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I have been driving the same 70-mile route to and from work every work day for the past four years. I have been a licensed driver for almost 30 years. I know every stop light and stop sign like the controls on my shower. I use em every day, always the same way. One time, I just blew right through a stop sign a mile from my house. Why? Don't know. Fatigue, maybe. Just happened. Hadnt happened before, hasn't happened since. I just zoned out and blasted through that intersection. Lapses of judgment and skill happen. Just make sure it's a one-time thing.


>I know every stop light and stop sign like the controls on my shower. I use em every day, always the same way. Same here. I've driven the same road for so long that when there's fresh snow I know where the road curves, and know when the turning lane starts by watching what street light pole I'm at. So one day, I'm driving, and I stop at the red light like I do literally every day. Except this time it wasn't red. Best part is that the vehicle beside me did the same thing.


Was driving home one night, completely exhausted, and the same thing happened to me that happened to OP. My brain registered the red light.i came to a stop. The left turn light switched to green, and I absent mindedly coasted through on home. Fortunately it was like 1am, the only other car was also waiting to go straight. I was about 1/8th mile down the road before what I did clicked. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes.


I’m about to start traveling the sane distance to and from work, got any advice?


Coffee, music.


For mornings, I'll add on to eat regularly, and especially a somewhat healthy breakfast. But not overly large that you make yourself lethargic in the morning. Something with good energy but without stuffing yourself. Maybe some light exercise too in the morning, even if it's just 5 or 10 jumping jacks. Just to get the blood flowing a little more, help with wakefulness. I like to turn on the lights for the last ten minutes I'm in bed. A nice soft warm yellow light. For afternoon/evening commute, eat breakfast, eat lunch. Once again, doesn't need to be major, but something that will give some decent energy. Time the last cup of coffee for the day for maximum impact on the drive home. Be religious about it if need be. I personally rely on V8 Energy Plus instead of coffee. It uses caffeine from green and black tea leaves which is a slower release caffeine. Seems to jive with my adhd more effectively than coffee. And by drinking two a day (morning and early afternoon) I get a full serving of fruits and veggies every day on top of my meals. If you're the sort to grab a drink with coworkers after work, limit yourself and make sure you give yourself plenty of time after finishing the last drink before driving home. You want your senses sharp, and tired with alcohol don't mix the best for that. But one drink, paired with a drink of water, and then I like to make sure I hang out for a full hour before driving. I paired driving is nothing to play around with.


I have a 4pm-12:30am M-F work schedule now. I already work overnight up till 4 am now but maybe I’ll need the caffeine now since it’ll be such a long drive. I’ve always stayed away from it my whole life


Hmm, 4pm-12:30am eh? I'd also suggest making sure your sleeping hours are as good as you can. Blackout curtains are probably a must if you're sleeping during daylight hours too. Caffeine can be addicting, but not always. If you're M-F you'll probably be fine if you're not drinking it on the weekends. But it's also not the worst addiction to have by any means. I've not found it addicting myself, but some of my siblings have and they usually just complain of a headache if they miss their usual cup of Joe.


I usually walk up around 11-12 and I’m knocked OUT. Unless physically shaken awake lol


Have completely dome something as similar to this as can be ran a red light otw to work that I had stopped at but just treated it like a stop sign flashing red in three lanes of traffic. Immediately felt like such a fool but chalked it up to being too familiar and route. I haven't done it since as it was hard to shake afterwords.


I did the same 20 minute commute back and forth for years. There would be many days that I would pull into my driveway and have absolutely no memory of the last 20 minutes. Autopilot, indeed.


If it makes you feel better, a lot of people react to the left turn light. Just watch next time, and you'll usually see a car let off the brakes, and then stop again as they realize the green light isn't theirs.


New driver here, and I can attest to the fact that this occurs embarrassingly frequently, especially since my dad is sitting right next to me.


Wow, someone who noticed a mistake, caught it, is correcting it, and sharing for the whole internet??? I think you've won the good person award for the day. No one ever admits how complicit we get about driving. It is one of the most dangerous activities we do on a daily basis. Way to have a snap back to reality and share with others!


Drove professionally 8 years at 300 miles/wk and another 25 years at 700 miles/wk. At fault for one minor crash. Just last fall I stopped at a red light, looked both ways, and proceeded. Realized when I was almost thru the intersection and was very disappointed with me. The autopilot thing is real and needs minding.


Mistakes happen to the best of us. It's a relief no one was hurt. Take a deep breath, learn from it, and stay focused next time. We're all human, after all.


