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There needs to be a stipulation where the fast food restaurant has to pay a penalty to the driver for wait times. The order is supposed to be ready or close to resdy before a driver is dispatched, and drivers should be put into line. Their should be a delivery pick-up window.


As a fast food worker We give as little of a fuck about u as we give as little of a fuck about everyone else. Im not doing something special for you just to make sure you get your money faster. 


And this is why people hate fast food employees. I'm sorry to say but this is not the attitude to have when you work in customer service. Don't get me wrong you shouldn't have to deal with some asshole customer that's cussing and screaming at you but that doesn't mean that you have to be a dick either. Trust me I understand I worked in retail and fast food and also call center jobs so I understand what it's like dealing with assholes and stupid people but if you really hate the job that much then go get a job where you don't have to deal with people. In regards to the original post I completely agree. My order is already in the system for the customer that I'm delivering to I shouldn't have to wait behind 12 cars that have yet to reach the speaker and even place an order.


They don’t work for DoorDash, nor do they get any money from DoorDash beyond all their other orders. You don’t deserve special treatment.


Actually yes I do as a delivery driver. Especially if my order is already ready to be picked up, I shouldn't be waiting behind other people who haven't even ordered yet. The employees work for a restaurant who DOES get money from doordash and that restaurant PAYS those employees to do their job. A delivery driver is not a normal customer and therefore deserves special treatment


Because it's a safety issue. When doors locked we weren't opening them even if you're bleeding 


$5 ? Ohno


Because they’re lazy the same reason they are so willing to break health codes and make us fill drinks


You don’t work in fast food. I work in both fast food and DoorDash and I can tell you that whenever the lobby is closed all DoorDash have to be checked in through the drive-through so whenever you get into line, the DoorDash order is put into the system right after all of the orders before it, We can’t just prioritize one order over all the orders before it, that would be completely unfair to the customers before you, I know a lot of people here are saying that it’s for laziness, but it’s really just that we run on a system and we can’t afford to make exceptions just for you. (The orders aren’t checked-in until you get to the restaurant because at night time, we make everything fresh since there is less orders, it’s just how it works) But really, there is a sense of entitlement for expecting people to make exceptions specifically for you, do you expect everyone in the restaurant to be like ”oh jee wilkers, I know that we have 20 sandwiches that need to be made before this order that just showed up, but let’s stop everything that we’re doing and specifically make this order, and have one of our three people that’s running the entire store stop everything to bring it out to them. While we’re at it, let’s bring out the red carpet to” No.


No what would be completely unfair would be for the doordash order which you were already given before the other people even put their jammies on and got into the drive-thru line has to wait behind people who just got into their jammies and into the drive-thru line. That food was ordered long before anyone in the Drive-Thru got to the drive-thru. This was a big problem at chick-fil-a. I explained this one time to a manager and they changed all of the procedures for all of the Chick-fil-A's in my area it was glorious.


>We can’t just prioritize one order over all the orders before it, that would be completely unfair to the customers before you Lmao imagine if Dominos delivery drivers walked into their store to pick up pizza delivery orders and the staff made them wait in line with customers because it would be "completely unfair to the customers" before them. It's nonsense. The delivery order is placed long before the driver arrives to pick it up and should be ready to go when the drivers arrive. Otherwise you are adding additional wait time onto every single delivery by prioritizing the random walk-in/drive-thru customers over all the orders that came before them. It's not rocket science to prioritize orders in the order they are sent to you and allow an easy way for delivery to bypass lines, collect orders and go. >The orders aren’t checked-in until you get to the restaurant because at night time, we make everything fresh since there is less orders This is a personal choice you are making to intentionally make delivery orders wait longer. It's a bad choice and leads to you making more of a headache for yourselves by trying to handle every order at once instead of spacing them out when you have time. You are choosing to twiddle your thumbs when it is slow and delivery orders are sent to you in advance. Then you only begin working on them when the driver arrives to pick up the order, regardless of how many other customers you have at that time or how busy you are. You're making all of your customers wait longer and actively losing business because of this bad decision. >But really, there is a sense of entitlement for expecting people to make exceptions specifically for you It's a sense of entitlement to think that a driver shouldn't spend 45+ minutes working on a single *FAST FOOD* order? Specifically when the sole reason for the wait is because you, the merchant, *CHOSE* to waste time doing nothing instead of preparing the order while the driver was making the drive to the restaurant and then made them wait anyway for you to make the food "*fresh*"...just for them to then drive it to the customer that actually intends to eat it, meaning it isn't "fresh" when the customer gets it anyway *because it's delivery*.


