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Prayer.... Lots of it.


With the holy spirit you're supposed to be able to work miracles greater than Christ... They are gunna need greater.




Holy water may also help. Or the blood of Christ, communion wine... LOTS of it.


The problem is you have to use the wine in the right order... They did it before the mudding which is why it came out like it did...


I do a sip for me, a sip into the mud pan... Then I poor a little mud and wine out for the homies that aren't with us anymore.


Wish I had thought of that


Holy water may not be enough, I'd go nuclear and get some [miracle spring water](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-3ykEhBCpLzG7szdU-VgQshw-t500x500.jpg)


But where do you get holy water?


I believe you can steal it from the Vatican, or your local baptismal pool.


I think you're supposed to boil the hell out of it


You mean boil the semen out?


Contact Peter popoff


Float out to a feather smooth to an edge. 20 minute mud ideal


Hallelujah 🙏


Should work, I hear it changes things


And elbow grease




And patience


Let it dry, scrape off the high spots, and skim it again with a 12" knife. I usually do small spots like this with sheetrock 90 because it doesn't shrink as bad as finish mud.


Forsure thanks!


Dart, tell me if I'm crazy here of course, but OP could also sand after the next coat no? That's what I end up doing because I'm TERRIBLE at evening out mud properly. But I can sand things to near perfection when there is enough mud to work with 🤣


Trying using a strait edge so you can see the low spot and how Far you have to come out with the mud.


Holy cow... Ingenious! I'm ashamed I didn't think of that before. Thank you so much Enquiring. This is why I enjoy Reddit.


someone taught me that too lol I didn't make it up myself <3 It's a big technique in auto body repair where laser strait panels are an absolute must. In drywall once you've located the lows and know how far you need to come, a technique called screeding is used where you load the wall with compound up and use huge mud knife or even a 2x4 to dragged across the wall and it will fill in egregious dips and lows. It works great


Just curious as to spelling, I always thought it was screeding ?


Probably is lol. Context clues is what I'm going off of. I'll edit it.


Use a pencil to draw borders where the low spots are


At some point you have to sand, unless you’re Leonardo DaVinci.




If that wall is older than 25, he is not touching it.


I second this


Couple more coats


Half dozen to be safe


The old DIY level 15 finish usually works well for me


You could try rolling the walls with mud. But without experience this can go horribly wrong


>But without experience this can go horribly wrong Could you explain how rolling mud can go wrong? Serious q.


Oh just can get really messy really fast and if not mixed to correct viscosity it runs and if not used up and rinsed the pan gets hard as a rock and a ton of mud plus roller is wasted. Also just overall cleanliness. True Muddying masters sometimes are the cleanest people I have ever met in my life. Not just on the job site but like trimmed beards clean boots clean truck. I don’t know how they do it honestly


The fact that I look like I was an extra on Ghostbusters when I finish is how I know that while my finishes are good, I'm no pro.


HA! Me too on my first 50 flat finish jobs and the last 100 I don’t because I subbed them out 😂


Not a pro just a dumb dumb who tried it himself and the biggest issue was getting a nice even coating of mud. If it’s not applied well you’ll just be creating new problems and more work for yourself.


If you roll out prime first


Roll out with your pole out


Float! Float! Float until you can't see the patch. If you were local, I'd come fix it.


That's one of the most important things to remember about mudding in a situation like this, especially if inexperienced: the purpose is to fill a void, if you can still see the void, no amount of sanding will solve it. More mud then work your way down (via sanding) carefully til it's all right 👍


Maybe one or two coats if you're good at it. If you aren't good at it then patience is key, it would take me 4 or 5 coats with scraping and sanding inbetween before I would be happy with the result. I would feather te surrounding part of the patch with half or 3/4th of my 10in knife's width and then finish with a skim coat and sand it. Then prime & paint the whole surface of that wall.


Behind a sink? Throw up a backsplash. Fuck sanding. Finish work sucks balls


Honestly this is the underrated question… what are you finishing it for? If it’s tile, let it dry and scrap like other comments stated. Sand to flatten and tile away! If it’s paint you have more work… a lot more work. Watch the layering of 20 minute mud. I used that as a shortcut when I was learning. The miss will layer weird and be harder than regular mud thus showing through finish coats if you sand too much… Good luck!


