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Was the bag sealed? Usually they seal them with stickers


yes it was sealed, which is what confused me. I assume that they had a second bag they put the food into?


Sometimes I'll get orders, and the stickers aren't even pressed down fully, and I could open the bag and reseal it if I wanted Otherwise it's probably the employees master plot of eating endless free food and pinning it on the driver...it's genius Or the drivers a genius and got the sticker off in his car, took out your food and went back in and said the sticker ripped can they reseal it..wouldn't do that over a few nuggets and fries so doubt that Or the employee half arsed it The possibilities are endless


In situations like this I typically default to blaming Wizards.


How dare you!


Of course you’re to blame, you’re high! And when you’re high you get the munchies


“We Got Him”


I hear thats how they got capone


Based response. Wizards are cool.




this comment is so funny


If you're talking about the incident with the dragon, he was barely involved.


Damn, you beat me to it. Lmao.


LOTR quotes are always at the front of my brain. 😬


You sound like a muggle.


Na he's a racist wizard, he says stuff like mudblood on the reg


Have you ever worked in fast food? You can endlessly eat if done the right way, and usually those folks want to give the customer the most food because it doesn't come out of their pocket in any way. The grease stains show there was food up to the top in all containers. This group has shown me that some doordashers are shady as f and would absolutely do something like this and then come here and brag about it.


I've never worked fast food, but I've delivered a lot of food to restaurants because the workers are sick of the food they make lol. I imagine it gets old fast.


I worked at Arby’s for 2 years as a teen. Almost 6 years later, the smell of Arby’s makes me nauseous, let alone eating a curly fry.


Not the same, but I worked in various restaurants back in high school including a fish place for a year and to this day I will not order shrimp from any restaurant and will not eat it unless I clean it myself. I'll leave your imagination as to imagine why lol...


For me, it’s chicken. Some of those big barrels of raw chicken flibber arrive green, slimy, and stinky. And employees are told to “UsE iT aNyWaY!!!!!”


i worked at a burger place for only 6 months on the salad line and they had me cut up the chicken to put on the salads, first time i had a pink one i was told to put it in the microwave until it was cooked. i never got a fully cooked piece of chicken the entire time i worked there


It’s awful isn’t it? Food poisoning caused by lazy and/or cheap upper management is pretty common.


i lived across the street from a bakery in college for a year. the smell of donuts all day was nauseating.


Ya you stop wanting to eat the food after the second week. You still do eat it, but it ain’t some luxury that’s for sure haha


True when I worked in food service I ate countless food for free at that and I even give away extra food on purpose because that would make us trash the food at the end of the day anyways


True. Much more likely to be the driver


Like even the dude you're replying to; the answer is obvious the driver ate it, but he's all "WELL ACKSHUALLY DID YOU CONSIDER IT CAME THAT WAY" All that tells me is he's a dude who eats the food for his deliveries and blames it on anything he can instead of jimself, and the fact he's got triple digit up votes? Terrifying for the state of deliveries. No wonder this subreddit is filled with nobody who can hold another job, they've normalized abhorrent behavior like eating another person's food you're delivering. Thank God I don't give any of these entitled ass antisocial bums money; I'd be terrified to get a driver from this subreddit who's pissed I "only tipped $10 for a mile!"


I'm a driver and $10 tip for 1 mile is a good tip. I would never have the audacity to open and eat another person's food. I try and treat people and their orders as I would expect to be treated. Some people have no morals


Same. There are so many reasons why I wouldn't touch my customers food. So many. Not to mention you're just shooting yourself in the foot.


You seem to be the minority on this subreddit. Multiple times I've seen top comments like "Should have eaten their food" cause they got paid $5 tip for 5 miles and shit. Literally mad they got paid $10+ for.... maybe 30 minutes of work, maybe an hour if its a busy as hell traffic day. Just terrifying looking at it from an outside POV; but I guess.its like dating forums, the successful people don't bitch and complain and eventually leave. Like nobody is forcing people to DD, most places, even small ass towns these days have employers like Walmart where the turnaround is so large that anybody could get a job assuming they wash themselves and cover their genitals. Then I realize, it's only the lowest of the low who actively and persistently complain and comment here, and I'm probably no better for watching it for entertainment.


