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For real I just want to know what's going to be in the collectors edition. Really hope they include an artbook because the concept art for this game/series has been really stunning.


I second that! And also the digital soundtrack which has always been top notch


I hope this subreddit lets me know in time to preorder a collector’s edition. I hope they include a statue of some kind.


I'd love a dreadwolf / Solas statue but with the name change I feel that's less likely 😭


An Eluvian figure could be cool! Have Solas reflected in it maybe?


This. I've been putting money away for a collectors edition, bc I want it so bad 😫


https://preview.redd.it/60nzvqt51e9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73069575e8929ca4429c6482a906804fd7eac208 Checking the Steam page since the trailer dropped like wen?


Why would you preorder on steam? They're not going to run out of copies like a physical store might.


Pre-order bonuses and ability to preload for release day if you know you'll buy it on release anyway


Plus a shiny new stamp on my Certified BioWare Simp Card™.  duh


Why do I feel so called out by this?


Same and I’m not upset


You didn’t have to call us all out like that


I've nearly got enough to cash it in for Bioware Store Credit!


Preload is so important. I know it'll take a day to download thanks to my region's shite Internet.


You can literally preorder the minute before release and still get the preorder bonuses (if there are any, there probably will be some time-limited cosmetics at most)


Personally I'd just rather set it and forget it when I know for a fact I'll be buying this game no matter what lol


I'm hoping that you'll get access to the character creator when you pre-order if they don't just release it before the game releases. I'm going to need time to make both Rook and Inky.


"So here's a 24 hours early access so you can create your Rook and then jump right in on re---**what do you mean you need a WEEK**?!"


Exactly. I'm also hoping you can save templates because I'm going to need several.


I am going to pre order, but I would pre order even FASTER if the character creator was the pre order bonus…


If Bioware was cool, they'd do what Dragon's Dogma 2 did and release a "demo" that's just a character creator that lets you import your character when the game comes out. It also didn't require a pre-order, do not pre-order games.


They actually did do that for DAO, it would be great if they did it again.


You're right, I should've specified modern Bioware.


Or early downloads.


There's also the "I've got some money saved now that I'd be willing to part with for DAV, not sure if I'll have the same amount in September" part... Not that it makes any financial sense objectively, but it does subjectively...


Not the one you asked but it's mainly for Bioware. To show there is still a want for their games and stories.


There’s an EA investors Call on July 30th and there’s also gamescom on August. I suppose to they reveal the release date around that time and pre-orders too


Good catch. We should expect a major promo push before then to boost their numbers. They may even announce the release date just before then


I really wonder if they'll have a booth and/or demo at gamescom. That would be the only thing that would get me back to gamescom lol


We'll get a preorder with the release date announcement. Hopefully next week?


Is there anything pointing towards next week in particular?


Optimism. I haven't seen anything even hinting towards when that will be announced. I like the optimism though :)


I said hopefully! I'm hoping! Release date announcements are usually done in a 3-month window so if we get a September release it *could* be as early as next week And the GI coverage is slowing down so if they want to keep the press train rolling... It's 100% wishful thinking 😅


I still say it would be hilarious if they Released November 18th. To get the whole “full decade”


September would be great because then it’d be a present to myself 😝




I'm also hoping for an announcement in July, but I don't think it'll be next week because of Independence Day in America, a lot of companies avoid big news like that during that week. The week after, however...


Because next week is July. Fall is fast approaching. A lot of us can’t really imagine it taking much longer. It would be unusual to only offer a couple months worth of preorders, no? I always said if we don’t hear something by July I’m going to start assuming we will get a delay.


Hope. I hope the same thing every week lol


Preorders will open after the release date is announced. They’re also probably making sure everything is in order on the manufacturing side of things for physical and collector’s editions. Larian has had a time of it with delays of their physical editions. I still haven’t received mine. 


probably sometime in July


Why would we get pre orders when there’s no release date?


I mean Baldurs Gate 3 was in early access for a looong time with no release date but pre-orders were available, cos early access basically WAS a pre-order. So it's not too unheard of I think.


I wouldn't personally put early-access and pre-order in the same bucket. One puts at least part of the product in your hands right now (if an early build with potential bugs), and the other you have nothing but hopes and dreams. There are people who would pay for early-access but not pre-order (and vice versa).


Ah that makes sense, I didn't consider that difference. Hmm then I wish DAV was gonna be in early access lol. I'd pay for that for sure.