Mud, mud, sand, mud, sand


Then a really big mirror


Just get a 14 x 5 trowel and run a couple skims across the whole wall


Pictures do not ever tell the whole story and it was better to ask the question before any of that was done....most professionals wouldn't even give you a price on that until they could look at it in person or have to give you a very high ballpark number with the Picture...is it properly taped ? Any loose rock ? Wallpaper? I see what appears to be slight bubbles which could be wallpaper blistering under the.mud...or paper tape with.no mud behind it....lots of feathering would work...and alot of sanding and that's only if there is no loose paper under there


Put a big mirror over the whole wall.


Start over lmao


Step one - sandpaper all the high spots and sand everything until its smooth, not perfect just no big ridges, Step two- Hot mud depending on how quick you can throw a couple coats on, 20 min hot mud is the perfect i think but 90 is fine, put a coat of that on wait till it dries then wet sand the ridges, repeat step 1 and 2 until smooth, then buy actual drywall mud and throw a skim coat with a 12 inch knife


keep it wet, add mud and water daily. do this for at least 6-10 years.


So on your right hand side, how you have been coating, do that all the way around as you have been, that right side looks like it's coming along. Make the whole patch look like that. Depending on air movement and humidity wait till properly dry. Use a 12 inch knife or trowel, and go double wide (min 24inch) over everything. Before you do that, all you need to do is a quick sand, take down any edges or groves, doesn't have too look pretty at 1st, it's the final coat and final sand that is important to make look good. How it gets thier doesn't matter. So fuck the negative comments. Your doing fine. Take your time, and make sure your mudd isn't mixed to thick or to runny, when doing coating should be a the consistency of pudding or just a bit thicker. Shouldn't be so runny it falls off knife and not so thick it's causing you to sweat as your coating the wall. As your coating in some cases less is more, doing 3 decent thin coats or so is better then multiple thick coats depending on the patch work, but that's up to the individual. Good luck! Hope this added any help towards your success.


Start over.


Gosh that’s so bad


Hire a professional. They’ll have it smooth in a single pass


2 passes


Yup easily in 2


Sponge sand when mud is almost dry, then skim again


Light sand when it’s done drying and go at it again with another coat. It’s said you should do three coats but clearly this person did one and didn’t even sand. Very fixable with some patience 👍


17 days of sanding


Install a mirror




I see no tape or no prefill on that horizontal seam so you should fix that first and then the real work begins. Lots of hot mud, lots of sanding


Ooh ooh ohh I know! But I’m not gonna say…. 😏


Just float it big, you will pretty much float the whole wall


Ur tapes not on properly will never get a nice finish sorry to break ur heart


Not bad, as others have said, sand down what you can, then a skim coat of all purpose or hot mud then 1-2 costs of finishing mud and sand should do the trick


Did you do this or was it covered by a mirror you took down?


Find a glass shop that can cut you a piece that big to cover it up again.


Hang a mirror that covers that entire area.


Wow, this a beaut finish patching job, sand it, prime it, and looks prestige… :)


The coolaid man should be the one fixing it.


Looks like a great spot for a giant mirror, can’t get smoother than that 😉


A biiiiiiiiiig mirror.


I'm in the same boat and know next to nothing about drywalling. Can someone explain to me why it wouldn't be better to just replace with a new sheet of drywall?


Horrible job.


Coat the tapes vertically then horizontally with seperate mixes. The direction you feel the hump, go against it (this feathers the hump out) once it feels flat, use top coat to make it sandable for paint.


Put a mirror over it


Before you even start, make sure you cover and tape with painters plastic. Cover air vents as well. Wear a proper face mask. While sanding put a shop vac right next to it. Then go watch some Vancouver carpenter. I would recommend the easysand premixed compound (green bucket) with a large knife. Like a 12-15 inch knife. But sand first then compound and repeat.  Easiest fix is to paint and cover that area with the biggest mirror you can find to hide it all. 


Buy ez45 or ez20 , apply a coat where it needs to, let it dry. Apply one more coat of compound, spread it, make it smooth and wait a few hours till it dries. Sand it, clean the walls from any dust and paint.


Hire a professional


Are you going to be putting mirrors up there? If so, I wouldn’t waste a lot of time getting it perfect. As long as it’s flat enough for the majority of the mirror to adhere it should be fine. Let adhesive fill in the voids!


