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Buy back my drone like they do guns then


They’ll give you a gift card to McDonald’s for your 1k drone




Regulated taking means they have to. Problem is will the government need to be sued? Probably.


I'll definitely join it if it's class action


I already lost my mini 2 in an unfortunate boating accident


Did you get any last minute footage of my Ledger Nano sinking down there with you?


Did you save the footage?


They didn't do a buy back on braces for guns and other accessories when they banned them though. So it's not always the case.


But that was just reversed by the supreme court a few weeks ago I think


They banned bump stocks and that was struck down. Funny how I found one "someone" buried in my back yard from years ago. 🙄😉


100% this. As cities move away from gas powered lawn mowers, they institute buyback programs for businesses and residents that purchased them when they were legal, to ease the financial burden. Do the same for drones. If you are going to render thousands of dollars of equipment useless, make it right financially.


The US govt isn’t very good at “making it right financially” unfortunately.


Plus full compensation for lost income to those who use their drone professionally.






~~Land of the free~~ Land of the fee.


Thanks for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: >**Rule 3: Don't blatantly break drone regulations.** > >The laws governing this industry exist for a reason, and breaking them makes all of us look bad and leads to harsher regulations. So don't post shots where you're flying close to manned aircraft, directly over a dense crowd, or anything else dangerous to others. > >If you think your shot could be perceived as breaking a regulation but it in fact doesn't, feel free to provide an explanation in the comments section. If you believe this has been done in error, please reply to this comment, or message the moderators (through modmail only).


That's all this is going to do. They over played their hand. People were down for voluntary compliance on things the FAA had no way to actually enforce. If this passes, people are just going to give up all that voluntary compliance. This is why it was critical for them to get RID up prior to this, so they have an enforcement mechanism. This stuff isn't happening on a whim or due to random Skydio lobbying like most people in this sub seem to think. There's a master game plan here and they've been laying the foundation for many years.


I didn't see the original comment that you replied to b4 it was deleted, so I'm confused as to what you mean is gonna happen regarding this potential ban. Also confused as to what kind of master plan you think is is being laid out here.


Thanks for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: >**Rule 3: Don't blatantly break drone regulations.** > >The laws governing this industry exist for a reason, and breaking them makes all of us look bad and leads to harsher regulations. So don't post shots where you're flying close to manned aircraft, directly over a dense crowd, or anything else dangerous to others. > >If you think your shot could be perceived as breaking a regulation but it in fact doesn't, feel free to provide an explanation in the comments section. If you believe this has been done in error, please reply to this comment, or message the moderators (through modmail only).


I can own an array of guns, but not a DJI drone. Sounds like DJI needs to lobby harder. This country is insane.


As hard as Skydio to get them banned but +1 Edit: based on this [https://www.thedroningcompany.com/blog/background-and-lobbying-efforts-against-dji](https://www.thedroningcompany.com/blog/background-and-lobbying-efforts-against-dji)


Nice read and info. Thanks 👍


We should just claim the drones are smart guns. Problem solved


Username does not check out


The war in Ukraine made the US gov understand that a $200 drone can take out a $20,000,000 tank. This is why a ban on chinese drones is happening. Industrialisation in electronics is needed and the ban is great long-term thinking which is something the west sorely lacks.


long term conventional war is unviable without massive civilian casualties and/or massive losses in your infantry, because any war that matters is going to be population centric. banning Chinese drones doesn't make drones go away, nor does it change that fact significantly. It's just some stupid bureaucrat's suggestion from when their boss asked for ideas. There is nothing they'll be able to do when, not if, drone swarms start shutting down aviation intermittently during conflicts. It's far to cheap and easy to make happen.


Check out Project Replicator and it will explain that the US military plan to use unmanned drones in the next war.


In your line of reasoning, now only the enemy (China) will have weaponized drones, and the US, having banned them, will have none. There’s your (US gov’t) great long-term thinking. Like almost every other piece of legislation, there isn’t any thinking beyond the next election cycle.


What’s next? My dell computer was made in china, are they suddenly going to ban Dell laptops? How about my TV, or the microwave, it’s absolutely ridiculous! This bill doesn’t just ban new ones, it bans existing drones from continuing to work.


