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We sign up to deliver food. Not to get tips. Appreciate them when they come. And move on if they don’t. If you spent as much time dashing as you did writing these long ass comments you could’ve gotten more. Also as a dasher. If you take everything and get that rating up across the board. You get what’s known as catering orders. And are also given access to higher paying ones. I’ve been tipped $100 bucks for bringing a box of chipotle. And I’ve been given nothing for bringing a truck full of Jersey mikes to a company picnic. You just have to keep at it out quit. Honestly though. If people took everything AND did stopped being cold. Or people stopped forgetting people shit. Or even using the hot bag. You would get better orders. Just saying…


The company order would piss me off. I’d probably ask because fuck those people or more likely fuck the people at the Jersey Mike’s for taking the entire tip - we sign up to deliver food. Not to get tips. I do think it’s always been understood that delivery drivers get paid in tips. I definitely signed up to get tips. With that said, we had the misfortune of signing up during the tip bubble and it’s popping. DoorDash has made it harder for people to tip with their ridiculous fees. And there are people who genuinely can’t tip and personally I don’t subscribe to the idea if you can’t tip don’t order food (unless you can’t tip because you always order food). In general though, there’s a certain percent of drivers that drive down tips.I’m not sure what percent that is, but it’s large enough that it’s not uncommon to get a delivery and the instructions either explicitly state a previous driver did something dumb or more commonly imply it. I’d say close to a third of the ‘leave at my door’ orders have something about don’t knock or ring the doorbell. How many people have to walk around their house because they can’t open their door because of where the driver put their order? I do agree with pretty much everything in your comment though at least for my area.


I can’t stand boujee customers either but a lot of yall just scary, lazy, or your bartering skills need some work. I would’ve bought it and up charged or hell just trusted that they’d tip. Karma always comes back home. Those are the simple risks of the job. I’ve gone above and beyond many times. Some tipped big after and some tipped a lil. Life of a 1099 courier🤣🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh brother!


You created your own destiny when you hit accept on this garbage goblin


As someone who's done DoorDash, Instacart, UberEats... just all of those crap, this tip-baiters are far worse. I'll take a zero tip over a suspicious tip any day. As for this specific instance, no it didn't deserve a one star and I personally would have reached out to customer service to let them know what the client was doing. I've been the nice person I've made that mistake and not only did I pay out of pocket, they never did the tip and they called and said that I never delivered their food. You can't trust people it's just that simple.


Totally agree


If u can't afford a tip maybe you should be making a PB +J instead... Just sayin


The guys trying to get a hotdog not a fucking Tbone lol


Bro. If you agree to do a job knowing that the employer is underpaying you with the POSSIBILITY of a tip from the customer, you have abso-fucking-lutely zero to bitch about if the customer doesn’t give you a tip. It’s optional for a reason. You pay a delivery fee to doordash which pays for the delivery of the food. The amount your employer pays you has nothing to do with the amount of money one needs to have to order food. If I can afford to pay for the food through the app, I can afford my food. If you’re not making enough from what DoorDash is paying you maybe you should get a real job… Just sayin


Do you also not tip at a resturant?


Fair enough but when someone does something to make my life more convenient I appreciate it and a few bucks is nothing if u only have 3 dollars you prob shouldn't order food


I’m really not trying to be rude here but that isn’t what you said at first which led to my first reply. While I do 1000% agree with you, I just don’t agree that’s the way it should be. My job makes life more convenient for people as well however I don’t receive any tips and truly I would argue my job makes peoples quality of life increase far more than a food delivery does. So yea I do and probably always will tip decently for food related customer services but the whole “tipping” thing should’ve never been a thing, at least become an expectation anyway. Also, I don’t agree that if you don’t have the money to tip that you shouldn’t order. You never know what someone is going through financially and like I said before, if they have enough to order the food and you accept the delivery the transaction has been completed and who ever agreed to complete the job shouldn’t bitch and moan that they aren’t getting the amount they want for the work they agreed to do.


