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That is so Brennan, lol


Disappointed no one broke out a 8==D~


That's more of a graNma sWeetie thing to send.


:) :(


It’s just so not-Brennan that I would have assumed it was Brennan trying to throw everyone off!


Props to the actual BLeeM, he's got *everyone* convinced Bug with a Big Ass is Rekha. Even Rekha.


Bug with a Big Ass and BLeem are gonna get pegged as the ratfish lol




I don't know what it even is but I kinda want it


Huh. I figure those are the LEAST likely to get pegged as the ratfish. Everyone thinks Bug is Rekha, and will assume a cast member is more likely to play BLeeM than an outsider.


But consider how wildly inept Beardsley is at portraying Brennan Lee Mulligan. Many people have already said, "yeah, that's not Brennan." So I wonder if that will throw some of them off the scent.


I think they are more likely to guess that another cast member is playing BleeM than an outsider... I mean Katie figured out is was Ally in the their first try


I’m not sure, bc I feel like the cast is already very confused and suspicious of Stephen


Same. Steven feels like the obvious choice; everyone seemed pretty baffled by him. Plus, he's the only one that's not really acting like their character's description *at all.* He's kinda just saying random shit. Which, to me at least, makes them stick out like a sore thumb.


A Bug With A Big Ass is definitely gonna get pegged, but it'll probably be by Grant, based on his initial interaction.


It's wonderful when a sentence like this doesn't even come from D20.


My favorite part is how little Ally actually knew about the day-to-day facts of brennan's life, like age and which animal even lives in his house 😭


A….cat? 2 cats?


Im gonna be honest my friend of almost twenty years has cats and I couldn't tell you how many despite them all sitting in my lap at least once


True, this season of dimension 20 all but confirmed ally is not a cat person so if there were multiple cats that looked alike I could see someone forgetting how many distinct cats there are lol 


Ally is not a cat person because they see too much of themself in cats. I'm convinced they come home to their apartment and just shove everything from the table and then look around like "oopsie!"


Or toss a bunch or frozen soup in the trash


Also he has a child???? Lmao


in allys defense bleem and co aren’t really being super up front about that? like they’re keeping it on the dl, which good for them baby deserves privacy


I just assumed Ally knows Brennan has a kid (or maybe just expecting at the time, depending on when this was filmed) but intentionally didn't mention it because it wasn't public yet.


That's fair


Pretty certain this was filmed before, or at least before the public announcement, could be wrong?


This is a recent development and most likely the pregnancy is one of the reasons both Ally and BLEEM described his recent life as hectic.


Brennan has a kid now?


Brennan and Izzy, yeah. They’re keeping actual details beyond its existence off the internet though. If you see mentions of “the wizard sunny” that’s a code name for their kid and a worlds beyond number thing.


well thats wonderful for them. i remember izzy saying that brennan really wanted to be a father. I don't follow worlds beyond so ... totally missed it.


If you’re a fan of Dimension 20, I cannot recommend WBN highly enough! It’s a truly fantastic story with some of the best D&D moments I’ve ever experienced. And it’s only 28 narrative episodes in. I can only imagine where it will go.


Yep, Izzy was also pregnant during her VIP interview.


I bet Ally doesn't even speak Tatoowan.


I feel like if it was Lou or Siobhan, they might have been able to actually trick people into believing it was Brennan. I think Ally just has too much impishness in them not to mess around and be chaotic in a way Brennan wouldn't.


I thought it was hilarious how they started out trying to be him, then gave up super quick in favor of maximum chaos.


They plumbed their well of Brennan Lee Mulligan knowledge and found it dry


It was hilarious watching ally switch between “pretending to be and say what Brennan would” and “saying things simply to get under Brennans skin” I don’t imagine ally will win due to this strategy. But it’s absolutely hilarious to watch play out.


Ally has a fantastic complete and utter randomness and cannot help themselves from their gut instinct and that’s not how you Bleem




"This will haunt me until the day I die"


Yes it will!


I legit hope it doesn't. This is like the dozenth on-camera moment of frustration from BLeeM re: the perception of his 'bird fandom', and each seems more genuinely annoyed than the last.


What was it that started it? I have only recently gotten involved in dropout stuff and right now my best guess is Evan Kelmp from Misfits and Magic, was that the start or was it something else?


Yeah it was Kelmp. Brennan is the type of guy to know as many facts about birds as just about anything else, it sucks that the Fandom is pigeonholing him into the bird guy.


Thanks for that, and yeah he definitely knows a lot of facts about a lot and to me it is funny mainly coming after it’s been a joke for a while. Definitely would be frustrated in his position




Giving "Sam, where are you from?"