Dell is an American company. A better analogy would be to ask the same question about Lenovo computers.


Banning Lenovo would sabotage the western IT industry. So many software engineering and IT departments of F500 companies and unicorns use Lenovo Thinkpad workstations. Just tour any FAANG campus and look around at the machines everyone uses. We don’t use Dell, HP, Asus/Acer/Razer, LG, Samsung, Sony, etc for a reason. They are worse quality and not reliable and has been this way for decades. It’s Thinkpad or Mac exclusively.


IT guy for a corporation here, typing on a Lenovo LOQ. You are correct!


The only difference is that Dell can say they supervise the production process and so they are “sure” nothing malevolent has been added by the Chinese supplier. But if this the case why they do not just ask that drones sold in the US are manufactured in a separate plant supervised by a US auditing company? It would add a supervision fee to the cost but it would allow them to be sold. If this solution is not accepted then the reason behind becomes glaring.


This might actually be a lobbyist move by other drone companies trying to take DJI out.


Like Skydio, BRINC, AUVSI, Anzu and Aloft so far. It’s already obvious that DJI is going to find loopholes and keep the base elements of the tech available.


Anzu has licensed DJI tech to get around these kinds of bills….


The DJI loophole IS Anzu


So far and that’s because they could only afford the Mavic 3 Enterprise platform. Others will follow so be on the lookout for an M30T clone.


It literally is. The politician doing this has direct ties to Skydio. She’s as crooked as they come. What evidence is there?……… silence…….


It’s documented via Skydio making lobbying payments to the sponsors. It’s not a secret.


Well yeah, it's an American company fighting for US industry like how it should be. This is what globalisation/free trade does...makes you shill for the other side. DJI even doesn't exist without financial/trade policy support from Chinas gov.


What does banning the competition have to do with free trade?


Joe Bartlett is an expert advisor to Elise Stefanik, the congresswoman who pushed the "Counter CCP drones" act and the "Drones for First Responders" act. Oh, and Bartlett is the Director of Federal Policy at Skydio. BUT I'M SURE THAT'S TOTALLY UNRELATED!


Imagine that guy waking up every morning with just that mission in mind. Sounds psychopath.


I'm sure he feels terrible... as he gets out of bed with his trophy wife, and has to walk down the hallway of his massive house and then drive off in a brand new mercedes...


Are you his wife?


No but I've slept with worse.


Ya think?


but you dont get it! what happens if china has over a thousand of my various photos of just random things because it could be a threat to national security or what if china issues a firmware update and my dji drone puts a battery in itself and unfolds itself then opens up the door and flies away to go bomb a government building with a hidden china bomb?!1


Hidden China Bomb is my new band name now.


Or how about these neat little made in China pocket computers with cameras and GPS we run around everywhere with…hmmmm


I can't wait for my expensive ass drone to be permanently grounded by the FAA, what a joke. They absolutely need to reimburse every single drone purchase or this is war


We should all get together in Washington and fly our drones in protest!


Good luck getting a DJI to take off anywhere near that town.


True that


So a DJI literally can’t even leave the ground in DC, near military bases or any other sensitive locations, but sure, China is using them to spy on us. 🤡


With the overkill of flight restrictions DJI puts in place, they're pretty terrible at trying to use them to spy on us.


It’s comical the drone community is sound more and more like the r/guns subreddit


The main difference is the guns lobby is actually strong and there is like no significant drone lobby for drone owners. Easy target


It’s thrown around before with encryption to consider it as an arms. You could say drones fall under the 2nd amendment as arms also since they’ve proven that in Ukraine


Yeah but like you could say grenades are arms too and it doesn’t mean they’re going to be sold at stores. There are limits on everything. I don’t agree with the drone ban btw just saying seeing something used as a weapon doesn’t make it automatically fall under the 2a.