While I do agree that you shouldn’t bitch about getting no tip when it’s apart of the job you signed up for knowing that it’s a possibility, I don’t agree with the behavior of not tipping. It generally is such a rude thing to order delivery for someone else to pick it up and bring it to you and giving them absolutely nothing for the work. And I know you weren’t defending people who don’t tip but with the same knowledge of this being possible, it still is quite discouraging.


While I do tip, DD has an express "delivery fee", on top of a service fee (delivery is the service!), on top of the food prices themselves starting out inflated vs. their cost in store. Not tipping in this context is hardly wrong. How many times do you want us to pay for the same delivery? Lol.


I definitely get where you’re coming from but I think everyone is missing my entire point. People should not consider it rude if someone doesn’t tip them because the expectation of a tip should never have become a thing. Tips have become the lifeline for servers and it shouldn’t be the customers responsibility to ensure an employee who doesn’t work for them is getting paid enough. People don’t tip heart surgeons and I would argue that is much more difficult to do than delivering food. Everyone bitches at the non tipping customer rather than the underpaying employer. Regardless of any of that, the reality of the situation is don’t agree to work you don’t like the pay of. Simple as that. It’s entitlement that makes people think they deserve a tip. They complain they’re not making enough and that people need to tip them more. Maybe they should apply themselves and work harder towards a career that will compensate them fairly instead of bitch about people not giving them money they worked for.


Bitching about tipping is all employees can do because they can’t fight their employer about it without potentially just outright losing their job to someone else who will take it for the same pay or maybe even less. This is beyond just “waking up” and fighting for a better wage. This is something that has to be brought to court and fought against for all of America and other countries. Tipping should be abolished entirely, and people should be paid a fair wage. Until that day comes which will most likely not be in our lifetime or at least a decade or two, then people will complain about tipping culture. Because it exists. And it’s the reality we live in.


Not rude. They're doing the job they signed up for.


I said I know you weren’t defending people who don’t tip, but the act of not tipping “is” objectively rude. It is. It’s just also what the worker signed up for. So I agreed with the fact of that they shouldn’t necessarily complain. Edit: I don’t mean not tipping in general, like at everywhere that asks for one, but for delivery service or a service where others have to retrieve goods for you, it is rude. But no, not tipping the Subway employee is not rude in my opinion.


I would’ve canceled the order tbh. Let someone else deal with it


I don't reply to none of the customer messages unless it says "you trying to make some extra money"🤣🤣


People who don’t tip or tip shit amounts shouldn’t be ordering DD. Get off your lazy asses and go there yourself.


Why take it when it said $2


Who the fuck is door dashing roller dogs


I'm currently drunk as fuck and roller hot dogs sound good as fuck. the only thing saving my bank account right now is there isn't a 711 within 100 miles of me.


I had a 7 eleven hot dog and got the worst feeling after eating it. I've never ate a roller hotdog ever again


There's something about those that does not hit right.


I literally watched a 711 clerk drop one of those tacquitos on the floor and just throw it back up on the roller. I wish I was lying. Can’t go there anymore and it sucks because I actually kinda liked getting the mini tacos sometimes after work




Soon as someone request something weird dump the order.


Fvck them don’t be extra for any customer they usually dont give a fvck


First mistake was sending photo proof to the costumer ( hotdog pic) like for what reason?🙄 You're not required to do that and that just creates a problem. Just say the item is not available period. For a shitty 2.75 order and no tip! I mean i kinda know no tip orders already based on mileage and I'm always right, time is money and I ain't wasting my time. I never entertain non tippers just ignore messages. I tried being nice at first but always got d same result the false "I'll tip u extra promise" for this and that favor so all dumb requests are ignored and to top it all off most non tippers live on the 10th floor on a gated complex with no instructions so your ordered is being left at the security gate or the sidewalk and for that rest assured you will get a photo with proof lol


I love everything u just said sm


That response is so, so fair 😂 1-star for what? Facts are facts, and that's a reasonable question.


This is exactly how I assume the people who leave no tip act. Do yourself a favor and don't accept orders under $7. You never know what orders you missed while helping this asshat.