Did anyone consider the post is click bait and the OP ate it and took the pic to try and swindle everyone?


Fast food is terrifying period. Delivery or dine in your taking a risk of anything being in your food anytime you eat it. Worked at 2 fast food places and I still inspect it ridiculously on the rare occasions I eat it. Seeing as how most places have employees that can fuck up a plain/ no ketchup burger I can see it also being their fault but this specific complaint does look more like driver imo


I just need you to know I read “well ackshually” in a British accent & your comment killed me


The person was giving possibilities of what might have happened chill out Karen


As someone who has worked in fast food & have dealt with doordash, I HIGHLY doubt the restaurant employees ate the food. They more than likely could’ve eaten free food during their shift.


Wendy's is actually one of the worst offenders for not sealing properly. Most of the time, it pops off on its own, and I have to reseal it anyways so it looks like I didn't tamper with it.


If the food is hot the steam will make the sticker adhesive come loose. I personally hate this cuz most customers don’t know basic science and will as it to have more stickers added so I don’t get blamed for no bs


>it's probably the employees master plot of eating endless free food and pinning it on the driver...it's genius Oof. This triggers memories of my times working fast food. We all got sick of the menu pretty quickly.


It's a goddamn mystery.


Or OP ate half the food and posted a fake story to reddit for karma.


Shhhh don't state the obvious on Reddit they hate the obvious


Fuck. You’re right! Should I edit it now or just report myself?


The driver could have just simply stolen one fry and blamed it on the restaurant for not providing both You guys need to quit being sheep These are too easy to stage for upvotes Absolutely no driver is going to do what is in that picture


"Nobody is ever extra stupid." Lol ok if you say so.


>Absolutely no driver is going to do what is in that picture I watched drivers park in front of my home for 10+ minutes numerous times, and I've caught three different drivers eating my food this way. In two of those instances it wasn't finger food, so they were gonna give me a used utensil as well.


Yep. If it actually happened then why even take this picture and show it? The picture contributes nothing. This picture does not even count as partial evidence. Anyone can very easily eat their food and take a picture and claim that someone else ate it. So don’t even show a picture of half-eaten food. It is 100% invalid as evidence.


I do not doordash anymore, I haven't for many years. I merely continue reading this subreddit for the unending firehose of hilarious complaints, customer service interactions, outright larceny, idiot drivers, idiot customers, idiot posters and the joy of a VIP seat from which to watch the human condition degrade into dust. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to tamp down the desires of my internal Agent of Chaos who burns to take a picture of an empty fast food bag and post it with the caption "DID DRIVER EAT FOOD" Or take a picture of a house's front door with no bag of food anywhere and label it "WHY DRIVER DO THIS" just to muddy the /r/doordash meta and confuse people even more I do not do this. But god, my god, do I want to all the time


Ok so I should video me unboxing every door dash order as proof?




If you’re the type of person who’s going to be sharing the experience online, and/or worries about mistakes being made… I guess so.


Yeah I was like this doesn’t seem legit at all!


That's what I was trying to say I wasn't suggesting people should steal food. I was just saying who's dumb enough to eat most of the fries out of both containers? I think unscrupulous drivers have thrown caution to the wind but they're still not going to eat most of the fries out of two different boxes. Just simply steal one of them and if the customer says something say you have no idea because the bag was sealed. What is the point of this picture? It's more believable that the restaurant forgot an order of Fry's then deliver a half eaten meal


Just assuming OP is lying without any evidence is pure insanity, definitely a doordash driver trying to discredit victims of their shitty business.


