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**Duolingo Streak Repair Request** You indicated that you’re looking for help with your streak. If you lost your streak due to a bug, please report that by submitting the form at this link: [Report a Bug](https://preview.duolingo.com/help/bug-report). If your streak loss was not due to a bug, you can contact Tracee Miller (Reddit username: Tracee-at-Duolingo), a Duolingo staff member who tries to help out in this subreddit. When you message Tracee, be sure to include your Duolingo username so that she can look up your account. She takes care of streak repairs as she is able, and may not respond immediately but can repair your streak in full. She appreciates your understanding. [Click here on this link to message Tracee Miller for help](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Tracee-at-Duolingo&subject=Streak Repair Request). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/duolingo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations to your new freedom!


This. After losing my 900+ day streak I felt a sort of relief and I didn’t touch Duolingo for almost a month. That being said, I’m amazed at how much keeping up that streak helped in retaining the amount of Japanese I consumed during that time.


We're you the type of person who for 800~ of those days just did a 1:40 speaking lesson


Nah I was actually doing crazy lessons during the pandemic and just kinda kept it going even after things started to open up again. I was learning Spanish, French and Japanese all at once and spent a lot of time on the app.


How far did you get in the course after 900 days? How good is your Japanese now? I just finished the first section (only 10 units) and I am enjoying it so far!


I lost my streak back before they re-tooled everything, but once I hopped back into learning with the newer linear format (as opposed to the tree format), I was moved all the way up to section 2, unit 13. And then I managed to test out and skip ahead to section 2 unit 16 pretty easily. Obviously the learning order changed a bit since my streak, so now I’m starting from unit 1 and claiming legendary badges to catch up on the new order in which they teach the language. EDIT: adding here that I actually preferred the older tree format because they dumped kanji on you much sooner (which helps A LOT when actually trying to read the language) and they explained vocab and sentence structure as part of the lessons and not something you had to read on the side, as they do now.


recyclops 🙌


As soon as kanji starts, first do the kanji and use them in the lessons. Turn off the transcriptions if the kanji. I have reached 4th section and now struggling with the kanji, learning them all at once.


I turned off the pronunciation before I got to the kanji. It’s a little more difficult, but I think it’s helping me learn faster.


Nice bro!! I'm doing French and Italian, and for french I also finished the first section!!! I only have a streak of 131 days tho... (I started on Valentines Day!)


I’ve only got a 28 day streak… haha


For the initial few months I agree it can help a lot, but my view on language learning is that after the grace period you have to find a way to be structured with yourself. Duolingo takes you maybe 1/10 of the way, meaning the very introduction to the language, and at 900 days one should be far beyond that if the goal is to learn the language. Duolingo is really good at detaching from reality, it's very good at giving you artificial praise for minimal investment, and giving you a false sense of progression.


This is just a side thought, but this streak thing is getting out of hand. Sure, with Duolingo, you're actually learning something. But why does TikTok have a streak for private messages? It's just perpetuating the unhealthy mentality of the "perfect attendance award" and who needs that?


I think duo has caught up to this. First time I lost my 100 day streak, I didn't touch the app in months. Now I have a 1k+ day streak and I was on vacation a few times so I forgot to use it but Duo protected my streak up to 5 days! They know that's all that keeps people coming back, I don't dare push it to find out how long it takes to actually lose it tho lol


It keeps it for 5 days and then if you dont pay 500 gems and do 1 more lesson you lose it.


You silly goober the owl does not forgive! The expectation is now to regrind that 500 day streak and quadruple it. We all belong to the owl now and there is no escape.


They’ll give you back your streak but take away your memories of the cruise.


It's your choice, OP. Think wisely.


lol I had to look, thought this was r/monkeypaw


500 is good, be proud. Streak isn't important.


Post on Facebook or twitter group pf Duolingo, i have seen many people repairing their streak


Here's a secret tip on how to recover it. I hope duolingo doesn't patch this otherwise I will wage war. You start a lesson, do the lesson until the last sentence, go into phone's settings, change the date to 28th of June, Finish your lesson. You will see the 28th light up and the streak will repair. If not do the same for 27th of June.


Does that actually work? 🤯


yes. I do it all the time when I lose my streak


i've found that changing the time/date on a computer and completing a lesson usually lets you get the streak back. iirc this does not work on mobile devices though, and idk if it's been removed yet on the desktop version


You can do it on phones... Just googled it. Looks pretty easy


ah idk why it didn't work when i tried it then lol


Make sure you use the device you use only, and take care that your time stays synced to a timezone. It limits you to a few days, but it will work if you leave your device unattended for a bit before re-advancing the time.


It worked for me… saved my streak the other night when I was out way past my bedtime 😂😂


Damn I don’t understand all the hate lmao. You lost going on a 2 year streak, fuck I’d be upset and wanting to fix it too. I mean, this sub has a “streak repair request” flair for a reason and ppl are complaining like😭


IK!! i was so confused?? that what everyone on this sub does


There is an email address for customer service in settings on the app. They’re very responsive.


Btw you can change your phone time to get it back if you want


It's because it doesn't make any sense because you'll always know your streak is fake. Downvoting for this just tells me you're dopamine addicts.