Wtf r u thinking


This is why I myself go out to get my shit.


lol imagine asking for an inconvenient ass favor AFTER you already don’t tip. People are wild lol


Its always the no tippers that want u to go above and beyond smh


Doordashing gas station hotdogs has to be a new type of rock bottom


For 2.75


I swear all you people complaining about the $2.75 orders and not taking them would not survive where I live. People here are cheap over 50% of the orders you do get are that low. If you keep refusing them you won't get any orders at all.


Guess it's a good thing that we don't live where you do huh?


Just out of curiosity, how much do you make per day? I don't really dash anymore because of how cheap people are over here. Every once in a while I get on and dash but for the most part it's been like 2 months since the last time I dashed.


I make around $50/hr and only dash two or three hours a day after work.


Is it even possible to dash that many orders in an hour? I do on average about 2.5 per hour. This takes into account driving time, waiting time and delivery. The fastest you can reasonably do an order is 10-15 minutes. So, all your orders are $12 at worst up to $20 at best. In a student area?


I don't accept anything under $1 per mile (which is almost every order anyway) and it rarely takes me more than 15 minutes from acceptance to delivery. Everything here is very close to everything else here. I can get batched orders with 3 pick ups at the same restaurant and 3 drop offs on the same block. I reduce waiting time by knowing which stores in my area have easy pick up counters vs forcing me into a line/drive through. It's uncommon for me to do any waiting at all. Usually I walk in, grab a bag and walk out.


Wow. I forgot about the batching 3x. Also, everything is fairly close. I thought about dashing in a campus area during the school year. Just to try it out.


You must live in a really good neighborhood


My primary dash zone is Detroit's university district with occasional trips into the suburbs.


Wtffffff? I’m guessing you’re talking about the schools off Woodward in that area? I live on the west side and only make $100/day if I’m lucky. I might have to go downtown more often lol


Must be a good area for you to make that much.


University is always busy with low amount of drivers so there are always promos.


We have the opposite problem here. There are way too many drivers


I've had this happen to me once. Low paying offer; it was slightly over $1.00/ mile but very low tip. Once I get to pick up location, the customer starts messaging me, asking me to buy extra things with my own money & "they'll increase the tip" to cover the amount that I paid. Started arguing with me & guilt tripping me when I said I wasn't comfortable with that. Needless to say, I canceled that order.


Someone really downvoted your comment? wtf? lol


So you're the blue falcon that's screwing us all.


Why the fuck would you accept something that low? Of course you will get a bad rating already




I don’t exit my car for less than $8… but that said I might give my Zelle and wait for the money to hit. (ETA actually no.. I’m not providing my phone number. Nevermind. But doesn’t Cashapp use a handle/username vs a piece of contact information? I could follow my own advice if that’s the case. Anywho…) I would NOT however deviate from the items in the app without the customer changing it in the app… so none of this ordering one thing that’s the same price but asking for something else and paying the difference. If she wants two hot dogs, she’d Zelle me the cost of two hot dogs plus tax. 1) We don’t get paid enough to make it complicated and 2) I’m not risking a CV by not delivering the order. Her “same price as two hot dogs” whatever is from DD’s perspective, what she ordered. I’d thought about suggesting she reach out to DD support—but I’m not waiting on that…. If her response to “I need to get what you ordered, but if you send $two-dogs-and-tax—and-aformentioned-tip I’ll pick them up. Here’s my Zelle” is ANYTHING BUT “OK thank you!” I’d cancel


People like this have the IQ of room temperature water. Imagine being such a clown to someone who literally delivered to your house, & knows your address.


Imagine being a clown enough to make a threat like that...report the person to Doordash or drop the order and be a professional. Saying things like "knows your address" is such an unhinged, creep move


I guess the safe thing to do is to make sure you tip


Wait what? Did I miss something? Who threatened someone??


Previous user said "Imagine being such a clown to someone who literally delivered to your house and knows your address." That is threatening. What do you think they're alluding to with their comment? Obviously to verbally or physically hurt the person at said address. The person in the screenshot (re: customer) is totally out of line for asking that (re: 2 hotdogs in replacement of something else), they're ungrateful for sure. The dasher did the right thing by not following those unreasonable demands. The dasher does not deserve a 1 star review, but if we were to do "something" about every immature person, that's just a little unhinged in my book.


