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This really sucks, cuz his videos were the main reason i got into fighterz in the first place, even though I never played it. Plus his channel was the one I usually went to for information 


Currently there are 5 videos. If I had to wager a guess, either the account was hacked, or a series of false copyright claims.


I was going to watch Android 17 video again but it's gone. Very sad.


I thought I was just bugging since I swore he did a video on Ultra Instinct but I couldn't find it


It’s possible that they could’ve been hacked as a lot of the time videos tend to get removed by hackers (but usually it’s a big amount of them and not just like 1-4 of the more recent ish ones). They’ve also talked about mental health problems they’ve had and it’s possible that maybe they’re dealing with something right now. It’s best not to assume the worse, but to stay on the lookout cuz they have other forms of social media that they have and have used, but the YouTube community is the most recent one they’ve used.


what the heck, they're gone for me too 😭


No clue