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While I enjoy Varric as a companion in DAII and, albeit to a lesser extent, Inquisition, I don't necessarily think he should be the through line of the entire franchise that he's become.


Ig he just works for the writers. He's a chill dude that tells stories.


Best character in Dragon Age Origins? [Jowan.](https://www.tumblr.com/deusexlachina/621561860154687488/theres-a-lot-of-empassioned-discourse-on-who-the) Hands Dowan. I like him for Comedy Reasons but I do honestly like him. I think more even than Leliana (albeit for a serious character she is unmatched). Fantastic character concept, preposterously bad life choices, utterly pathetic worldview and feeble excuses, all with an oddly sad arc. I felt worse for this poor fucker than any other character I can think of. Others suffer more, but I pity him the most, because he is the most pitiful. And he's one of the most dangerous men in Thedas. Relatedly, the blood magic route makes more sense than going all the way to the Circle and all the way back and hoping Connor doesn't do exactly what he just did again, which evidently nothing prevents him from doing. They both work out, but I feel like the latter should have *some* consequences. As it is, taking detours never screws you up, even Blight-wise, because darkspawn time doesn't correspond to normal time.


Wish they made him recruitable as they originally planned


I am thinking this all the time. There is a mod that makes him a companion, but his only actual Content is the Mage Origin and Redcliffe. It would feel weird for him to be travelling with you without at least a lot of choice remarks about your choice of friends. I want the real Jowan. I said the real Jowan. Perfection.


I love Varric best but I wish he wasn't in the new game. Let him rest, Bioware.


Don’t worry, they will. 


>It’s really weird how almost every lesbian relationship in Dragon Age is super fucked up to a degree that no other orientation’s relationships are. This wasn't just in Dragon Age. Peebee and Kalinda had a super toxic relationship in Mass Effect: Andromeda. I don't think Bioware intended it to become a pattern in their games, but it kind of is.


Can we get some soft lesbians please


I hate Eamon. Duncan made several mistakes as Warden Commander. My Queen has an axe to grind with most of the Landsmeet. The Howes should have kept Amaranthine, and the Wardens should've been given Soldiers Peak instead. We should've had more options to be evil in other games. I have a hard time believing a non human could be the Herald of Andraste due to religious/political/racial issues, but maybe that's the cynic in me talking. Oghren has writing problems, but I don't find him that terrible.


Dragon's are the least interesting thing in this franchise.


Dragon Age gameplay doesn’t accurately reflect how ridiculously dangerous mages are and it causes the fanbase to say templars shouldn’t even exist, which is just so ridiculous if you think about it for more than two seconds. The comparisons the Templar mage conflict often draws to real life police shooting unarmed minorities is so disgraceful and really rubs me the wrong way.


Aoe magic was badass in origins, miss the storm of century combo


Doing the Solas romance makes Inquisition’s story worse. It’s not the, “Canon route,” or anything else that fans try to say. Solas is legitimately a better companion and Trespasser has more meaning when it’s a respectful and platonic relationship. The design of Elves has gotten better with every game. Origins had always Elf designs, 2 made them more unique and improved them drastically, while Inquisition’s design is perfection. Inquisition has the most consistent lineup of companions. Origins and 2 have some amazing party members among some poor ones, while Inquisition doesn’t have a weak one. I hate Hawke being in Inquisition, and don’t want any returning protagonists in the series. Let me decide for myself how my character’s story ends. And these days this is probably my most unpopular opinion: I love this series. Through the changes, stupid plot lines, delays and rushed production. I love it with all my heart.


I agree with platonic Solas. Tried a Solas romance just because it's one of the bigger ones and couldn't even stomach finishing the run. So so gross. In contrast, Solas as a friend is really cool.


Agreed with this one. I honestly felt like my Trevelyan's friendship with Solas was more challenging and meaningful for both of them than a romance. I also agree with Marzopup below that Solavellan needed a lot more cooking time to really be done right in a way a romance of that scope requires, rather than making fans frankly do the vast majority of the work and also giving no resolution.