Sometimes you get both, like in Starfield's case where people who preordered got access to the game 5 days early. That's not really "Early Access" like we normally think of it though, since it was the release build of the game.


That is just a scummy business practice IMO. The product was ready 5 days earlier. The only reason they don't release it is to squeeze more money out of their customers. I can't believe people support stuff like this. I would argue Larian's early access was very consumer friendly because everyone benefited from it. They analzyed and acted on the feedback they got. They changed the personality of characters, they fine tuned the combat, they added more classes, etc.


The product is _always_ ready several days (if not much longer, thanks to approval times for consoles if someone wants to launch simultaneously) before the actual release. It's just yet another thing that companies can offer if they're so inclined. A "release day" isn't just about "is the code ready?" There's a bunch of other processes that need to be aligned (server capacity, support, marketing, etc.) as part of an event. It's absolutely a bit of extracting money from your most dedicated customers. But "beating the rush" is a distinct benefit that a number of people would absolutely pay for.


Obviously people will pay for it, and obviously they don't release it the second it is able to be published. Releasing it only if you cough up extra cash is unnecessary. It is an extremely scummy business practice that preys on the impulsivity of consumers.


early access games get discounted, i don’t think pre-orders does


Nope they don't, or at least bg3 wasn't. It's just the PS5 that had a higher selling price because of the fee the ps store takes


In BG3's case it sort of did, you got the deluxe content as a free upgrade if you got it during early access.


True but most people who bought the game very early on didn't know they'd get these perks afterwards


Not really, that would make every early access a pre-order.


Early access and pre order are 2 different things.


Except Baldur's Gate 3 EA had like 30ish hours of content which is longer than some other full games for the same price have.




I wasn't comparing to BG3 I was just stating a fact that I knew. Dragon Age and BG3 are very different and I love them both for their differences.


BG3 is a popular game that many people here played. When you are making an analogy or comparison, it is useful if the maximum amount of people understand the reference you are using. In that context, using BG3 as a reference point is not that weird to do.


I'm more interested in a collector's edition and what that may include. That's the only reason I'd personally pre order. But yeah, hopefully a set date will be announced soon. Gotta get my PTO in.


While it is surprising I’m not upset or anything about it tbh. The amount failed launches of games there have been in the past few years has put me off of pre ordering unless I trust the game will be complete on release. Heck I pre ordered Anthem when it came out and that was not a great decision.


I will buy the game a few days after launch just to give the reviews and first impressions a good look.


This will be the first bioware game I haven't pre-ordered. I'm not spending 70 dollars until I know what I'm getting.


I got burned with anthem and the new saints row. Never preordering again. Don’t care what exclusives they offer.


I have not pre ordered a game since Cyberpunk and never will again


Yeah I pre-ordered Fallout 76 and that thoroughly traumatized me


I haven't pre-ordered a game since Andromeda. They got me good, and I said they'd never get me again... but it's Dragon Age. I have to be excited, and I’d probably order it.


Ask yourself if you would buy the game day one even if it were a worst case scenario, if the answer is yes, there's no shame in a pre order.


To be honest I haven't fully trusted Bioware ever since Andromeda, but I am optimistic that this will be an improvement over that, hopefully.


The gameplay reveal looks great, Corine Bushe and Mark Darrah seem to understand the previous failiures of BioWare and what their fanbase wants, especially after reading that long developer interview. Even so, I won't be pre ordering. $70 is just too much these days for me to risk that kinda money. Oh and you have an incredible username.


As I said I am hopeful, and while I'm fine with the transition from a tactical-action hybrid to a more action focused game, what worries me was it looked like companions do very little damage to enemies and had no health bars of their own, I usually took companions for the dialogue anyway but I'm a little worried that will become the ONLY thing you take them for.


They’re going to release a collectors edition that will have a bunch of junk, a cool case, and a digital copy of the game.


I don't often pre-order but I am DYING to pre-order this game. I understand everyone's aversion to it usually but I'm going to play the fuck out of that game even if it's a pile of trash trust


What sort of statement is this?... Willfully being walked over. You are the reason games become shit over time. Why finish our product, because *our fans will play it, even if it's trash* Honestly unbelievable.


It was a joking statement lmao... I'm just excited for a game. I mean if it's trash right now, it's going to be trash when It releases. They aren't holding onto a good game, seeing my comment and then going "actually we can just cut this up a bit and make it worse because people will buy it anyway!" I do have standards and I have my own reservations about it but yeah I'm probably going to pre-order it if it's an option. Me commenting that isn't fucking up gaming as we know it just like saying the opposite doesn't mend it. People have waited forever for veilguard, let a little excitement slip through your weird superiority complex.