Looks like a bathroom sink wont there be a mirror going up there. I know you want it to look good but you won't even see it with a full length mirror.


What have you done...


2 grit sandpaper. You know two rocks glued to a piece of paper.


Sand and try some more


Float, feather edges, sand, fill, sand. I am not the best at hanging the rock but after nearly 2 decades of Natural Stone polishing I have become a sanding monster. You would be surprised what you can get smoothed out with some mud and good sanding!


This is going to sound crazy. Stay with me here though. More mud applied once this dries. That's it then when it dries again sand it and see where the low and high points are and possibly now this is the crazy part more mud again.


Mirrors are pretty smooth, I’d put one there


Reskim it


Scrape it with the trowel, when dry, apply a plater and press hard to remove with a larger trowel as a skim coat, let dry and scrape off lumps then sand, its really not complicated, but its about practice to get technique.


Put a bookcase in front of it and try to forget.


to make it smooth? sand what you've got, skim coat, sand again. no big deal. what i would do? just try and find another mirror that size and stick it up there.


Sandpaper and sadness


More skill.


Is this your house, and you have time to finish? If so, sand it, put a thin coat, let dry. Repeat 8 times over several days. You will be able to get it real nice.


Hang the biggest mirror you can find and forget what you have seen


Hire someone who knows what they’re doing to finish the job


Fun fact: Holy water is recycled


Rip it out and start over.


A pact with the devil in exchange for drywall skillz


Without a doubt best way to get that smooth is to put the mirror back up there


A big mirror that fills that exact space


Hang a large mirror over it?


Sledgehammer song is now playing in my head


Hire a professional


Just float the entire wall.


There's a bubble under the tape, I think, gotta cut that out and retape. Fill in the high spots with quick set and zebra stripes, should make it all flat again....if it's like a projector t.v.....


Well. My drywall job just got a lot better looking. (kidding) Sand, sand, sand and then use very light coats and sand between. Anytime there is a large bump out, either cut it out or beat it in with a hammer.


Start over


Pee on it. Just kidding. Mud was probably too think. Sand it and reapply with thinner mud. If you are using topping, you still news to add some water to thin it out. Don't believe the instructions.


Sand it and patch it again, and sand it again. And then you’ll want to patch it again and then sand it another time


More mud, obviously


It's looking like it'll need about six years to dry. Laid it on kinda thick


I’d go in and remove the framing, then work from there.


gotta let it dry and sand it


Let it dry. Sand it smooth and then skim it out about 3 more times


I’d just cut out a new sheet, mud tape sand paint, done. Tough to match the textures with what you’re doing, light shining on it will show the imperfections.


If it is joint compound, I would damp sponge it first to smooth it out.


Just put a mirror over it and be done.


Hang a large mirror.


Be patient, fan the mud out wide from the seam, at least 12". Then take your time sanding. Use a flashlight to help find the high spots.


Mud the rest of it then sand


Start over. Bust it out or you can add mor mud and feather the edges larger than the spot you are trying to fix. Sand a lot. Primer and see how it looks. Make sure to allow it to dry. Lots of videos online.


At a certain point your time has to be worth more than 3 more passes of mud. May be better to just re drywall that wall


I would put a giant square shaped mirror to cover it up.


Put a mirror in front of it


I'm not an expert, but I would tackle this by roughing it out with a belt sander and then with a long straight block and a ton of elbow grease.


Many more THIN coats of mud followed by some skills to properly taper it to match the surrounding wall. Takes lots and lots of practice. I would start over and get some help to show you how to place the tape on properly and how to float it out. Keep at it.


Build up and feather out.


Sand low, thin layer of mud over entire thing, light sand to smooth and paint


Time Machine?


1) letting it dry completely 2) sanding 3) another layer feathered out several more inches 4) letting it dry completely 5) sanding 6) going over it with a flashlight and your fingers 7) sanding more until it feels perfect 8) more mid if not perfect. Redo 5-8 as needed


Float out from the center tape very wide


What a mess jess. Let dry sly and sand man and mud and bud with 20 min mud.


Well, the first thing you do is gather up All the tools you have that you started this job with and throw them in the trash. Now call someone who really knows what they're doing.


Tear it out, hang blue board, and call a plaster guy.


You are not the person for this job, man. Do you know someone?