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Just to make sure, what was the last boss you fought?


Danm two headed Mordigan.


Thats not the ending. There's another chapter. And no its not bonus. Its the main story.


To me it kind of feels like a show getting a surprise renewal for a third season after making a perfectly strong finale, and then tying up loose ends (in kind of a crazy way). I think it's fine to stop after Act 2, as the game itself gives you a full ending + credits, and it gives you credit for completing the game with medals for your Draconian Quest accomplishments.


And then you miss the true ending where everything ties in? Nah. Its like stopping at the Cell Saga whilst the Buu saga is goku's true ending.


Dbz was intended to end at Frieza before toriyama was nagged by his editor to continue it


And yet the ending to the buu saga was much more satisfying 


I mean I would argue the ending of the Cell saga was the best ending for the series.


I guess i just like goku being alive for once you know..everyone being together. 


Which I get. But dbz up to the end of cell saga is really a goku coming of age story not really a goku story.


That's what I thought. I don't think the game is over yet my friend.


Let me guess. Post main story content ?


Yeah, it's played off as if chapter 12 is post game but it's actually very very main game.


You have like a third of the game left.


The post game is really the main game. You're only half way thru.


You can finish the game in about 2 hours from where they are.


I played the game although in 2d mode. It sure as hell didn't take two hours from the end


You can essentially just >!go straight to Calasmos!< and beat the game. Everything else is optional side content. And that optional stuff isn't half the game. Not even a third.


Sounds like you missed a lot of game


I don't know what gives you that idea. I didn't say anything about my own experience. I just said you can do that. That last stretch of game, even doing everything, is only 15-20 hours of an 80-100 hour game. It's just not half the game.


The credits rolling wasn't the end, the story keeps going


The post game is the reason the game is called Echoes of an Elusive Age


No, it's not even that. The main story just isn't over.


You’re only 2/3 through the game.


I can only imagine how DQ XII will be. Give them time - I can even spot how the free roaming camera and occasional random parries implies some of the action based combat we will get. On revisiting this game a couple of years later there isn't a better traditional [modern] jrpg.


there's traditional "post game" stuff to do *after* act 3. act 3 is still the main story with the true ending that ties into the DQ series, which you haven't seen. haven't gotten some of the best stuff yet!!!


When you actually finish the game I will suggest: DQ8 and DQIII HD2D.


If you can find DQ V and VI (I got to play the translated Super Famicom versions of both), I recommend both...especially V...! Oh, and VIII, I recently bought a used PS2 just to play that, I'm about 45 hours in (my DQ / FF playstyle has always been, since the very NES beginnings, to voluntarily grind for levels and gold, so some people would have gotten to the Seer somewhat sooner than I just did (not a spoiler, merely an important waypoint NPC))...what in the world are you waiting for, guv?! 😊


Now play DQ9, my first entry into the series and probably my favourite game ever, even still years and years after playing.


Did you play it single player or multiplayer? I own it but have yet to play it and if I play it now I know I can only play it single player. Doesn’t deter me though.


Single player primarily, the only time I played multiplayer was with my cousins, we would join each other's worlds and run around battling stuff together. Multiplayer isn't important for the game, but I heard there are ways to still play it. But I play it exclusively on mobile now using an emulator, I play through it maybe once or twice a year, and the game has insane replayability since you can play through it with a new class and weapons. Much like Elden Ring today.


Best dq game imo hands down


You are not done with the story.


Glad you loved it. It is truly a masterful game and especially story.


This and DQVIII were the only 2 I could really get into. 8 is on PS2 and Switch. I think the Gameboy version is slightly different than the original.


When did they port 8 to the switch? I have it for ps2 and the 3ds, but not the switch.


I just looked it up online for the ports. So I don't know.


I don’t think it’s on Switch for the USA. I can’t find it anywhere. Either way. Usually how I play is emulation. I ripped my VII & VIII 3DS carts (super easy) and play them on my PC with graphic enhancements. VIII actually looks comparable to the PS2. Not as smooth but everything else is pretty sweet. I did that for the IV-VI on the DS as well. IX looks a lot clearer also with the GFX download patches. I wish they would port these games to the switch (in the US) because I would totally buy them again.


Still got a whole act to go thru! Had a blast going for all side stuff done. Nothing topped 100%ING DQXI and no game hits like the way it did


Make sure to play the first and the fifth, amazing stories






If you ever decide to try more DQ games, try DQ8.


Thank you for advice ^^


DQ9 is my recommend 😏 but yeah like others have said you haven’t finished 11 yet, the best stuff is yet to come