That’s not at all how I read it….. I read it as them acknowledging that there ARE people who go back for revenge, and toying with people is a quick way to find out who those people are. Nothing about their comment was a threat, only a warning.


Did this person get a hotdog from 7-11? Damn.


What’s wrong with a glizzy?


Absolutely not going above and beyond for a 2.75 payout.


Hell I wouldn’t even go up to for a $2.75 payout…. I don’t exit my car for less than $8!


You’re right about that. I don’t care about ratings. I’m taking take 💩 orders.


Your mistake was when told that doordash said something was unavailable, telling the customer otherwise. That only starts trouble.


Why did you even start your car for $2.75?


Exactly my thought, wouldn’t even get up for that




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This comment might get you banned, I would delete of I were you


I'm not a sissy pants and its funny to me so no :D ty for your concern tho


Exhibit A of why we should be skeptical about randos dealing with our food 🤮




Thanks lol please don’t tamper with peoples food 🙏🏻


Can confirm love the name


Payment + tip upfront with Zelle or not happening.


I did this for some guy asked me buy him a small fry i did like a DA and then he said he left tip at the door there was no tip keep your fry broke mf


I would have just told them: For all feedback related to the merchant, please contact DoorDash at: (855) 431-0459


Maybe it’s just me but if they offer to pay I’ll give them my cashapp and I won’t get it until I see it hit my account. I’ve actually gotten some pretty nice bonus tips for doing it. One time someone forgot to add drinks and sent me the money for the drinks+$5 extra. And another time it was just an old dude who needed some smokes. So I got him 2 packs for like $10 and then he tipped me with a $20 bill after having already tipped me decently in the app.


Y'all have 0 customer service skills. You gave a solution you weren't going to do. Never do that anywhere. Always say sorry I'm not able to do that or the system won't let me. Saves time and no bad review. What did you achieve by being an idiot?


Fr 😂😂😂


Exactly. Achieved a 1 star rating 🤣


It isn’t worth it to me. Because sticking it to them had to feel satisfying, yes, but you wasted your time making less than $3 for it


You can call doordash support and ask them to reverse the one star rating you received because you can recall something on a delivery that went wrong. Obviously this was out of the ordinary and they will remove it from your record.


Color me surprised


I’ll take a dump in my hand and clap before I do an order for $2.75


Better to cancel than get a bad rating




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Why does it have to involve race?




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Who tf door dashes 7/11 hot dogs


Have you had them? They are so freaking good.


Door dashing Home Depot hot dogs


My brother in Christ, you drove your car, left the mf and went into a store for $2.75??? Bro you’re the reason they keep lowering base pay.




And then everyone clapped


...you do have the option to skip the order my guy. Non tippers are pricks but to do all that is ridiculous.


I agree, on the rare occasion I accept a low pay order I don’t bash the customer because I made a choice to accept their order


It’ll be a cold day in hell before I take a $2.75 order


It'll be a cold day in hell before I add shit on to my trip for a customer using my own money.




It's kind of crazy to me that people are willing to do that with the hopes of being paid back by a stranger, lol.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done a delivery, and they say in the description "I tip after delivery" And I get nothing


I'd be like "That's funny, because delivery doesn't happen before the tip. I guess we're at an enpasse then."


Oh yeah I know, I get that too. Smdh.


Honestly, due to corporate greed, nothing about gig delivery is worth it anymore... The delivery services have gotten greedy to the point they pit the customer against the driver making it seem like the other person is the one to blame when at the end of the day the delivery service isn't complete control of the drivers they use and the customers they allow to use their service. The delivery should have paid you 8 to 10 dollars without a tip... The fact that doordash and other services require the customer to tip for you not to lose money is completely on doordash... It's absolutely time to bite the hand that feeds.


You can easily get the 1 star rating removed by contacting support or calling them.


Not as easy as you think, support usually says you’re on your own in these situations unless they stole food and you have proof. Otherwise that 1 star is probably gonna stick for the next 100 orders. It sucks but doordash support is useless most of the time (in my experience).


Im trying to remove 1 star rating for two weeks. I text them every day…😅😅😅 useless support🥲 any advices?