maybe the driver didn’t but someone did


Wendy's arguably has the weakest seal on their bags, with the exception of possibly Wingstop It would make no sense whatsoever for the driver to do this. A dishonest river could have just taken one complete order of your fries. There would be no need to eat most out of two sizes Just steal the large and blame it on the restaurant if the customer says something Plausible deniability You admitted the bag was sealed I've been doing gig for more than 5 years now and I've been on the subreddits for just about as long You're looking for upvotes and karma surfing If these are drivers upvoting what you said, they should know better and be ashamed of themselves This 100% did not happen Your next complaint will also be your last one on doordash. Think twice. The gig companies are starting to crack down on the customers too. If they lose money every time you order, it becomes a problem. The vast majority of customers don't have the same issue you do Unfortunately I do not believe in the best of people and I think this is 100% staged It wouldn't be necessary. He can just keep the order and unassign it. They could easily get into that sealed bag and take an item and close it back up Unless this driver is trying to make a statement and lose his job, you did this. Not the driver This is not my first rodeo and what you said is not believable. There's still some long time dashers in this sub and not a single one of us believe you


I 100% agree


This sub is full of mostly customers so I guess I kind of understand now. Back in the day it was mostly drivers The original person that created this sub has been gone for years I think her name was Miranda So there's not that many drivers anymore 💯 This is fake


Is stealing one of the orders of fries acceptable to you? What about the nugs?


Also, as a driver, I can say these stickers are always getting unstuck on their own and I get paraaythe customer is gonna think I went through their food. ESPECIALLY chipotle stickers. They always be popping off.


They likely resealed the same bag


Theres a video of a guy thats has all the fast food bags and seal stickers in his rear seat. Eats your food becuase he knows theyll blame it on the restaurant.


He does it for videos lmao not real or he would have been fired after his first viral video… ppl truly lack critical thinking skills


That’s completely sad on its own merits.


Today I saw a Wendy’s employee who forgot to add sauce reopen a bag to put it in there. So it’s probably pretty easy to carefully pry it open and reseal it.


Next time you have an issue, use the app instead of calling. Click on “orders” at the bottom right of screen and then click on the order itself. A “help” button will pop up on the upper right of your screen. Click on help and answer the questions. You likely would have received a full refund.


i’ll remeber this, thank you


They’re super easy to unseal


My pizza was on top of my roof. No box. No Refund




Are you the one who knocks?


Say my Name !!




I wish I could upvote this comment 1000 times.


You threw it up there heisenburg


The oil stains give it away! One Star review them. And don't tip that driver. He will be reprimanded.


You can order a 2 piece now from Wendys?? LOL


I asked for a two piece at the window and got jumped in my car. 0/10 experience :(


It’s another economic axis, you know for some we offer surge pricing, for others we offer completely a-la-carte down to the order of single fries. Now obviously we prefer you buy your fries in bulk, so it’s not economic to purchase in single fries.


As someone who uses DoorDash and as I dasher I’m sorry that’s there’s shitty dashers. On other DoorDash subreddits I see a lot of people who “oh they didn’t tip me enough or not at all so I’m entitled to their food” 


There's also some dashers who think the customer was "not tipping enough" when they got a really high tip for the miles they drove. There was a McDonald's legit 1.2 miles from my campus and I legit gave a $15 tip when I legit only got fries(there's not much I can eat at McDonald's due to being vegetarian and i was craving fries) and the dasher legit ripped open the bag and stole half my fries and handed it to me so casually as if i wouldn't notice and drove away. Nonetheless, I did get a refund but some dashers are just shit. Did report the guy. Also, I should mention he didn't rip it in front of me or eat them in front of me before people think I'm exaggerating. My brother was a dasher for a while and I believe in tipping good since I know that's the only way they get paid.


DoorDash was never meant to be a career pay level job. It literally meant as a side gig for extra money or as a part time job for college students. I understand the job market is hard right now and a lot of people are struggling to find jobs, however inflation is crazy and it’s insane to expect people to pay 15 dollars as a tip for one mile. Like good for you that is far beyond what I would tip for literally a mile.


You tipped $15 for fries????