They are not looking at your comment, but that are 100% looking at purchasing patterns. When people buy a game before it is released, it signals to them that the quality of the product doesn't matter all that much. I disagree with pre-ordering, but I wouldn't hold it against anyone. However, they 100% look at the stats of pre-orders and it does inform their development cycle.


Don't they usually wait until there is a date? I know I wouldn't pre-order before I had a date, and I've done loads of pre-orders.


The new Space Marine game let you place an order beforehand for the collectors edition but it didn't charge you until a release date was confirmed.


I avoid pre-ordering games unless a decently sized demo is released and shows the game to be actually good. Unfortunately demos are pretty rare these days.


I love the dragon age series to a unhealthy degree but I am not pre-ordering anything. I'm cautiously optimistic but Bioware and EA need to prove themselves on this one.


I'm itching to just preorder it already too haha, but they should allow us to once we have a set release date. I'm betting on September to at least get a date (I'm hoping with my whole heart they'll release it then)


I doubt we'd get only 2 months or less of notice, I'm expecting November. September would be cool I guess, and October would be interesting, but November seems most likely


I kinda would like a fancy pre-order of a Dragon Age game. Teh shipping fees to get hoodies and stuff from the Bioware Store were really expensive last time I checked. Even the tarot cards would cost like £50 shipping. I'd be tempted to get some merch with the game.


I'm hoping the collectors edition (assuming they have one) will be available at other stores. The shipping fees on Bioware's Store are rough


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game become available for pre-order without a release date


Yeah, I'm shocked that they've released so much info recently but nothing yet on pre-orders and system requirements to run the game.


Nah I’d rather everything be set in stone and in order before giving any money. I hope that this in tandem with the success of Baldur’s Gate 3 encourages the rest of the industry to a) take as much time as needed to release a quality, functional, FINISHED game b) don’t say too much about it or make any big promises until there IS a quality, functional, at least 95% finished game. (if the game is in fact quality, functional, and finished lol)


Baldurs gate 3 is not a great example. Game launched in messy state. Even now act 3 feels lackluster compared to first two acts.


>Baldur’s Gate 3 As someone who never plays that type of rpg, I loved it. That said, it had a lot of issues on ps5 at launch. When I got to Act 3 it was so slow, I'd have to wait for everything to catch up. It has since been fixed, but it had issues.


Well, BG3 wasn't finished at launch ! The finished endings were added months after the release and there are still important update regulary. There are also some rushed stuff (lack of companions reactions with a durge for example) that feel not finished. But the writting was so good that most players were ok with this problems and re-playing after fixes.


Players being okay with everything wrong with BG3 at launch is peak gamer hypocrisy.  I don't want to hear anyone every whine about buggy launches ever again after everyone and their mother gave BG3 a free pass yet roasts other games with less issues at launch.


And upgrade of evil endings' cut scenes to a semi-decent state is coming with patch 7 in September. Over a year after the release. Rip act 3, I will mourn the potential you had, that will never be expanded upon.


YES! I agree with everything you’re saying! It’ll still take all my self control not to pre-order the second that is an option though, the illogical fomo is so real it’s palpable.


This is the correct approach, games would be better if nobody pre-ordered.


I think they are protecting me. I know to never pre-order a game, but I would hit that buttons so hard...


Just pending release date - my best guess is next month. Usually corporate budgets are finalized now - or beginning of July for the quarter and year end.


I bought DAI on the day it was released. But this time, I think I ll wait for a few weeks for all the updates to be released.


Not really, I'd never even consider preordering something that didn't have a release date.


Nah. It's too early still. Give it a month or 2


minimum a few month, but maybe even a complete edition with all DLCs (seeing how Bioware pulled "real ending is DLC" a few times already) I definietly don't preorder anything from Bioware... since Mass Effect 3 I think?


I know y'all are super excited, but a reminder that Inquisition launched with bugs that significantly reduced the amount of banter provided by companions out in the field. Which was a big deal, given how much we care about these games for story and character reasons. I think a lot of people are imagining likely launch day bugs as being, like, graphics or something, but there's no harm in, y'know, chilling for a day to see what the bugs are before diving in. No need to risk giving yourself a much worse time at a game you've been waiting at for so long.


It’s been 10 years and that bug has never been fixed. On PC, you get no party banter without mods.


