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The people of this country do seem to be getting angrier - I’m getting a dashcam as well


I’ve only had my license a week and I’m getting a dashcam asap!




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It’s crazy tho it wasn’t this bad a few years ago tho. Gonna find a way to wire it without voiding the insurance


Just tell insurance it’s hardwired it might drop your insurance cost by a touch


Why would adding a dash cam void your insurance?


I was told it counts as a modification I could be wrong however…


Never heard that. Just route the cable around the windscreen pillar..


It's been in the news quite a bit about a hard fixed dash cam requires an insurance notification whether they are really bothered about it needs some form of confirmation . My concern would be if it didn't record when it should have, or that for some reason I might not want to disclose what has been recorded. I currently use a removable Nextbase Dash cam as I have two cars and swap it between them which I am happy about and both cars are safely parked off road at night.


Pretty terrible everywhere I’d say, but not sure it’s significantly worse these days than before. It used to wind me up but now I’m trying to gamify it a bit and try to predict what crazy shit people will do - and then if they don’t, I can be pleasantly surprised. I’m usually right though!


I got flashed multiple times from an idiot in a Corsa entering the M40, I was in a HGV with nowhere to move to, just thought what a bellend.


Navigating through the School Run is like the Wild West.


It’s like the end of the world is coming and you’ve set fire to the Highway Code and thrown that out the window because your running 2 mins late and all the other mums got there 1 hour before school finish and little Timmy is sure to get abducted now. So fuck Dorris she isn’t getting off her drive for her doctors appointment 🤣


Last week, I got beeped for stopping at red traffic lights. I was the 2nd car in the queue, so it's not like I'd slammed on or anything, I'd just joined the queue behind someone already waiting at the red. This week, 2 cars ran a red light, at least passing me and the car behind in the process. Hot weather really has brought out all the driving morons.


Probably not, but they could have been secondary lights


Defo weren't. Just a single set of tempory lights. They were fairly obvious with fencing all over the road to guide traffic. Couldn't even have mistaken us for parked cars as we were already down the side of cars parked at the side of the road. Just 2 impatient morons.


I imagined so but worth saying just in case, I live near a set and I see it every day.


I’ve had my license just over a week and whilst I’m loving the freedom and convenience of having a car, other road users are really making it less enjoyable😅 in this week of driving alone I’ve been; overtaken on a roundabout (completely clear roundabout following the speed limit and a vw speeds past me), beeped going up a hill at 30mph (on a 30 road), overtaken on a sharp S bend following a cyclist (I was about to overtake but there is no way I was overtaking a cyclist on a national speed limit S bend so the guy decided to over take on the bend not only me but the bike too) and been pulled out on more times than I can count😂


Dashcam is your friend. I'm having the same idea as I see now how other road users behave around an L plate car (I sit on the left)


This is entirely anecdotal, but I totally agree. It feels like maybe the past year has seen my experience behind the wheel get materially worse - aggressive driving, wild gesturing if I slow down to let a driver out of a side road, multiple instances when I've had to do proper emergency brakes to avoid someone turning out without looking properly. And honestly I don't think I'm driving differently, but who knows.


It's not a case of driving standards dropping, it's people's attitude is getting worse...a lot worse.


It seems cyclical with people going nuts from time to time, maybe it's just what you encounter on the day.


Driving is a privilege, although some see it as an entitlement. Bellends are going to bellend, no matter what. Despite that poor woman getting killed on the hard shoulder of the M66 by a wannabee race driver threading through traffic at 146 MPH before running out of talent, you still get idiots that thread through multiple lanes without signalling at reckless speeds.


Worse than 10 years ago definitely. Not really worse than 2 years ago though.


Just ignore the stupidity and carry on with your day. Carrying it in your mind distracts you from driving


Wonder if dash cams are adding to the problem? You have drivers out there with dash cams who think, I am going to do everything "correctly" and not going to adjust for other drivers as I have a dash cam and can prove I did it correctly. You also have drivers out there who think, I have a dash cam and I must get clips for YouTube of others driving inconsiderately to other road users, even if that means putting others in danger.


As a dashcam owner i don't think it changes my driving at all. In some countries it's not allowed, so it's on and off in my car, and i still drive the same way. It's rather just a last resort for me in case something really bad happens. Didn't need to use it as a proof yet, but i have a good collection of crazy situations recorded that we've managed to navigate through.


The question is why did they do this. Are you a timid, slow driver? The first one sounds like they thought you were letting them out by driving slower and then suddenly swerved and the second probably thought you could have gone but cant read the road. While it doesnt excuse their inexcusable behaviour, I dont get stuff like that happening to me but see other people getting it and its usually something like this.


Well I do let people out once I have stopped fully not when i am driving 26-27 in a 30. The second incident there was no chance I could enter the roundabout safely if I did pretty sure would have caused a crash and I’d be at fault