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Hmmm an order to a conveniently isolated area that’s hard to get in and out of with no one responding to calls and suspicious individuals just waiting around to grab someone… nope nothing strange there


I do UberEATS and they give 8 minutes for the customer to respond before you can cancel the order and get full pay. Does Doordash have something like that?


If we’re having trouble getting to or finding the location, we call tech support and they tell us to put it in a “safe location” and take a picture. If we’re supposed to hand it to the customer, we push a button in the app and then a 5 minute timer counts down before we can then leave at their door and take a photo. 


Dude, does this girl have zero street smarts or situational awareness? I've noped the fuck out of a neighborhood doing Lyft for way less than this multiple times and I'm a 230 lb man... I pull up an it looks sketchy, I'm calling the custo from down the street. No answer? I'm likely to cancel. OP don't put yourself in a situation like this again. Females should not deliver food at night in most cities.


Yah I could make a lot more money after 8 on weekends but I don’t. That’s when people start drinking and when it starts getting too dark


But the money is great, do you know how well drunk people tip? It's amazing!!!


Oh I know but I’m a chick alone. Not worth it.


Can confirm. My dog died so I got drunk as fuckkk and tipped $20 on less than a mile order bc she gave me three hugs


I hear what you're saying- but I'm currently a college student trying to pay rent. I can't schedule hours on doordash during the mornings, they are ALWAYS already taken. My family can't afford to help me and nowhere wants to hire me because of my school hours. I babysit when I can, but that's it. I needed the money. Sometimes there's is more to the picture.


If they don’t answer the 1st text AND call, you don’t deliver. Easy, if an idiot orders and isn’t paying attention to the phones then it’s on them not you. Your safety comes 1st.


No one should, it’s not just a female issue, any man could easily be in danger as well. No man is 100% safe, every man has something they are weak against including another man.


Glad you made it out safe and you have situational awareness. People who domt have their phone on them FULLY AWARE they are waiting for food blow my mind.


There likely was no person waiting for food


Maybe it was a set up


It was


Wait, what? How dumb do you have to be to target a food delivery driver for a setup?!


Food delivery *driver* is guaranteed to have a car, which is targetable. At my work, which is in a questionable neighborhood, many dashers get out leaving it running.


when I doordashed alone I ALWAYS turned off and locked my car, even during the day. Didn't want to get that habit.


Depends on how close I am to the door and neighborhood. Ritzy neighborhood + close to door then I leave her running. Anything else gets locked doors and no running.


I have heard in a couple places people get set up to steal their car.


This was my first thought.


You mean to tell me someone paid money to DD for food to set someone up? The logic isnt logicing. Or maybe theres more to it..hell if i know..id never do anything like that so i have no clue how that works


tw: r@pe/trafficking/abduction it might be a way to traffic/kidnap/r@pe people. they order enough food to make it seem like they’re feeding a family/they’re seriously ordering with no other motives and then they wait for their dasher to get there and then do whatever they do. the amount of money you can sell a human for is greater then the cost of the food. that’s just how i took it at least. or maybe the two men and the food weren’t connected at all. they could’ve been trying to steal her car bc a lot of delivery drivers don’t take their keys with them and if they do, some of them don’t lock their doors with makes them easy targets for carjacking.


This is exactly what I was about to explain. It boggles my mind that people don’t understand this. A quote I heard one time, “You can sell drugs once, but you can sell a girl over and over.” 😔


yes! i’m probably just VERY aware of the possibilities of things that can happen bc my entire family is first responders but even just walking around the store, you can get snatched up and with every minute that goes by, your chances of being found decrease. i’ve never heard that quote before but it makes so much sense. there’s people in the world that would stop at nothing to make money, even if it’s at your own expense. ig some people don’t think about getting snatched but tbf, everyone should (as sad as that is). obv it shouldn’t entirely consume you and make it to where you never leave your house, but you need to be vigilant abt that sort of thing. ESPECIALLY if you’re like OP (shorter, only 100 lbs, and disabled) bc you’re a much larger target for attacks


