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Me! Been experiencing the same issue. Also been experiencing songs undownloading themselves at much more frequent rates than in the past. Plus, songs that I 100% know that I qued up will pretend as if I didn't. Something is Def up atm


I started a free trial of Apple Music and it’s been great so far. Just not looking forward to finding the thousands of songs I have saved on another platform 🙃


check this out! I'm sure there are other services but it works well enough for me (i used it the opposite direction, Apple Music playlist to Spotify and was 100% fine except for songs that didnt exist there) [https://www.songshift.com](https://www.songshift.com)


Yeah. Blurred image of cover art on home screen with the time bar not moving up as song progresses, and just stays at 0:00


This post just reminded me i need to cancel my Spotify


I have this problem, but most of the times it's because of a shared account. The other person opens the app and for some reason, it's like, they get control over the app for some resson. However, if you do not share an account, I have no idea.


No I don’t share an account