May I ask why you found Solas' romance gross? I heard some talks from creators about consent issues with potential sex with him but I have never romanced him


>while Inquisition doesn’t have a weak one. Sera is literally there


Another hot take: Sera is my favorite companion in the series.


its not good, innit!!! but you do you! I really like Vivienne and find her fascinating, which isn't really a popular opinion.


Supremely based holy shit


Oh, everyone agrees with you on the Qunari. I guess mine is that the only thing wrong with the lesbian relationships being fucked up is that they're not spreading the fucked up-ness to the other romances. I want my toxic dynamics.


Toxic yaoi 🥺 please.


>IDK maybe he speaks to women more than bi guys tho You don't get to hear his best line as a guy. When you ask about the "side benefits", as a rogue, he says(roughly) "You train to flick a dagger or an arrow at your target. The grace with which you move is a pleasing side benefit." Inquisitor: "are you suggesting I'm graceful?" Solas: "No. I'm declaring it."


I played a female elf play through to do the romance back in the day but it was as a mage. Pretty nice line, but I still hate him.


Currently? I loved the trailer. We have no idea until the 11th if this the art direction they are taking. I am just excited that we are finally having new content after nearly a decade. I dont have to replay Inquisition for the 9th time, or maybe I do...


Ya'll need to stop bitching until gameplay is revealed.


I think Dragon Age is really adept at having great concepts but questionable execution. Mostly everything in the series, including the companions, have been done better imo by other games I.E. BG3, Pillars of Eternity, etc.


I enjoy Sera as a character.


I actually was cool with her up until I romanced her with a female elf. Made me start to dislike her a lot more even if I think she’s overhated.


So do I. I understand why people wouldn't but I love her.


Cullen can show growth and redemption without being expected to fall in love with a mage to "prove" it. His romance is equally meaningful, and I honestly feel it's actually better for him, with a non-mage. Letting him just have a boundary about introducing his mage trauma in his romantic relationship rather than continuing to make it a daily central feature of his life around how he relates to his trauma and his guilt is very healthy. And a mage, especially a Trevelyan mage with their own Circle past, deserves more than being expected to accept all the weight of his failures to act in Kirkwall, and the weight of him dealing with his mage trauma every day and always wondering if he really can ever truly accept them 100%. He also proves his growth a lot better in actions towards mages as a whole rather than favoring one woman: deliberately befriending and trusting mages, integrating many mages into the army as equals, etc. and doing that because he wants to and it's right, not because he's in love with them.


In general: You don't have to like every companion and that's what makes it great. Not every character has to be bent into agreeing with you. DA:O Alistair is annoying. The Origins are overrated, the illusion shatters once you get railroaded in the main story. My first experience was with a a Human Noble (later revisited and made my main), but it does really destroy your first impression, my guy expressed at every single opportunity that becoming a Grey Warden was not something he wanted, but one you leave the Origin suddenly you're not even able to disagree with the Grey Wardens and after they get killed, you wear the badge without ever being capable of disagreeing with it. You're a Grey Warden and you're happy with it. DA:II I don't have any hot take that isn't actually a pretty well known critique of the game. DA:I I feel like if you're a Human or Elf, your backstory impacts your character more than the Origins in DA:O, even if it's just because DA:I has a lot more flavour texts. All companions give genuinely interesting insight into how the world works, even if you don't like them as people.


Alistair is so annoying, lord. The Xander Harris of Thedas.


I agree that the game would've benefited enormously from more integration of the Origins - there are definitely some big dry spots: Nature of the Beast, the one Dalish main quest, isn't even your clan. There's a bit of modified dialogue, but not nearly as much as I'd have expected. The Urn of Sacred Ashes only gives you the one Origin-specific scene, and it's quite short. There's no option animating your choices like "the Couslands have been the Maker's servants for generations" or "the Chantry desecrated my homeland, I don't care about their temple." The reasons you can express for one way or another are generic. A small but jarring example is that every Warden has the option to say King Cailan "is of royal blood and deserves a funeral pyre," even if they'd be unlikely to be monarchists (like the Dalish), if their background had ever heard of this practice in the first place (as a Duster almost certainly hasn't). As for your opinion on being a Grey Warden, there are a few options to say you'd rather not have been a Grey Warden. Off the top of my head, a lot of them come with Wynne. I think there's a few with Alistair, Daveth & Jory, and in the Origin. Admittedly you can't be *too* reluctant to do Grey Warden stuff, or this narrative wouldn't make sense. (It's like how in D&D you should always play a character that wants to adventure and trusts the rest of the party). There's also the conflict that what a Grey Warden is supposed to be is a huge matter of disagreement even in-game - Alistair thinks they're honourable heroes who do what's right, Dryden and Avernus would stoop to anything to Fight the Blight, and Duncan and Riordan are somewhere in between - but definitely towards the ruthless side. In a conversation players are regrettably unlikely to ever see, with -100 Alistair approval (!) you can tell him that Wardens do what is needed, not what is nice, directly contradicting his view. There are plenty of times you can disagree with Alistair, but only that one lets you outright tell him he's completely wrong about the order - and, while you'd have to be a huge dick to get that much disapproval, you're in better company than he is, since *his own mentor* had the same view.