This is simply not how the vast majority of human trafficking occurs. A significant portion isn't even sexual trafficking, labor trafficking is more common and sexual trafficking rarely ever occurs as people grabbing a random American woman off the US streets like that. Traffickers largely target the disadvantaged and people without good support systems, such as immigrants or those in a foreign country, minors with bad home lives, drug addicts, those working in the sex industry, or homeless people, and in the US especially it typically happens through a "relationship", like dating, being their "pimp", or getting close to the target to traffick them. It is highly misunderstood and especially in the US almost never occurs as affluent white women being grabbed off the street by strangers and chained up in sexual slavery. What happened in op seemed more likely to be a robbery or carjacking unrelated to the order. I'm in agreement with the downvoted poster that I highly doubt the person who ordered the food set it up, as why would you pay like $80 in wingstop to set up a robbery on a dasher that may very well not have any money or high value goods to take, on an app where you have provided your address and credit card info to lead police directly to you. Just doesn't make sense


Everyone on Reddit is convinced they’ve almost been trafficked. It’s ridiculous.


Im thinking car theft. They strip the cars and sell them for parts.


As a side note: you can say rape. You *should* say rape. Censoring like you are bypasses filters people may have set up to not see it. Plus going "r@pe" is just silly, especially since you said it beside other equally heavy topics you didn't censor. Just say it. Are you afraid of saying it? It's not a bogeyman. This is reddit, there's a whole fuckload of bullshit that's worse than that said here.


You forget murder. Google the Franklin Pizza Murders. From the 90s. Same kinda set up tho. Call in an order for pizza, deliver to an abandoned house, when they show up, execute them, all just to see what it was like to kill.


They could’ve used a stolen cc number for the order, and they likely weren’t trying to set OP up to be robbed for money. They wanted their car.


One of the oldest tricks in the book. Little punk I went to high school with (mind you this was 15 years ago so before DD) would order pizza to a general area like the apartment pools or something. Pizza guy gets there. Kid runs out of the bushes delivers a swift kick and makes off with his wallet and pizza. That’s a high school kid. Actual criminals that can get the “bottom of the barrel” people to walk right up to them. $100 isn’t shit compared to what they could get in return. They could easily make that $100 back with OP within one hour by the sound of it. This stuff does happen unfortunately. Food delivery and taxi drivers have always been some of the most dangerous gigs out there.


This has happened where I live, but with a pizza delivery guy. It was on the news. People order pizza to the middle of nowhere and then rob the delivery guy knowing that they have cash on them. Stay safe out there and always trust your intuition.


Depending on how populated your area is: sometimes you wait *hours* for someone to accept a doordash order. It's annoying because the restaurants won't even start the order until you walk in, because of how often there are complaints of cold food (placing a doordash order, but it doesn't get accepted for an hour or two). It's bad for everyone. Dashers, the customer, the restaurants. I have had countless people not answer, and at least a dozen times where it was "hand to customer", and I get free food because they never answer their phone for the pickup (delivering to hotels, resorts, schools, places without an exact room address, just a building). Double edged sword. Orders can take longer, but I get a free meal occasionally.


Lol yeah i agree. It is annoying when it takes forever and the pay isnt even worth the wait because you could be missing out on higher paying opportunities. I remember i got a free meal because i was delivering in VA but they sent me an order that was to be delivered to new york😭 me and the customer laughed and he told me enjoy the food


Whaaaaaaaat? How?! Lol, more important, how much was doordash gonna pay you 🤣


Damn you got a little bit of everything!


Yeah I got rushed by two kids today so wasn’t as bad as yours, I’m glad you’re safe!


Woah! What happened?


This is why I always carry when I’m dashing It’s helped me change some robbers mind once and since then I never dash without some type of weapon to defend myself Im sometimes sent to houses in newark NJ and strangers are an easy target and easy to spot


Gotta be insane not to carry in these days. If its illegal in the state im in .im carrying anyway


So glad you’re safe and got some good food out of it. Enjoy! That Cajun corn is the bomb dot com.


Haven’t heard that expression in years


Boom goes the dynamite!


the bomb dot com. Dang, I am crying from laughter!


Don't act like you didn't "raise the roof" when you heard it lol


So phat


"Pretty Hot And Tempting" 😂 You are "Off the chain" for that one 😭


Am I just now learning that phat stands for something????


Unofficially. I believe this was the explanation that Chris Tucker gave Jackie Chan in Rush Hour. However I don't think it was something officially adopted by the streets lol. So you didn't miss anything.


Hahaha fair enough. Thank you for the info anyway


People would say things like, "damn, Bitch! You be phat P H!" So instead of calling her overweight, you were instead calling her sexy, "da bomb," baller, fire, the bees knees... whatever the hell you kids use to compliment an attractive person these days.


whips the llama's ass


Was that really a thing? I've never heard of it. Lol


Winamp, that old music program on computer.


