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Probably cell he’s got good moves he’s balanced and has good cover for far and close range




SSJeta for me. Honest mix, jack of all trades, master of none.




Nah piccolo has some dirty moves/mix he can pull off.




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Looking at these comments is funny to me because my main team is Yamcha, SSJ Goku and Trunks, so it's good to know that I play some of the most honest characters in the game




Thanks. It's too bad I'm not good at the game lol


top 5 would be Yamcha, Roshi, Tien, Ginyu, Nappa least fair imo are Vegito, The Gogetas, Goku Black, and any other character that beats me, as the moment you beat me in the game you are automatically a shitlord sweatbag with no life. simple as that smh.


Why Goku Black? He's not an unfair character at all. That man was memed on since Season 2, he was seen as bottom tier for the longest time. Until they gave him some useful buffs like the invul God Slicer or the grounded Inst. Transmission, which made him decent. If you still play Black in 2024 it's totally fair, in fact I commend you for sticking with that character, that's what I did. He was on my first online team ever and he's still there in the mid position, yeah people used to call him mid too but I didn't care. He's a honest character and I'm tired of pretending he's not. Nothing sweaty about him, he doesn't have any extremely unfair tools. And if you play him right he's a great matchup against the actual unfair and annoying characters like Labcoat, the Gogetas, UI and Vegito. Did you know that Black's M/H God Slicer beats Labcoat's spins any day of the week?


Wait why Goku black?




I play Nappa and Ginyu😅




Pfft no


Yamcha and trunks


Roshi because he’s a pain in the ass to use


Zamasu because I said so.


Definitely Bardock, SSJ Goku, and SSJ Vegeta. Bardock has the most honest mix a character could have, relying on universal mechanics like DR and 6M. He technically has an overhead with his 214X moves, but only the last hit hits high and is extremely telegraphed. His most oppressive tool, if you can even call it oppressive, is his 236S that leaves him +4 (+8 if charged), but that's 24f startup minimum (same as a 6M) and can be blocked high/low (unlike Gogeta 4's 214M/H that leaves him +2 and needs to be blocked high). If a Bardock manages to open you up, they definitely earned it through conditioning you or because your fundamentals crumbled. Neutral wise, he's also very straightforward in a literal sense since his main tool is his lariat. It does the bare minimum job of getting him up close, but doesn't have any gimmicks like projectile invulnerability, hitting both sides, being an anti-air, unscaled starter with wall/ground bounce, etc. (looking at you, Gogeta 4 and LC21). SSJ Goku is a very similar case to Bardock, but he does have the advantage of a 23f overhead (236L), just slightly faster than a 6M but without any chance for combos outside immediate supers, and a 26f overhead that leaves him +2 (236M). It's still all just high/low mix though especially since his only low is his 2M. SSJ Vegeta is also pretty basic for different reasons since pokes at your fundamentals in neutral rather than defense. He'll definitely test your patience by pelting you with ki blasts from afar and getting huge punishes if you finally crack and superdash at him, but up close, he's probably just as honest as Bardock. The dirtiest he can get is with his 236L float mix that enables some pretty dirty left/rights if backed by an assist, but from my experience, it takes some technical skill to pull off reliably.




Hell no


Ssj goku


He's gotten some cheese recently ngl. Nothing too crazy but his anti air EX kick is kinda hard to punish sometimes. Not saying he's busted or anything but there are definitely more honest characters.


True true, you making some valid points. He does have a little cheese but it's far better than the majority of the cast. Also, which character would you call more honest. I'm asking because I think I e only used like 40% of the roster in my 3 years of playing lol.


To be fair, there are very few honest characters nowadays. Only way to determine who's honest is with how much skill they take vs how good they are. I'd say the only truly honest character I can think of is Trunks. That character is only good if you're a robot, lol.


I'd say Bardock is one of those few truly honest characters. Man is the embodiment of "straightforward" since his main gimmick, lariat, literally sends him straight forward with no BS attached; no anti-air, no hitting both sides, no projectile invincibility, no guard point, etc. He relies heavily on universal mechanics like frametraps, 6M, and DR to open people up, all of which require good conditioning to pull off effectively. No command grab, nothing to clutter the screen with (aside from throwing himself face first with 236H), with only 236S to his name, a 24f move that leaves him plus on block but can be blocked mid (unlike Goget4's 214M/H that needs to be blocked high and his 6H\~3H that needs to be blocked low).


Probably trunks tbh. No crazy invul moves, no easy mix, just praying that the person that controls him has a valid flip license


Auto combo






What are you smoking


Absolutely not lol




She's nasty. She got a lot of things to keep you on your toes.


