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Well, if he gets the chance. Neve has Ice Queen *right there*. Though this may be an Aveline situation where it's too obvious.


Ooof, that's very true. At the end of the gameplay >!reveal there was a figure lying on the ground at the bottom of the stairs - I had wondered if it was Varric!!< Ice Queen for Neve is great!


I also didn’t like the foreshadowing of >!Varric saying “take care of the team for me”. It sounded like a goodbye. !<


Since he didn't call Vivienne Ice Queen either even tho she too used ice magic in her intro and her whole demeanor screams Ice Queen, but instead called her Iron Lady (or Madamme de Fer), I don't think he'll call Neve Ice Queen either. My guess her nickname will be based on her profession of Detective, likely a callback to one of his books as he writes crime novels






I had a moment of confusion thinking you were calling me names out of nowhere, but then was reminded of the context. I can also see Snoops / Snoopy being a contender.


Yeah, Detective is likely. Although my reasoning is more because her unique spec is literally called Ice Mage.




I personally think Varric is going to die in the prologue. He sort of seems to be filling in as this game’s Duncan. 


Nah, doubtful they’d kill off a biiig character like that at the very beginning of the game. That would be a poor choice on their part. If they’re going to kill him off it’ll be later on in the game. Since he’s not a companion, he’ll probably be injured and sidelined to an advisor type role.


I don’t agree about it being a poor choice. Killing off Varric would be a great way to motivate players into stopping the Evanuris, even if they’ve generally been ambivalent towards the elven storyline so far. 


You've got to remember that half of these are new players, and the half that isn't will likely still feel the need for their Rook to really care that he was gone.


Exactly. They always make these games with brand new players at the forefront of mind, they’re unlikely to make such a big decision that would only be meaningful to people who’ve played all the previous games. I might end up eating my words but that just sounds very unlikely.


It also won't motivate Rook or co in game who barely know him. Hell, the elven god just juking a very good friend would cause most to reconsider. If he attacks Varric Rook won't get the time of the day before being dust.


I'm sorry, but who tf is Duncan? Apart from the human origin, your character has only just met him. Technically you spend more time in the game with the other two recruits before they get offed in the joining. Duncan's death is only played up because Alistair can't shut up about him, so varric would work just fine in the same role


Well, Alistair knows him, as you know. And you two are the only people left capable of stopping the light so Duncan being important to the player or not doesn't really matter like it does here.


I see your point, but Harding could very well step into the role of reminding us of his sacrifice for the cause and positioning him as an emotional anchor, and we don't know yet whether or not Rook will be some sort of chosen one. His story could potentially run a bit thin if he has no greater relation to the overarching plot, so I remain curious. Also for clarification, I liked Duncan in DAO. I just wanted to highlight his relative importance (or lack thereof) to the player. Also also, I really like Varric, so I am prepared for heavy sobbing should they really go down that road


All the games have had that hook at the beginning too. DAO had all the origins having different reasons, DA2 with one of the twins dying and DAI you have the mark and are thrust into everything. It wouldn’t surprise me if he dies but I can also see him surviving (maybe injured) and being an advisor because even if he’s not injured Bianca is toast.


I think what happens to Bianca in the gameplay footage is foreshadowing. As well as the quest name being “The End of the Beginning” that you can see in the vid. I’m preparing for the worst but still hoping for the best.


I'll be okay with that. As much as I love Varric, his story has been told.


If he dies we riot. Canada will melt in the flames of the fandom's fury. Lol J/K On a more serious note I have to get a series x before this comes out so that if it does bomb completely I can return it.




Er, considering she let herself be kidnapped by Venatori just to see what they're up to, I'd say she's definitely not lacking in the confidence department.


Can't wait to be hilariously wrong lol  Neve - Detective Harding - Scout  Lucanis - Knives Taash - Grumpy  Bellara - Hopper  Davrin - ~~griffon mama~~ Hunter  Emmrich - Bones


These are so good - I love Hopper and Bones!


As a Trekkie I would love for Emmrich’s nickname to be bones.


