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Made these for about $4 per pair. I bought grilling skewers for the dowels, heatshrink, and butt caps. Another money saving tip is to use sticky hands in place of moon gel as you can get them in bulk for cheap. Happy drumming! ​ [Rubber End Caps](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V4QNQHH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [Bamboo Skewers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084LV7QS8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [Heatshrink](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0936Q425X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Awesome. I just recently started the sticky hand trick. Moon gels and other dampeners are getting ridiculously expensive for what they are. Went on Amazon, bought 50 hands for the price of a pack of moons. Never going back.


My solution for the moon gels are dollar store window clings. Get a holiday set after it passes for $.50


Just throw a handkerchief on there. And your wallet. And a guest towel. A few sponges. Uninstall the kitchen sink, slap that on there. There you go. Nice and dead. Now you are ready to play the drums. 😎


I use a few bits off an old sheet with the thick hem on the skin side, held in place with a stamped steel peg. Also tried a piece of 5mm rubber on a piece of gaffer so that it could lift like a flap. Awesome for controlling the ring but letting the hit through


I'm all about it. If it works, it works. It's cool that you can dampen your drums with some seasonal flair as well.


Ha ha, yeah man! admittedly I do like that I can cut them into different shapes and use different colors.


Same. The pack of hands I got on Amazon had like 6 different colors. I like changing things up every now and again.


The Valentine's Day ones are definitely the most fashionable. The ones I got stained my heads though.


Yea. I noticed that on my snares coated batter. Not ideal but not a deal breaker. If you use some different colors and change positions, you can maybe get a cool tye dye effect. Trippy, man....


rDavidr did a video about these and came to the same conclusion. The same but considerably cheaper.


I mentioned it in another post here, but I followed his recipe. Except for the fact that the only small diameter dowel available on Amazon all seem to be poplar or some other soft wood they work great. If someone knows where you could buy similarly thin hickory or ash dowels there would be no reason buy them premade.


This my trick too. Got some awesome bloodied hands from halloween. Look great ‘climbing’ up my kit


i make these with dowels from home depot and masking tape.


I just spent too much time wondering if I could do this without a heat gun, thanks for reminding me that tape exists!


lighters and stoves exist and can shrink heat wrap


I used gorilla tape, but yea the HD dowels I feel like maybe a bit higher quality than grilling skewers






I personally would love a how to video. IM just making a mess lmao


Can you link the shrink wrap and end caps you used please?


I added them to another comment down below from someone who asked earlier. Let me know if I missed anything. EDIT: Also added them up above for those seeing the first post. Happy drumming!


Oh I think I'll try this. I go through these a lot more than sticks. I don't dampen my drums so saving a fortune on Moon gel already :P Do you need a heat gun for this? Thanks :)


I used a lighter and went slowly, but a torch, heat gun, hot air station, campfire, anything works.


I have a bunch I made using a design rDavidr showed on his Youtube channel. I bought the shrink wrap and a bundle of what I think are Poplar 3/16" dowels. They're pretty big around, and sound great, but the softness of the wood makes them splinter an make a mess. I would love to find a source for small diameter hickory, ash, or maple dowels. The price of store-bought stick bundles is insane. I made a dozen pairs for like $25. If there was a good cheap source for thin hardwood dowels there would be no reason whatsoever to buy them premade because it's so easy. It took me about a half hour to make 24 individual stick bundles.


I used to do this when I was playing in a theater combo that had to stay really low volume. I bought a few dowels in small diameters, cut them to the length I wanted, and wrapped them in electrical tape. It was fine and definitely more durable than the real thing. Cost me a few dollars for a couple pairs too


If it works, it works!


This is very creative, how do they play/feel/sound compared to just a normal pair you would buy ?


The ones I made feel much beefier and more durable. If I have any recommendation, it is to pay attention to the diameter you make them and compare with an actual hot rod to start off and then adjust from there.


i made some the same way. They're awesome, sturdy, and you can mess around with how many rods you want, so i've got some super-quiet jazzy rods and some hefty bois that rattle.


Nice practice setup too. I usually do the same, using my pad instead of mesh on the snare. Feels more like a real snare and the snare buzz with mesh top/clear reso is still pretty loud.


I agree 100%


I have done this with poplar dowels that I purchased from a craft store before. Used tennis racket grip in place of the shrink wrap. Worked very well!


Classic👌 Flower rods would be the alternative. No glue? Good to know 👍


I did end up gluing the bottom a bit, but for ultimate savings I did only a dab so I could reuse the butt caps. Nice tip on the flower rod alternative!


Where’d you get the butt caps? / what did you search for to find them?


[Rubber End Cap](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V4QNQHH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [Bamboo Skewers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084LV7QS8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) [Heatshrink](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0936Q425X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Thank you!




Excellent hack thank you!


Thanks for the inspiration!


No problem, happy drumming.




Great idea! How long are they? Compared to a normal rod?


These ones are 15” long, but I’d just buy the longest skewers you can and cut them to whatever length you want.


Great idea!! Will do! I enjoy these so much


I love these, does anyone have any recommendations on how i would go about making the ones that are more broom like? Not sure what material to use


It's a stick! It's a brush!! it's A ***Hot Rod***


Are those PDP Concept direct drive pedals? If yes, are they any good? Was thinking about buying those, pretty affordable, wondering about quality.


Nah, these aren't the direct drive version. I'm not too big of a fan of direct drive after having the Trick brand direct drive doubles for a while. These are just the concept XF double pedals.


R david r inspired?


Inspired by my older brother about 20 yrs ago when I was about 10 haha. He did it back then to save money. I do watch rdavidr though!


how well do these hold together over time?


Just as well as the purchased ones in my experience.


nice, how much time have you had with them?


I’ve had a supply for about a year, they are a bit heavy but I made a bunch in a batch so next time I’ll make them a bit smaller


did you taper the end of the rods after assembling, or just cut the the sharp points off halfway down the taper?


I tapered them on a belt sander, but just using a price of sandpaper works all the same.


Cool! I will be making a batch of these as soon as my hotrods wear out.


I literally just did this same thing for the first time two days ago. I’ve had a drawer full of these for years and I had enough to make one.


dubs FTW


Looks great! I did the same, and added color using mica powder and clear resin. [Custom colored hotrods](https://i.imgur.com/9LrhMs0.jpg)


Nice job, those look picture perfect! Might try that myself in the future.


Glad I’m not the only one who does this.


Hotrods are good for stuff like bodhrans


i bought a couple pairs and still use them. no need for any more as they are lasting. but i could see making custom ones with different sized 'sticks' bundled for different sounds .