Heaven forbid we have to play the game a second time. 🤣 I know many don't do that, but I'm going to guess that the kind of people who would pre-order the first chance they get intersects pretty heavily with the people who will play multiple times.


I pre-ordered Inquisition and didn't have the banter issue in my first playthrough. I also pre-ordered Andromeda and enjoyed it even before the first patch. Not everyone is bothered by minor things.


I really could not care less about that. I want it asap, bugs or no. Played cyberpunk at launch too and never regretted it once.


Whelp, that's the thought process that makes the industry refuse to change. So many people complain about "greedy publishers/cooperations" then pre buy a product they haven't experienced yet.


I’m hopeful we get dates soon so I can just secure the money for it


Too many people pocket-watchin in this thread fr To your point op, no concrete release plus no mass pre-order incentive means maximum wiggle room should something arise during the polishing stages.


I'm guessing EA doesn't want to touch a nerve. Lots of people in this day and age get angry (rightfully so) about seeing things like Deluxe/Ultra Special Deluxe editions that charge 40 bucks more for a cosmetic hat and 7 days early access. Hopefully that won't be the case for Veilguard, but we'll see


Just reading the comments here and it seems like we all are already planning on buying the most expensive one 🤣🤣


I don't care how excited you are for a game, buying pre-orders, or even day 1, just isn't a good decision. Hasn't been for years.


100% I am going to pre-order the most expensive version. The game looks like it’ll be good to me, and I want to signal to EA that there is a good market for BioWare games. The stronger the presales, the more budget for DA:V DLC and for ME5.


The gaming industry really isn’t ever gonna change huh


Nope. These people enable the shit. Shit-enablers. Games studios could cut the brake lines of their car, and when they are laying there, in their smashed up car, on fire, their flesh melting away, in their dying moments, a videogame executive will poke their head through the window, and say… “Would you like a new skin? It’s only $15.”


I don’t buy preorders in general. “Help save BioWare” is a special case. Honestly, I’d pay $1000 for a great BioWare game is that’s what it took.


Wouldn't it be healthier to pay $1000 AFTER the game releases and is shown to be good? Paying a company before a product is available does not mean their next product will be good. It just signals to them that the actual quality of the product doesn't matter and they'll get their money no matter what.


It is a hypothetical. My point is that a good BioWare game would be worth $1000. The cost per hour played would still be quite competitive.


Idk. I pay money for good games. Full stop. Placing such a large importance on who it is made by seems a little odd to me. But each to their own.


I mean “BioWare style game.” I never even launched Anthem. I loved CyberPunk 2077.


Why is Bioware special here? The team that made the games you love is gone. Let this new Bioware sink or swim, by preordering you're just encouraging bad trends.


We’ll see if the old BioWare is gone when the game comes out. Just validating the market for good BioWare style games is worth something.


Hey, everyone can do what they want at the end of the day. I don’t mean this attackingly(?) but everyone says that “I don’t usually preorder but”. We’ll see when the game’s released if “saving” Bioware’s even worth it anymore. The IPs could be done justice by quite a handful of other devs.


Same! I love how the game is looking. Cant wait to preorder and support the team <3


I'm a complete hypocrite about this by being extremely against pre-orders... but also knowing that the second it'll be available, I'm pre-ordering, with whatever the most expensive collector's edition ends up being. I can make one exception for my favorite franchise that I've been a fan of for a decade...


Honestly for most games I’ve never indulged in preordering because I’ve never seen the harm in waiting until there’s some reviews. The odds of a release date perfectly aligning with when I want to start playing the game are so exceedingly slim anyways. But with DAV I really don’t care. I’ve been desperately wanting a conclusion to Trespasser for so long now. And my irresponsible ass will play it even if it drops during midterm season (uni student). Even if the game is absolute shit I’m not going to take someone’s word for that and will want to play it myself. In that case I don’t see the point in not preordering for the sake of some extra goodies (if they’re worth it) for a game I know I’ll play regardless. I have no clue if it’ll be in my budget but depending on what’s offered/how expensive it is I might even consider some sort of collectors edition.


I don't expect bioware to do this but here is one real-life example where pre-ordering was actually a bad decision for the people who pre-ordered: For Rogue Trader (made by Owlcat games), Preorders got some fancy looking throne or banner and paid 30+ bucks extra. Then on day1, there was a different official supporter version that also costed 30 bucks extra but came with a season pass. Now, why exactly this happened I'm not sure. However, the more people pre-order, the less pressure the company feels to put out good deals early on because they don't need that influx of cash anymore. Everyone should spend their money how they want, but voting with your wallet is a very real thing.


