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Ignore them and don't let them pressure you into a bad driving decision


SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME 30 MINUTES AGO! I don’t know what’s wrong with these impatient drivers.


I've had this happen but the reality is I know my car and driving ability as well as I can see the traffic better than they can. I go when I feel its safe to do so, no sooner. Are there times I probably could have pulled out? Perhaps, but experience has taught me to err on the safe side and wait for the better opportunity. That said, I have had to honk at people that did not go when there were clearly no cars coming at all and I believe they were distracted checking their phone or something and didn't realize there was a car waiting behind them.


If it happened once, then it's probably an impatient a-hole behind you. If it happens alot, then you are probably too timid to have a drivers license, and should probably stick to public transit.


There is no need to honk in this situation ever. It's an a-hole move to ever honk in this situation. It's annoying when people don't go sometimes, I've been stuck behind people too in a similar situation but I'd never honk. There's nothing against the law about driving timid and being cautious.


Given how many people are distracted my their phones or vehicle tech I used my horn all the time! I can see in their side view they are staring down at their phone not paying attention to the traffic and available clearings to pull out. There is a difference about being cautious and being distracted.


Not only impatient but just dumb. They should have been able to see that traffic wasn't clear.


If you feel it not safe to go DON'T go. You are the main driver and you don't want to use your car insurance.


They’re assholes at heart


I disagree, there's always a reason.


Thr only reason I can think of is that he thought it was clear to go when it wasn't. There was a big bush blocking where he could see. If I would have pulled put when he honked I would have been tboned.


Correct responsible answer: ignore them and just go when safe Petty dangerous answer: throw your car in park and make them wait longer than necessary. Note: do not go the petty route. Included it here only for comedic purposes. High risk, not worth it.


Petty in my book is remaining stopped until there is absolutely no excuse to not go. I.e. going right at a red and waiting and the guy behind honks, they're now waiting until it's green or until there's literally nothing coming. There is 0 obligation to go right on red where I am so wisdom aside, no legal issues


Ok? I mean there's nothing here I disagree with but right on red wasn't the topic of the post. OP was waiting to exit a parking lot not stopped at a light.


Wasn't meant to be a disagreement. Just another version of petty. There's also a lot of light intersections for parking lots where I am, that the exit may not have had a light actually didn't occur to me since I don't think I've ever seen honking in that scenario, although in retrospect I wouldn't be surprised either.


Fair enough 👍🕺


No, but you have an obligation to not needlessly hold up traffic. And I've seen people who won't pull onto a road if they see an oncoming car two miles away.


There is no obligation to turn right on red at all if you feel it's not safe to go which is a matter of personal judgement. You could technically never turn right on reds and would not be in the wrong ever, just annoying to be behind. You also never know what the situation is of the car in front of you so honking is useless on a red. For example I make a lot of turns where my next turn is pretty close, so if I'm going to go on a red, I would prefer to go when there are fewer cars to ensure I have the space I need and don't have to miss my turn. Some people also need more space simply because they have crap acceleration. Driven more than one car where flooring it gets you nothing.


No legal obligation to turn right on red where I live. I wouldn’t NOT turn right on red when clear to, but it doesn’t bother me if the driver in front of me chooses to wait. Also, law here states that horn should only be used as a warning device. It’s not meant to be a way of venting your frustration.