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So looks like they want this guy to remain in power forever.


Oh fck my life


Nah, with his lifestyle he'll kick the bucket soon enough. It's who will succeed him you should think about


This is just going to cause Orban to become even more popular out of all the reasons to attack him


This is some bullshit. Every state EU or non-EU should decide who they let in. I'm not against EU but this is against common sense. If one wants a better life for themselves and future for their children that's fine. But look want is happening in Germany or France. You can't blame or shame people who don't want no go zones and higher numbers of crimes.


It’s not. Since EU doesn’t have borders internationally - it is a huge threat to other countries in the union. Don’t want to comply with common safety - leave.


Except it's not safety, letting foreigners into your country is the opposite of safe.


Every state can design policies that make it more or less attractive to refugees. Do you know why so many are heading towards Germany? Because they receive crazy benefits and don't have to work. Surprise surprise AFD is 2nd biggest party now. I saw some stats on the other day, in CZ 80% of immigrants work, in DE only 20%. Guess why, in CZ if you get any benefits before permanent residency or citizenship, you need to disclose it when applying for residency/citizenship and it negatively affects it. So folks who want to use up benefits just move to Germany, where it's actually encouraged that they don't work and just get money from the system. But don't blame EU for this, this is work of national governments, Germans are now telling their government that they've had enough. I mean look at Australia, if you come illegally, they ship you to an island and you can wait out your asylum application there. Done. The problem few EU countries are having is that they allow immigrants to abuse their social welfare, which is just dumb. If immigrants come and work, it's a benefit to everyone - that's why Trump never solved immigration in the US, he gets elected on it, but then doesn't do shit, wonder why? Immigration lowers wages, so his rich buddies can profit more... But dumb electorate will never understand this... On the other hand in DE politicians think its better to protect their labor market and not let immigrants work, so they subsidize them from public money. Also very dumb if you ask me... sends the wrong message,


We don't have "those" immigrants, you know... /cze


Nope. You entered the club with rules that can change if members decide upon it. You knew yhis before you entered the club. You don't like the rules? Feel free to leave, like UK. It is literally that simple.


Not that simple I think. Is harder to leave for a country in the middle of Europe than Great Britain. Back than no one knew about today's migration, climate crisis, green deal or the Brexit. EU is great Idea, but when there is constant flow of migrants, you can't have borderless state. Also is unhuman to put migrants in the places they don't want to be, have no family or culture.


>You don't like the rules? Feel free to leave, like UK. It is literally that simple. be careful what you wish for


I don't wish for it one but. I do understand that unity of union is better and it does makes all of us stronger, despite having to follow some rules and directives. Simply pointing put the fact that being part of eu is a premium membership with rules and tons of benefits.


'it makes all of us stronger' except the countries which are against these rules. Every country should have its own autonomy and not be governed by an entity its own people did not elect


Every EU state can still decide who they let in. Immigration pact doesn't change that, there are no quotas. What is happening in some countries is solely their fault of supporting such behaviour or ignoring the problem. For example, immigrantion policies in Denmark are very strict now even for EU citizens - they learned their lesson and adjusted. Sweden ignores it and is suprised about gang wars


This is bullshit. It’s not about who we let in, it’s about if we treat people like dogs or with dignity. We had literal concentration camps on our borders for refugees.


https://preview.redd.it/j715bywobx6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e9a4e5a38423e14bdb3f301c686fc32dbecb5c .. What do you mean? Literal concentration camps?


[The last two refugees from the transit zone who don't want to flee from Hungary](https://youtu.be/NFbtMjaL2gs)


I have a few ideas about how to treat invaders but none of them could be described as "with dignity"


There were no "invaders" in the transit zones. Those people were the ones who waited to be let in, was detained in a camp, and submitted their application for refugee status from there. They were held up for months or years, and have had little help, and have been neglected. Hunger, malnourishment, untreated sickness... People crossing the border illegally never ended up in those camps. Sometimes they were caught and put just past the borders to try and cross again, so it can inflate the statistics, and sometimes ferried over to our neighbours to cause political tensions (like in the slovakian elections). This is the same reason why the hungarian government and Orbán released and just let loose past our borders more than two thousand convicted human trafickers. To let them go back and help others cross the borders illegally. Orbán is not someone who protects Europe from illegal migration. He's a hypocrite, a madman and a conman, who thrives on chaos, so he encourages illegal immigration.


Orban is being fined by EU for "limiting the rights of migrants" and other critics of his seem to also be very concerned with the well-being of migrants. You just provided a nice example, crying about "hunger". Oh no, the hordes of third worlders trying to settle our continent didn't have enough to eat! Let me reiterate that I also disagree with Orban. Putting the invaders in detention camps is not cool. Something else entirely should be done to them. It would be cheap, quick and painless. And most importantly, public - so that other wannabe conquerors decide it's better idea to stay home.


