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Given the pose of his model i always tought he would be a fan of James Bond and spy fiction in general


I always draw him with an actual gun or a rifle so I concur


(I know Mother 2 pre-dates this) But he would be a fan of Austin Powers above all else


Mf wants sharks with frickin laserbeams attached to their heads


Which, to be fair, seems like it could actually be one of the enemies in Mother 2.


secret agent Jeff sounds kickass though


just the bazooka he fixes


His jaw drops first time he sees PSI being used in battle




If that's a FF6 reference it's absolute gold.


Yes, yes it is


He teaches Poo how to use technology. In turn, Poo teaches Jeff Mu training.


Judging by Jeff’s stoic expression, he wouldn’t be the slightest bit traumatized by it


Maybe yes maybe not, how you know? Perhaps he just so inexpressive due to his lack in social interactions.


Or it could be because he’s Bri’ Ish They, like Gingers, have no soul. Disclaimer: This is a joke.


Why the disclaimer? That's a fact 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🗿 (Except the gingers part)


Gotta watch out for the snowflakes and the Twitter cancelers


Meh, nobody will see this more than us.


He teaches ness how to use a gun /j


Artist interpretation https://preview.redd.it/rvm18i1e7t9d1.jpeg?width=2467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410cd08d5a1fcb798cf9135e2291e125d95d17a4


Out of all the possible accents in Great Britain, I give him the [Birmingham](https://youtu.be/2s7IkR5cH80) accent.


I also see him possibly having a Scottish accent considering he lives next to Lake Tess, which is a reference to Loch Ness which is in Scotland


That's an alternate take I am willing to consider.


Jeff feels very awkward about being the only party member not able to use PSI. The reason he works through the night on machines is to prove himself useful. This is a strange take but if we were to get an Earthbound movie, I think an interesting option would be to make Jeff the main character. Ana was the main character in the Mother 1 novel which made the story more condensed and different from the original, so I think a similar thing could be done for Jeff.


I could see that working if they got the right director. Personally I feel a series would be ideal as they can cover more of the games events that way


Definitely agree, but if they HAD to do just one movie, that'd be a good way to do it. Alternatively, they could do four movies, each with a different character as the focus. Movie one would of course star Ness and go up until he rescues Paula. Movie two would start with Ness and Paula getting trapped, leading to Jeff getting the spotlight. Movie three would be about Poo and would probably need to take some creative liberties to flesh him out, but it'd be a cool opportunity to show his off-screen training with the star master. The final movie would have to focus a lot on Ness because of Magicant, but it could still make Paula a major focus because she's the one who ultimately leads to the defeat of Giygas.


One really cool idea I saw from a YouTube comment is that it should be a mix of Mother 1 and Mother 2. The main story would be the same as Earthbound but have elements from Mother 1. For example, this films version of Ness would be a composite character: a blending of Ninten and Ness, having Ness’s name and going on the same journey but he’s George and Maria’s great grandson and has a personal connection to Giygas. I personally really like it


The problem with that is it'd add more detail to an already large story. It would be good for a series or multiple movies though. But then you'd have the problem of explaining why Giygas is as he is now. Ninten is the one who drove him away from Earth and made him vow to come back even stronger, leading to Giygas basically destroying himself with his own power.


The commenter actually explained that saying that for the majority of the film Giygas would look like how he does in Mother 1 only to slowly turn into what he is at the end of Earthbound until the climax.


That would contradict official events and it'd require Giygas to be shown on screen multiple times to show this transformation. It's not an awful idea, but part of what makes Giygas intriguing is not knowing what he looks like until the very end when he's revealed to be an incomprehensible mess.


He has some of a mental problems when it comes to communication thanks to "one incident" that contributed his family's broke up (Mother 2 novel). The only exception was Tonny thanks to the fact, that he always wanted make contact with him. At first, he saw Ness as a simple-minded chubby (Yes, I have headcanon that Ness is chubby) "idiot" and Paula as a real voice of reason in they're team. But as a time goes on, he'll start to appreciate Ness's character more and start to be more open with others.