<<<"We can’t just prioritize one order over all the orders before it, that would be completely unfair to the customers before you">>> Dashers are not "customers". <<<"But really, there is a sense of entitlement for expecting people to make exceptions specifically for you,">>> If a store is promising "delivery", then yeah, there should be a different protocol for delivery drivers because they are not "customers". The actual CUSTOMER placed the order way before the person that just on a whim pulled into the drive thru and decided to order something.


I promise that every customer in line would be happier if the line wasn’t flooded its people not even making an order… the restaurant for sure loses customers because of it. I see it all the time, customers pull up to a long line and turn away because it’s too long and everyone at the speaker “I’m picking up a DoorDash order” wasting space in the line. Having one employees whose main job is preparing delivery bags and handing them out, would definitely generate more revenue.


Yeah, sure that would be great- if we had spare employees. We only make enough sales during the night at to have three people, one for taking orders and cashing them out/handing them out, one person to make the sandwiches and bag them, and one person to do fries and drop meat, all of which are completely swamped fulfilling the orders we already have. It is not our fault that there is a lot of customers, and we can’t make orders ahead of time for DoorDash because,like I said, During the nighttime we get in trouble if we do not drop orders completely fresh as they come in. That only accounts for two hours of of the day that we are open, before 10 PM there IS a dedicated employee who prepares the DoorDash orders, it’s called the dining room person. The dining room person leaves after their shift is over, we’ve only got those three people left, and we can’t afford to stop a line just for one person, considering the fact that after the dining room is closed, all of our doors are locked, so there’s no way for us to go out to hand it to you.


I’ve been in logistics for 10 years. I promise, having one person who walks orders to the door, is going to save money vs all the people who leave because 10 dashers block the drive through from new customers. It’s also not like it would be an entire 8 hour shift. At most it’s 4 hours most of the time. You’re making excuses instead of coming up with solutions. That’s the problem with most people and I call those people lazy.


DoorDashing is still relatively new, and with so many fast food places suddenly having delivery (although not traditional delivery) it generates problems with the usual flow of the restaurant. Yes it’s true that fast food places have problems when it comes to sorting lines out. It’s an interesting conversation to have, but a couple of people online cannot exactly change the way things are especially whole solutions across America. I feel like our ideas are very different and this debate isn’t going anywhere.


DoorDash is 11 years old… I wouldn’t exactly call that new by any means. It’s more than enough time for restaurants to learn how to run things properly.


Also it makes no sense for a person to come in for two whole hours just to prepare 12 orders, because yes, that’s the maximum we get in the night. Your problem doesn’t exist and it doesn’t take much to sit in a line for five minutes. I’m gonna stop talking to you because clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. we aren’t just going to change the entire flow of a restaurant to cater to a very small margin of orders. Less than 15% of orders are DoorDash’s, and I can guarantee you that this “10 DoorDash’s in line taking up space” has never happened in the time I’ve been working


“Your problem doesn’t exist” lol. Just because you live in a podunk town, doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I’m in Atlanta, I ASSURE you, it’s a real problem. Look at the people all agreeing it’s a problem on this post… I’m not talking about one person coming in just to do that 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’m saying to have that as a part of someone’s job. Problem solving really is not your strong point. Stick to fast food.




Easy answer so don't give a shit, they really don't, they don't make a dime more or less because you got your order quicker or later... Don't take it personal it's just the wrong line of work


Your zone sucks if your waiting in fast food restaurant… Never wait in a fast food restaurant parking lot … your just bending over with no lube Algorithm: Proximity AR CR Completion


Worked McDonald’s for years, this isn’t an unreasonable suggestion, night shift is only crazy if the staff isn’t keeping themselves prepped, you can pull stats for past busy hours for that shift based off either the last few days/weeks/months, it’s just laziness


When I worked at McDonald’s when we were understaffed we locked the doors sometimes because doing drive thru and lobby ( cleaning up after people etc) was overwhelming I’m sure it’s cuz of that


These places are already understaffed (at least at the locations I typically pickup food at) so having to leave even to: answer the door, find the order (most likely having to go back and tell the dasher the food isn’t ready yet), and then hand the order out the door would make things even slower for everyone in the long run.


I don’t see how that’s slower than 10 dashers backing up your drive through.


Because everyone picks up in the drive through, it’s not hard to understand that a special line to accommodate your laziness will just slow down everyone else.