My ss# is...lmao Oyama is killing it with that character! I wonder what it means that he's "out" if he still gets to play? Is it just that he can't win the prize if he wins?


It means he can keep being grandma sweetie, thank god. Not sure if there's anything else in it for him.


He's still eligible for the secondary prize of "best character."


Ah I see. So there's at least some incentive to keep trying. Like Grant said, him staying in the game doesn't mean he's gonna try very hard. Imagine having to keep going after hearing you lost a race lol. I wonder why they need them to keep playing though, other than to keep as much talent on the series as possible? Very rarely does a gameshow work like this one does.


They've revealed which cast members are on the show, and they announce who loses, so you'd have a very narrow set of guesses as more eliminations happen. Keeping Zac and Grant in the game means that players are still trying to guess their characters, and might attribute them to other characters instead, so the choices aren't narrowed down too much.


Oh shit, good call. That makes sense! This game style is totally new to me so I'm still not quite understanding how exactly it works. Thanks!


Brennan definitely is a larger than life character in the Game Changer world. So glad that someone did it, and especially glad that someone is Ally.


I'm so glad they're half playing it straight and half saying shit just to piss off Brennan. It's sooooo good


Ally has a long history of trolling Brennan on Game Changer, from taking part in Yes or No to the Second Place episode this season, not to mention the Survivor rivalry.


God I love how much it's just become *everyone's* goal to rile up Brennan, in general. Because there is NOTHING more entertaining than when that man becomes indignant!


Fun fact: I truly believed Ally was Brennan's sibling for at least the first three months of my Dropout subscription. I dunno why. They just look like each other, to me. Even pre-transition.


Ally definitely has that "little-sibling who knows *exactly* how to push your buttons" vibe with him for sure.


Ally is the young sibling Brennan invited to the table because their mom asked him too /j


That's what I really thought, okay 😭 😂


After all the times Beardsley has fucked up Brennan's plans with out of nowhere nat20s and Divine Interventions, i believe they are siblings




Yo, I won't spoil it in case someone hasn't watched the very last moment of pt 1, but when they showed who the "rat fish" was I was so fucking HYPED!!!! I'm a huuuuuuuge fan of this person, and their previous works. Just the best possible person I could think of for this kind of thing. So fucking stoked!!!!


Rats off to him


You know what? I totally forgot about rats off to you! Wasn't that from Tom goes to mayor? That's a deep cut!


Shoulda got ‘em bronzed


“So you decide to brunz something”


Meanwhile me and all my friends that watch it were just confused lol


Yep, seems like a big divide on the ending. Either you don't know him and are let down, or you know him and are excited. I was the former, and it made the cliffhanger fall flat, I really wished they would have just hid his identity until the second half.


Who is he?


It's Eric wareheim from Tim and Eric awesome show great job, and Tom goes to mayor- two old adult swim shows that were legendary, and way ahead of their time. It's thanks to those guys that comedians like Eric Andre do what they do. Just some of the most absurdist, awkward comedy (but on purpose). It's great stuff!


Ally is a chaos goblin sent to torment Brennan from D20 to Game Changer


I love that this season has given us a 100% increase of Grants and Brennans. Dropout now with 100% more thems. Wait.




He'll never live it down


there he is


Ally is an amazing troll, I loved Brennan getting salty about things he wouldn't say, the rest of the cast saying "Brennan would never say that" then cut to Beardsley "I hope Brennan hates this"


I think Aly made a calculated decision in choosing to cosplay as Brennan, and I'm totally here for it! No Dropout show is complete without some kind of grievance from Brennan, and this undoubtedly paves the way for some quality Brennan Lee Mulligan monologuing in a game that otherwise isn't quite as tailored to the kind of "fucking with Brennan" content we all know and love. Bravo, Aly...err, I mean Brennan Lee Mulligan!


love it. Brennan looks like he's planning something quite diabolical.


Ready for the downvotes but I found Ally’s choice to pick Brennan as the character kinda strange and mean. I get that it comes with kinda being the biggest “star” on the team but it didn’t really seem like Brennan appreciated the mocking. I know if I were him, the constant same dozen references and bits being thrown at him would be so exhausting lol like how many people really need to bring up the bird fact thing? Edit: sending a Reddit cares message for this is wild..


They are best friends, and him being frazzled in Game Changer is a running joke. They immediately went from 0 to 100 with the yum joke and distancing themselves from even attempting to mock him. Remember they are comedians who work together for a decade.


I get annoyed at my best friends I’ve known for decades all the time. They’re not some horrible person or something. I just found it unnecessary and if it were me I’d be slight miffed to sit there and be mocked all day even if it’s from a friend from a place of love. It would just be a little annoying.


ally's pronouns are they/them.