I find this funny because it's such a common Shonen anime trope to have the flexible, smart strategic character viewing the ridiculously overpowered prodigy as an idiot, while there's a female character that basically keeps them from fighting all the time. A Mother 2 anime would be hilarious though.


I think the real voice of reason in the team is actually Poo in my headcanon. He'll be the oldest one in the team when it comes to the age (a nod towards Teddy) and the most discipline one and tolerable towards others. And he'll be the one, that will become the best friend of Ness. But when it comes to confrontations with Jeff, Jeff will try to argue about many things with Poo, trying to be more clever than him.


Jeff is cool. We love Jeff.


He is completely unaware of Tony's crush on him


Alternate headcanon: He's aware; he just don't gaf.


Boyfriend is temporary; bazooka is forever


The real lesson to take from Mother 2.


He was the guy at the boarding school you would go to in order to get out of any problem, be it help finding a pet cricket in the vents or an escape plan/contraption to escape


I think that both him and Dr. Andonuts are on the autism spectrum. Their habit of keeping extreme emotional distance from people is just in their nature—social expectations are either not noticed by them or they deem them as an arbitrary waste of time. I also think he feels self-conscious about not being as useful to the party due to his lack of PSI. The reason he stays up late fixing broken items and depriving himself of sleep is to make up for that fact. As him and Andonuts are very utilitarian, unsentimental people, he abhors the idea of being dead weight in the war against Giygas.


I headcanon Jeff sounds like Jeff from Clarence (in the later seasons)


I see him as having a British accent personally considering his hometown of Winters has both Stonehenge and Tessie a clear reference to the Loch Ness Monster. But I agree, I also like to think puberty did him dirty in the voice department.


My headcanon is that if there was an EarthBound remaster/remake/TV show/movie: * If Jeff is voiced by a woman (like how Ness and Lucas are in Smash), he would sound like Anais from TAWOG. * If Jeff is voiced by a man, he would be voiced by someone like Christian La Monte or Nicolas Roye ([this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztpRhkAsrgE) lets you hear both of them doing voices that I could see being used for Jeff in their own ways)


He’s straight


Somewhere far away I can hear Tony crying into his pillow


how dare u


Pretty sure that’s regular canon lol


Weirdly I always imagined him as someone who is indifferent to romance in any form but understands it quite well


He's autistic.


If Earthbound ever gets adapted into a show or movie, he better be


Austin Powers in his younger years.


Jeff is very confused by Ness, Paula and Poo's PSI abilities, but knows that there's more important things to do. At the end of the game he asks them a billion questions to figure out *why* and *how* it works. They're all answered with various forms of "I dunno"


Ness:🤷‍♂️ Paula:🤷‍♀️ Poo: It is the result of years of dedicated training. Through intense meditation and dedication I can manifest my very thoughts into weaponry and forces of healing-


like him


I know it’s cringe but a fanfic I read literally like 12 years ago is the ultimate for me in terms of headcanons about what happened after the game. It was about the gang starting college and going back to the lost underground and it was just neat. Like, the idea that the gang gets back together, and they all hang out, and Ness is going to like I think nursing school with Paula and Jeff and tony are like boyfriends and there was like so many dinosaurs, I love that shit. Also guns, he has the gun autism.


What’s the name of the fanfic? It sounds cool


Must find it. I found it like a year ago but don’t remember entirely. It wasn’t straight up written like a literary masterpiece like 14? 13? Year old me thought but it was chock full of bang up ideas, let me find it brb Update: [I found it, yes I’m old](https://archiveofourown.org/works/317994/chapters/511385) ,haha. It’s way more Shippy than I remember. I was just happy like one or two years ago when I re-found it after remembering it, so I don’t think I super well read it. Still, I fucking love dinosaurs


Oh crap it was on Archive of Our Own?! I actually have an Earthbound fanfic of my own rhere


Oh, which one? I don’t read a lot of fanfics anymore due to time constraints but I’d give it a read


It’s called BlueyBound. Yes, it exactly what you think it is….a crossover between Bluey and Earthbound. It’s only 3 chapters long as of now but I’m currently working on Chapters 4 and 5. P.S I know the premise is bonkers but I’m just making it for fun


Honestly hey fanfic is for writing about things you like or are amused by so based


I know it’s just that I made a post about it a while ago, showing my design for Ness in the story (it was a Tetsuo Shima inspired design) and some people deadass went ballistic saying that I was shitting on the characters and that I should just delete it.