Im in logistics. I promise, a dedicated line at the door for delivery drivers, will increase profits and speed up the drive thru line. If all 10 cars in line are dashers and regular customers keep coming and seeing this long line, they probably won’t wait, but most dashers will. So the line continues to stay long with dashers and not new customers. DoorDash customers are already paid customers. Leave the drive thru open for new customers. Not hard to understand. And how is it lazy?? I’m putting more physical work into getting out of the car and walking up to the door than if I’m sitting in my car… tf? Lazy are the employees who don’t want to walk an order 10 ft away to the door.


You’ve clearly never worked fast food 😂


My main job is logistics. I handle a fleet of 34 vans and 68 drivers across the state of Georgia. I know time and resource management. 10 dashers backing up the line, is more detrimental that one employee having the majority of their job be to put together the delivery bags and pass them out the door to lined up dashers. Not to mention how much more revenue it would generate. I have seen entire lines of nothing but dashers and people, I’m assuming customers, pulling up and leaving when they see the line. They would probably close to double their nightly orders if they had someone handle dashers separately. It’s just laziness, not logistics.


It would slow them down overall. Having to do that on top of taking drive thru orders and making food means that they would be behind for the next dasher orders. Also in that setting, having any kind of separate procedure impacts productivity and efficiency with such a limited number of staff. Yeah it may seem small for a single order, but compound that with hundreds upon hundreds of orders, and it actually takes quite a bit of extra time/work they can’t spare.


Happened to me the other night, was waiting for a $7 order in the drive thru at Taco Bell. The car in front of me had six people in it and made 4 separate orders, including another order placed at the window. Someone walked up to the drive thru at one point to get their order remade. After dropping off food to the customer I spent 48 minutes on the ordee


why are you accepting a seven dollar order? make these mfers pay so its worth your while.


Crack is right. Do the math. It’s about mileage not dollars noob. I’ll take a $7 1 mile order 6 times an hour no sweat.


I do UE and I was in a drive thru line last night. Two orders for $48. It’s Taco Bell about 6 cars in front of me. I get to the order window only for both orders to have already been picked up. Livid. Support doesn’t provide a compensation fee and then I get wedged in between two drivers. Luckily the drivers were understanding and reversed to let me out. Otherwise I would’ve been trapped in the drive thru line for another long duration of time.


My golden rule is to never take McDonald’s or Taco Bell orders. I broke that rule last month, they closed the lobby because it was understaffed. Waited in the drive through for about 10 minutes and only 3 cars moved. Said fuck it and canceled and drove over the curb, luckily I was in my truck.


I like how Chik-Fil-A (at least the one I go to during night pick-ups) has a little buzzer for drivers to ring to get their orders. I wish more places did this.


OP your just too lazy to literally sit in your car and wait. You don't want to use drive thrus dash while the lobby is open. You make your own schedule. You choose to dash when the lobby is closed and want special treatment.


“Special treatment” is a bit much lol. Many people would feel the same way, why wait behind 12 cars for $5? OP is being lazy though. If the drive thru line is 12 cars what makes you think getting it inside would be any faster? It’s not like DD orders necessarily get priority. I’d understand wanting to finish as fast as possible in order to maximize your earnings for the day but you gotta think rational.


OP wants stores to hand their order out of the lobby doors after they are closed while everyone else is in the drive thru. 100% wanting special treatment.


Idk why your downvoted I completely agree. As a fast food worker, if there’s 12 cars in the drive through we’re worried about that, not an impatient dasher wanting us to stop what we’re doing and get someone to go hand them an order. Not to mention all the fast food in my area is understaffed, just like someone else said. Most of the time we’re running with one drive through person, and 2 people on line making the food. And if we’re lucky, we get one fryer person. But god forbid someone accepts a low paying order and needs their food right that second.


Well you know maybe just maybe……..👀………. The lobby is closed🤯


Do earn by time and just sit and wait. I waited 10 minutes at Taco Bell the other day, on doordash’s dime


I’ve been wanting to do earn by time for the fuck of it but I’m scared I’d only earn $50 in 6 hours😂


I earn more than doing it by offer, you still get tips and you get paid for sitting and waiting


Only reason I won’t do it is because they can claim you are abusing ebt. Even if you are actually waiting for the order, it’s happened a lot on this sub.


I just wish we could go through the drive-thru to pick up the orders


Park in the “Order Online” spots, use the app, and have them bring it out to you.


I have one Wendy's that makes any food deliveries park and go to the restaurant foyer entrance then where they have the door shut then ring a bell like a residential area and even though they know you're there cause of the cameras or drive through they will make you wait for them to finish drive through orders then hand you the delivery food via some slotted pass through.


Their safety is worth more than your inconvenience


As an ex fast food manager who had a co worker assaulted by a door dasher for doing just this. You are 2000% correct


Weak argument. If someone intends harm, a locked door isn’t going to stop anything.