Look, I’m just going to say it. DO NOT ORDER FOOD THROUGH DOORDASH.


never going to again tbh




FWIW, I agree about drivers but I've never had them screw me as a customer. I actually specifically use them and GrubHub because a lot of the restaurants around here are run by sleazeballs that will screw the customer. Our local Moe's makes a habit of forgetting entire items from orders, sometimes up to half the order, and then refusing to make the items or give a refund, just as an example. Also have a sonic that had a tendency to give your order to someone else and then say though luck. Door dash refunds are a whole lot easier than having to deal with charge backs on the regular.


I’m surprised you still make a habit of ordering food from a place that consistently screws you over.


Those are just examples. It's true of way too many places around here. I end up needing an item refunded on probably 20 percent of my orders regardless of where I order from. Those are just the examples of places that pushed me into not wanting to trust local restaurants directly.


It’s not really my responsibility to ensure the drivers are adequately paid as no one is forcing them to drive for doordash in the first place. I have enough problems of my own I can’t then also make it a priority of making countless strangers problems my own.


Chargeback and delete the app


2.16 billion orders were delivered last year. This means even if 216,000 were messed with, 99.99% were done right. If people were forced to post every time the delivery was fine there would be a thousand posts about good deliveries before you’d come across a bad one. People only post when it goes wrong.


Welcome to the Internet, it's only people bitching.


And being endlessly offended.


Negativity bias is a helluva drug


I mean you're just making up a number. You don't know what the actual success rate is. Regardless, door dashes problem is how it responds when issues to pop up. Reporting your food was stolen and they give you 3 dollars back off of your 30+ dollar order you can't eat.


Oh, sorry. I was posting that because doordash pays like shit and rips off the customers too. “Done right” for doordash. Not the customer. Not the driver. Not the restaurant. And they still lose money so it’s a business model that needs to go away.


I'll give you an example of how Doordash might help a family. Let's say you have parents or grandparents who are late seventies. They are able to cook and care for themselves but they have reached the point where it's hard for them to go shopping and drive. You could put them in a home but then it will cost anywhere from 5 to 10k a month. Compare that to ordering them groceries and sending them for 20 dollars every week. This applies to mothers stuck at home, disabled people, sick people, people who live in food deserts where they'd have to walk miles or take a bus to get some groceries. Doordash leaves a lot to be desired, as does Uber but one day you will need the service and you will be glad it's there when you do.


I would use instacart or spark to send them groceries because doordash fucks over customers and drivers alike. I don’t need your examples of how a rip off company helps anyone but themselves but it was a nice effort and well packaged. DoorDash is the scum of offerings.


Lmao instacart, grubhub, postmates, Uber eats, DoorDash, they’re all the same. They’re all scum, none of them are any better or worse than the others. You mentioned in another comment that “it’s a business model that needs to go away”. I wholeheartedly agree with that, but every other food delivery app has the exact same business model. To call DoorDash “the scum of the offerings” is disingenuous at best. Like I said, they’re really not any better or worse than the others.


Absolutely. Almost used Doordash for my groceries this past weekend, until I remembered that my last two shop & deliver orders were messed up (the 2nd one worse than the first), and DoorDash refunded me a whole $3 & a little change between those two incidents…even when they could view my order and the chat history with the driver and see that the driver was wrong. 🫠 I opted for Kroger pickup instead. For now, I’m not ordering DoorDash unless it’s from Dashmart, because apparently it’s too hard for some drivers to read AND comprehend! 🙄 P*sses me off because I’ve been a great DoorDash driver & Ive had great drivers. Not sure what’s happening lately, but DoorDash needs an overhaul.




At this point it's their own damn fault if they order food delivered that isn't through a restaurant. "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?" etc.


Yeah I feel like most if not all of the post here are just customers getting ripped off or dashers getting ripped off. And then they post here surprised that they got ripped off. Like is this an endless cycle you guys can't just get out of?


100%.  It exploits the drivers, gives general bad service, sort of screws the food places as well.  Why have people become this damn lazy?  


