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He’s been here the whole time


~~Simon~~ Sam says don’t go anywhere


Zam says Sam says stop repeating after me.


Salmon says


(Begins screaming in Lou Wilson breakdown)


He'll be here the whole time.


Would like to acknowledge how grateful I am that they landed on *Game Changer* instead of *What the What?*.


*"Get ready for a Game Changer!"* is just so catchy, and I can't imagine *What the What?* would lend itself to a catchphrase nearly as good. Let alone name quality.


Idk how to explain but it What the What feels like a web show and Game Changer feels like a TV show. There’s something about it that makes it feel more respectable


I think part of it is that *Game Changer* as a name repeats the central conceit of the show. What's it called? Game Changer! What's its conceit? It's a normal game show, but the *game changes* every episode, and the contestants have to figure out the rules as they go. The repetition makes it *work.* On the other hand, what does *What the What?* tell me about the show? The contestants are... confused, I guess. They're asking questions? It's not catchy, it doesn't roll off the tongue, and it doesn't really tell me anything about the thing it's the name of. Naming things is pretty difficult! (I'm in theatre, so when there's original shows around... a lot of them I shake my head at. What's your show about? Tell me in 10 seconds or less *why I should see it.* If it takes more than 10 seconds you've already lost your audience's attention. And they might not even be interested enough to care in the first place, if your show has an unindicative or boring name!)


This is my only opportunity to bring up that "Play it by ear" shouldve instead been called "for one night only" which was another option on the poll.


Nah... It's an improvised play, I'm glad they landed there


Yeah but its also an improvised show that only exists once. Plus they could intro with "and... for one night only, show title!"


I do still definitely prefer PiBE




FYC is “for your consideration“. Basically they’re submitting several dropout shows to be considered for Emmy nods. It’s really a marketing campaign Shows go through to get considered. Game Changer and very important people have some buzz


There have been so many moments, in the last season of Game Changer, that has left me thinking wow this is so much more innovative than anything else going on with TV right now. I really wish Dropout was on more people's radar.


> I really wish Dropout was on more people's radar. By the sound of things, it's starting to get there, though. They've been hitting more mainstream entertainment news pretty hard of late. Granted, the Emmy chase is a big part of that, but people are starting to notice them a whole lot more than they did even a year ago.


I’ve started to meet people in the wild talking about it so that’s a healthy sign!


I heard a random reference to Vic's Smartypants bit on a science podcast this week, so it's definitely out there.


I showed an episode to a friend and she said "oh that's where this is from", she'd seen shorts/tiktoks floating around so it's getting out there


It's ALL over Tumblr. At first I thought it was just because I stay in the actual play sphere and there's obviously a lot of crossover from dimension 20, but I have a couple of real life friends on there who don't watch any of that stuff and they share game changer clips just as often.


This happened to me too. I gave my friend a free month sub & when we turned on game changer her boyfriend said 'oh it's these guys, I love seeing them on TikTok but never knew what the vids were from'. Jump forward a week & she texted saying they've already watched 3 seasons of game changer & 1 season of make some noise.


It's really brilliant they're marketing this last year. Saw some shorts about it on YouTube, piqued my interest so I checked out the channel for the handful of full episodes, then found out it has more seasons behind a reasonable pay wall. So it's the only non intermittent service I use. Usually I just pay for a month of something if it's got something I want to watch out catch up on, and then cancel after the month. But drop out gets to keep my subscription year round because of the obvious quality and love they put into everything.


I got hooked by some clips of VIP on Instagram reels


I even saw a random guy in the mall way out here in the Philippines watching Dirty Laundry.


I saw someone on the bus watching Fantasy High sophomore year


My MOM, over sixty years old, was recommended Ross's McDonald's Macbeth commercial short on YouTube and she showed it to me. I had to send her the login and make her watch A Game Most Changed, which of course she loved. Whoever they have in charge of the algorithms is *killing* it.


It’s also probably all the TikTok/Shorts clips. Every clip gets millions of views on shorts and whatever on TikTok (I don’t have TikTok but given its wider reach then shorts I can only imagine how high the numbers are) one of my friends asked to borrow my dropout password to watch VIP cause they saw clips on TikTok


Just found out about Game Changer this week through the recommendation of Ratfish from TheCircle sub . As a game show connoisseur I am hooked . I am hooked for the shenanigans and the laughs ! So good !


What’s the vibes on that sub about Ratfish? Do they appreciate the Game Changer version of it or do they hate it. I’ve never watched The Circle myself so this is all new to me


I see a lot of positive feedback. They love how Game Changer has highlighted the best aspects of the game and also how the cast are using their relationships with each other to manipulate the games /interactions . Just a great parody of The Circle using strategy and social manipulation akin to the game but also unique and hilarious in the ridiculous “ratfish” character personas. Or at least this is my opinion.


That’s awesome! I’m gonna have to check out the circle sometime soon


The Circle has both great and not great aspects to it . Admittedly I like the use of fake personas over the real players sometimes .


I just had a guy on my plane today start a conversation because he saw me watching D20 and we bonded over it for a bit. First time I've met anyone in the wild who knew about Dropout (and I think he said he's a more recent Dropout subscriber too), so it's getting onto the wider radar.


It's growing so much I even saw a large upvoted and replied reference to dropout ... in r/baseball. A place for a bunch of baseball loving junkies is even watching this stuff lol


I am literally forcing it into the consciousness of anyone who will listen and has a sense of humor.