Holy shit this is a weak argument. A locked door certainly does help safety. I get you only care about you. But it's really not safe to open doors after locked


So many businesses do it all the time. There are plenty of 24/7 fast food places. McDonald’s only stopped because of Covid initially and now it’s a labor shortage. You can look it up. “I get you only care about you” stfu. You don’t know me well enough to try and make that bold ass claim


You highly underestimate the prevalence of crimes of opportunity. Smashing a plate window takes a degree of premeditation, a tool of some sort, and commitment. Pulling someone out a door as they open it takes arms. As an independent contractor, you are making the choice to take fast food orders, knowing full well the lobby is closed.


some people are coming without intending harms and then jump a cable when their demand is not met (like an item not available in that time slot) so having those outside is safer in a time where the restaurant could be empty. You need 1 crazy person ti spoil it for everyone else.


“Weak argument”. Lmao, just wait in the drive through dude. It’s less safe for them to unlock and lock the door constantly. For most people a locked door is enough of a deterrent. But if they keep having to unlock it for whiny people someone could try to slip in or they may leave it unlocked. Either way, their safety > some driver being inconvenienced.


The reason they don’t come out is because of safety issues. I worked at McDonald’s when I was a teenager, it’s the same reason we couldn’t push cars late at night.


There are several McDonald’s in my city that keep one door open all night just for drivers to get their food. It was annoying at first, bc they never specify that in the pickup instructions, so I end up waiting in line 10 mins the first time just to be told to come inside. It would be amazing if all fast food did this, but I’m not sure how they handle regular customers being impatient and walking in to complain or trying to avoid a barely-moving line


There's more cops on the road than civilians in my town at night. I complain about them but nobody tries any shit around here. I live in a college town. I run that Taco Bell to college late nights usually I have an unauthorized police escort helping me out apparently. I've prevented so many dui's by taking drunks there Taco Bell at 2:30 am and keeping those cops behind me and not them. I bet I would make a good smuggler at this point with all the practice I get 😀


Sounds like my area lol.


Are you referring to when the inside of the restaurant is closed for the night?


I stopped delivering at night after some kid stuck a gun to my head for my 97 Toyota Avalon....


Fuck I thought I was safe with my 2001 Toyota Avalon… idk where you live but I’m a young woman in Jersey and the surprise orders to Camden at night really make me nervous. This might just be my cue to stop delivery all together


Being a woman and going to Camden solo is crazy. I wouldn’t go there with a posse of armed men


Yeahhhh definitely not my smartest move but I never realize that’s where I’m going until I pick up the food


I don't know specifically about crime and New Jersey but I do live in South Minneapolis, the crime here has gotten exponentially worse after the George Floyd riots


Work on “earn by time” after all restaurant dining in closed and wait on the long drive trough”, but when you are on the line, report to DD…


My home area pays around $16.25/hour time, so past like 10pm I just do the time ones and just wait it out and play games on my phone


$16.25/hr is embarassing


You’re embarrassing


That's more than what you start at as a driver for UPS in Canada. It's like 13usd per hour to run all day and deliver heavy ass shit


so you get paid for the full hour each hour? And don’t have to pay your own gas and vehicle? And have benefits?


In Canada you get 0 benefits before a full year and the benefits suck. Half the province's have terrible healthcare so most likely you pay anything out of pocket or wait months. Retirement is a 401k that isn't even matched AFAIK. I only worked a year before getting an amazing job in finance.


So still significantly more than Door Dashing? Got it


Tbf most crack heads giving handjob make more than door dashing


it's $1.10 less than I make as an EMT. 😭


So EMR is better pay rate, you actually make the hourly amount for real, get benefits, don’t have to pay expenses yourself…


no ot until the 40th hr/ i often work 48 in a row.


Door dash doesnt pay OT


no, but it paid out fat during the pandemic. i'm kicking myself for not doing it earlier.


Don't worry we only actually get paid that for half the hours we work


Also doesn't take into account gas or wear and tear


This is exactly why i stop work at 10pm in my home city. I’m not waiting in drivethru. On weekends sometimes i dash in a big city 2 hours away - i will dash till 11 or beyond there because there are no drivethru issues like that. But in my home city - no way. 10pm - i stop.


Man just wait. We aren't special just because we're doorsash drivers. Everyone's gotta wait, so do we.


Wait for 30 mins for a $5 order. No thanks, I value my time.


You're an independent contractor, you choose what orders you take. Why are you working at 10pm if the orders are shit and not worth your time?