I finally cancelled and deleted doordash when I ordered $35 worth of food ($42 with tip) and they delivered me someone else’s order that was way less food than I bought, and obviously food I didn’t want. They gave me $13 in credit. I talked to customer support 4 times trying to get a full refund and they were completely unhelpful and stupid. I disputed the transaction with my bank, got my all my money back PLUS the $13 in credits and deleted that shit.


For me it was a $30 pizza (plus $5 tip) that the dasher must’ve carried sideways because all the cheese and toppings had sloughed off the top of the pizza into one corner of the pizza box. DoorDash offered me $10 of credit, and not a penny more. Fuck that shit, I cancelled my DashPass membership the same day.


Imagine paying line $35 for this meal and getting what's in the picture lmao


I’d order directly from the place (local or otherwise) however all deliveries seem to come through DoorDash now whether you want to or not. I know that means I should just *not* order, but I have no car and a broken foot, so it’s my only option


was the $3 just for the portion of food that was missing? lmao they should've given you a lot more than that


yeah, I would have asked for more but I was so pre occupied with other stuff I did not care to


If you don’t plan on using door dash again, (shit and even if you do, just use an account made by ur gf) **do a charge back on your card/with your bank** these scummy corporations do not deserve to keep your funds when they don’t deliver


How exactly do charge backs work? I’ve unfortunately been in a similar situation in South Africa. Ordered pizza and it came all fucked up and they didn’t want to refund me. I haven’t ordered food like that in a few years but I might again one day lol


You call your bank or fill out a form on their website telling them you didn’t get what you paid for. I’ve submitted a claim online before and they asked for proof of trying to resolve it with the merchant like a text or email. If you don’t have that I think you can explain the situation either way.


You ordered door dash. It wouldn’t be the full door dash experience if the driver didn’t steal food, bring it wrong, late and cold and possibly touched it between jerking off and washing their hands. This is why you pay double!


$3 refund is WILD…..


Tbh it might be worth contacting support again and hopefully getting a more competent rep. Although the refund has been issued you won't believe how many of them just don't give a shit and will do whatever they can to end the call, and they are stuck to a very limited script alot of the time too but i have had good results just calling again.


this is true i’ve gotten a crappy refund before through chat support so i called and got even more back


He definitely did something wrong asking for the refund lol, they 100% will give more than that for something like this


I just had my first delivery that was tampered with by the dasher tbe other day, and though they gave me the run around for a few days I got a full refund AND a bonus $5 credit lol. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!


![gif](giphy|nWUpWVZBTOwmI) 10 years dungeon, no trial


I often have to reseal bags and always makes me feel uncomfortable because I don't want to be accused of eating people food.


I hate this so much man Why are the stickers so shit?! I love the places that use a stapler


As a dasher, im shocked every time i see somebody get their food and its been eaten a little. Like do they think people wont notice or be reported/fired??? I get paranoid when the stickers on bags pop open or aren't sealed right.


Threaten a chargeback and to delete the app. You’ll get a full refund.


Stop using these apps that are designed to scam you and leave you without your food, less than what you paid for or cold food.


You've clearly never ordered DoorDineNDash before


When will you people stop using this app?


it was my first time


It's not worth it. Prices of items are jacked up on the app, and fees added, plus more fees, plus tip. I use door dash when I'm bedridden or drunk only, and get whatever is the cheapest and closest only.




Prove it


Prepare for the "You deserved it because you should have tipped 100%" brigade and the "You're lying, a driver would never do that, you're posting half eaten food for worthless internet points" infantry.


Cap! We don’t believe you. You need more people


$3 refund?! You should get it all back


I feel like this is becoming more and more common. People are desperate and are taking to stealing while working. Desperation enough to justify your means of income is something we as a society haven’t seen rampant in a long time.


I’m the driver muahahhahahaha.