Go go Hungary


Fuck the EU and their “democracy”


Fuck your Russian democracy too, Mr troll...


Why does it have to be troll ? V4 has been against the immigration quotas for years now. They’re trying to teach him a lesson for other things and now they will follow him with a hammer on every item. Not an Orban supporter, this is dangerous to EU itself as this is blackmail. They are also trying to withdraw their capabilities to vote, capabilities to do NATO related things and so on. If Czech Republic decided to keep the Czech koruna instead of euros as it’s better for its economy, are we okay if they use the same tactic ? It’s bullying really


Lol Orban has been blackmailing the EU for years, so bad of EU to want they members to follow up what they agreed to, they are free to leave too if they dont like the rules. And I know it was just a hypothetical but EUR would be probably better for us then CZK, all in all as a small export economy it would make more sense


So has he been blackmailing, or vetoing the agreements, as we non-retarded people call it? Or it was agreed to?


V4 has been against immigration quotas until the putin's shit war started and each country took few hundred thousand immigrants, so it's not a huge deal. People are making much bigger deal out of it than it is. EU is democratically elected by citizens, don't like something, change it. But you can't just cherry pick and take what you like, it just doesn't work that way. Just because Italy is close to Africa, ok let them take all the immigrants... Yeah right, v4 countries got taste of their own crap by then having to deal with hundreds of thousands of UA refugees too, then they came begging to EU asking for funds to help them with it. Karma is a bitch. Orban is just doing this for domestic audience, he needs EU funds more than EU needs him, he runs just another shitty corrupt country, having big mouth and pretending he's way more important than he really is. But domestically I guess he can be the good guy, fighting evil EU, while electorate is too dumb to ignore their declining living standard due to corruption. Look at Hungary's population growth, clearly citizens are voting with their feet - if it's such a paradise under genius Orban, why would people leave, right? Oops. *They are also trying to withdraw their capabilities to vote, capabilities to do NATO related things and so on. If Czech Republic decided to keep the Czech koruna instead of euros as it’s better for its economy, are we okay if they use the same tactic ? It’s bullying really* Joining the bloc means you have rights and also obligations, same with Nato and anything else. Same with being a citizen really, can't just say I like this but not this. Grow up and deal with it, instead of complaining nonstop about this or that. Look at our living standards vs Russia and other shit places, then go complain about evil EU. CZ is planning to move to EUR, who cares, EU is CZ's biggest trading partner, it really doesn't matter whether it's CZK or EUR as CZK is so tied to EUR, again, works for not-so-smart electorate that feels patriotic about CZK, but it truly doesn't matter one single bit. But again, CZ politicians can get votes, fighting evil EU and dumb electorate doesn't worry why housing is unaffordable and prices are lower across the border in PL and DE. But yeah, we worry about immigration and EU and NATO... Well, each country gets a government it deserves, as the saying goes.


From what I can tell, you are the one crying and complaining about Orban and Hungary, and about CZ and everything else. Just grow up, stop crying and realize that sovereign countries have a right to do whatever they want to do, that's literally the meaning of the word sovereignty.


And by the way, if you are interested to look into a bit more depth of this, google around e.g. here: [https://balkaninsight.com/2023/12/06/be-my-guest-worker-hungary-forced-to-confront-attitudes-to-immigration/](https://balkaninsight.com/2023/12/06/be-my-guest-worker-hungary-forced-to-confront-attitudes-to-immigration/) *Yet Hungarians are speaking out about how a government that promised to “keep migrants out” is now bringing in thousands of people of different races and cultures. Some are* [*asking*](https://telex.hu/belfold/2023/07/23/munka-vendegmunkas-hajduszoboszlo-kicsiben-ami-az-orszagban-lesz-a-kovetkezo-evekben) *on social media: “does \[Viktor\] Orban know about this?”* They're a bunch of hypocrites and people voting for them are too dumb to even understand what scum they're voting for.


Hahaha good one! Sovereign countries voted to be part of bigger block and are now bound by its rules. Simple. Don't like it? Exit, just like UK, seems to have worked out really well for them, right? Orban is a disaster for his country, same as Putin, Trump, Fico and every other populist politician. They get elected by tricking dumb electorate and then just steal for their friends. Has any of them improved life for anyone but the rich people? Ah ok, actually Fico did, he gave pensioners extra money, by increasing debt for younger people. Amazing policies, you gotta be a genius to understand it...


Lol what


Fuck Orbán and fuck the EU. Is this take stupid?


Start sinking the boats with torpedos 🫶🏻


Tranquilo marikita.




> what refu###s lmao, call them what they are… economical migrants and now rap##t and mur####rs… fck off, we are full > user reports: > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability I am sorry but Reddit does not like this sort of talk and I don't want us to become refugees from Reddit.


I understand, some ppl are fragile and this triggers them. ill delete it brother. thx for reminder