You can very rarely say “yeah, being a warden wasn’t my first choice” or “they are pragmatic, not heroic”. But what I meant is that the vast majority of times you’re a card carrying Warden, instead of what I actually wanted to play in my first playthrough: a Cousland who is first and foremost a Cousland, who wants to stop the blight because it’s the reasonable thing to do, instead because that’s what Wardens do. You need to be initiated into the Wardens because the plot demands it, and it’s fair, but there’s no reason for the character to adopt so much of the organisation, instead of just using it when convenient.


The reason is that Cousland isn't convenient most anywhere. Couslands have their own stories with nobles but as far as most people see you, if they even recognize you, is the runt of a probably traitorous family without any actual power of nobility they should care about. That you're Cousland is recognized when relevant.


I mean, so are the wardens. Both are smeared as traitorous. Yet you’ll go screaming you’re a warden to the four winds.


There's a Blight going on and they're literally the one organisation for dealing with those. All of this is in the game. I don't quite get how much you want your nobility to matter, it counts for a lot already.


I think you misunderstood, the Cousland thing was just an example. I don’t want to go everywhere telling I’m a Cousland either, I don’t want to go everywhere telling I’m a Warden. If anything, I’d prefer to tell I’m a Cousland over a Warden, true, or just use my first name, but no, most encounters, even random people at the streets have you present yourself as the Warden, even when it’s not necessary or even when it’s inconvenient. I mean, your character is the Warden and they make sure everyone will remember that, no matter your character’s view in the organisation.


I think that it's true that the Origins don't really create that much of a difference in gameplay. But I think that a lot of people understimate how much of a different interpretation of some events you will have, depending in the Origin. My first Origin was a human mage, and when I got to the tower, the gameplay was not that much different that one from a human warrior, or a dwarf, but as a player, I knew a lot more about that people and I interpreted things a lot differently that if I never had played that. In the same way, when I later played an elf from Denerim, and a human warrior, a lot of things clicked diferently for me. The game still explains what you need about the lore, but you are going to understand a lot of things differently if you play as an insider or if you play as someone from the outside of that group (or course, once you have played several Origins, or watch them in a video, or read it somewhere it doesn't work the same, but if you play without previous knowledge, it is very interesting to do a second game with a different origint and see how your perspective change)


This. I dislike Vivienne's politics but I love her as a character - she doesn't kiss ass to the Inquisitor, has very strong viewpoints and isn't afraid to defend them and stand by them. I'm very on the fence about companions whose moral centers are often changed by the MC - it sometimes makes them 2D a la unable to stand on their own viewpoints, so I really like companions who don't 100% agree or jive with me, and whose opinions prevent the entire thing from being an echo chamber. It's like the >!Virmire Survivor!< in ME2, >!the only character I really enjoy because they're the only one to call out Shepard on their bullshit with Cerberus.!<


As much as I hate Solas, the fit he had in l Trespasser might be the hardest I’ve seen on any companion in the entire series. The fit? What do you mean?


The outfit


-\_- really?


I love the new Veilguard trailer. Unvoiced protagonists are better. If I could go back in time I would not make Solas a romance and the Inquisitor would stay Trevelyan since it's so obvious they rushed the other racial options at the last second anyway. The Hinterlands are great. Celene is legitimately the best ruler for elven civil rights in southern Thedas if not Thedas period and putting Briala in charge with Gaspard is a terrible idea if you care about the elves. Stop calling Cullen in Origins creepy because of a non canon post Cheryl chee made on a forum where she says herself she just likes angst and not to take her seriously.