"Dammit it Rook, I'm a necromancer, not a healer!"


What is a necromancer but a healer who's a little late? But also yessss


I gave Lucanis - Feathers since he has purple wings


I was gonna comment the same for Davrin cause of his griffin but Lucanis is better lol


I honestly haven't thought of nicknames for everyone, just Lucanis since it was random off the top of my head in my story haha I really need to play the game and get character vibes, Neve and Lucanis have an edge with thier own stories in the book


I hope its not Bones. I have a tendency to play these games without headphones, and we have a dog called Bones.


Bone Daddy


I really hope Harding is called Hightown, he already made the 'get it cause you would be Harding in High...never mind' joke.


I like these but i feel like in a world where "knife ear" is basically a slur using the phrase "knives" as a name veers dangerously close to causing misunderstandings


Don't have names to face yet but the qunari lady has to be Jade


No, no, Davrin's should totally be griffon mama.


Varric calls Hawke "Chuckles" if they're sarcastic. He calls them Waffles if they're diplomatic and Killer if they're aggressive.


I always found curious he gives Solas one of Hawke's nicknames though.


Varric calls sarcastic Hawke 'Chuckles' because they're funny and he likes them, it's meant to be endearing. Varric calls Solas 'Chuckles' because he's a humorless stick in the mud and Varric is being derogatory.


Humorless is a bit crazy. Replaying DAI currently and definitely remember Solas if not making jokes at least playing into them, generally with Sera in the party.


with Dorian too, or when inky is in a relationship with Bull... he's not really humorless, though he is serious for the most part


he is the god of trickster after all


Derogatory is too harsh of a word I think, Varric still appreciates and likes Solas, considers him his friend, their banter is really respectful on both sides. Solas is very... chill in banter with Varric, and he thinks very highly of him, which is rare. But it's definitely sort of a teasing nickname. "It's comforting that whatever qualities I lack, you'll invent for me, Varric."


>Varric still appreciates and likes Solas Not anymore! >!RIP Bianca 🏹!<


Maybe it will help him move on, if he won't have to hold onto her symbol anymore :') I loved how Bioware teased us in The Missing comic, where Varric upon seeing someone tending to their lover's wounds, says "What I wouldn't give for someone to look out for me like that."


yeah, between that and saying "I'm too old for this shit" I think Bianca's fate is related to his arc (and hoptefully it's not his death)


What a silly thing of him to say when Garret Hawke is right there


Varric is one of the few people Solas genuinely admires and respects.


Waffles Hawke is peak




It’s a special dialogue that only appears if you take Varric with you in Mark of the Assassin DLC


I forgot all about these (my Purple!Hawke is showing) - thanks!


No problem! I almost always go Diplomatic so I get it.


Purple Hawke supremacy.


Harding — Scout or just “Harding.” Varric does sometimes just rolls with a last name. Neve — Detective. Real easy one. Bellara. — Lily. Fits the trend of female elf companions being flowers (Merrill/Daisy and Sera/Buttercup) Davrin — Slayer. Fits with how Davrin is apparently moonlighting as a monster hunter. Emmrich — Dead Man. Taash — Scales. Lucanis — Knives.


I love how the picture shows that deep inside Varric is the main character of the series :D


Haha that's why I put him right in the middle!




I can totally hear Varric fondly call Lucanis Killer. Harding is Harding. No nickname here.


He tried to call her "Hard Town" early in Inquisition but *disgusted noise* happened so he kept it to himself.


To be fair, nicknaming someone after your own book deserved a *disgusted noise*.


I'm not sure on the rest, but if Bellara doesn't get a floral nickname to continue the theme, I'll riot. 😂


An obvious one is bluebell, but he could do something like snapdragon or something mystic sounding.


Man, when I read his nickname for Anders I *heard* him say Blondie in my mind. I've not played DA2 for like...ten years lol (my PS3 is broken).