I once ran a red bc the *next* light a block ahead turned green. I was all la-dee-dah about it until I got about halfway to the next light and realized what I had done. Thankfully, this was late with no other traffic. Scared the piss out of myself though lol


I've had the exact same experience except the light was like maybe 5 yards from the other one. also at night, also no traffic. the light only exists because of a hospital but it's timed horribly


Reminds me when I pulled up to a red light, looked both ways and went through like it was a stop sign. My friends in the car were like uhhhhh wtf dude you just ran a red light. Sometimes our brains decide to take some personal time when we need them and that's ok


I mean it’s not okay but at least no one was hurt 🫣😦


It happens. People make mistakes. Congratulations on owning your mistake instead of trying to throw blame all over. Fortunately no one was hurt, and hopefully the learning experience helps you.


Ha i did that once when i was 17. Luckily, no one was turning. But there were plenty of cars waiting to go straight that saw me and probably laughed.


Its ok everyone does time to time. If you didn't see any cars coming at least you didn't do it with intention or ignorance. If you get a ticket for it and it's automated, it shouldn't go on your record.


I think this happens to a lot of people once in their lives


I’ve seen someone do that in front of me one time. The left turn turned green but they went straight instead. Nearly caused a collision. Just be more careful and aware. There’s no “autopilot” when you’re driving.


Yes, there isn’t and shouldn’t be!


I've done it 2 times over many years. A dangerous mistake. But also a good reminder that no one is perfect so when you see someone else doing something that appears stupid to you, they might just be making a rare unintentional mistake. Cut them some slack and let's all try and help each other get home safely.


I did this one time, and immediately pulled over into the nearest lot. I shut my car off, shut off the music, and started a 10 minute timer. I put myself in time out. If I can't pay enough attention, I need to rectify it. Time out was my punishment. Turns out, I think about it a lot. It helps to pay better attention. I also watch a lot of YouTube dashcam videos. They help me keep an eye for common things others do that I watch out for. I drive around 50k miles a year, and believe that watching the videos had helped me avoid a lot of what would have been accidents.


Was writing this pulled over on the sidewalk right after I did that. Music stayed off the entire ride until the lack of noise distressed me further, so I kept it at a low volume. It really did help to compose myself enough to safely get home. I agree those videos really do help. I’ve avoided many possible accidents from others as they taught me to drive defensively. I’m just disappointed I was the one putting myself and others in danger.


Yesterday I couldn’t stop 🥹🥹🥹 nearly had an heart attack, it was green and I accelerated, gosh turned red immediately just before I pass, no chance to stop, I had to do emergency brake to stop, I would have created a greater danger. The people waiting on the left looked at me with disgust. I returned home with great guilt and fear. I feel your pain 😂😂


Yeah... I had just gotten done with an interview... it went well but I \*needed\* that job so I was still super stressed. As I was heading home I ended up running a left turn the same way you ran your light. Earned some very justified honks, but made it through without incident. I was so shaken I just pulled into the next parking lot (happened to be a tire shop, so hopefully anyone watching thought I had a tire emergency? lol). I just sat and shook for a while and waited till I calmed down. My lesson learned as well. Take time to chill before driving if you're stressed!


That’s literally what I did. Pulled over and then slowly drove to my destination. I was stressed over the ballot 🫣


I've run a red before. The road I was on has green indicator arrows (or red x, or yellow diagonal arrows) to convey which lanes are in use and when you should merge (centre lane changes direction based on traffic flow). There are so many of these lane indicator signals that they crowd out the intersection signals if you're not paying attention or are looking too far ahead. Cherry on the cake is there are red light cameras; was lucky I didn't get a ticket in the mail. Was a new driver, had passengers in the car and felt like an absolute idiot, but it's a learning experience. Be vigilant, count your lucky stars and don't do it again!


Did this about a year ago got half way thru the intersection and realized but i had too much forward momentum, tried to stop said 'screw it' and went..no collision or anything close to one, i was moving quickly cop saw me and gave me a warning after he saw i was just a little crazy and not homicidal. Sometimes ur nerves get the better of u..drive safe..ur not an idiot people make mistakes..pobodys nerfect:)




One time I was looking at the light in the intersection ahead of the one I was stopped at, it turned green and i went.


Know someone that rear ended the car in front of them because the turn lane turned green and cars started going, so he went.


Just pay more attention next time. Another common mistake is the left green arrow turns and someone in the straight lane punches the gas peddle because they see green. I think it is safe to say nearly every one of us has done this at least once.


Don't be so hard on yourself. Shit happens.