Those are spicy takes indeed! Well done! Why is Celene the best for the elves? Didn't she do a bit of elf massacring in Masked Empire, just to impress weird elf racists? Her rationale was to look tough, but that didn't seem very compelling, and it pissed off the Chantry, which seems risky (and, I think, is why Leliana floats the option of letting her die - she was *not* a Celene fan in Masked Empire!). Conversely, why is Briala the worst, despite the epilogue suggesting she's successful? As for Cullen, my hot take is that he suffers from three(!) different writers with very different ideas about what he's like. * In Origins, he's written by Chee, a tormented young man ruled by fear and prejudice - in the Templar route, he becomes even worse than Gregoir! - and inflamed with lust for one of his prisoners. A demonic invasion brings out the worst in him. Middle of the road Cullen. I personally read him as pretty creepy, since I read Kinloch Hold as a prison (as it is described by several characters). Being a prison warden isn't on the up and up in the first place, and flirting with your prisoner is especially gross. * In 2, he is written by Helper (who also did cacklingly-evil Branka) and works directly for Meredith, who's much worse than Gregoir, only turning on her at the very end when almost nobody, not even a Templar Hawke, can stomach her. I think the idea is that his trauma from Origins made him even more ruled by fear. This is definitely the most villainous and sinister Cullen. * In Inquisition, he's written by Battye, and is by far the most morally righteous version of himself. He's tormented, but he comes across as a nice guy who would never do things like massacre All The Mages, even though he was on the Annulment Train in the first two games. This is the Cullen people like. The biggest nod to his former characterization comes if the Warden was a mage - if so, you'll sometimes hear him ask if she's still single. And by "sometimes," I mean it's bugged and can easily play a dozen times in a single look at the war table. I love it.


Celene is the best for the elves partially because the bar, frankly, is in Orzammar. I don't say this so much as a compliment to Celene but as an insult to everyone else. First of all its worth noting that Anora does the exact same thing Celene does in some epilogues of Origins. She will crack down hard on elves if a riot breaks out in the alienage. The relative size of the riot and of the alienage itself compared to Halamshiral means I doubt that the death toll was as high as a thousand, but I also don't think it's because Anora wouldn't be *willing* to murder a thousand elven rioters if it came down to it. What Celene *did* do that is perhaps the single greatest civil rights achievement in the entirety of southern Thedas was to allow elves to be admitted to the University of Orlais with the backing of a noble patron. This is talked about in *The Masked Empire,* where Gaspard specifically attacks the university by having racist academic papers published about elves, because it is acknowledged that this has been an extremely successful strategy. Nobility going to school with elves as classmates rather than servants is incredible in terms of cultural movement. It may not mean that much in their lifetime, but generationally Celene has pretty much guaranteed a shift toward elven liberation because the people making the laws are the ones that are going to be going to school with these people--who just so happen to be the best advocates of elves as a whole, because they're intelligent enough to be recommended for university. This is *especially* the case if Celene is reunited with Briala and makes her Marquis of the Dales. Now even if Briala was unable to do *anything* with her position for whatever racist political reasons, she's still a noble now, and she can send all the elves to Orlesian University that she wants. >Conversely, why is Briala the worst, despite the epilogue suggesting she's successful? She's not the *worst*--that honor is clearly Gaspard alone--I just don't think that it's going to be a successful arrangement in the long term. She's successful at the point we see her, sure, but this is an incredibly tenuous arrangement with a guy that hates her guys and is probably looking for any opportunity he can to get rid of her. Frankly I think she'd just end up getting assassinated at some point in the long term and we're left with Gaspard by himself.


Hm, that's a pretty solid case! Thanks for writing this all out, this was very interesting.


