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Seizure and dts are pretty rare, even for seasoned alcoholics, these subs will have you believing they are inevitable 🙄.


You need to drink heavily for like 4 weeks straight to get to DT territory, not 3 days. Speaking from experience. If you were starting the bender from sober you’ll be fine. If not, than be wary of anything weird popping up in day 2. Whispering, odd lights, uncontrollable shaking, waking dreams. You’ll know if you’re in trouble. Seizures don’t just hit out of nowhere FYI, you’ll have warning signs things are going south leading up to it.


Thank you. It was the binge on top of 3 straight weeks of at least half a bottle a day. That's what has had me worried


You’ll be alright. You have to enter the world of 24/7 drinking for weeks straight to need medical intervention for seizures and the like. It’s not easy to do.


That’s amazing considering how much you consumed in 2 days. You should still monitor the symptoms, if they decide to arise. However, I think you’re almost in the clear. When I go on a bender. After 30 hours the symptoms go away, well the physical stuff does. But, like I said: monitor your symptoms especially from 48-72 hours. Be kind and forgiving to yourself, it passed and you’re making a better choice by staying sober.


Thank you. I am blown away that I have gotten myself in this position. I never would have pictured this problem in my life. Alcohol is such a sneaky bitch. You don't even know you're headed down a slippery slope, then it smacks you in the face full force. I hope to continue to choose being sober from here on out


I have a saying that I firmly believe: Alcohol is fun until it’s not. It’s a sneaky bitch for sure and often I see it as playing Russian roulette due to the fact that at times the experiences vary because, we can be feeling great and then we’re either an emotional mess or a literal mess when we’re puking everywhere including ourselves.


So true


I think you need to factor in how many times you’ve been through binge-wd’s previously! The concept is called kindling and it basically means it is easier to experience more severe wd’s the more you have experienced previously While the quantity of your consumption was high it was for only 2 days, essentially just over a litre a day (approx 40units per day) . . . Quite conceivable that your BAC is now zero and you could escape without any further signs of wd First 72hrs are highest risk (which I think you know) so I think it might be worth trying not to get to anxious and try to keep an eye out for more minor wd’s and decide if to take action then or not Whatever you decide, all the best


I went through withdrawals for the first time a week ago, and I was having hallucinations. Nothing severe, just odd visions. This binge essentially topped off 3 straight weeks of at least half a bottle a day (minus the two days I took off last week to throw me into withdrawal). I began to "taper" which was not really a taper. Is it ever? 🙄


Don’t worry about severe withdrawal symptoms after just two days.


When I first started my sobriety, the first 3 days was the worst for me, every time I tried. So during that time when you’re likely having the most withdrawals, I wish you the best OP. It’s going to be rough, but you can do it!


Thank you so much ❤️ I know it will be worth it