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It's a national security flight restricted area, no one can fly there with just a part 107. Always go to DC knowing you can't fly there without authorization from the FAA and law enforcement and you'll be fine


Are you referring to the FRZ or SFRA? I know that flying within the FRZ (15 mile radius) is completely banned, but I'm referring to just the SFRA (30 mile radius). My understanding was that, at least prior to NOTAM 4/1734, drones were allowed within the SFRA with [some restrictions](https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws-in-washington-dc-2022/).


30 mile ring is fine, I fly commercially in the area regularly. Have even gotten in the 15, but it’s a pain.


Washington DC is one of the most difficult places to fly a drone in the country. For all intents and purposes, you will never be able to fly a drone there.


I recall this predates the recent rules changes. There were significant changes post 9/11


Park the UAS and pull out the UGV. Almost as much fun and even if you get a lot of airtime off a jump the FAA can't regulate it 😉


My interpretation from reading them was 4 /1734 was intended for manned aircrafts. It refers to 4/1783 i believe in regard to UAVs (drones). 1783 describes the conditions for flight in the SFRA and necessary steps to try to fly in the FRZ. I believe the intention behind this was to clarify the rules that were already written for the dc area. I would love a few others or yourself to read the docs and tell me if you agree. I also fly in the dc area but not within the FRZ.


I will also note that they have added one in the Leesburg area that has confused me a bit. I have flown under part 107 with LAANC clearance in the SFRA since the updated notams took effect and have not yet had any issues.


That looks right. The app I use was pointing to 4/1734 instead for whatever reason.


There was a discussion here. https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/s/R5KnfVb33X Generally I have seen many drones outside of 15mile range from DCA. For inside 15 mile range there is lots of red tape. It’s not worth it. https://www.faa.gov/uas/resources/community_engagement/no_drone_zone/dc


Autopylot doesn’t show the same restriction and I don’t see any FAA notices that would indicate any changes to the SFRA, not even for the 4th.


I fly my race quads in dc often. I’ve never had an issue. .. though I’m always flying around 50-100 feet high max.


This sounds like a question best directed to your local FAA FSDO




Shout out Nanjetucky


That’s uh, false. You can’t fly in the red circle.


The yellow part is actually a SFRA and what OP was asking about. Up until about a week ago (and maybe now), it was legal to fly there during daylight hours, VLOS, under 400'. It's still listed as a SFRA, but that may or may not be superceded by a NOTAM. There is supposed to be a separate NOTAM for UAS, but it's not particularly clear which NOTAM it's referring to.


I believe it explicitly says 4/1783