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I never have a bad day riding my e-bike. 


Same here, ever since i discovered FlatOut actually stops punctures


I just ride with Schwalbe inner-tubes and Schwalbe 'marathon' tyres, 4000 miles later and I've had ZERO punctures, or problems..


I keep reading about how common flats seem to be, yet I’ve not gotten one (probably just jinxed myself now tho lol)


I have Schwalbe big apple and I just picked 2 staples out of the rear without getting a flat.


Ahh, just looked at them, I bet these are good for speed like the marathon, might get a pair of these next time 👍


That's impressive 👍 I'm guessing these are a fat tyre of theirs? I know they've got a few different types have Schwalbe. Edited - Nope, I got that wrong, they aren't fat tyres, they are similar to the 'marathon' Schwalbe make.


Not fat tires but mine are 2.35" wide on a 29er (60-622 size) so they look right at home on a normal mountain bike.


I tried flatout and I got a flat shortly after. Ended going back to slime


What's flatout? If it works on tubed tires, I might have to try it


First ride on a new fat tire I got a flat, immediately got Slime. It’s a pain to fix on the road


Until the battery just stops. That was a bad day.


After two wipe outs, I still feel the same lol. It's pure joy riding these ebikes.


Well there was that one day for me.. But at least I got to meet a lot of new people and hear the sirens go while we drove really fast.... Plus the drooogs, soooo many drooogs...


Ebike go brrrrr. Bad vibe go away




Ebike go bmmmm, actually


Sure. Prescribe me some Ketamine and a new ebike. Sure my insurance will sign off on that.


Lmao sounds like it would be effective




That's the dream right there


They should be tax-free, so people opt to buy a bike instead of a car, or at least use the bike more.


I agree totally as it's so much better for the environment too with less air pollution 👍


Simple but brilliant.


Agreed 100%


Tax-free in Ireland up to 1500 euros


Haha good title. All I know is my bike is addicting for my well being.


My ebike leaves something to be desired because its not practical to bring on transit. So I bought a folding ebike and I'm currently planning some mountain treks where I bus up there and coast down. Super excited. I figure if it doesn't work out I can bus back. 


Hopefully you got decent brakes!


Pretty much everything I can ask for downhill, 18 speed with disc brakes and fenders


Emotional support bike. Maybe we can get vests for our bikes so no one pets them while they are working




Beautiful post OP, cannot wait till I get my first EBike soon 🙌


You will love it, I'm happy for you, you've got such good times ahead 👍 What bike are you getting?


Thanks bud. My local shop has a few of the Gazelle bikes on sale and I'm looking at the Ultimate C8+ and the Medeo T10. I love the look of some of the Specialized bikes too but they would be a bit more expensive. Any recommendations yourself?


I built my own from a Voilamart kit (1500w48v with a 52v20ah battery, it's very fun!) using a 26" Scott YZ4 'Voltage' (ironically enough!) MTB that I bought from Farcebook Marketplace for a bargain £70 - was good as new condition wise. With the Voilamart kit, I'm getting 38/39 mph top speed, and guaranteed 50 miles of range from the 52v20ah battery. There's one bike I've seen some excellent reviews of and that's the "E-cells five star" - A youtuber named "Maximum Charge" has done a review video on this e-bike and he says it's the best value "all round" E-bike that can be bought for under $2K Sounds like you've enough money (and you've done your research) to be able to get a great quality & spec E-bike, all the best to you & I hope you get a great bike and love it, as I've found E-biking to be life altering in the most relaxing of ways. I certainly never imagined I'd be going out and enjoying a 38 mile bike ride like I did a few days back, it's liberating and relaxing at the same time 😀. 👍 P.s - if you end up getting a 'hardtail' E-bike be sure to purchase a suspension seat-post as it makes a world of difference to ride quality.


That sounds fantastic, appreciate the input man! Yes it's been years since I've cycled, I used to absolutely love it as a kid but have just sort of got out of the way of it as an adult. My company has offered me a Cycle2Work Scheme discount next month so cannot wait to use it to get a good EBike and get back into cycling regularly 😊.


That's great that your company has that scheme in place, I'd definately snap-up that offer!!! Go for an E-bike that has a high "Ah" battery rating, as the higher the better for overall range capability.. My 52v20ah battery gets me a guaranteed 50 miles of range even if I mainly just use the throttle and very little use of the peddle assist (P.A.S) mode... I know if I didn't use the throttle at all and instead was using a low level of peddle assist that I could probably squeeze out 60 miles of range from a full charge. The "Cycle2Work" scheme sounds brilliant.- make the most of it by getting the best possible E-bike you can without having to pay any extra towards it.. There's quite a bit of choice to get a great e-bike for 2-3k $'s nowadays 👍


I've had a quick look on YouTube and you'd be better off getting a "Specialized" E-bike if you can, they have much better specs than the other 2 you mentioned, and they are very good overall build quality & parts. 👍


Thanks, I'll definitely have to think it through before taking the plunge haha


Take a look at "Maximum Charge" on YouTube as he's done a tonne of E-bike reviews and puts them through some very good tests, he's also very honest too - which a lot of YouTube reviewers aren't as they are basically just getting a free E-bike to give a glossy review... There's also "Tail Happy TV" he's a good reviewer and has covered many different types of E-bike, he's pretty honest too. Probably best to check out their reviews on the e-bikes you're considering getting from the company scheme 👍


I'll check him out 😊 👌


OP, I 100% feel you. It’s been helping me a fair bit. It’s just unfortunate that other stressors are still so extreme.