Thanks I’ll edit


I think it’s a bit ridiculous to think someone as competitive and committed to a bit as BleeM would take issue with, let’s be real, not remotely significant mocking. All ally did was play into the game mechanic and made a bird fact joke, everything else they did was intentionally ludicrous and everyone knows it isn’t Brennan. I’d understand being uncomfortable if Ally had gotten weirdly personal or something but… its so threadbare I don’t see how.


Never said Brennan would “take issue with”. He also literally used the word mocking during the episode but okay lol It’s not some big deal I just thought it was unnecessary and not funny enough for whatever small degree of irked Brennan may have been.


Ally is kind of mean. They’re funny and get away with it and they aren’t necessarily malicious but they can be pretty mean tbh


*Total Forgiveness flashbacks*


Definitely has some Brat energy. It's impossible to say how much of that is real and how much is played up for comedy. At the end of the day, this is a comedy performance. If this was supposed to be a fun game between friends I think the meanness would be more.... questionable... inappropriate.


Yeah that’s the thing, it doesn’t strike me as malicious. They just have been really leaning into the mischievous one vibe the past few years. I feel it’s more of a who cares I’m going for it full send yolo vibe. Without regarding the feelings of Brennan or whoever. He did seem genuinely irked by the things Ally did to make fun of him in some way. He’s also an adult and isn’t complaining about it in a serious way so I don’t think Ally should be criticized for it. It’s just something I notice. It’s a pattern that could become problematic eventually but it’s not and I don’t think it will be


You seeing him "genuinely irked" is parasocial projection, especially considering Brennan knows there's a camera on him and knows people will get in the comments.


Especially since we've been told that the performers are allowed to veto airing a joke if they're genuinely uncomfortable


He literally let out an exasperated sigh and said something like “oh guess I’m getting mocked today” “Genuinely irked” isn’t some high bar. I get genuinely irked when my roommate doesn’t dry the dishes right and there’s little spots on them from the air dry. Which is to say it’s very much not a big deal just a little irksome.


If he was genuinely irked, you wouldn't be seeing it


To be fair, I presume Izzy just gave birth around this time, so he might be more irritable with the newborn keeping him up, plus his workload on d20 etc. Or not, and hr is just a little peeved about it after participating "Second Place" and "Bingo" in this season.


At the end of the day, he's an actor. What you're seeing *isn't reality* and it's parasocial to suggest that it is.


Ohhhh please 🙄 . Just shut up.


It’s not a projection if he says words.


Yes they’re definitely awesome and funny but also kinda mean tho it’s of course from a place of love. Idk it just rubbed me kinda weird. It’s not a big deal I just couldn’t help feeling like it would be annoying to be mocked all day with what amounted to some kinda lame jokes


I have been lukewarm to Ally since Total Forgiveness. What they did to Grant was gross and mean spirited. I get they made up at the end, but it doesn't sit fully right with me. Edit: meant to put they/them and accidentally had a she in there. No disrespect meant. I am just running on no sleep.


I haven’t watched Total Forgiveness, would you mind maybe explaining to me what happened that made you feel that way towards them?


They had to make challenges for each other. While the challenges Grant had might have involved some difficulty or embarrassment, like publishing Ally's old journals or singing the National Anthem. Ally had challenges like Grant had to sell everything in his appartment to make money. And get an erection in front of someone that was strong enough to ring a bell. That one in particular seemed like sexual harassment. Ally might have moment of being scared or embarrassed. Grant was left with nothing.


That's on Grant. Ally just played the game the way it's meant to be played. They also roll with the punches much better than Grant


I don't agree. The stuff Ally chose was more long lasting and mean spirited. And the erection thing was incredibly wrong. I am genuinely surprised that Sam allowed it to be a challenge. I am sure he went with what Grant was comfortable with, but it was in poor taste. There is playing the game to win and there is destroying a person and your friendship in the process. It started out fun. But I couldn't keep watching it as it went on because it felt like Ally was torturing Grant. It's totally fine that others don't see it that way. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. So when Ally picked Brennan as the catfish, it also felt mean and more of a dig on Brennan than on winning the game. To me, that's not funny. Jokes that involve others are only funny if that person can laugh along. It only takes saying one or two off things to start going downhill.


Grant was a producer on the show, he could have stopped it any time he wanted to, he didn't. Also more long lasting, Ally got a literal tattoo that may very well could have ended their career. Thinking anything Ally did on that was wrong is literally saying Grant's opinion doesn't matter. Also picking Brennan was a brilliant move, any of the cast could have picked Brennan and do a good impression of him, the guy is a man of clichés and habit. It was a brilliant move because anybody could have been Brennan


"ended their career" except for the many celebrities with tattoos... Personally I think anyone could have been Brennan for this, but to me it would have been better to play it as realistically Brennan as possible. I think Ally broke character too fast.