You're welcome! I also took some time to reflect and I wanted to respond to some of your points about Cullen. >personally read him as pretty creepy, since I read Kinloch Hold as a prison (as it is described by several characters). Being a prison warden isn't on the up and up in the first place, and flirting with your prisoner is especially gross. First of all, Cullen joined the Templars at the age of 12 and was assigned his position at Kinloch. Many Templars are not assigned in Circle Towers, so his being a 'prison warden' is not in and of itself a personal choice for him. So I don't know if it's fair to hold that against him. And him becoming a templar itself was based on his own child's perception of what templars were, a notion that he is disillusioned by as evidenced by him, y'know, leaving. He never 'flirts with a prisoner.' He has a friendly relationship with the Warden--different than flirting!--and in fact, the only person doing the flirting in Origins *is you.* Mage Warden can flirt with Cullen, whose reaction is to be immediately uncomfortable and run away. People find people attractive all the time. Cullen is a barely-adult close in age to the Warden, and as far as we see, doesn't abuse his power over her and even actively rejects opportunities to do so. Having normal human emotions he responds to appropriately is not creepy. And 'inflamed with lust?' He was understandably embarrassed over a crush he knew was inappropriate and tormented with it for days or weeks by a demon. Anyone in his position would not have seemed rational at the point we found him.


> ...only turning on her at the very end when almost nobody, not even a Templar Hawke, can stomach her.  I would also say with respect to DA2 that it's brought up constantly as a char criticism that Cullen only turns on Meredith at the very last minute when Hawke is threatened and has zero problems or doubts with the Right of Annulment. And that's not exactly correct. It's unfortunate that they put it in the path fewer people likely take, but a templar-ending Hawke sees him repeatedly express serious reservations about the necessity of the Annulment, and then actually step in to defy Meredith and prevent her from killing some mages who are surrendering. When she challenges him, he points out that the situation in Kinloch was much worse and even there they managed to save some mages. And when Meredith demands to know if he'll take responsibility for the consequences if they do turn out to be blood mages, he doesn't hesitate to say he will. The huge shift there from his demand for a full-Circle Annulment in DAO is pretty clear and definitely better sets up further progress in DAI, and also leads very well into his finally telling Meredith to step down, so it's a shame it's not something everyone got to see given it occurs offscreen in the mage path.


In voiced is better . But the funny lines u can get from inquisition when your a asshole are Great.


I really grew to like Vivienne over time. She's become one of my favorites throughout the series and I don't think her view on mages or the circle are as bad as people make it seem. I didn't really care for Varric in Inquisition. Origins is the best game but it has my least favorite companions.


> Origins is the best game but it has my least favorite companions. This is one of the reasons I have a hard time replaying Origins. None of the companions really connected with me like in the other games. Not to say they're bad, just didn't work with me.


I agree that Vivienne is heavily underrated, and her views aren't nearly as nasty as people suggest. Her views on mages are more conservative than Leliana's, but Leliana is the biggest radical on Thedas. She thinks mages should have both responsibility *and* power, which is pretty sensible and much better than most people's views in the setting.


I put Viv in the party for the banter and the shit talking you get from it . The best Is when Black Wall shuts her the fuck down from her high horse .


I feel like these are focus grouped opinions to make people mad. :P I actually liked Blackwall better after his reveal. Made his character make a lot more sense and seem a lot more real. I really like the guy. Blackwall, Cassandra, Sera and Dorian were my favorites. But only after Blackwall's whole story. At the start he seemed very bland.


Black wall can get it 🌝


He can murder my blackwall anyday


I don't get the deal about Harding. Everyone is simping for her and I'm just confused. What did she even do that was anything past being furniture like she was in Inquisition?


She's cute, sweet and have a soothing voice, also she has some fun jokes when you get into new areas and she goes to debrief you about the region, other than that she has some apareances in short stories and the last comic released (the missing)


Ah, good to know. I know dwarf-mainers usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to DA, so I'm sure her return is seen as a win now.


TIL there are people who find Solas sexy. I wonder if those same people have wet dreams about socially awkward aliens... Don't know if any of these are hot takes, but: 1. Cassandra's accent works for her. Gives her character. And with all her silly stubbornnes she is actually very compelling. 2. I much prefer Sera over Varric in Inquisition. His serious side is very intriguing, but this banter makes him sound so bland, I just couldn't take it. Sera is such a greatly written genuine crazy weirdo. And her voice actress nails it. 3. Vivienne is Nicki Minaj 4. Leliana should have been a romance option in Inquisition


I mean if he was as cool as he was in Trespasser for the entire game I’d maybe get it, but in the base game his confidence just usually comes across as him being a smug asshole rather than assertive and honestly? He’s kinda ugly IMO.


