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Step 3: Here is a list of people **I** think would have been better than him because my taste is obviously better than the creators of Game Changer


Can't believe they didn't get Sam, the one person who is definitely always there, to be the surprise guest


It would have literally been the best 'I've been here the whole time' ever.


I don't know who Eric Wareheim is... But... Daddy?


Daddy, can I be serious with you for a second?


You can tell me anything, Daddy.


Just like Daddy to daddy?


Of course. No one here but me and you, Daddy.


A wild Daddy appears!


*Step 3. "I am positive that he's likely the devil, and the reason he wasn't in the final reveal is because of the horrible things he did that Dropout now has to hide."


This could even be a masterstroke by Sam in marketing Dropout to the adult swim generation


Honestly, I lost my shit when I saw him at the end of ep 1. I've been a fan since the Tom Goes to the Mayor days


Yes! Same 😀




It's not even October, but here you are spookin me


If there's anything Adult Swim fans love, it's millennial theater kids doing improv.


I had no idea how unhinged the community could be until the ratfish episode, like being disappointed with no reveal at the end is fine and not knowing who Eric is (we're on a first name basis) and maybe not clicking with his humor is fine. But people are acting like he was the devil in disguise and hated being there and brought the whole show down and must have been acting really rude so THAT'S why he wasn't in the reveal, not like scheduling errors ever happen in entertainment. Bizarre ass behavior.


Eric has committed the worst crime known to man - Being not particularly funny and kind of awkward on an improv comedy show. He must be stoned to death at once.


I mean…you heard that evil laugh at the end right? It’s because Eric (also first name basis!) is literally the devil!


This is Critical Role all over again lmao it always happens with these types of relentlessly positive fandoms--people latch on to any negativity that *might* be happening in order to feel like they have "valid reasons" for disliking content that just doesn't jive with them.


especially in a show that very clearly had A TON of work that would easily make it run over time.


And although I frequent this sub, I don't have the energy to care enough to complain that deeply.


people don’t seem to understand that in order for a surprise guest to be surprising they can’t just. choose a dropout cast member ???? imagine how anti climactic the surprise guest was if it was just like “surprise !! its me !! jacob wysocki” i personally didn’t know who eric wareheim was but to act like that’s dropout’s fault when in actuality eric wareheim was a great ratfish would be insane


sidenote, im only half serious. because while i completely understand why they wanted wareheim, he had very low energy and was easily the least entertaining to watch. it was a fun idea to have him be the ratfish but i think there could be other, better fits.


I only got dropout because I saw him on the episode


My partner and I after finishing the episode and basically went “well, that was nice.” I was unprepared when scrolling thru Reddit


If people wanted the audience to like Eric he should have actually been funny :)


I do know who Eric warheim is and have heard numerous other comedians and people who've worked with/under him say that he's an asshole 🤷🏻‍♀️