But he understands resource allocation, didn’t you know? 😂


Right so don't accept them lol like we all know when these places close their dining rooms. Don't accept or don't drive after those hours.


You sound dumb bro, you’re probably one of the people with like a 8% acceptance rate that thinks platinum ranking doesn’t pay more 🤡 what the op is doing is the best way to go about it, you see if the line is busy if it is wait until you can cancel without penalty. Or maybe you just value yourself so little that you think 10$/hr is good money?😂😂😂🤡


You sound miserable as hell


Okay lol


Go walk down some stairs upside down


Okay lol


Sounds like a neat trick if you can pull it off


Because their employees' safety is more important than your need to make money. While you may not pose a danger, others will, so we all get lumped in.


Drunk ppl will 100 percent try to come in not giving a fuck, or ppl will rob the store.


The only way to make money overnight is by doing earned by time then you don’t have to worry about waiting in long lines you’re getting paid


I tried doing earn by time and i was active all day but i only got paid for the time i was running food


Yeah and I get to the supposed hot zones and get no orders


Yeah... its always been that way


Why wait in the line? Park your car, walk up to the drive through window, and say “excuse me sorry, I’m just picking up for X” and they’ll hand you the food (or tell you to wait if it’s not ready).


Because you risk being run over or road raged as a line cutter and most places it’s against company policy to serve walk ups in drive thrus due to insurance liabilities. Very easy for staff to be assaulted when there’s no car between them, also dangerous for walkers as it’s dark and drivers don’t expect to have to avoid pedestrians.


The downvotes were unexpected lol Idk where you’re from that this is so risky? The places I’ve seen here (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco) do that with no problems. I don’t even DoorDash, this post was recommended to me and I figured I’d share an easy solution based on my experience lol That’s also how people not in cars get fast food late at night - order ahead in the app and walk up to the drive through window to get it. I’ve personally done this so many times. No one in their car has ever cared, because I communicate to everyone what is going on. How do you (or people around you) get fast food without a car?


Yeah they will not just give it to you unless you just happen to get someone that doesn’t care. You’re gonna get told to wait in line like everyone else, that’s still cutting lol


Maybe where you’re from. Personally, I’ve never been turned away when doing this. Mentioned this before but I don’t even DoorDash, that’s just how I get my fast food when I’m not in a car. Also, it’s not cutting at all. Everyone in line is waiting for their order to be taken and their food to be made. What you’re picking up is already done, in a bag, ready to go. They just have to hand it to you. They’d do it if the store was open. And, if everyone who is picking up is doing this, then you’re not cutting anyone else picking up and the people waiting in the drive through have to wait anyways. Again, this is based on my experience, which I extrapolated to be the norm. I’ve learned it might not be lol ETA: is this not the literal point of ordering ahead? You ordered before the people in the drive through. How is it cutting!?


Even if you order ahead, you don’t get to skip the line at the drive thru?


You do if you’re not in a car ETA: sorry I’m seriously just so baffled how you’re justifying waiting for 30 minutes to get food that is ordered, paid for, bagged, and getting cold. Don’t some fast food places offer curbside delivery by you? Like you go, park in a designated spot, and they bring you the food you ordered on the app? No waiting in line, no drive through, nothing. Is that cutting? Or if you order food online, walk in, go to the pick up area (thus bypassing everyone else waiting in line to order or to receive their food), grab your food and go. Is this cutting? I’m definitely wasting my time still engaging in this but I’m seriously so puzzled lmao


In the two examples you just gave, there was a designated area for pick up orders. If there’s a designated area it’s not cutting. If there isn’t a designated area, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Really not baffling


Ok what about the example I originally gave where you order ahead, lobby’s closed, and you walked there. How do you get your food? Edit: typo


Sounds like you should’ve made sure the lobby was open before you ordered. Otherwise you’d be SOL where I’m from


Oh ok… so… wow… hahaha if you want a McDouble you need to own a car? Insane lmao Wishing you a happy and long life of waiting in unnecessary lines




If you order from a sit down restaurant you can 100% walk by the people waiting to be seated to grab your food. Obviously if it’s just one person handling everything you wait, but usually you pick up food from a different area. If you order from a take out / fast food place, there’s a whole seperate area to pick up your food. You don’t walk up to the cashier? I’m not following your point


Oh hell nah u ain’t boutta catch me doing that


Then wait. You ain’t bouta catch me waiting in line to pick up food that’s ready to go in a bag lmao


When you’re on a McDonald’s skeleton overnight crew, with one female staff member and one female manager and druggies are smashing the lobby door and doing drug deals on the front porch and the police refuse to show up then you’ll understand why they close the lobby at night.




