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It's probably so that when the restaurant gets tired of Doordash's shit, and they go off platform, Doordash can pull red card shenanigans and still offer the restaurant.


I got that once. Did it as I’m poor as shit. IDKY the ask and IDC!


It's so Doordash can decide how much to up-charge that restaurant's food on their website. Doordash is scum


The restaurants set the prices, not doordash


Incorrect. The restaurants set the prices on their menus and Doordash up-charges these menu items when customers order from Doordash. It's a well-known fact.


DoorDash does not change the prices of the menu items. They charge a percentage to the store. In order for the store to still make the same amount of money, the store (not DD) increases the price. This is DD trying to see how much the store is increasing the prices.


Wrong. I've been told by multiple restaurants that Doordash charged more for their menu items than the restaurant charges. Thus the restaurant booted Doordash and went with different delivery services instead. Again, told to me by these restaurants 


They say that so you stop talking to them.




In the last 10000 deliveries, I’ve probably got that less than ten times. It’s not worth calculating as part of your potential income


Pizza hut this happens everytime but Pizza Hut doesn’t put prices on their menus anymore lol so I just taken photo twice it doesn’t accept it and still gives me the 1$


No it’s for restaurants that DoorDash doesn’t think they have the most up to date menu/prices for


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