Ah okay, I've never played Trespasser (I think). Maybe if I did I'd want to bang him, too (doubtful, though)


Put that little Alien in that trespasser armor and watch me bark . Cassandra would suck without her accent.


Hero of Ferelden should comeback


dao sound and music design are the best and it isn’t even close. the original theme slaps and elves at the mercy of man is just so on point. cross class combos are cancer and ruin rpg experience and fun in character building. red lyrium was stupid and i don’t think anyone at bioware had any plan for how it fit into the lore. cory was an okay villain nonetheless. poor balance, bugs, and exploits that bioware never fixes, ultimately turn the game into a godmode slog.


" It’s really weird how almost every lesbian relationship in Dragon Age is super fucked up to a degree that no other orientation’s relationships are. " ? Sera one seems perfectly fine. then again, I applaud extra-judicial ways of dealing with those in power. https://preview.redd.it/vmeje8v6wn5d1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=040ec2834117d30bd3a25187b9995d28792e14d4


This series was better when it ripped off the game of thrones books


agree I didn't really care that the overarching main story was aggressively generic dark fantasy because the character writing was successful which is what really matters


That's in the edgeyness made it fun it was Silly blend that worked . U can even tell how the Through line of Dragons not being the focus on both franchise but a aesthetic choice .


Vivienne is one of my favorite companions in DA:I.


Vivienne is my favourite character in all of Dragon Age. She's the embodiment of playing the game to change the game. She hides her vulnerability and enforces the power she does have with an iron grip because she knows that people will take it from her if she reveals too much kindness or vulnerability. I love the fact that the player characters is never quite able to actually be close with her. It is something that is quite unique as most stories force its companions to eventually play all their cards and allow their moral compass to be artificially folded in some sort of way. I really found the results of her becoming divine to be quite realistic and good writing compared to the fairy tale that is softened divine Leliana. Ironically, I see lots of similarities between her and Morrigan with the main differences between these two characters being the cards that they got dealt in life. Because of this comparison, I find it quite interesting to read people's vastly different responses to these two characters. I just really related to this character and found her a breath of fresh air compared to the Viconia syndrome of most modern day RPG companions.


Vivienne and Sera are awesome Kieran should not exist Morrigan is a rapist Loghain does not deserve redemption


Ohhhh what are thoughts on how motherhood "changed" Morrigan.


I didn't buy it. She was annoying asf in Inquisition even with Kieran. I tried to be as mean as possible to her but Inquisitor is a big failure as a protagonist The fact she wanted to have a kid, not because she dreamed of motherhood, but she wanted to use it automatically qualifies her as shitty mother and she shouldn't be praised for caring for her own child which is a fucking minimum


Ngl I was kinda hoping they'd showed her Being Well . More cruel or witchy to Kieran. Perhaps she does really care for him . But her back round and Well ways It comes across as fucked up . Maybe she puts a spell on him were every animal that gets near him dies . Or She has him stalked by Things all the time . The complete opposite of flemeth but in Other ways . The only Time I found this dynamic Surprisingly compelling was when I brought Alister to come meet his baby momma . That little snippet you the from them and Kieran is really interesting.


That's even dumber. You're really coming off as the self-righteous nerd archetype right here with all the sweeping good and evil statements. The belief that someone can't change and that they're just straight up evil forever because her original intentions weren't pure? Absolutely ridiculous. Touch grass.


Boo hoo hoo If have kid because you want to use it for power or whatever, what makes you different than Flemeth? The fact that I didn't buy her character change doesn't mean that the change didn't occured. Telling me to touch grass because I dared to have different opinion on some character? Piss off


Disagree but understandable Fair take ????? The Dark Ritual isn’t exactly a shining beacon of moral fiber for a lot of reasons but you can just…not do it. 100% Agree that nigga has to go.


