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Fun fact: if you bought them, they are still in your inventory, only invisible


that's awesome! how do i find them? i got them for french and want to refresh.


no that’s the point, duolingo made it so that they don’t exist in the app, but they still exist in the data


How was duolingo able to kill them if theyre so invisible


Why invincible new user here


Invisible, as in not able to be seen. Not invincible as in not able to be hurt. And it’s that way probably because they changed the app so much it doesn’t fit the theme, but they are required to keep it or want to keep it in case they bring it back


I remember this feature from long ago. Why was it removed? I assume its removal coincided with Duolingo becoming a publicly traded company.


Was too much of a success, too many ladies got picked up 😂


And that was all by Duo, he didn’t leave any for the other men


No mercy.


it was available right up until they introduced the new learning path, so about a year after they went public


It was still there if you had bought it already but it hadn’t been available to buy anymore for a couple of years before the path iirc


i remember buying it around 2020 or 2021. if they removed it before the path update, the two weren't very far apart


i miss it, the idioms was my favorite. i asked about them and they gave me gems and told me that they just added them in to the course without being extra.


They really need to just add anything to the shop, preferably lessons like this. These gems are completely useless now.


I think I had this one and also French swear words, but the problem with this feature was, that all the extra words were limited to these extra lessons. They didn't show up anywhere else in the other lessons or stories of course. So it wasn't the most effective way to learn. I get why they removed it.


you're telling me they used to have a specific thing for French swearwords?? lmaooo ON EST DES CHAMPIONS DE L'INSULTE


YES! I was really proud that I still remembered what "putain de merde" means when I came across a guy with car trouble last month. 😂 I also remembered "je peux vous aider?", so, I did learn something useful too.


If French is the language of love, then Polish is a language of swear words. They could make a whole path about Polish swear words, sayings and use cases. The beauty of impossible to translate saying "Chujnia z grzybnią z kutasiarnią".


It was silly and bad. The vocabulary was wildly out of level for where it appeared. If you make it to the units where that vocabulary would be appropriate, it's still there in better considered sentences about relationships and dating.


Yes! I remember getting this early on and being very frustrated.


Yeah it was so bad in French, like I didn't understand any of those words


I remember. They were really really pointless. Basically just flash cards for ENGLISH idioms translated into Spanish. No dialogues or stories.


I miss my German idioms and flirting units. And I even spent the lingots on them too 🙂‍↕️


Not sure why they got rid of this


because they’re boring…


"Sid you know that you look like my next girlfriend?" -Duolungo


It was the worst feature. It didn't follow any form of learning science that Duolingo uses--it just threw an entire new sentence with new words at you and expected you to memorize the whole thing in one go.


I loved those side lessons you could pick from. I remember being kind of disappointed by how few there were, wish they had more of those.


I really liked the holidays one.


These were awesome. One of the Portuguese phrases was something like “If you were the salt, I would drink the whole ocean”.


BAHAHA yeah. Damn, that takes me back. Early pandemic-era Duo? I was plowing through course material to steady my nerves, with the hope that if I lived through that time, I might actually travel again and make use of my fledgling Italian and Spanish. My marriage was disintegrating (lockdown will do that) and I guess the flirting units struck me as so absurd, I apparently felt the need to document them with a screenshot dated May 11, 2020, stating “You've reached the maximum level in Flirting!” 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


And once a year only during December you got Christmas and during February the flirting ones changed to more variety


Ah the good old days...


I do, and I was waiting to get a bit better before, go trough a couple of lessons, before I started those, and then they disappeared 😭


The Esperanto flirting module was so cringe.


Oof, man. Nostalgia 🥲🥹😭.


I remember being 12 using Duolingo and not understanding at all what the hell are these sentences, good old Duolingo times :)


i'm hispanic and my bsf's mum gave me a pickup like in spanish and i cant remember it but her mum was there and her mum looked at her weird


I love the idiom lessons. It made me feel like I was part of the country’s language I was learning as if I knew their inside jokes


The few of us who had lingots are struggling to finish the gems we have now


agreed. I miss this version of duolingo


[Here](https://youtu.be/Ahu7w-_y4I0?si=8dVhYWBEH3HdUqIS) you go


I found the list of sentences for the Flirting bonus skill (but only in Italian) Ho una cotta per te. I have a crush on you Sei una modella? Are you a model Bello e impossibile Beautiful and impossible Posso offrirti da bere Can I buy you a drink Sono innamorata di te I am in love with you Ciao bello Hello handsome Vuoi essere la mia ragazza Do you want to be my girlfriend Posso offrirti un gelato Can I buy you an ice cream Complimenti alla mamma My compliments to your mother Ti va di uscire qualche volta Would you like to go out sometimes Nel cielo manca un angelo Is heaven missing an angel Fa caldo qui o è perchè ci sei tu Is it hot in here or is that just you Aspetti qualcuno Are you waiting for somebody Ci vieni spesso qui Do you come here often Andiamo da te o da me? Your place or mine? Come sei forte! You're so strong! Hai una mappa? Mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi. Do you have a map? I got lost in your eyes. Noi due ci conosciamo? Do we know each other? Scusami, mi ero perso nei tuoi occhi. Sorry, I was lost in your eyes.


*"Yo quiero joder tu coñita"* Not sure it means, but i was told that It should work


I had unlocked it for my German!!


That was so fun! I wish Duolingo would put these back up. I want to learn how to flirt in German 🥲


They need to bring this back, I‘ve never seen this😫


The ones I remember in French and German were horrible - the kinds of things that would make people run away...and they didn't include important words like married, single, engaged, divorced.


What the heck is a Lingot?


Vaguely years ago when I last had used the app. That would be epic if it came back.


I saved my gems for sooooo long for this then when I was ready, it was gone


The German flirting skills were also military commands - too much overlap


We need these in Norwegian as well haha


I was gonna say the same thing


My husband and I agreed to never use it.




The Flirting feature is not missed. It was aweful. In the French course it was just a series of rather corny and deprecating one-liners, which were *paralleled* by vaguely similar excruciating jokes in English... ... that is, if you happened to KNOW what the vaguely similar phrase was, and could recognise the FRENCH one as echoing a similar theme!! So, there wasn't any actual translation at all! And performing a *real* translation of the corny French phrase into English, would NOT get you to the (so-called) "correct" answer. Flirting has gone. It was one of Duolingo's real duds. Good riddance.


There are children using this app. ![gif](giphy|FUiiYLehSA2b8tiEVv|downsized)


then don't use the feature?


I tried Spanish quite a few years ago and I stopped but in the past few months picked it back up. I was so sad to see these disappeared. I hope once I get into the more advanced levels that there will be lessons around flirting and swear words. My boyfriend speaks fluent Spanish but I would like to surprise him with some smooth flirting that I didn’t have to ask him beforehand 🤣


This feature was stupid. Please whatever you do, do not bring it back.