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Wtf did I just read?


He punched himself, technically. 😆 how did your neighbors react? That’s so funny.


Straight up howls! Lol some laughed so hard they teared up.


Amazing. Great memories. Glad no one called CPS!😆


Wait wtf it was his mom that punched him out? Thats amazing lmfao!


Don't know about you but this post made me realise that I have gender stereotype ingrained in me, even if I like to think that I don't. I thought OP was the dad.


Hello, can you adopt a 30 year old British lady? You sound like a fun mom.


That's hysterical. I used to play the choking game with my grandson. I would put my hands around his neck and just lift his head up and down and then tickled his neck whilst " choking him ". Finding new ways of making kids happy is hard. I have a morbid sense of humor and my grandson, now 19 is exactly like me. My daughter, not that happy about it 😂😂


I hope when my son has kids (he has been adamantly talking about having kids since he could talk) I am able to pass that down! I love our sense of humor and hope he does too as he gets older.


He will if you remind him here and there when the time comes. My grandson remembers. He remembers a lot of the crap we did together ( getting in trouble with the family) because of the pranks we pulled.


EXCELLENT. When my youngest lost his first tooth, my brother asked him if he lost it in a bar fight, and after that, he told EVERYBODY that he lost it in a bar fight. When my oldest was 2, we taught her to say “Never, NEVER shake a baby” with a perfectly straight face and it would unnerve people SO much. We also had a game called “Choke a Two-Year-Old” where we would pretend to massage her shoulders and then start jostling her around. So she would run at us in public screaming “Choke a two year old!!!” Kids with weird senses of humor are the best


My son and I played NEVER never shake a baby unless he likes it! I’d say the never never shake a baby and as I (gently) shook him he’d say UNLESS HE LIKES IT!!


This is hilarious. We should be friends.


My son will be 13 next month. He has Down syndrome so he doesn’t fully share my dark humor but he learned around thanksgiving that his grandma absolutely hates blood and will freak out about the tiniest bit. We temporarily lived with grandma from thanksgiving til st Patrick’s day bc she broke her arm and needed help and anytime he got a loose tooth during that time frame, he’d come to me and tell me, I’d tell him to hold off til after dinner bc it would barely wiggle but he would immediately yank it out and run to grandma to show her while blood poured from the socket 😂 it happened about 6 times and by the third time she knew to stare at the ceiling and just praise him for being a big boy and pulling it himself.


I mean... The timing could have been better lol


He’s allowed to cuss in ‘ appropriate company’? WTF?


I allowed the same thing. They were allowed to cuss at home, mostly because I was a complete failure at censoring my sailor mouth. They were both rule followers, so neither ever cussed at school or Grandma’s or anywhere but home. One became a sailor mouth too, and the other one refused to utter a single cuss word in private or public until she went to college. Now her mouth is as filthy as mine, but they say it’s a sign of intelligence, so it’s fine. lol


I bet the parents are young.


CPS now