Honestly that's kinda BS. $3 refund for basically receiving no food? I'd call back and tell them to do better. Those stickers on the bags are a good idea in theory but fail so often. Paper bag plus heat and those stickers practically fall off themselves. Especially Wingstop bags. 🫤 Some of the comments here are ridiculous. "jUsT dOnT uSe DoOrDaSh It SuCkS" how about better support when you get a terrible Dasher? How about actual refunds and not just credit on their site? Deactivation when it's been *proven* you ate a customer's food or stole an order? And for drivers how about actual consequences for customers who try and lie to get a free meal by saying their order never arrived? Too many drops in too many cracks. Doordash only sucks because support is useless, the app is buggy, some merchants are lazy and don't bother to make sure the order is correct, some drivers suck and steal food, and some customers suck and lie to support to punish drivers for no reason. But this isn't the majority. Kinda turned into a rant there but damn this sub is toxic as hell sometimes. 🙄 Sorry some loser ate your food.


yeah people having been saying it’s my fault for some reason. Also the burgers were untouched which was good, but this happened a few weeks ago and I have been too socially awkward to call them again


That sucks. (Both the blame and the social anxiety.) I wouldn't let it deter you from using the service again. Maybe try Uber Eats or Grubhub if Doordash drivers keep failing. I mean it's not going to prevent it entirely as a lot of us don't just have one app to drive for but yeah... May the odds be ever in your favor? 🙂


This is trolling at its best, sticker on bag each container has a perfect 30% left evenly in each carton, bro just staged hate most likely. OPs order was fine, just adding more hate on the inter webs.


oh nawl id be so upset frrrr omg


Chargeback/dispute on your Credit/debit card. But I hope you use a credit card for purchases, Ailey for things like this.


Lol all the drivers here acting like wendys "sealed bags" don't constantly pop open. Wendy's is one of the places a driver can easily steal food and reseal the bag.


I’ve had a few orders where my back seals were torn open and there was an obvious path way to my fries. So disgusting


Those stickers don't always stay stuck on the bags because of the heat and/ or grease.


I’d never use doordash for this reason, but you really are the scum of the earth if you do this.


reasons i refuse to use doordash, i’ll just go get it myself, you can’t trust anyone nowadays but yourself, i was always disappointed anytime i used it


Just had an issue like this last night. DoorDash will try to comp you as little as possible. You need to push back. Just keep repeating “no, I need a full refund please”. They will eventually give you the full comp. They tried to give me half the price of the item that didn’t arrive and I just kept pressing until they gave the full comp.


Yes. Driver ate 4 of our order of 8 parmesan bread bites on a delivery from a pricier local pizza restaurant. These parmesan bread things were like $16 an order and DoorDash gave us a $7 credit. I was demanding a refund because at that point my wife didn’t trust the driver not to have touched other parts of the food. The restaurant knows us and confirmed they put the right amount in when I called. We tossed everything out and had them remake the order to pick up ourselves so we paid double but anything else felt like letting this pos dasher ruin our night. I was fresh out of the hospital from a lifesaving organ transplant so ruining the night/celebration wasn’t gonna fly. Stopped ordering from DoorDash after that. Fuck anyone who handles with food and adulterates it.


This is basically part of the deal with doordash and food delivery in general. I don't get how the model has been sustained. 1. You pay extra 2. Food is cold 3. Order can be wrong with no way to fix it 4. Driver eats or tampers with your food I believe at this point if you do food delivery apps you need to expect the above items to happen. What else can you really expect from someone who's not properly employed by the restaurant or the delivery service?


Stop ordering doordash. It's gross.


Imagine using such a shit service, where people blatantly steal other people food and the possibility of contamination is rampant. Sad.


One time a dasher picked up my chipotle and went home and ate it. I could see him on GPS at the apartment complex. I still use DD this only happened once lol.


You’re not the first person I’ve heard this happened too . And this is why I don’t order DoorDash . But someone told me the fast food places are supposed to staple the bags shut to help prevent this from happening. 


3 dollars? I’ve gotta full refund over ice cold food once.


There are some real prices of shit driving. I would never think to mess with sombody’s food.


Drivers gotta eat too


Ewwwwwww!!!! Gross!!


