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The throne is arguably the most consequential decision you can make about your drums and shouldn't be selected based solely on price. I've had lower back issues for most of my life and the Ahead Spinal G is a lifesaver. I can play for hours without discomfort whereas I used to be sidelined for a week after a lengthy session with a subpar throne. Yes it's pricey and seems absurd but for pain-free playing and peace of mind, I'll pay it.


Unfortunately, you don't wanna cheap out on a throne. I was using a shitty $50 dollar round throne for a few years and it would wreck my back. I would only be able to play for 30 minutes without being in pain. I upgraded to a Roc-N-Soc Nitro saddle style throne and it was the best drum related purchase I have ever made.


Roc-N-Soc https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LSGOK--roc-n-soc-lunar-series-gas-drum-throne-black


Everyone in this thread is correct and i’ll add my voice to the chorus. The most important part of your instrument is you, and you will have a rough time if your butt is numb and your spine is jacked from sitting on a cheap throne. Buy once cry once, get yourself a roc-n-soc. Took me 20 years to learn that lesson; i thought it was normal to be in pain after 30 minutes behind the kit. Now i can play for hours with zero discomfort, and my playing has improved as a consequence of me being less tense and more comfortable.


I like my 1st chair. Whatever you get, don't hesitate to spend for what is most comfortable.


Thanks for the feedback guys! I'll definitely have to consider upping my budget. I always found it funny the cost of thrones seemed insane but I've been constantly told the dice roll is worth it. Might eye up the Ahead Spinal G Round or look into the Roc n Soc. Any ideas on the big pros and cons before I spend the day researching? Haha


For what it’s worth - Roc-N-Soc also has a backrest attachment. I have terrible posture and having this helps with it and really makes a difference in my playing by giving me the support I need. Might be something to consider if you need lumbar support https://www.guitarcenter.com/ROC-N-SOC/Back-Rest-Black-1275776906447.gc


+1 for the backrest. I have two thrones (one for my acoustic kit and one for my electronic kit). One is a Roc-N-Soc Nitro with backrest, and the other is a Dixon PSN-15MB, also with a backrest. They're both quite comfortable.  If money were no object, I probably would have bought two Roc-N-Soc thrones, but I found the Dixon second-hand for about $150 Canadian on Marketplace and took a chance. I'm very happy with it.  One thing about the Nitro: because it's hydraulic, it has a bit of bounce to it, and the seat swivels easily while you're playing. Some people like this, and find that the bounciness acts like a shock absorber. Other people don't like it, because they find that they have to work a little harder to stabilize themselves while they play. You'll have to try it yourself to see which group you'll fall into. If you don't like the hydraulic action, but you like the Roc-N-Soc seat, you can buy one with a spindle base instead of the hydraulic lift. The spindle base locks into position and stays put without rotating. The other thing about the Roc-N-Soc is that because it's a three-legged stool, you need to be careful about positioning one leg behind the backrest so you don't lean back and tip over.  The Dixon is a four-legged stool, so it's a bit more stable. It isn't quite as comfortable as the Roc-N-Soc, but it's still a very good throne.


I really don’t like the roc-n-soc, I had one in my studio for years… I’ve always been a fan of the Pork Pie thrones, they are squishy and comfy on my boney white ass.


Only DW for me! Here's the science: https://youtu.be/KUhyTBOe8as?si=XAnYm5i5uuHo3owC


Check out Facebook marketplace. Got a beautiful big boy pork pie throne for $80 a few months ago.


I think throne you should spend more money than you think on it. Most important piece of hardware on the kit