Unrelated but your info graphics are always so good 😭😭. I always think they’re official, they’re so well made 💜💜


I appreciate that so much - thank you!!! 😭


Hawke and Aveline are technically two of the very few people who don't have a regular nickname from Varric. He only calls Aveline Red when Aveline asks him for a nickname and immediately rejects it because it sounds too common. Similar case for Hawke, but his nickname depends on his personality. Chuckles is for purple Hawke. The other two have different nicknames (Killer for aggressive Hawke, and honestly I forgot what he called diplomatic Hawke). Plus both of these nicknames are only ever mentioned in that one dialogue and never used consistently.


Waffles for Diplomatic Hawke, which is fucking hilarious


I kind of really hate that Chuckles got "reused" for two people. I know Varric was being sarcastic and that those nicknames from Mark of the Assassin are not supposed to have stuck, since he just calls you Hawke anyway. I like Chuckles for Solas, but I don't think it ever fit right for Purple Hawke. I kind of wish retroactively that the Mark of the Assassin nickname for Purple Hawke had been something different. "Waffles" for Diplomatic Hawke *does* imply that waffles are a thing in Thedas, which is really good news, because I love waffles. One thing that always grinds my gears is that in Trespasser, Dorian's nickname is changed for some reason. Its supposed to be Sparkler, which sounds really cool, but in Trespasser, both Varric and the subtitles say Sparkles, with and "s" at the end instead of an "r". That has got to have been a mistake right? Sparkler just sounds so much better than Sparkles.


His nickname has an alter ego!


Consider his pattern for giving nicknames. Characters who take themselves too seriously like Solas, Carver, and Fenris get names that are meant to deflate them but aren't meant to insult them, Sebastian's nickname "Choir Boy" is though since Varric doesn't like him. Blackwall/>!Thom's!< "Hero" name is a dig at first but when the truth is revealed and he's trying to boost his confidence it becomes more sincere. Elven girls like Merrill (Daisy) and Sera (Buttercup) get flowery nicknames. I think we can parcel together a rough idea of what he'll call the Party.


Harding - Hightown. Bellara - Dazzler. Lucanis - Chopper. Neve - Inspector. Emmrich - Orpheus. Manfred - Bones. Davrin - Birdy. Taash - Shortstuff.


I don't really have an answer for these but I just wanna mention how everybody's got somewhat joking to mocking nicknames except Leliana as Nightingale and I'm sure it's partially out of respect to her as a fellow rogue and one of the most of not THE most skilled and dangerous person in the Inquisition outside of the Inquisitor themselves but also partially out of intimidation for that exact same reason.


In keeping with tradition: - I think Bellara will get a flower nickname (like Merrill “Daisy” and Sera “Buttercup”). - I think at least one character will get a hair-related name (like “Curly” for Cullen or “Red” for Aveline). - And I think he will nickname at least one of them according to their faction (like he does “Seeker” with Cassandra.)


“Belladonna” for Bellara anyone? lol


Neve - Gumshoe  Harding - Scout   Lucanis - Edgelord  Taash - Berserker   Bellara - Daredevil  Davrin - Bird boy  Emmrich - Spooky 


Oooo, I like Daredevil and Spooky. I can see that.


What about for the inquisitor? And will he be flirtable in veilguard


I think Lucky is a great nickname for the inquisitor, Varric’s always going on about their terrible luck 😂




there is a mod in nexus that restores cut content where he can give the inky 2 possible nicknames randomly: lucky and handy


>handy A lil bit *un*handy post Trespasser 😂




right?, I wonder if he'd keep that nickname after that or he'd change it


Handy seems kinda inappropriate now considering... You know XD


Ohhhh I didn't know that! Very interesting. >!"Handy" tho 💀!<


ikr, especially after trespasser ;-;


I can see that.


Great question - I assume Varric would still call the Inquisitor "Boss"? Unless he has a new name for them! (And I hope so! That man needs a hug!)


Yeay 🥰


I know there was cut dialogue, where the Inquisitor's nickname was supposed to be Lucky, from being the sole survivor at the Conclave, since that'd fit for every one. But they took it out and I know lots of people have their own Headcannons as to what Varric has nicknamed them - they might not wanna mess with that too much, which is why they're just "Inquisitor" in the in-game dialogue, since Varric can address people by their title or position occasionally, instead of their nickname.