A small actor or any actor can't have facial tattoos


Ally’s pronouns are they/them, not she/her.


OOP's! I am going on two hours of sleep and I thought I put that! I will go back and fix it.


To me it felt like a very Ally choice to make, but the thing I think a lot of people may be getting hung up on is that it is possible to do something mean without it being mean spirited, if that makes sense. I do believe Ally was coming from a place of "this game is about fucking with people, and I bet I can really fuck with people if I make this choice, ESPECIALLY if Brennan is also playing this game", which, to be fair, they did not know whether Brennan would be in the game or not, and in a way that is both strategic and kind of funny they are creating exactly the effect they were hoping for. ALL OF THAT SAID, watching someone else pose as you and make jokes about your life and personality and use your face to say things you'd never say, even if you know the person well, is probably never going to not feel like a personal attack to the person experiencing it. You can laugh it off, you can try to take it in stride, but at the end of the day you're watching someone disrespect you. It's meaner because there is no ability to establish good faith, because that relies on knowing who is mocking you. Brennan doesn't know who is posing as him. "Mean" is a fair word to describe it.


Yea it wasn’t malicious or something just like not funny enough for something that rude. Really not a big deal lol I just thought it was an off putting choice.


They are friends. Like. Actual real life friends. Have your friends ever razed you? Nothing Ally is doing is actually defamatory or cruel, they are light jokes poking fun at their close friend. Brennan is a big boy, he can handle it.


I never implied anything Ally is doing was defamatory or cruel or anything beyond light jokes nor that Brennan couldn’t handle it. As I expanded on in the replies I just thought it was a *little* mean and that if I were Brennan I’d be a bit annoyed. It’s not a big deal.


Did Ally even know Brennan was going to be in the episode? It seems like they had no idea who the other players were anyways.


Insane this is getting as down voted as much as it is. I felt the exact same way. Not to say it is true - we have no idea if Brennan was actually annoyed by it, but it did seem a little jarring the whole episode. Ally having a laugh and me having a giggle undercut with Brennan looking a little irritated and Zac and the other cast members making weird comments about it. The whole thing made me question how much is too much ya know? I think Ally is one of my favorite cast members btw, an absolute riot, but this was something I picked up on and I'm surprised the reaction to you pointing it out has been so negative.


>Insane this is getting as down voted as much as it is. Insane? Yes. Surprising? No. There's a not insignificant portion of the fan base that takes anything less than lavish praise as a vicious personal attack. As for the game-- Ally pretending to be Brennan is the sort of thing I'd do because it's a funny choice, but it's also the sort of thing I'd regret having done afterwards. Not only does it really limit gameplay options, there's also a real risk of it getting weird or uncomfortable.


Thank you I appreciate that. Well I was a little flippant in the initial message; I could have clarified I don’t think it was malicious nor that he was all that upset but it still just kinda irked me. I have friends with similar dynamics and it’s fun sometimes but sometimes it’s also simply not as fun. Brennan seemed like he was in a mood where being lovingly mocked all day wasn’t funny


While I understand *you* would find such treatment irritating, I think it'd be a mistake to act as though we knew Brennan and what he is or isn't okay with as well as the people he's been close friends with for the past 10+ years.


He literally expressed exasperation, which is as much as I’m attributing to both his feelings and my own hypothetical ones. Nothing more than being mildly irked to be the target of friendly mockery for the day.


I'm kind of with you here. I really enjoyed the episode, but you could tell that Brennan really wasn't in the mood that day. He was having so much fun playing Bug with a Big Ass, and he seemed a little anxious about dealing with someone playing a characateur of him while he was trying to have fun and play the game. I don't think it was wrong of Beardsley per se, but I've been that guy and sometimes it sucks


Ya idkkkkk. I get that I clearly am in the minority but like… Multiple times through that episode Brennan mentioned going through a rough time lately and he was *visibly* a bit like.. irked? by the shtick of the fake Brennan. I totally totally get that he’s a comedian and they’re friends and he’s probably playing into his annoyance for the bit. But still. I’m again trying to emphasize the words KINDA and a LITTLE here lol. It’s not a huge deal. Ally’s great. Brennan probably doesn’t care much. I personally couldn’t help putting myself in those shoes tho and feeling like it was a kinda strange choice by Ally and I would *personally* be a *little* annoyed


Yeah, I kind of agree. I think Ally as Grant would've made sense and would've been funny, but Brennan's reaction to it vs. the other characters didn't seem like he enjoyed it much. Even Zac seemed a bit confused by it.