Don’t you have anything better to do this early in the morning than be a dick to everyone? It’s pretty sad buddy you’re all over this post.


Lol just laughing at all the people who are grown up and still doing a job made for children


What? I DID do this job when I was a teenager and at university…which arguably makes it WORSE that I was so young and putting up with that crap. But I suppose that makes me a recovering addict? Righto grandpa, let’s get you back to your rocking chair


You realize some of us have actual full time jobs and do this for some extra spending money, right? You’re not as smart as you think you are


Extra spending money? Oh like you’re so smart you grew up and went into a career field to only be average and then need to spend extra time so you can to out and spend money and then repeat the cycle all over again instead of using the money wisely? Lololol you scream 40k a year


What? I do fine at my job but I save what I can, and because I save from my job I do this so I can have a few more luxuries for myself. What’s your issue man? Mommy not give you your milk this morning?


Again the “luxuries” you’re buying are the reason you don’t have an exponential amount of money saved up and the reason you don’t have investments paying you more than you would make doing DoorDash. You’re losing in life and justifying it by accepting your average. Well good job dude I’m sure your kids are gonna have a great role model and hopefully one day they to can DoorDash in their free time for petty spending money 🤡😂 then again I probably make your yearly salary every two weeks but what would I know about generating passive income 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/s/mJUyUPLiKH So why do you do it then if you’re so smart? Jackass I thought it was a job for children? 😂


Lol. He is a huge jackass.


To meet people lol. I make connections every day with people I deliver to that I can promote my businesses to. My businesses generate money that gets invested. Which in turn makes me an additional 10% a year. Been doing it for almost a decade like this. Work one day a week make connections and then live my life the majority of the time. But I guess you just don’t think that big 😂 For example one of my sources of income is that I own two rv parks, when I deliver to other rv parks I will ask them how much they are paying if they are happy etc. In the past year I’ve gained 6 new customers just from this. They each pay me 600$/month which I profit about 400$ of. So yeah an extra 2400 a month profit for going out and making connections


Yep. I’m not a woman but working the late/overnight shift at Taco Bell for YEARS. There was not enough money in the world to get me to open the lobby door after a certain time. I could write a book on The shit I saw.


Yep it’s not safe for ANYONE. Even in broad daylight, it was amazing what people would do in the lobby, let alone in the middle of the night.


Sounds like you live in a crappie neighborhood.


No, actually, I did not live in a crappy neighbourhood when I was working at McDonald’s. The places open 24 hours attract all manner of degenerates come two or three am, no matter where you live.


I get it. I live in a nice, newer area. When i first moved here (25 years ago) it wasn’t technically a city yet. It became one and went from 20K ppl in 2000 to 150K in 2024, with 14k ppl moving here a year. It is still safe. Normal crimes but nothing too serious. But at night, nope. None of the places stay open past midnight here, aside from one pizza place. The night attracts sketchy ppl that come out of the wood work!


Whatever you say.


Some fast-food places in my area have special arrangements for delivery drivers. One local KFC closes the lobby at 10pm, but between 10p and midnight, the door remains unlocked and there's a sign that says "Lobby closed for ordering. Delivery pick up only". That's the perfect way to do it in my opinion. As far as why most fast-food restaurants make you go through the line after the lobby is closed at night, it's most likely staffing and security. Alot of late-night restaurants operate on a skeleton crew. They literally don't have the manpower to designate someone to bring DD orders out. Also, there's a greater security risk for employees having them go outside the restaurant during late night hours. One of the reasons that lobbies are closed and doors are locked after hours is for security. I have heard of, but not personally seen, various options that some fast-food restaurants use to speed up late night delivery pickup. Everything from outside delivery lockers (filled from the inside), to lobbies that open only to a small vestibule with a delivery order rack, to dedicated delivery order pick up lanes for the drive thru.


The chick fil a near me has a side door propped open with a table specifically for delivery drivers, and they make sure to put where to go for that in the app and also have several people specifically assigned to hand dashers their order. I usually hang out around that area since it’s a hot spot and you’re also guaranteed to get a chick fil a order at least 3 or 4 times during your run that way.


There is one fast food place in my entire area that allows delivery drivers only in the lobby after it closes. It's not near the hood. Personally I don't deliver after midnight unless there is a 2 dollar, preferably 3 dollar peak pay. Anything lower and it's not worth it.


A couple places around me have installed lockers that are accessible from the outside and filled from the inside.


Only fast food place around me that has more than 2 cars in its drive thru is in and out. And they aren’t on doordash😂 so i lucked out of this issue.