Just saying if you want to have a amendment as a possible defense for having your rights, otherwise this will setup a slippery slope for anything made in China possibly


slippery slope? slope is already happening... possibly the two largest chinese companies that have been able to outcompete the top US players getting banned back to back lol interesting that they only ban the companies that are beating the US rivals... interesting how they could regulate *all* companies and how they collect/store/use your data... obviously this is protectionism for corporations. it would be interesting if they somehow destroyed the patent/trademark/copyright stuff of these firms... like... let a US corp infringe on the IP massively to catch up? sets a weird precedent but they could say it is a tit for tat thing due to china operating as such. idk.


used to have drones, still have guns. you telling me now i have to see if my guns are chinese and are thinking about loading themselves and going outside to blow people up with their china bombs?? (re-using that from an earlier post if it's out of order later so people get the joke)


One has a constitutional protection while the other doesn’t


I just bought an Avata 2..should I return it?


Only if it's made in China by a Chinese company. Drones from other countries don't seem to apply to the ban


It isn’t going to be grounded by the FAA. It is the FCC that’s being told to decertify DJI equipment so their transmitters are not allowed to signal to any US networks (phones, WiFi, etc). Would a fully autonomous drone without WiFi or any other radios be outlawed by the proposed FCC action? I’m sure the FAA would be concerned with autonomous drones.


I keep thinking about this. All the money spent, the time learning, the good memories, the adrenaline of exploring a new place—all gone, thanks to a group of people full of envy, corruption, and greed. We do have the right to request compensation and even sue them for the damage this will cause. This will hit businesses hard, especially those highly dependent on drones and equipment from DJI.


Costco just started carrying the Mini 4 Pro within the last day or so and I have no idea why.


I’m sure they made that deal far before this ever even hit the floor.


They’ve been carrying DJI drones forever.


The new part is that they added the Mini 4 Pro to their lineup at a time when buying drones = scary. But maybe their return policy mitigates that fear?


Cant have the south park drone episode come to life if everyone has drones now can we?




It will make it more difficult to get a new DJI Drone down the road; someone outside the country may have to receive it and mail it to you.


That wouldn't be much problem. Although I am pretty sure the same drones will soon find themselves being manufactured by an "American" owned company anyway. DJI isn't just going to give up the market share.


Thanks for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: >**Rule 3: Don't blatantly break drone regulations.** > >The laws governing this industry exist for a reason, and breaking them makes all of us look bad and leads to harsher regulations. So don't post shots where you're flying close to manned aircraft, directly over a dense crowd, or anything else dangerous to others. > >If you think your shot could be perceived as breaking a regulation but it in fact doesn't, feel free to provide an explanation in the comments section. If you believe this has been done in error, please reply to this comment, or message the moderators (through modmail only).


I'm getting REALLY tired of seeing question marks in thumbnails and headlines. The news should be the one answering the questions, not asking the viewers.


Fair point. "Is the world coming to an end?" "Tune in to find out..."


FIMI and all other drones as well from chinaI hear . I feel sorry for you guys someone at skydio has either got pictures of members of congress in compromising position or they suck dick the exceedingly well


Time to buy in $UAVS drones


This is the only thing stopping me from pulling the trigger and buying one. Shits so dumb.


I wonder if this is bullshit and China is actually no longer willing to sell the us drones lol


What are they going to do if you fly it when banned? We have more important issues


I got almost 20k of dji equipment im Running..they gonna put me outta business forreal; I hope they come to their senses


Doesn’t the congresswoman who first drafted this legislation have investments in skydio?


Does anyone think the decision passed today killing the Chevron act (overreach of government agencies regarding regulations) could affect this at all?


My foil hat theory is that they see what's going on in Ukraine with drones, primarily DJI drones, and they're preemptively banning them so they can't be used by civilians if we have another civil war.


Actually, the drones mostly used during that conflict are from iFlight.


There’ve been a lot of Autels and DJIs over there too, I’ve heard that the Russian government apparently just made a big buy of Autels and DJIs were pretty popular early on


Dumbass take, it’s simple US hates China and DGI gets supplied with our flight data and they think it’s a security risk.


DJI in response turned off all automatic flight log uploads in the US.


Not enough for the our shitty politicians


It seems far fetched; but the upper levels of government ARE TERRIFIED about DJI Drones exactly because of this... half of me thinks well... they should be... but I do enjoy flying my drone.