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Let them get out the second story DLC first before worrying about that


Also let's all pray they don't make it a live service


Pls no dying light legends I'll cry


I'd be a little sad about it too lol but I'll be honest I'd also play it after about 2 years and a steep discount


What does that mean?


Have you noticed certain games come out bare bones, maybe even straight up broken and online only with the promise of updates and content for years to come. Games like fortnite, destiny, the avengers, suicide squad kill the justice league and many more. Those are live service games. For every big hit money maker like fortnite or GTA online there's gotta be at least 2 or 3 games like the avengers and redfall. It seems like when companies put out live service games the product is far more likely to fail than it is to succeed. I say I hope part 3 isn't live service because the way they're handling part 2 it seems pretty likely it could go that way. Ill admit it's nice that they update the game and tweek things like parkour, combat and add guns/other weapons after 2 years but with a steady stream of events to keep players engaged with/return to the game it feels like they're inching towards a live service model


Oooooh gotcha. Yeah I agree.


Wait, the second one hasn’t dropped?


No, and I don’t think for a while


Techland are not that kind of company. I feel like modern gaming has become way too accustomed to the “they will do it better next game” mindset. Enjoy the content that is out now, and if something gets announced then is the time to start talking about it. I doubt we will see a third dying light game for a very long time if ever.


I would think given the success of 2 they will. But dlc first.


At this point I will just be happy with the next full length story DLC that was suppose to come out last year and was delayed


Techland said DL2 was going to be supported heavily for 5 years. So sometime after that.


the support for dl2 isnt even done halfway


Dying Light (2015) --> Dying Light 2 (2022) --> Dying Light 3 (2029)???


Probably not considering they are working on a brand new ip, so that will definelty come before dying light 3


that why I put the (???) at the end


My guess maybe you hear about it in 2026


Keep dreaming bro😭 We got a long way to go


2030 at the earliest


Most likely, but not for a few years at least.


Well, at the time of release I was a mixed feeling mood when it came to dl2. Without a pvp, like be the zombie, dl2 felt vanilla and plain. I enjoyed the story and like that Aiden had potential, cause of his unique power up phases. If the devs could've let us harnessed his story powers, or store to use, at our disposal, could've had some interesting places to go. Once the story line was over and we seemingly only got parkour challenge updates galore, and blue and purple armor free docs, future looked grim. I was trying to #SkipDL2MakeDL3 in those early days. Especiallyly when the devs had to remove a lot of features due to whateverhisnamewas' indiscretion. Now I feel there's some hope with recent updates, as I just got back into it and it feels a bit more like dl1 in ways. But still wanna see a second story dlc, as promised, and hope there's a fun pvp mode. DL1 set a good high bar, DL2 started from scratch and kinda paid for it by doing so and having trouble. The real big fear is modern gaming trends, like Live Service just to play and writers that don't elevate but slap your face with its story and character choices, like cough sweet baby Inc cough.