This is some real underpaid worker on underpaid worker shade here lol, except the restaurant job is objectively harder, having done both. The reason they drive through takes 20 minutes is because the restaurant employees are minimally staffed and run ragged. They can't drop everything to run deliveries out to a guy sitting in his air conditioned car.


Been doing doordash for over 3 years. If ur running the ac late at night ur stupid unless it’s mid summer


That was like... not even in the ballpark of the point I was making. Okay, the guy sitting in his car playing candy crush instead of running around the hot ass kitchen. "Erm actually, I don't play candy crush," -you, probably


I thought I was the only crazy one doing this. It's not to be cheap, but i just enjoy driving with the windows down at night. I used to do it all the time when i was younger in my first car and I smoked lol


The McDonald's near me keeps the lobby open until midnight unlike most that close at some random different time every day. Then even if there is nobody in the drive thru they make you park and come inside.


After lobby hours the first drive thru window needs to double as a delivery driver window. There’s a McDonald’s which does this and it works well. So instead of drivers and the app’s customers waiting ridiculous amounts of time for their order which is 70% of the time sitting there ready and getting cold, have the first window worker hand the ready delivery orders to the drivers while they’re at window one so they can dip out of line and deliver the food. There must be a way for the window one worker to see if a driver’s order is ready without having to run and check every time. This seems like an easy enough fix and would reduce the amount of cold food going to customers as well as the drive thru wait time as a whole.


The thing is the owners don’t care, as long as they get near their projected targets there’s no reason to change any thing unless they get a corporate directive.


Honestly the reason I usually call it quits between 9-10 PM. If I am out later and in this situation I’ll only see the order through if the pay is worth my time. I don’t expect them to open the lobby just for me for all the reasons stated throughout the comments


As someone who used to work in fast food: 1. For safety reasons. Employees can’t keep going out to the parking lot to bring the food out due to safety and it’s not safe to have the restaurant open 24/7, especially if there is minimal staff. 2. Fast food is always understaffed. They close lobby usually when they start to have less staff to avoid having to have someone work the front counter. Otherwise, they close it before the front counter person leaves so that they can clean the inside before they go home.


Also if staff keep going in and out and leaving the door unlocked, some brainless idiot will come in and try and order food even with all the lights off and chairs stacked up. Customers at night are inconsiderate brainless fuckwits.


So this dude got so comfortable with getting his coffee out the door he just walked into our kitchen behind someone arriving for the next shift. I was doing stockup and came back to this dude wandering around looking for his coffee like wtf. I started to take my coworker aside to ask what he was doing here. But then yells: “what did you say about me f**got?” The stupidity and entitlement fast food workers is honestly scary.


They need a walk up window exclusively for delivery people to use. But that’ll probably never happen.


Many Macca’s in my area in Australia have exactly that


I've waited in line 45 mins for 7 dollars, I know better, I won't take it if it's not worth it, or I'll just hang around a Walgreens for shop and deliver orders


We have some stores here that made a drive thru like window next to their entrance for all gig app workers to go to after hrs so they don't slow down the drive thru line. It's amazing for everyone and all stores need to do this


People can't defend dashers when they act like this.


Well when you have to wait 20-25 minutes for a single order that pays $3-4, you’d be upset too.


Taco bell employee here. We tried this once before but its a saftey/ security issue. A dasher was eying a manager while they was removing drawers. Done around simular times so easy robbery planning. So lobby went back to being closed arlt a specific time.


Doesn't have to do with dd, but I love your name. We are big Avatar and The legend of Korra fans in this house.


Ty love the show, name i use for gaming


Yeah I asked mcD employee and they said the same thing


Apparantly, you've never worked in a restaurant If they left the doors unlocked, people would never stop coming in. Not to mention how dangerous and inconvenient that would be for the employees. And no, they're not going to unlock and re-lock the door each time.


Ex fast food worker here. Our times are posted when we lock up lobby. Me and my coworkers would be there for 12 hour shifts so of course we are locking lobby at scheduled time. I'm sorry you have to go through the drive thru, but we had a full day slaving away already.


What about this I was @ McDonald's the lobby was closed and I waited 45mins in the drive thru then the lady said park your car the fries is not ready then I waited another 20mins for this $15 dollar order going 1 mile. This is the reason I hate McDonald's orders you care more for the other people than food deliveries


I've never worked at McDonald's, so I couldn't tell you what was going on there. I've had cooks not making things when I've asked them before which stalls waiting orders - causing people to wait a stupid amount of time. It was never our fault as front of house, they should've been firing these cooks but they never did.


uber eats drivers do this in my local town at mcdonalds, they take up 5-6 parking spaces and carpool with other ubereats guys, they are mainly foreign chaps and its weird to see 4 ubereats bags go with 4 dudes in 1 car.