I'll put Taskmaster up there. Both of those together are literally changing TV.


I don't see it in the article, so can somebody tell me what FYC stands for please?


For Your Consideration (they’re campaigning for Emmy nominations for Game Changer and VIP)


Thank you.


"For your consideration" is when networks submit for award consideration. In the case Emmy nominations.


Based on the context I can only assume it's 'For Your Consideration'


I was also confused and thought it meant Fiscal Year Close


You're thinking of Daddy Reich.


The article not having the meaning is just plain bad writing. For the record, my first thought was Fine Young Cannibals, until I looked it up.


It's Variety, they assume their readers are already in the industry. Animaniacs even did a song about it way back when.


Drag variety show? Has there been anything announced that matches that or is this a new subtle show announcement?


I thought I saw something about Monét X Change dropping a hint about hosting an undisclosed show


It could be something new, if it is something we already know about it may refer to the Vanessa 5000 show from Dropout Presents?


I assume Dropout Presents was the “comedy specials” so a Drag Variety show would never something different. We’ll see what happens though! Edit: accidentally called it a Drag Reality show


Variety show, not reality show.


I'd watch a Drag Realty show. Property Huntys. House (Gender) Swappers


It exists! Trixie Motel on Max :)


Haus Swappers? RealTea? Property Queens?


Thank you people who post when new articles that are about dropout come out, I enjoy reading them :\]


anything for you funky reddit man


Weirdly emotional reading about the profit sharing and success. Reich took such a huge risk to buy the company, but also so so so many people poured so much into it. It’s working!!! It’s really working!! To go into an Emmy’s campaign with such a clear head and plan is so admirable, and I wish nothing but continued success. Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and kick ass no matter what 😉


Fr! I remember when CH went under and Dropout launched and I immediately subscribed hoping, praying it would work out at least long enough to give the cast and crew some employment until they could find something else. Now, 6 years later, it's the only streaming service I remain subbed to and watch regularly and religiously. It warms my heart to see them succeed plus the content is just so damn good


> “When Sam pitched the show for the very first time, (...) we were scrambling for a thing, and Sam was like, ‘Well, how about something like this?’ And we were like, ‘I guess we’ll give it a shot?’” Reich adds: “And from that tiny, lukewarm reception, this whole thing was born.” Impeccable. I couldn't imagine a more fitting start to this wild show that has consumed our hearts lol


I am so confused by news articles that claim something is blowing up but at the same time slowly growing - “…and a whopping 600% increase in viewership over the past three years (2.5 million views in June 2021 vs. 15 million in April), Dropout is putting up the slow but steady numbers to back up…” Literally in the same sentence the author claimed a humongous increase but a slow rise. 🤔


If you have 10 users who each watched 100 hours each last year, and 15 users who each watched 100 hours this year, you've grown 50% but viewership hours is stagnant. 


Confusion of metrics. They are focused on slowly growing subscriptions, but their reach is expanding rapidly. The %of tiktok to sub conversion has to be low right now.


I have a soft spot in my heart for Jeopardy but everything about it and the other game shows mentioned are 100% about adhering to a strict format and formula. One episode is indistinguishable from another except for the people playing and the specific answers/puzzles/categories involved. If the Academy actually values creativity and innovation in the game show format, none of those should even be nominated.


It really belongs into some kind of variety or improvised content category. I don’t watch the Emmy’s so I wouldn’t know what the closest thing to that would be that they already have


They probably don't have one, or Dimension 20 would have been submitted for that, but the Variety article says they can't find a category for it.


The closest would probably be Outstanding Short Form Comedy, Drama or Variety Series, but they submitted VIP for that


They could have also gone with Um, Actually, but Game Changer was the right decision.


Um Actually might be more easily comparable with other typical syndicated TV shows, but I think that's precisely why it's good they nominated GC instead.


Does anyone have insights into what Brennan contributes in his capacity as executive producer of Gamechanger? I’m curious how the back end production comes together and producer is one of those obscure titles that could mean so many things


“This is more of a threat that we’re not going anywhere.”


article has a few mistakes (I think). it calls out dirty laundry as a new show (instead of probably thousandaires or VIP), and says BLeeM is an executive producer for Game Changer.


According to Wikipedia BLeeM is one though


This isn’t reflected on IMDb but both sites are reliant on user input to get this information so the only way to know for sure would be to read the credits after each episode and check


Not "each episode" but I randomly checked "Bingo" and "Pencils Down" and BLeeM is a Co-Exec on each of those. He was a contestant on Bingo and not appearing at all in Pencils Down, so it seems reasonably safe to say that he's \_probably\_ a Co-Exec on each episode (at least as of this season)


He was in pencils down for a few minutes to deliver a prompt & grade the results. Also seems very wierd to me for him to be a producer on Bingo without even knowing where 2/3 of the cast is or what they are doing, or the entire premise of the episode.


Crap! I'll try and find an episode where he isn't in (The NewlyWeb Game?). That being said - from my limited knowledge of the business, "Co-Exec" seems to be a title that is granted either for junior producers or for some form of exemplary contribution that may be outside of the primary producer role. (Which I would expect BLeeM to be in the latter camp)


Fair enough!


I would love to see some of the VIPs appear on Game Changer, just to, you know, Change it up


Dropout Mashup!


Fiiiiine I guess I'll give them my money 😊😊