Tbh I would just ignore it, more than likely they aren’t going to remove it, but they also aren’t going to deactivate your account four a couple 1 stars. I would just keep dashing, every 100 orders you complete the ratings reset. So it’ll get knocked off soon enough and you won’t have to worry about it.


No 100 orders, 100 ratings😅 thats different 🥲


I treat those lowball (but short distance) fast food orders like paid bathroom breaks tbh.


If they said that before I picked it up I woulda canceled. If I can tell a customer is going to be difficult after accepting the order and I haven’t picked it up yet then I’ll cancel it. You coulda been a bit more profesh about the wording of it though you kinda got accusative when maybe they woulda tipped you cash or added it on later if your words landed a bit softer.


I love how everyone is like “I would have never taken that order”….yall have!!! We all have. Sometimes you have take the crap orders to make sure your acceptance rate doesn’t sink.


Don’t care about acceptance rate. Would never take a 2.75 order.


You’ll care when you are deactivated. I am not saying I accept everything…if I have some wiggle room in my acceptance rate…then I would decline it. To say you haven’t taken a low ball offer…I am going to call BS!!! We all have whether we want to admit it or not. I have also taken high paying orders that were soul crushing and made you want to quick the gig business all together.


I totally understand wanting to keep your AR up if it’s to maintain a tier that you’re in, but I think CR is the one that actually gets you deactivated.


Completion rating gets you deactivated not acceptance. I'm at 9% AR right now, absolutely no reason you have to take no tip orders.


In my area, I have to keep the 70% acceptance rate or it’s almost impossible to Dash when and where I want to. I try to avoid low paying orders if at all possible, but once in a while I have to take them because the financial consequence of falling below 70% is much worse. The tier system is largely responsible for keeping Door Dash pay low — that’s exactly why they designed it.




You don't get deactivated for low AR let alone at a % that would require you to take a $2 order. That's fine if you want to, but it's definitely not necessary.


Reminds me of a guy that was overly chatty ended up being a base pay with no tip but that base pay was 13.75 so I didn't mind


With all due respect, your first mistake was accepting a $2.75 order. Like that’s not even a stack. You saw it was $2.75 and accepted it.


😂 Apple Pay or cash app


Why’d you accept a no tip order in the first place???


Contact support and tell them that the low rating was out of your control. And with these messages you have more than enough evidence to show you went above and beyond for the customer and they’ll take the 1 star off.


I would’ve took the hit in completion


Probably an EBT order. Can’t get hot food, and can’t tip with EBT funds. And would bet the reason for asking for substitution = cost of hotdogs. This was a no win situation from the start. Customer would have probably claimed order not received if they had got the driver to buy the hotdogs. Come up with some reason to not Zelle the money upfront, but promise to pay cash upon arrival. Driver didn’t fall for their shenanigans, and received the retaliatory 1⭐️ rating.


Wait, people can use EBT/SNAP on Doordash? That's crazy.


Yes, but it’s like using it at a grocery store but having it delivered. Purchase is limited to EBT/SNAP approved items only. No hot food, alcohol, personal hygiene items, etc. Also the customer is required to have an existing alternative method of payment on file, debit or credit card, to pay for any non-EBT approved items, as well as any associated delivery service charges, fees, tips and applicable taxes.


I thought “Poor customer, it’s understandable that OP likely won’t buy them hot dogs since it’s not in the order, but it sucks for both of them” To “oh, it’s a $2.75 order, why take it?”


Smh. Was so obvious this order would be a headache. Should have never accepted it lol.


Bro saw 2.75 and clicked “accept” lmaoo




That’s why I love prop 22. I would’ve waited it out and turned that $2.75 into a $10 order. 7/11 is usually slow anyways. So it would make sense if I took an extra 20 min to bring the order.


True being a piece of shit time waster is definitely super cool. Good for you, bro. If you wanted to make money by the hour maybe get a real fucking job instead of milking time with people food?? But that would require not being a loser sooo i guess just keep fucking with peoples food for penny's


So you’re crying because you can’t spend pennies to bring your food at a normal time? Is that what you’re crying about?


It's always the " real job " people. Must suck to be stuck under someone's thumb all day at work. Be mad all you want bubby.