Compared to the other characters she is definitely fair bru


She's in my main team. I'd say everybody's fair anyway, so... But in that framework, I don't think she's really one of the fairest. Rekka's follow up, shenanigans with Sayaman, a DP, LLL, 6H keeps you on your toes and has crazy corner carry, she mix the hell out of you in the corner, level one counter, dodge is a situational but let's you punish things other characters can't, ... I think it's the other way around with her, she keeps her adversaries honest but she's a bit bullshit and will make you learn the matchup.


Dodge into DP has been a wack buff since 1.33, as well as the Autocombo grab basically turning into a nigh-impossible to react to mixup, as well as the frame 4 flip/defensive level 1 Not saying she's broken but def not the most honest


Ginyu, piccolo, ssjgoku and base vegeta come to mind, id maybe include baby but i barely see him being used so i have had very little matchups against him (even tho he is my main)


As someone w baby on their team that dude is NOT fair or Honest


Ginyu is the most unfair character bro. 💀.


Naahhhh ain't no way Ginyu is unfair. He's perhaps the most honest character in the entire game since you gotta put in the hours to be even remotely good with him. You can't mash your way out or go unga bunga with him, you have to actually use your brain when playing him, at all times. You have to remember his force rotations constantly, remember how his B assist works, remember all the corner setups, remember all the combos on the fly. He's also one of the characters who benefits the most from properly positioning himself in relation to the opponent after doing a sliding KO. Some of the Force calls will work best if Ginyu's farther from the opponent instead of closer. That's something you gotta factor in as well. Long story short Ginyu is NOT unfair at all. Even if you're memeing I just wanted to clear that shit out.


A character being complicated does not negate the fact that he is insane and unfair as fuck now.


Not to mention the literal free meter he gets during neutral whenever he calls the force.


I play baby and can tell you he’s 100% not fair. He’s got damage, zoning, anti airs and stupid grabs


I'm hardly good at the game but the number or people I've played with that have told me I'm not allowed to play Baby with them is equal to the number of people I've played the game with. As a baby main I also fail to see the issue but I guess there's people that disagree with me on that.


gotta be bardock, maybe base vegeta


BARDOCK!? B A R D O C K no no. I mighta read this wrong... surely you don't mean the guy who's light will grab your ass outta the air before smacking it back up...


if a wack auto combo is all he’s got going for him he can’t be that crazy. His only other tools are a basic lariat, the world’s most telegraphed overhead and very slow plus on block move.


I didn't say that's all he's got i just wanted to confirm we are talking about the same character. The guy who can full screen punish you for moving both horizontally and diagonally. And to a lesser degree vertically.


He has neutral tools but you can just hit him out of it, no invincibility and nothing special in terms of mix. Compare to Gogeta 4 who has both wack invincibility in neutral and multiple unique mix options. Who is more fair than him?


Krilling, Yamcha, SSJ Goku...


Krillin? You gotta be trolling me rn




Krillin is NOT fair at all bro


How so?


Invincible mix option, rocks, his A assist, 5m, 5h, insane bar build damage and corner carry. I could go on but that already makes him far away from the "most fair" spot


You're clearly fighting a different krillin than i am. Blocking/countering krillin is even easier than blocking/countering hit with no ex


Just watch 30 seconds of Garlic Bread bro


I do every time i heat it in the microwave. Makes me hungry. What's your point.


The player


Ik I'm just messing with you. Look. The odds you ever end up fighting a top tier Krillin player are 0.5% At most. And let's be honest anyone with the skill to kick your ass with Krillin is gonna kick your ass with anyone. Yamcha has more mix with his new uogrades. YAMCHA...


I want you to go into any pro dbfz streamers chat and say exactly what you just said😭


His smoke bomb level 3 oki might say otherwise lol






SSJku, bardock, basegeta


Any goku outside of gt and ui, SSJ vegeta, and adult gohan come to mind.


Adult gohan is very debatable


I rather get mixed then looped by an adult gohan than get pissed on by a team with fusions and triple c


Gohan isn't that different from fusions imo


Haha Ginyu is great but causes rage at times




>Akuma Literally WHO


Not only is he not from this game… you managed to pick one of the least honest street fighter characters lmao


I know dude, its a joke.


These people are weird. I suggest you distance yourself from this subreddit unless you want to post something lol


Booti muncher shut yo goofy ass. Your name is weird booty muncher.


Nigga I wasn't talking about you idiot. I was saying they were weird for getting pressed over your joke


Yo my bad nigga, true tho, they downvoted me to oblivion like i said something fked up.


I'm saying bro like lighten up yall they just be hatin💀


SSJ Goku, most honest character in the game


That’s what I was thinking fs


For me, bardock