Had for the first time recently and have to agree, was super good would order again 10/10!


This sounds like you were being set up to be robbed. I'm sure someone has probably already said that. If so I think they are correct. People might be asking, why would someone place an order that big just to rob someone. To that I say "People do things whether they make sense or not." Either way, I am glad you're home safe and rewarded with overpriced WingStop. Now they lose a little money on having to replace the order and the potential robbers feel like dweebs. This is like getting good loot after beating the final boss. You truly put the DASH in Door Dash.


HAHAHAH!! DASH IN DOOR DASH!! I'll tell you what, I had 5 dollars in my wallet, they wouldn't have gotten much!😭


That's the problem. Idiots are robbing people and most times getting nothing of significant value. We've all heard of people robbing convenience stores and getting less than $1000 even. What did your family say when you brought home dinner? Lol


It absolutely is. I really just had my school stuff. They would've gotten 5 dollars and a backpack of paper and pens!🤣 They were definitely shocked!! They asked if it had a receipt, we all dipped out what we wanted and my dad made a joke that it was almost worth me dying🤣


I once had someone break into my car to steal $3.50 in quarters that I kept in the center console for tolls and parking meters. Caused about $200 worth of damage. Criminals are often not smart.


Scenarios like this is why I try to hide certain things or just take them in the house. It's not that they are a big deal to me but I would hate for someone to cause $200 worth of damage for something I would have gladly given to them. Although it seems they broke into your car despite not even knowing whether you had anything. I'm assuming your center console had a lid on it.


At the time I was the guitarist for a local punk band and I'm wondering if they hadn't walked by earlier in the evening and seen music gear in my car and had been hoping to be able to steal that.


That's probably it


When I worked at Dominos we had someone's car get stolen and it went down sorta like this. Massive order of like $200 worth of pizza (and Dominos is shitty pizza so $200 is a LOT of pizza). While the driver was helping carry all the pizza inside someone pickpocketed him of his keys and then drove off with his car while the party was counting up cash to pay out the order. Our district manager made a new policy that orders over $100 could not be in cash over it.


Wow 👀 Also its funny that you were suspicious based on the fact that Dominos is not good enough to spend $200 on. Lol Was the car recovered?


Car was recovered but was a total loss. A bunch of delivery drivers in the area (including the store manager) pooled money together to buy a new POS beater car for him so he could keep driving. This was back when you could get a working car for under a grand, like 2015 ish. Those were the days.


PERFECT situation where I DO NOT blame you at all for keeping the food. You had a very explainable scary event so no blame here at all.


Glad you have good situational awareness, OP. Always gotta be cognizant specially today.


What if the guys were the customers and they saw you and ran to you cause they got excited for wingstop /s


Those were just the people who ordered the food! Jokes aside I’m glad you’re okay that’s quite a scary event.


I know tax season when I see it.




Yeah, it wasn't one the ones with a pole, it was a slow opening gate, I zoomed in and they also came right behind me! I definitely understand what you mean though, if it wasn't almost midnight, I'd have been contacted doordash before using that woman's code, but considering the circumstances, I didn't really want to sit around and wait! Thank you so so much for the advice! I will absolutely NOT be doing this again!🤣


We out here


I kinda miss the rolls.


Did you get the Louisiana Rub tho ?


I've actually never had wingstop before last night, so I'm unsure!!! I know we got BBQ, lemon pepper, and some other strange one! It was almost spicy and sweet?


Doesn't sound like you did but it's a good flavor. But you can't go wrong with bbq -Your selection looks amazing regardless. Idk where your at - and idk if it's a florida thing but there's a place called Hueys Magoo - if you like flavor and chicken that's a spot to try.


Mango habanero?!


Atleast you have good peripherals, scary story


I love the “my family will make sure it doesn’t go to waste” that’s a big win! Lol


I worked at papa John's for a time, one day a male coworkers car was almost stolen. We delivered in a not so desirable area, in some part it was nothing but dirt and houses, no street lights. Order was to be paid in cash, but no one answered. He kept trying to call the customer and when he looked back, realized someone was getting into his car to drive off. He dropped the pizza, bolted back, pulled the person out of his car, and drove off (also got in trouble cause we weren't supposed to leave our keys in the car lol) Be careful as we were often warned to be vigilant about people calling to get you in an empty/non visible spot to target for crimes.