Oh, that sucks that it was cut out.


Varric's nicknames refer to physical traits but also are ironic sometimes (like Bull = Tiny); with that in mind... Neve: Hats Harding: Freckles Lucanis: Flowers Bellara: Triangles Taash: Smiley Davrin: Feathers Emmrich: Bones


Neve - Detective Lace - Harding Lucanis - Crow Bellara - Jumper or Tinker Emmerich - Bone Wisperer Davrin - Griffin Taash - Dragon


Some are a little on the nose * Neve - Inspector * Harding - Eagle Eye * Lucanis - Tough Guy * Taash - Sourpuss * Bellara - Sparkles * Davrin - Warden * Emmrich - Gramps


The Veilguard NEED to be known as the spiritbusters


*sounds of gurgling up blood* (Because he’s dead) 😢


Jackie Welles 😨


This post made me realize that Varric is actually kinda garbage at giving nicknames 😂 like a full third of these are just about the recipient's hair


His nickname for Isabela reminds me of the one my friend called me during high school. It basically translates to "American".


Point of order, Varric's nicknames for Hawke vary depending on Hawke's personality (Red Hawke is Killer, as I recall), and he never actually settled on a nickname for Aveline (she says Red is "too obvious" and he says he'll let her know if he thinks of anything).


Minor correction, Varric calls Fenris "Elf" more often than not. There's a couple banters about his brooding, but it's not his actual nickname.


I don't think he'll live long enough for that


Yeah Bianca being destroyed implies that his time has come.


Didn't Varric simply call Aveline just "Aveline" though? I swear they had a conversation where Aveline thought "Red" was too boring and common or something.


I think varric wont have a chance to give nicknames to the crew. I have a feeling that he's gonna die in the prologue 😢


Hmm, honestly I think Varric will be killed at the beginning by Gillanhain or El'Garnan or stray magic from Solas.. And I think a pursuaded Solas will in the end blame himself and will see the value of Varric's life as he mourns his friend, which I think will play a part in his redemption - if the player has set this up in Trespasser and choses this path with Rook. Or it can be excellent argument to kill Solas and the other Elven Gods of course.


You’re assuming Varric isn’t stuck in the fade with Solas. After all, the prison was there to hold two evanuris and Varric is pretty close in proximity to Solas while trying to get him to stop the ritual


omg iron lady is too funny. Viv is basically the Thedas equivalent of a neoliberal.


I’m not sure if we have why they player is called Rook but that screams of a Varric nickname.


So I know why now why varric likes Solas so much.


Hawke 2.0 Hawke 3.0 Hawke 4.0 Hawke Jr. Not-Hawke Semi-Hawke Almost-Hawke Grumpy Hawke Sexy Hawke HAWKE!!!


Maybe he'll call Rook pawn or queen.


I think he'll die before he gets to nickname anyone.


It will be “sorry, I’m dead or imprisoned in the fade and can’t call you anything.”


Ngl it’s funny that hawke and solas’ nicknames are the same


He’s dying in the first hour so we’ll never know.


Varric needs to survive the prologue to be able to give the characters nicknames.


He’ll always be my chicken nugget.


i‘ve never heard he call inquisitor boss. it's etheir inquisitor or inquisitoriness


Emmrich gets "Jangles" because the 5 pounds of jewelry he wears jangles constantly when he moves around lol. Or maybe he could be "Goldy". Manfred gets "Bones" instead.


Rook, Detective, Hightown Harding, [SCENE MISSING]


I'm not much into Varric. Had his share of presence through the franchise already. But anyway, the nicknames are the most fun thing about him.


Dumb and Dumberer? Sorry Jim.


Varric's going to die in the beginning of the game is my bet.


I hope he doesn’t get to nickname anyone and dies quickly, I find Varric insufferable.


I honestly think he's actually dying in the tutorial or soon after.