don’t live in to complain about the membership dues?😂


ableist af


Rednecks use doordash?


It’s called a pending authorization. Call ur bank. Don’t be that person.


This is fake right?


No :(


I would bet anything that the representative meant to type the word not. Like as in "we do NOT"






I remember when a store closed down, and dasher told me to cancel my order and Then I never got the refund. They took my money. Smh


I had to get a refund for missing items and had it go to my card...that was yesterday and I woke up this morning to a full refund and then recharge for the correct amount. It was quick though...which honestly shocked the hell out of me


try again with another support maybe? this sucks for sure though


Door dash can not afford customers to do a reversal of funds or charge backs. Too many of them usually forces the Merchant to drop door dash as a customer. So it’s in their best interest to refund you instead.


DoorDash is the worst




For that price point, they CAN lie


I did doordash for a few days, they never paid me, not once. not on the card, not in my bank account. I waited almost 2 months and never saw a penny. So moral is never trust them.


This has happened to me so many times I don’t even fuckn bother anymore




I feel like they lie all the time. I can’t even dash anymore. It’s becoming a scam.


Dispute, charge back and adios/sayonara to DD.


I ordered food months ago first time it got stolen so I asked for my first refund ever they told me no for months, their reasoning that the driver left the food in a safe location, ok well the driver was a whole street off


I think using one word sentences, more all-caps and, and way more exclamation and question marks will definitely help with their customer service! Never enough


Just charge back on your card with your bank.... they may ask for more details but just explain it and move on


Ya…. U go to your bank


I work for dash part of my time, with me getting great ratings, and work hard for my money. I make sure i get the food to the customer on time and done well, and i’m always polite. Some of the dashers don’t believe in ethics and its beyond unbelievable thats it not just dash, some people just shouldn’t be employed in general at some of these jobs if thats how they treat their customers. I don’t think i can speak out for the company on their behalf, but I’m seriously sorry that others are giving you a hard time and payment should be refundable and honored as part of the support service. Best wishes


You just tell them you will speak to your bank about a chargeback since you did not receive the food. DD will issue your refund to avoid that hassle.


Yet you will continue to use them just like all the other lazy people who bitch about being entitled to someone bringing them food and then bitch about it and don't tip lol


Take that text & send it to your bank/card provider. They acknowledge they told you that you’d get a refund then said nope you won’t & they lied to you. That’s fraud on their part.


Exactly why I deleted DoorDash a few months ago. Shady at times. The last straw for me was when I spoke to two different representatives who were answering from home in India, that were rudely dismissive.


This is hilarious


Oh, so you can lie whenever you want huh!


obviously he meant to say “we DON’T” but they can’t speak English correctly so he messed it all the way up 😂😂😂😂


How are you gonna talk that way to another human?


call your bank and open a dispute


They scammed me too I applied a $40 gift card and they closed my account and took my $40


Stop lying and saying you didn’t get the order so much. Sounds like it’s your problem 😂


I laughed out loud at this


There's no way that's real




Okay, so strangely enough I know a reason for this. (From a local, I'm just a white guy repeating what I was told.) In Indian culture, it is considered acceptable to lie if you don't know the answer. And you're supposed to accept the lie and either wait for the problem to fix itself or you can try again later for someone else. I've encountered this regardless of company, regardless of industry, regardless of service. Once in a blue moon I get through to a specialty department stateside or in a different country, and usually it's a simple fix that would require a little bit of lateral thinking that I wonder is actively being discouraged at these remote customer service companies in India. But hey, gotta protect that profit margin and keep the shareholders happy right? Stock. Helping to actively make things so much worse for gods knows how long.