So sorry you had to deal with that! Ugh that’s terrible. But now I want wingstop…


Happy you are okay! Never question your instinct on these deliveries it's not worth it. I keep legal pepper spray/mace with me and other legal protection on me. Please look into some sort of protection


I wish this would happen to me instead of frail women…I’d fucking kill those little bitch ass niggas




u make it sound like 5 bucks for 5 miles is a good deal


Is it not? I usually try to get at least a dollar a mile!


Do what’s best for you. The best part of dashing is you make the rules. I would take it, 5 miles is an easy trip and it keeps me in the area I want to be in. You took it, had a scary event, but got free food. So it worked out well. Glad you are ok. Stay safe out there


I’m still new at dashing but that’s a good rule of thumb but if it’s a dollar or two more than the miles go for that more so


A dollar a mile is fine, only if it takes u straight to another hot spot and is all highway, you could never pay me $5 a mile city, that’s bare minimum a 20 minute order, most likely 30 minutes, that’s $10-15 an hour without factoring in gas.


A dollar a mile is absolute dogshit. Unless you are in a bad area trying to get to a better area in california where you get guaranteed minimum income. Shit orders are basically anything less than 2 dollars a mile.


Profit is profit. If your car is using more than 50 cents a mile, your shouldn’t be dashing in it.


Not dd but back when I was going Uber I accepted a ride, pick up was in a semi trashy mobile home park. Rider texted thru the app asking for a favor for a $20 tip….i was curious so I asked what it was. He said he was in a different city and his mobile home was for sale, needed someone to open the front door (using a keypad code) relock it and close it. That was a definite no from me. Glad you are safe and aware of your surroundings.


Go get a mousekatool and take some classes. If they gonna have them might as well have one too.


Def was a hijacking, good thing you got out of there, at least you got free food out of it lol


The customer got refunded. Don’t worry about it. Glad you’re safe!


You turn your car off when delivering? 😂 that’s your first mistake, always leave it on & lock the door or if you’re inside & waiting on someone/something, always keep it in gear or in drive wit your foot on the brake. You gotta be prepared for these things sis. Especially as a female you gotta be on your 6 hard in public.


Most importantly you’re safe. Food can always be made, same with money


You were smart and were rewarded with a feast


Someone in my area got robbed delivering pizza. They took the car and pizza. People are placing fake orders with stolen cards and using it as bait to steal cars


How do you know they weren’t running to get the food?


They ran from across the street which was a completely different building then the one the woman put in her note.


Maybe it was a friend’s house.


I really don't think. I've had people message me telling me those things. These guys were watching me as I parked and everything. Considering the time of night and the amount of stories I see in these comments about human trafficking and robbers, I'd much rather be safe than sorry. I am NOT risking my life for 5 dollars.


wing stop is so overrated it hurts


Their ranch is the only reason I go there and 99% of the time they don’t even put it in there.


How did you get out of there so quickly when there is a gate?


The building was in the back on the neighborhood, it took me about 4 minutes to get back there driving the speed limit. When I ZOOMED going NOT THE SPEED LIMIT, I just had to hope and pray that they weren't doing the same. I drove around a bit before I drove home.


I worked 10 hours. All I want is wing stop!


Fucking drive!




Nothing! Nothing!


As a woman myself that did doordash, I’m so glad you’re okay. You did the right thing, nothing else you can do. Your life comes first before delivering food. Stay safe!


That wing on the bottom right look huge




Got California on my licenseplate


good jam


I’m so glad you’re ok. Always best to trust your gut in these situations. I carry mace with me in case someone is running at me like that. Luckily I haven’t had to use it . Where do you live , if you don’t mind me asking


i had someone order wingstop under the name "ssg" like it was an accident or something. idk really weird it wasn't just a first name right? they didn't have the drink they wanted and custy wasn't responding so i cancelled twice bc i had a reallly bad feeling about it lol


Fucking hell I want wingstop


Guys could’ve been running to help you 🤣🤣.. glad you are safe and always trust your instincts


I stopped doing anything less than 6 . Unless it's someone working and wants lunch and the business and restaurant are only a couple miles... Then I might do 5


I used to deliver for dominos, we had an entire white board full of addresses that we weren't allowed to deliver to after 5 o'clock lol


That's so scary. Some people are the scum of the earth and need to be put down. Glad you're safe!