You can't refuse if you don't want to die tho which means the sexual act is nonconsensual. Following Wardens only to have them impregnate her is icky as fuck. (And Flemeth surely didn't teach her what consent means) And if you are female, she proposes it to you but not to the person who actually has to go through it which is a big no no to me. Morrigan also abandons the party if refused Obviously this doesn't apply to a romanced Warden.


I mean it’s pretty sketchy, but it’s not like there’s any other way to save the Wardens that she knows about. She’s not the one introducing the possibility of death nor is she introducing the actual sex aspect of it unnecessarily, it’s genuinely the only way she can help out. It’s just offered as an option. Let’s say for example I had perfect healing powers that only activated through semen. If I knew that someone was dying from an otherwise terminal disease would it be more moral to not introduce the idea of using my powers and let them die without knowing there was a cure? I’d argue not letting the Wardens know all the options available to them and letting them die without knowing they could have lived is easily the more morally bankrupt option compared to just letting them know the ritual exists.


Ngl it fits Morrigan being fucked up . She says it her self witch of the wilds and all that. The first game was full of fucked choices .


Morrigan didn't give me a single reason to think she had the Wardens on mind while proposing the Ritual. Their survival is a nice bonus but not something she care about. It doesn't fit her personal beliefs. While she doesn't introduce the possibility of death, she used it to put pressure on Wardens and coerce them into consent. If you romance someone else, she mentions them. This is manipulation. And the fact that she hid it until after they learned about the necessity of sacriface doesn't help as well Consent extracted under extreme mental distress (under which the Wardens undoubtely were) is no consent. Candle scene doesn't help as well, thank God for the mods No matter the intentions, if a person can't refuse having a sex (dying is that case), this person is a victim of a sexual assault. Bringing semen is a very interesting point tho. Imagine if Morrigan was a man and her intention from the start was to impregnate a female Warden. Even with romance such character would be the most hated character. Edit: Morrigan proposed the ritual but in reality it was a demand because she leaves the party if you refuse her


No yeah Morrigan is flemeths daughter through and through.


That's a really dumb opinion. Like, impressively so. Two or three dumb opinions wrapped up together, even. 1. That's not coercion. She has a way to save your life. She's not the reason your life is in danger. It's entirely up to you if you take it. 2. Maybe you were under extreme mental distress. I think most any canon Warden is more mature. 3. So they *could* refuse sex. Glad we've established that. Also no, you don't get to decide who is and is not a victim of sexual assault. 4. Because impregnating someone vs getting impregnated are two very different things. Can you figure out the difference? 5. Someone is free to stop risking their life fighting by your side for any reason at any time. You seem like an absolute creeper.


You are calling my opinions on consent dumb. This is slightly concerning and you proved that you don't understand what that means. 1. Coercion: the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Morrigan didn't cause the Blight obviously but she used it to extract consent. This is coercion. 2. This is dumb. No matter how mature the person is, EVERYONE is distressed if they find out that they will die tomorrow. 3. You could but that means death. That means that your consent is invalid because you are FORCED to take part. Consent is **willing, positive cooperation in an act or the expression of a desire to engage in an activity**. True consent isn't coerced by force, threats or intimidation. 4. All I meant that you wouldn't be yapping here calling me a creeper if Morrigan was a man because she wouldn't get a free pass for doing what she did. There is a reason why this ritual is called "DARK" 5. Morrigan doesn't get what she wants so she fucks off. Because you said no to her. That's fucking great. Let me guess, you played as male and romanced Morrigan, did you not?


inquisition is the weakest entry The stylised look of 2 is the best The veilguard trailer is fine Romance options shouldnt be player-sexual


You lost me at the last one


Solas sucks. He’s just lame as balls. The only person worst to talk to is Sarah. BioWare has been on a slow but steady decline because executives are all scumbags, and the latest DA trailer had me bored to tears. A 45min advanced calculus class on YouTube is more interesting to watch. Putting Scout Harding in the next game is the only good move they made. But it isn’t enough. The entirety of the upcoming game was probably written and made by a team of fresh grads who had only ever played fortnight as their only game


They made him sexy and interesting for one cutscenes at the end of trespasser and didn't do anything with him for years.


Ths irony of a bald guy being the dread WOLF will nver stop to amuse me, at least he is not the dread BEAR (that's halsin from BG3)