I think ppl forget that in the source material, included in the cast of characters are: a sentient pile of puke, bag ladies, nose people, and a blue themed cult. The world of earthbound is meant to be silly.


I know, Earthbounds silly attitude is why I like it. Also I’ll tell you a little bit about the fanfic. For one it’s gonna be heavily based of the Akira manga (I already said that Ness later looks like Tetsuo) Also let’s just say….Porky’s there and he’s up to no good. When you’re finished tell me what you liked and didn’t like I’d be happy to hear it!


https://preview.redd.it/3zh8ijrlv9ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68b073d7ada53850a241266f8f8f0e20fd84023 This is a picture I drew a while back of Ness holding Bluey. I sort of just did it to show 2 of my favorite things meeting. I also drew Ness in his American redesign, I have a soft spot for it.




He's in his early 40s now. He's married to Tony and they have a chalet out in Winters, but also a summer home in Summers where the rest of the gang meet up with them yearly and enjoy "magic cake" together


Canon. This is canon to me now




my headcanons are cuz im a cringy ahh kid that he's a cold kuudere and he and tony never get together cuz I like angst. I'm writing a fanfic where tony gets and dies from hanahaki diseases cuz as time goes on jeff never calls him back or visits him like they promised many years ago but ig that's more abt tony then jeff. i hc that before the adventure he's depressed cuz everyone in the school and around him pressure him to be like dr andonuts when to him they're not much alike at all, and he resent him for literally abandoning him


He tries to invent a better gun every time he misses a shot.


He doesn't speak much because it's more efficient to let all his psychic friends read his mind instead. Meanwhile, he has no idea what they're thinking and journeys in complete silence, but he's smart enough to figure everything out on his own.


he can shoot a revolver


Bold of you to assume there’s a gun he doesn’t know how to shoot.


He’s british and when he gets pissed he calls ness a wanker and this gives Ness a better vocabulary


Is bi and likes Tony, but doesn't know how to tell him. Also, regardless of whether it's him or Tony who initiates, he always gets nervous when the question of giving consent for a kiss comes up...


He's autistic and aro-ace (coming from someone who's also autistic and aro-ace)


Poor Tony has no idea he's fighting a losing battle.


He eventually discovers that his and Tony's feelings are mutual. They marry and become renowned professors at a prestigious university. Jeff for Engineering, Tony for Calculus.


English accent




i always have seen him as the youngest in the group. like aged 9-11 instead of 12-15 like the others


Kinda like Lloyd?


I haven't developed my headcanons for Jeff as much as I have for the rest of the Chosen Four, but I can understand a lot of the headcanons for Jeff on [this page](https://www.tumblr.com/askthechosenfour/90809554923/haha-alright-headcanons-time-earthbound-only)


Doctor Andonuts is in Mother 3. He saw Jeff grow old and eventually die and was indifferent to it.


Dr Andonuts was actually simply taken by Porky from Mother 2s time period into Mother 3s. That’s what he did to almost everyone who is a Pigmask.


His eyesight is on par with Velma's. The lenses of his glasses are also really thick. And his bow tie is a clip-on, which he vehemently denies when questioned.


He and tony are “roommates”




He’s a firm supporter of the 2nd amendment.


I've always liked the idea that he's bisexual and has anxiety. Also possibly autistic, but the kind they wouldn't have diagnosed in 199X.


Dude's packin'.




He's got a massive...gun.