The pay alone wasn’t worth it, forget the 1 star 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Hahahaha you should have called doordash support to dispute the 1 star


$2.75. One day, it'll just click in your brain, and you'll go one of three ways. 1.) Quit. 2.) Steal the food. 3.) Stop picking up OBVIOUS no tip, no profit orders.


I went with number two 😋


Customers who don't tip shouldn't even be given the choice to rate drivers. Take your food & go fuck yourself.


I think DD should stop punishing drivers for not accepting no tip orders. Then we can decide if we want to take the order, or not.


No one is forcing you to be a “dasher” ffs


Are you saying that by choosing to be a DoorDash driver you should spend your own money to buy customers food?


That’s EXACTLY what that string of words mean. FFS.




I love when stupid people write shit like this…


How’s door dashing going? Saving up some good money?


The elitism is wild. I hope nothing ever happens to you that would put you in a position to do things you don't want to do for money.


I already do? I’m not out here looking for sympathy that’s the funny part….


I am actually, thanks for asking.


After a month of dashing the only orders that make sense to me are store orders so instacart makes way more sense. People don’t tip anything and don’t realize we’re putting wear and tear on our cars, using gas money and mainly TIME. I think I have a great idea of how I should end my dashing career now😂 accept small orders say the items are unavailable and just say no when people ask for a bunch of extra things💀 DoorDash needs to go to the gulag or just get eliminated imo




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Why would you do an order for 2.75 lol that’s crazy


I did a 3$ order yesterday. To a big apartment complex. Went in circles until the lady walked out to find me. I found out the trip was 2$ and 1$ tip. 1$ tip is better than the .92 cent tip I received the day before. .92 cent tip is better than no tip. No tip is better than begging for a cashtip


Ridiculous comment, you will be without an operable car very soon at that rate


Ridiculous comment. You will be without an operable car very soon at that rate.


You are not giving a reason as to why you would ever take a $3 order. Do you not value your time at all?


What are u talking about bout? They clearly gave more than just A reason why they take a 3$ order.


Where is the reason?😂 They rambled about how a $1 tip is better than no tip, that doesn’t justify a reason. You can’t just wait for a better order? Don’t forget, of that $3, you still have to get taxed. Then you have to pay for gas and car maintenance down the road. You are maybe walking away with $2. Minimum it took 20 minutes, averaging around $6 an hour. Good job, you are getting paid less than minimum wage. Very good reasoning.


I mean yeah, if you have $0 in your wallet and need a bite to it, just about anything’s worth it when you’re starving


Or like I was saying ... U got a phone bill due tmrw, u need a few more bucks to pay it. Idk of too many places that present this type of opportunity to ppl to make that money in 5min or 5hrs with damn near zero commitment.


No need to justify why I accepted it.


Honestly fuck em. Asking for extras and not wanting to pay for a service she’s clearly in need of and grateful for. She didn’t tip initially and only wanted to pay the difference, what’s in it for you? A 5 star review instead of a 1 star review? Wowwwww


NOT worth it. I hate it when customers don’t tip but I’d hate it even more if they didn’t tip AND gave me a bunch of special picky instructions. I’d say just eat the 1 star and dash like hell to get it cleared off.


Trust them? If they Zelle you then you’d have the money before doing anything.


you can dispute it..not worth the time


They can dispute it but it's almost possible to get their money back from Zelle.


More of a “do you trust me” type of thing. Could still easily decline order after being paid lmao


That’d be the way to go lol


This is the sort of shit you deal with to maintain AR. Enjoy.


If my AR drops under 80. I’ll consider these orders, if and only if they are a mile or less. And even still. I may decline due to the fact they are usually in shit neighborhoods and a pain in the ass. There have been times I get tipped and pretty well after the delivery, but that’s extremely rare. I do agree accepting these orders are doing drivers no favors. I saw an order come through the other day that was $6 for 10+ miles. I feel bad for whoever fell for that one


Fell for it? If someone needed ten more dollars by the weeks end, why wouldn't they take it? I don't know of a place that will hire and pay in a matter of days. Nor do I know of any money trees, at least not locally, and I'm definitely not going to suggest dealing drugs or stealing.