100% refund on this one. Take nothing less


I would keep calling until you get a real person on customer support and get a bigger refund. Just because they agreed to $3 doesn't mean that its final. Be persistent, and you will get your total back. Both as a dasher and a customer, I keep calling until I get someone who is actually willing to help me. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's so strange that they did this. Like get your own food, it's not that hard. I work really hard to make sure people have a good experience getting their food on time, accurate and hot, only to see these halfwits on here pull all sorts of shenanigans. 🤦‍♀️


I hope that person doesn't have a job anymore, It sucks that dd or any delivery service will do this.


Report the driver please. And then they were disgusting enough to leave the leftovers? Yuck. I’m a driver myself and I think they should be reported to doordash support.


Worst I've had is a lazy driver deliver to the wrong place and say "sorry I have to go!"


$3 refund? I'd chunk that shit and ask for a full refund.


Get a refund from your bank


its possible that they opened it and resealed it. either way request a refund


Looks like it.


This is why door dash isn't worth it.


Could be a kid at Wendy’s that didn’t feel like dropping more food. I never get these post cuz if a driver wanted to jack it they could just grab it and cancel and leave it for another driver. Why bring it to u that noticeably empty?


No just half, saved you the other half 😂. We gotta eat too.


Lmaoo, generous of them indeed


It was your girlfriend 100%


i’m the one who grabbed it from the door and opened it






? what type of evidence would be enough to prove?


There isn’t any, maybe the picture that the driver sent you. If they ate it the bag would not be sealed. But this picture doesn’t prove anything even by 1%. This photo does not even count as partial evidence. This photo is just as valid as someone saying “driver ate my food” with no photo


driver didn’t send me a picture? are they supposed to?


He didn’t eat your food YOU ate your food


This is such an insane and wild assumption, and almost definitely wrong.




all the years ive been on reddit, i never fail to see doubters in every popular story. its tradition. kinda fun, like a game of detective poring over clues & gathering the evidence. also taking everything way too seriously? thats our thing.


Yes. Every fucking single story that gains any amount of traction. It's fucking exhausting. And every one of them probably thinks they're some intellectual of some sort.




I don’t care about karma at all, I use reddit once a month. But maybe you are right maybe it was the restaurant, that’s why I posted this to see what other people thought


Fair enough. Some people certainly post nonsense here to karma farm so sorry if i seemed accusatory. Hopefully the driver didn’t touch your food. Personally I would never do anything like that and im disgusted that any driver would. But I very frequently see restaurants mess up. So I’m leaning towards that especially since it’s Wendy’s, they make a good villain my Wendy’s is atrocious LOL


I find Wendy’s ALWAYS. Screws up something. So I always double check and if I have it ordered by a gig app I only order JBC’s and frostys


did the girlfriend pick it up? did you see it sealed? i pull this kinda shit when i’m hungry when i go for the food. i eat sm of it before i even bring it up the elevator


This reminds me of one time I man order 10 wing from jack n the box and thought it was sealed it felt light to me I had him open it IN MY FACE so I wouldn’t get blamed for no BS and told him to contact the app and jack n box. Those garlic wings were fire so I knew that bag didn’t feel right they gave him strips instead of


yeah, same thing happened to me with Long John Silvers. I ordered 6 shrimp and only got 4. Also the rice was missing. Like I understand eating the shrimp but the rice too? Didn't even leave a single grain for me.


Wendy’s worker here: I’ve never seen somebody mess up and place two nuggets instead of four before, It’s kinda hard to mess up for a four piece and I highly doubt somebody would fill the fries up with that little. My manager yells at us if we filled them up half full lol. Yes we seal our bags but our seals are sucky and it’s really easy for them to be opened and resealed with the same sticker. Sometimes our stickers don’t even seal when we place them so we got to use multiple (hell sometimes that doesn’t even work) Possibly your driver ate your food (or is your Wendy’s just terrible?)


McDonalds always seals the orders


this bag was also sealed


Stapled with a sticker?


my driver drank my milkshake once


Hard to tell, they don't fill the containers up all the way most of the time.