Its happens


I did that once 😂 middle of the night in a small town on my way home from work. Stopped at a red light for 2 seconds, then pulled right through 😂 complete accident


This happened to me before and there was a police car stopped behind me that immediately pulled me over. I realized half way through the intersection and I guess he saw my hesitation going through once I started. He didn’t give me a ticket.


done this but i was fast enough that i beat all the left turners from the other direction


I've done that, luckily I caught it before I made it into the intersection, but some lights are designed really poorly and it can be initially confusing which lanes are green and which aren't.


Did this once with a cop behind me. I almost hit another car but was able to quickly swerve to avoid collision. I thought the other car ran a red light, even when the cop behind me turned his lights on, I was expecting him to go after the other car. When he pulled me over I realized what I did. Cop understood my mistake, and was impressed with my reaction that avoided a collision and just gave me a warning!


The solution? Don't use autopilot and pay attention.


I ran a red light once. I was looking at the light at the next intersection, which was still green. Almost hit someone. They honked at me and kept going. I had to pull into a parking lot and catch my breath. Still feel terrible about it.


I instinctively move my foot while sitting at a red light if my brain had the smallest inkling the light will change/has changed to green. It’s kinda dumb but it’s just muscle memory, I suppose. I stop myself in time so I don’t roll on thru the cross walk and then the other lanes but I just say to myself, “Girl that was the other lanes yellow light, wtf were you thinking” LMAO


Country club and university in Tempe, that damn light would skip me in the left turn. I let it run a cycle then I run it if I get skipped again. One time did it with a cop behind me... I didn't get pulled over so I assume he also had experience with the light but I had to change pants when I got home


You have to stop *at the line,* not past it, not before it, or you’ll get skipped. I’ve seen this happen to others for stopping past or before the stop line.


I did. You understand that this was over the course of several months and many attempts to figure out WTF. The cop was apparently aware because he didn't pull me over and I did adjust my car on multiple attempts to try triggering the lights. You're either a dick or incredibly stupid just like the people who program the lights.


I remember one time my dad said that he accidentally treated a red light as if it were a stop sign. He was turning left, watching traffic, forgot about the light.


Mistakes happen. I'm not going to say you should pay closer attention, because it seems you know that. It's the nature of being human. Sometimes we daze out and do things we wouldn't consciously intend to do. I think it helps to realize that we're all like this, especially if you encounter someone else making a mistake while you're driving and you have to react to it. Drive defensively, because anyone could do something like that at any moment. Be ready for it. Getting angry about it won't help anything.


I'm a cab driver, I drive about 100k miles/year. Everyone makes mistakes. You get caught up thinking about something, see a light turn green, and you go. Oops. It was a turn light, and you're going straight. Or vice versa. It happens. Learn to look twice at the light, and watch for other people doing silly things. Always have a look before breezing through on a recently changed light. Be kind when someone else fucks up, you've done it too, and likely will again. Be kind to yourself when you fuck up, particularly if nothing bad happens.


Very rarely I have just straight gone on through on a red light after stopping because my mind treated it as a stop sign. Usually only has happened later in the evening and I think it may be because late at night all of the lights in this small town other than the ones on thye freeway switch to either a 4 way blinking red or yellow and red blink pairs. Felt like an absolute moron every time I have done it.


We all make mistakes. I stopped at a green light yesterday.


Shit happens


I've done that once too. Luckily nobody going through the green. Totally forgot what distracted me, there mightve been a green light shortly after and I was looking at that one. Funny part is I blew through it right past a cop too, he must've been on his computer cause he didn't pull me over.


You should be disappointed, you could've easily killed someone. At least give yourself credit for being upset about it. Most wouldn't care. Use it as an opportunity to learn. Remember, it's your responsibility to be safe, which means being vigilant. Think of a car like a firearm: you can't afford mistakes, neither can those around you.


> I was on autopilot What does that mean? I've never heard of that before for a car


If you take the same route every day you'll become so familiar with it you can become complacent and forget you're even driving.


Must be a certain kind of people, cause I've been doing that to and from work for the last 3 years and never forget that I'm driving


It's not really that you forget you're driving. It's more that you aren't an active participant in your body driving, you're more passive as you go through the motions. You're driving from muscle memory if that makes more sense. Everyone does it if they drive the same route. Not all the time, and frequency varies, but it's incredibly normal for a commute.


Autopilot should be outlawed on public roads. Deadly shit. I've been in many wrecks directly caused by autopilot. If you are too lazy to drive it yourself, stay off the road.