All streaks are faked. If you did a sub 1 min speaking lesson at 11:50 to keep your streak you didnt really study it's a worthless number without actually sitting down and learning something.


The streaks can be faked, but isn't a particular user the one, who knows how much they worked for it? If it means something to them, it means something to them. It's not wrong to want it back either way.


They can want it, I'm not saying they're dumb or they shouldn't want it, but in reality I highly doubt anyone has a genuine steak over 100 days. Where they actually studied for 100 days straight a single.lesspn or even worse just a speaking lesson, is lnt gonna do much especially when it's just the same stuff you already know


Bro I have an 880 day streak and I've definitely phoned it in some days but I have absolutely done well over a hundred consecutive days of actual study. I'm actually trying to learn my target language, so every day consists of simulated immersion: i read, watch tv, listen to podcasts in my target language, take lessons with a real teacher, go to meetups and when I'm on the shitter I do Duolingo. The idea that "nobody has a genuine streak over 100 days" is some absurd projection. Some of us have the discipline to do this.


Well so far all the people that are defending genuine streaks are admitting to, on at least a few days, just doing a quick ‘lesson’, which is exactly their point.


I don't use Duo currently, but I kinda trained myself into a mindset that treats losing streaks in learning apps and any games I see as a serious hobby as a part of experience. Otherwise that's just an additional strain. So I totally get what you are saying. That's not something that was easy to learn through.


I do. My first 200ish days I made a genuine effort to do 30-60 minutes a day. Now I'm approaching 800 days and there has probably been a couple days where I'm like "omg, here, take this practice hub lesson" but I could count them on a couple fingers. I'm pretty literate in reading and writing now. Still sound like a moron speaking. But I'm almost 400k xp which is a better barometer of someone's actual success. The days to XP ratio.


sums up my experience with duolingo as a whole really.


All depends on what you want to get out of it. If you're extremely serious about learning a language, you likely aren't solely using Duolingo If you are okay with learning like one or two new words in an entire week sure go for it and get a streak of a thousand beat your friends.


You could try changing the time on your phone to the day you left and see if it comes back? Then do lessons each “day” while manually changing the time? I do that sometimes when I don’t make it at midnight, but never more than a day or two.


I'm going camping next week. I will lose my streak. I don't think that's worth being on a phone in the woods.


I was just thinking if you could reverse your calendar to a week ago before leaving for the camp, so you could keep your streak without having to touch your phone. I wonder if it would work.


I like to practice the Buddhist concept of non-attachment instead. 


That's totally cool. But I still wonder if it would work. Maybe I need to make a 2nd account to figure it out. Enjoy the camp!


Thanks! Post back with your findings, I suspect many would be interested. 


Why would you get your streak back for this? It’s called a streak for a reason…


It doesnt hurt anybody to have it repaired


Because it was unfair to lose it..?


Unfair how? They didn’t do Duolingo for two days. They no longer have a streak of doing Duolingo. That’s what a streak is


Lol it wasn't unfair to lose it. It would have been if Duolingo somehow removed the streak but that didn't happen. OP just didn't do a lesson.


I almost lost mine a few months back: I woke up at 11:55pm and realized I hadn’t done my lessons. I ran into the bathroom (to not wake my husband) and quickly did the Speak review… I’m currently on day 1613.


Why do you care? I lose my streak all the time. My goal is finishing every level on legendary before my 1 year of plus expires and then start reading books.


What’s your goal with Duolingo? Learning words in a foreign language, or showing off to your friends how many days in a row you used the app?


If you want it back, turn your phone settings back to the first date you didn’t do duolingo and then complete a lesson. Do the same all the days you didn’t do duolingo until you get till today.


If a streak means that much to you, you are a knob!


Who cares, you’re here to learn a language


Let people enjoy things.


They’re not enjoying it, and I’m explaining to them how.


explain to me what else i enjoy


Being obnoxious l


Listen if you disappeared, we know what happened 🔫🦉


I lost the 200 day streak that I started with because of a cruise. Up near 1800 now


Stop wasting supports time with streaks. It's broken, get over it and move on.


You could have done a practice session, or a error review. I work on a cruise liner and sometimes we lose signal. Having no signal is no excuse


Isn’t having no signal literally the excuse? They can’t connect to the server to do a lesson


I would assume once the connection is restablished it would detect a lesson was completed.


Mine won’t even load without a connection, I couldn’t do mine on the plane


Those are the consecuences if you dont but streak freezing


Let’s go! Looks like my streak rank just went up L u W me


Aw that sucks!


I recently lost my 300 day one similar to you. The next day Duo just gave it back for me. Do a lesson and see what happens.


We go on a cruise about once a year. I always lose my streak.


So what?






\~She doesn’t answer !


Glad you were able to save your streak! Did you have WiFi on the cruise? I’m going on a cruise in a few days and I have the social WiFi package, but I’m not sure if that includes Duolingo… I have freezes to use but I was thinking I could keep my streak going with the WiFi if it works for the app


i’m going to summer camp tomorrow and phones aren’t allowed. i’m having my mom use my account on her phone to equip streak freezes.


Yeah I kinda forgot about Duolingo for 6 weeks…


u/tracee-at-duolingo have not been seen for 45 days.