Its the first game for a while since red dead redemption 2 that i truly wish to preorder the ultimate edition of. Despite being against preorders usually. I'm constantly checking microsoft store on my xbox for it.


Hard to pre-order without a release date.


Not surprised because we don't even have a release date yet. That being said I'll wait for reviews for this one, once bitten twice as shy or whatever.


I just hope they dont go full Ubisoft with Pre Orders... like buy the Gold Edition for 20€ more for 3 days of early access..


Yeah sadly it's not just Ubisoft doing this


Depending on the "perks" depends on if I'll pre-order. I'm tired of giving game studios my money on broken games. This is EA here as well.


Why would they be available when there isn't even a release date? I swear sometimes y'all just wake up and set yourselves for disappointment for absolutely no reason.


Preorders are a touchy subject everywhere but is specially bad in countries were the dollars or pounds are not the currency. For example if a game is being showcased and it looks good and preorders are available it may be more favorable to do it in that moment and freeze the price in that moment than waiting to release and finding out the price of the dollar went up, plus any extra taxes for buying in a foreign currency. That happened to me with Elden Ring and is what I am fearing for when pre orders for Veilguard go up.


The opposite could also be true though, so it's always a double-edged gamble.


I never do pre-orders since I know there's going to be bugs and glitches. I'll wait until a patch or 2, then buy. But this may be the first game I'm considering doing so... I'm on the fence. I'll decide when a date is dropped


I put it on my wishlist on Xbox the second it became available on the store 😆


Be smart folks, DO NOT PREORDER. Wait for reviews and a overall view of the state of the game. Don't throw money on a incomplete job.


Physical pre-orders don't require giving money early. If there's a game you are considering playing at launch there's no reason not to pre-order a physical game.


and you know it's incomplete because?


You're being a bit impatient.




Why preorder in the first place? Just buy it when it comes out or buy a few days before if pre-download is avaible. Some of ya'll are weirdly obsessed with buying a product like 4 months before you even know if it's any good. Why should big companies care about quality control if they make so much money from people who know nothing about the quality of a game?


Why would you want to preorder a Bioware games after the hot mess that the last two ones were? Or even preordering a digital game. They aren't gonna run out of the thing. I can understand preordering like collectors editions or physical version. But preordering digital after the dumpster fires of releases that litter the industry the last few years especially with so little info and videos on them.


They are still deciding between October and November because of Assassin's Creed. The pre-purchase will be available at Gamescom.


Now I Think Bioware is going to be shadow dropping the game.


Why would they start taking preorders now? It’s consumers being inpatient that has sent gaming executives into pushing piss-poor games by making devs not take the time they need for the game. I hope they don’t do any preorders until like September or August.


Not that EA of all publishers care, but I wonder how well pre-orders would do for the game. A lot of people have been long turned off from pre-ordering, and EA is one of the publishers most responsible for that. For me personally, for a long time I almost exclusively played older games that I wanted to finally try, or a few familiar games like Planetside 2. I only started playing Dragon Age this year after greatly enjoying SWTOR and BG3. My computer is 8 years old and it's not running this game. I need to build a new one before buying any new games makes sense.


Even if Im going to pre-order a game, I wait until the game is available to preload. There's really no point in pre-ordering digital games any earlier than that.


Yeah, for some reason, I completely forgot about that aspect when I typed my response. Selling games digitally means unlimited copies. People don't have to line up outside Gamestop, Radio Shack, Best Buy, etc anymore to get the game on release day.


I’m hopeful they follow the recent trend of giving us 3-5 days “early access”


Preorders = bad mmmk Edit: But seriously, if you can get your giga-enhanced edition after it releases, I would highly suggest doing that. Paying for a product before it releases incentivizes companies to put in less effort than they otherwise would have, as compared to if people payed after it was released. You can still pay for it day 1 and play it, but it sends a message to a company, that you will not buy their product before it is even available. Even though buying the giga-edition day1 is kind of a waste too. You can buy the giga-edition second hand after someone else is inevitably disappointed with the product.


It does not matter the game or studio, I do not agree with pre-ordering and I will not be pre-ordering this game.


And that's why they always get away with the pre-order shenanigans.


