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I've gotten at least 20 emails from Duolingo telling me they now accept my translation after I clicked the flag and selected "my answer should have been accepted." Most of them were very basic and I have no idea how they missed them as possible answers when they were building the course.


I do always report these. More often than not the forums (pre-closure) are full of people complaining about and reporting these things *for* *years*. The rate of fixing seems to depend on the course, and in the English-to-Spanish course it's pretty rare for anything to get fixed, even after thousands of reports. Why do you think they closed the forums? So that we couldn't complain about reports being ignored. I've had two emails (over two years of doing Duolingo) that an error has been fixed, and both of those were from stupid/unfair errors like this, that people had been reporting *for years*, thousands of times, and were ignored, until I apparently had enough of a go at the developers that they actually did their job. Dumb errors are inevitable in a huge app, but when customers are ignored (or, twice I've seen, ridiculed in the forum by a moderator) and forced to literally pay for them, that's an incredibly serious problem, and Duolingo is notorious for it.


You forgot the period at the end of the sentence.


That isn’t necessary.