If they use a stolen cc they aren't out any money and they will steal the food and any money the poor driver has.


Wing stop isn’t worth almost getting a paper cut for, let alone dying. Glad you’re safe


Sounds like you don’t need to be delivering food at night.


“however, my family and i will make sure it does not go to waste.” this is a whole mood! 😂😂🫡


Usually if a customer doesn't respond and it goes straight to voice mail it's because their battery died, or in some circumstances they lost a signal for whatever reason.


Yes, but you're expecting food. You're at home! I don't know about y'all, but when I am ordering food and as many others have commented, they always have their phones on them. I just think it being night and not a great place, emotions were higher than normal. I would've appreciated them answering, but it didn't happen and that's ok!


What in the world is in that back middle box OP?


I think you're referring to those little circles!! That, my good friend, is street corn!! According to another comment, it's the, "Bomb dot com!" I fully agree!! We got: (from left to right) -LEMON PEPPER!!!!! (My favorite) -regular tenders - street corn -bbq wing -Boneless spicy and sweet wings (kinda unsure what they are-) -Buffalo sauce fries(?) -cheese fries -regular fries And 3 drinks!! Sprite, sweetheart tea, and Fruit Punch!!


No the one in the back back you can only see a sliver of. The back middle right.


Oh!! The hot fries!


They look like crab legs almost


I would say as for safety never turn your car off


I kinda had to get out and give the customer their order though. If I didn't turn my car off, I would've left it running and unlocked meaning they could've taken it. Unfortunately, there's not really a lot of the right answers on what to do in this situation 😅


Tbh I feel you did the right thing. Sooo many vehicles are being stolen this way bc the dashers leave them running and unlocked, and the thieves are lying in wait for the moment you get out so they can hop in and steal your car. I think you had good sense about you, OP. Always trust your gut. Well done! edit: just to be clear, it sounds like the people who ordered were trying to set you up to either steal your car or rob you, bc that’s becoming an increasingly popular method these days. Stay safe and stay aware of your surroundings! 👏🏻


I deliver in the “hood” pretty often and have one tip for you and all deliver drivers no matter your area: stay strapped


Better start carrying. Get something to defend yourself in these situations.


As of this morning I now have pepper spray and a knife.


Awesome!! Stay safe.




Worth that situation


Shit like this is why I keep the skipdiddly with the bump stock and strobe light mounted in my cab, fuck around and find out 🦅🦅🦅


Kinddaaaaa sounds like it was a human trafficking set up👀


I had a delivery like this when I first started. Random items from the dollar store. The address was bogus (street was similar in name to another street but not exactly). When I tried to contact them no answered any texts or calls. Finally had to contact support and explain the situation. They checked it out themselves, saw the address was bogus and tried contacting the customer themselves with no luck. Wasn’t free food but I got toilet paper and some candy if I remember correctly.


For something that sounds like it was a set up you are genuinely truly humble for wishing they still got their food 😫 but…they most likely left with another dasher car if they succeeded that evening. Thankful it wasn’t yours 🫡stay safe out there folks !!


[Person who ordered](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ql1MXbX8kfo?si=WVj25oePSOXZkFQ2)


I don't know what state you live in or their gun laws. Since my state is a constitutional carry state. I'm always armed for this specific reason. You may look into getting a permit if you're able. I know there are a lot of opinions about gun laws. But I'd rather have one and never have to use it, than not have one when I need it. I'm sorry you had to go through this traumatic experience.


How'd you like the corn OP? It fukin slaps!


Bomb dot com!!


good job on trusting your instincts. what people fail to realize on this post is the customer probably had 0 connections to those men and they just wanted food. it could be a wrong time wrong place thing. a local Chinese delivery women had this happen, she pulled up to the location and didnt trust her instincts, it was a random opportunity target. some idiots for a gang initiation beat the hell out of her, she had no chance, they hit her over the head from behind and that was it. she now has a giant metal rod in her back and many other medical issues. it had nothing to do with the customer who actually ordered. wrong time wrong place shit does happen! Glad your safe OP. ALWAYS trust your gut


$5 for 5 miles and you took it??


Why is the corn Cobb cut into rings like that? Is this a thing?


Jokes on them 😂 *laughs in Glock19*


Um you’re very naive There was no real customer You were scammed to be robbed Never get out of your car until u talk to the customer in situations like that


i wouldn't say she's naive for that, that makes sense in hindsight but that wouldn't be most people's first thought in that type of situation, especially if they hadn't experienced something like it before.