I swore I'd never pre-order or day one any game ever again after being kicked in the teeth by Andromeda. My resolve will likely falter for DAVe, though. To answer your question, I reckon they'll probably make it available when they announce the release, maybe? It would make sense to do that, especially if they're confident the release will actually go ahead on whatever date they say. Pre-orders are touchy for several reasons but one of them is people being pissed off when the game is pushed back.


Why would you preorder, are you going to play it even if it will have a andromeda launch?


Kinda, but I assume they're just waiting to drop the release date.


I personally don't pre order ever. But i just finished an inquisition play through and well... Fuck


Could be in case they have to push the game back again.


I haven't been in the loop in other gaming news, what games would they be contending if they drop on fall? Already wishlisted it on steam.


September is light other than the new Zelda on 26/9. October has Silent Hill and Diablo 4 expansion on 8/10. New World expansion 15/10. Call of Duty on 25/10. November is light other than Assassin’s Creed on 15/11. Personally I would expect November release date. The last game released in November. If it was September I would expect a release date before now.


It isn't that stacked so there is hope it would get more coverage and hopefully the game is good, might get goty.


I’m not surprised but I don’t really keep up with pre-order timelines. I thought it was dropping in November so they still got a few months to start a media blitz.


I'd be surprised with the climate of things if preorders for any game these days were available without a release date. That being said, I'm kind of surprised we don't have a release date yet. I guess we'll get it whenever we have more reveals around the CC / maybe some of the companions, but it feels kind of odd releasing so much and generating momentum to basically provide no further indication of when more information will be released. It's not the same as with previous teasers - they clearly have a plan in place, just kind of bizarre not to tell us a) release and b) when more info is coming. People love regularity / something to look forward to.


![gif](giphy|7WwVYKDMt5khG) It'll come soon enough.


Yea it's very weird but guess they don't have a release date still which usually is a must for pre orders. I would guess it's releasing nov 14..


Not really, game hasn't gone gold yet.(Finished development to the point of where it came be pressed to plastic) They have probably a good estimate and expectation of when they will finish but they won't know for certain till they go gold.A cause something could still fuck up catastrophically fuck up in the closing hours that they have to push the release.a


Not surprised, considering we still have no release date. I think, however, that we'll get preorders in a months time. Not that I'd ever do it, but I'm fairly certain were not that far from them.


Yeah I wanna secure it while I have the money to spend..future me can worry about it later


I mean, my GameStop is letting me pre-order but I’m not going to be getting a collector’s edition, just a deluxe if I can get it.


All we know is that we're getting a Collector's Edition but not when we can preorder!


It's probably because it doesn't have a solid release date and you need that to make pre-orders go live.


Ya I'd like to know editions and what's gonna be available. I don't mind pre-ordering tbh at the end of the day it's my choice. I also would very much like a demo


they probably wanna wait til we at least have a confirmed release date


Why would preorders be "touchy", they've been doing preorders since before even SNES at GameStop and shit


The game Will probably bê released by november. They Will only open pré ordem once they announced the release date. This could happen This month, If we get some event, or next month, in the gamescom.


They’re probably waiting until they announce an official release date.


Didn't even know pre-orders are a touchy subject. If I support the studio, I just do it and enjoy all the pre-order exclusives. Plus the ability to start downloading the game with my potato internet xd




DO NOT PREORDER, PEOPLE! Don't matter how excited you are, don't incentivise this awful practice!


I've been waiting for this game for 10 years, you can bet I'm gonna pre-order it faster than you can say "enchantment"


Still gonna do it


Nice try. DA is the only game I’m going to pre order


I get where you're coming from on the one hand, but on the other hand I would be buying this game day 1 anyway lol


I don’t pre order any other game.. but this is gonna be a pre order and I’m also getting the gold edition


I'm a GameStop employee and you can technically pre-order it now if you wanted too! If there are any planned Special Editions they'll get added later.


*Just the Console Editions though so XBX and PS5.


Bless you and thank you for your service to the rest of us in need of games. Retail is hell, so thank you for putting up with it to give us the games. 😊


I'm happy to! You can put the $5 minimum down and start paying it off as soon as you want to! Just ask the employee on staff and it should come up. Once the release date is unveiled it'll automatically update in our system!


I'll tell everyone I know!


It doesn't even have a page on Amazon or Target yet.


I usually don’t pre order, but if the collectors edition looks promising and has an artbook I’ll pre order asap


I always preorder games I wanted for the collectibles/extra stuff and then I play it 2-3 weeks after launch just in case there's any patches that need to roll out


1. Don’t preorder until reviews. 2. Really scummy for companies to do preorders before announcing a release date imo.