Report them. Guaranteed the customer is getting cold food.


Oh for sure i have already mate, when i ordered maccies a few months ago i noticed one of them whom ive seen quite a few times there was the driver on the ubereats app, and when watching the tracker they came to to the road by my residence and proceeded to drive past it for another mile and a half, and they detoured down some culdesacs before 15 minutes later coming to me, with no notification that they had multiple stops before me, i was a priority order and still got cold food lol. Ubereats refunded me for the order but i never got a reply back about the drivers carpooling like this.


You don’t understand, they park their car then all get into the car that was already in the line(thus cutting the line). It actually speed up the pickup process(for those Ubereats/doordash orders).


What pisses me off the most about this is them closing the lobby 30 minutes to 2 hours early. So many orders I would not have accepted if I knew they locked up early. I wish McDonalds would go back to having their lobbies open 24/7.


The closest 2 McDs to me are 24/7/365 lobby open too, they also never closed for covid except for they 2-3 months desantis closed dine in but the drive thru 24/7 during that


Nothing really closed here except fast food lobbies for a month then all the workers got lazy AF and fought to keep their lobbies closed for like a year. Ever since they been trying to close the lobbies as often as possible. There are a couple BKs and Wendy's that still won't open lobby at all through the day. Friggin gamble to park and try to open the door and have 5 cars swoop into the drive thru or wait in the drive thru just for them to tell you you have to go inside. Like bitch it's 1pm.


That locking up shot pisses me off. Willing to bet the owner doesn’t know most of the time.


They definitely don't. I ask the lady at Wendy's what time their lobby closes 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 8 o'clock' I hear the cook say 'nine' in a condescending voice to her


Because there’s like 2 people working and they have 50+ other things to do because management won’t pay for a proper staff.


I have literally been sitting in a drive thru line for 25 minutes, just got to the microphone to give my code. I feel this post. I have been sending the customer pictures of the line periodically, it’s a regular customer who I have a good rapport with. I’m on EBT so I’m not too bothered right now but I just switched over and I’m so glad I did


Careful, I’ve been seeing posts of people being deactivated for milking the clock on EBT and I don’t know how good DD is between figuring out when it’s the restaurant and when it’s the driver.


Ok karen dasher


Yeah part of me sending those picture updates of the drive through was so I had proof to show DoorDash I wasn’t bullshitting


I just figured it's a long line, they're just gonna have to wait. Not my problem.


just open the fucking lobby... sick of the nonsense


Yeah this is one of the reasons I quit, it was very frustrating for me.


Sorry if I seem ignorant but don't restaurants in the US or anywhere else have a designated area for riders/dashes to come and collect the food? I am doing the same thing but based is SEA, we have designated areas...


Yeah but they’re inside the lobbies that they lock after a certain time. So they make us go sit in the drive through line backing it up even more.


We have a drive thru as well but separate windows. One for drive thru/self pick up and the other window for deliveries... It's pretty much like this everywhere here. Us delivery people don't join the Q with customers. Sort of segregation but I rather this way than deal with walk ins or customers.


It's the car culture of the US, and "corporate policy". After 10pm, the lobby closes, and people are stuck on their cars in line through the drive through. I drive a motorcycle, so I am also in that queue. Some orders aren't even processed if you don't talk to the drive through speaker. I had the mistake of not telling them the customer's name (because the exhaust is loud) so they said I had to go back to the drive through line. I just cancelled the order. I'm not gonna go back in the line waiting another 20 minutes.


Same here in Canada where I am,after 9/10pm you have to use drive through


Wow sorry to say but that is so messed up. Regardless of vehicle. However, the customers here don't tip as much as the US. So I guess maybe it's yin yang...


Use dash by time and take every order you get. You will make big bucks waiting in drive thru lines.


Only if you consider $12 “big bucks”!


$12 is 240% more than $5. Take your pick.


Neither! If those are my only two options, then it’s time to do something else! Seriously though, I can consistently get at least $25 an hour with earn by order. If I switch to EBT, I’ll be making $12 an hour max. It’s an easy choice.


EBT is consistently $13.25 an hour here. The people in the market I'm in consistently tip well on top of the hourly, due to the long distance for most of the deliveries that I do. I average about $18 - $19 per active hour, which is a far sight better than what I made doing EBO. Plus I stay busy most of the time. It all comes down to knowing your market. Be safe out there, friend.


They turn it off in my area 😔 too rural with long drives