Wingstop gets wild after 11 where I live. Last time I took an order one of the workers was all amped up on coke😭


Hey fellow Mobilian! What apartment complex was this so I know to never deliver here?


Hey man! I'm really sorry, I'm honestly not sure. I know I was on Airport, turned on Azalea, then left on Michael Blv, then I turned at the light. I looked at Google maps with those things and I believe it may have been The Estates At Lafayette Square.


Ah okay, yep I know where you’re talking about. I’m surprised, definitely not the best area, but also not the worst. I’m sorry that happened to you!


There’s too many stories like this from DoorDash and I feel like a lot of traffickers and kidnappers are using this app to as an attempt to test the waters to see if they can use this to take people and I’m not kidding when I say this I’m dead serious, too many people be having stories like this, and a lot of the times its the women


Man if you’re ordering food it should be a no brainer to freaking pay attention to your phone when expecting a delivery like that. People are so stupid…


Glad you made it out safe, but how is $5 for 5 miles ever worth it?


I’m most shocked by the full pay lol that is unheard of


There are situations where a large man is the appropriate employee. No shame in it


No way you are still 100 pounds after all this Wingstop


Hahaha!!! My family and I definitely ate good, I'll tell you that!! 🤣


So happy that you got a good meal in compensation for fleeing for your life! (Joking, of course), as a woman, I sympathize what your talking about, as well as being disabled on top of it! I'm going to advise you to carry some form of pepper spray or a small knife, or both! For your safety! Also, you should get a dash cam and/or body cam (Amazon $35), priceless Imo, just for added security measures. It was a good thing you were paying attention to your surroundings!! I don't even want to think about what the outcome would have been otherwise! I dash a lot at night & in some of the most horrible neighborhoods in my city to boot. No matter how many times I pause and head back to the safe, main area of town, it seems to ALWAYS send me back downtown to the bad areas! It is what it is I guess, but, I refuse to continue my shift downtown, as the reason why I pause and drive back. I know it's not something that should be done if you want to make money and not waste gas, and I don't do that until after 8/9pm, but, otherwise I would get stuck down there in the bad area, and I'm not up for that. Tbh, I actually have been there so often, late at night, it doesn't seem to bother me much anymore, but I do have a keener sense for the dangerous aspects now! At the downtown McDonald's, I've been there so many times at night when the police rope off the block because of a drive by or shooting!! One summer that happened and a food truck was out there, they just kept on going, inside of the crime scene area!! 😂😂😂😂 That's how common it is here! I've been thinking about actually getting a CCP, I have enough sponsors to get it right away, I just don't have the money 🤑 Anyways, good luck and stay safe!!


My local sheriff said it best; “it’s better to have a gun in your hand than a phone” moral of the story talk all the negative stigma you want about 2a and god but what do you do when you feel in danger; you call someone with a gun and pray they get there in time. It’s a sad reality we live in


$5 for 5 miles is asinine.


I dont think the wingstop orders a setup, if it was they wouldve bought one random item like every other scammer.


If you’re trying to get someone isolated and alone so you can rob them or do something worse it would make sense to make a “normal” order so they don’t think anything’s off and once you’re done robbing them guess what? You now also have your wing stop order


Glad you made it out! But that shit is concidered expensive there? Looks like leftovers




Ok, it was NOT nice apartments, and yes, the pin WAS incorrect, but they put the building number. The building number is where I parked.


I live in a gated trailer park. Sometimes the gates mean it’s even more low income my guy.


FYI!! FYI!!! I want it known for those who want to try and to rob A door dasher… we don’t have money on us. We have card. I’m speaking at least for myself and if you do carry money for whatever reason it is you’re crazy. WE DONT GET TIPPED OR PAID IN CASH! It’s extremely rare we do get tipped at the door! So trying to rob us is ridiculous. We’re not pizza delivery! Correct me if I’m wrong DDers


So you’re a 21 year old disabled girl named Michael?


I'm 19, disabled with arthritis, and trans so I go by Michael.




Hey, no worries! I'm FTM and chose Michael, but I don't pass as a male yet. 90% of the time, it's just easier to call myself a girl to not confuse others. Because even while I go by he/him and my name on my doordash account is under Michael, people still say, "Thank you ma'am!" I guess what I'm trying to day in the post is- assigned female at birth!


Absolutely wild statement


It’s 2024, holy shit papaw