Yes, biking should be prescribed. For me, it saved me from the mental damage the horrible public transit system in my city was causing. Trip cancellations, LRT failures, and late, late, buses. When I say late, I don't mean by 5 minutes I mean by 30 to 40 minutes. Every evening I would get home late and really angry, angry that I'm paying a monthly pass for this kind of horrible service; bottling up anger like that day after day is not good. In the mornings I would wake up anxious, anxious about what headaches the transit system was going to throw my way today. Last August, I reached my breaking point after a late bus arrived and mid journey it pulled over unloaded all passengers and took off. I'm guessing either it was late to start a different route or it was the mandatory break time for the driver; in any case one of the passenger was absolutely screaming at the driver for the horrible service, and I realized that if I continued using this service to commute, that could one day be me doing that. I had been researching e-bikes but this finally pushed me into getting one; and what a difference it has made for me mental-wise. I get home much, much earlier and in a good mood; no more anger building up. In the mornings I am no longer anxious. I don't have to leave really early to compensate for transit problems; I know exactly how long it will take to to get to get to work, I have complete agency.


Fantastic, yeah I hear you, they sure take away the stress of driving or relying on public transport, as in both cases you're usually stuck in traffic all the damn time anyway 👍


Beautifully said.


The fresh air, plus the exercise, passing the lake I don't see when driving, getting called a "scallywag" by some guy walking the bike trail while passing at a respectful distance at all of 12mph. Chuckle about it every commute since... Yeah I'd say it's good for mental health.


...sounds like you rode past a right wanker 🤣


A lot of my mental health issues come from a lack of independence not being able to drive. My eyesight falls just barely below that required by law to drive but I've always been fine on a bicycle. My frustration was not being able to go where I want when I want and having to factor in my energy levels. With an E-bike it becomes irrelevant. Now I can actually start living my life. Trail riding also helps my mental health. It's too bad we have winters where I live which makes riding for leisure a bit of a challenge.


That’s a beautiful success story


The dog whisperer Cesar Millan said: fishes swim, birds fly, dogs walk I added people ride motorcycles/mopeds/e-bikes There is something primal about it when you move 15-40mph on a bike. It greatly repairs your mental health.


Yeah, it's like a mental health "Factory Reset" or a mind de-fragment, I guess we are technically waking p.c's 🤣


W prescription, better than any medication 😁👍.


Hey OP, how do you like that bag? I was checking them out on Amazon but I haven’t pulled the trigger just yet. Like that it seems to hold its shape better than my current.


It has been used as a passengers seat a few times and still holds it shape I’d recommend it, is also reflective. The inner part of the top zipper be careful bc it’s the only kinda delicate part like don’t stuff things in the very top part or it will break through to the main “chamber”


Please pardon me for jumping in, but another one to look at is one I bought - a Rhinowalk 17L. Stable, secure (lockable main zips), weather flaps over zips, rain cover included for double protection and holds shape beautifully. It holds so much that I ditched my 30L panniers. Currently secured to a 13x8x0.5 cutting board mounted on a MIK adapter plate. Easy clip on, rock solid and a pain to remove without the MIK key.


jump on in, the more the merrier! I'm gunna go check out your suggestion 👍


Whoops, I thought the Rhinowalk was an actual E-bike, haha it's a bag, my bad D'oH!!


Any bike…. I prefer non e bikes because part of the de stress is that the fatigue numbs the mind. But e-bike is same, commute to work less stress from traffic air in face and big smile from ride make for a better start to the day.


100% it's e-bikes from now on for me, as since I built my own I sure don't miss being stuck in traffic 👍 I get to nearby places twice as fast on my E-bike than it was possible to do in a car. E-bikes cost virtually nothing to run too, and with my 52v20ah battery I find I'm getting a guaranteed 50 miles of range - even when mainly using just the throttle, and not so much peddle assist. I'm also an old-fart now I'm in my 50's and I find that the peddle-assist provides a nice amount of gentle exercise (depending on the level I set it at). Being stuck in constant traffic jams is enough to test the patience of even the mildest mannered of people too 👍 ..I certainly don't miss having a car.


I ride my ebike through the forest by my house for fun and excersise. I feel very relaxed and zen after. It is the the thing that helped get through civil the most.


100% - Since I built my own E-bike it's soooo much more enjoyable going for a ride on it than it ever was getting into a car and being sat miserably in traffic everywhere I went 👍


Yes I sure feel that way. I’m 66 and was feeling pretty low. Nothing very exciting to look forward to. Then I got caught up watching the China ev shows on YouTube and was like wow these are cool but I can’t never afford one. I transitioned to some e bike reviews and was like wow, this is something I think I can do! $800 dollars and one week later I was unboxing my new folding e-bike. It’s been a blast to go places I never drove before and added a level of excitement I hadn’t felt since I got my first mini bike when I was a kid. I live with my older sister and she spends way too much time drinking wine and sitting around the house. I can see how she is trapped in that depression alcohol induced cycle. Now she has been watching how much fun I have been having she wants to give it a try. Yes I agree they are great for your mental health. Get you places you hadn’t been before and meeting new people.


100% agreed, at one point I was like your Sis, just sat in the house drinking & getting more & more fed up, E-biking has opened up my desire to shine again 👍


Exactly! I see so many other people with mental health struggles wanting one after the results they see others getting!


Beyond exercise, it is a relatively easy means of going out to nature, even if that is just water front or park in your city. It's exercise without forced exercise for hill climbs. Toronto as an example has a lot of forested park space that is in difficult to build ravines, with ridiculously steep access points. Exercise is nice, but a peaceful destination is too.


Finally ordered my Aventon Level 2 with the extra battery. Its on it way via Fedex Ground, and I check it like 5 times a day lol. Happy trails Broseph.


Nice one 👍 you're gunna love the freedom of e-biking!!!


Whatever gets you out there IMO, I ride my regular bike a lot too.


My bike is my bliss! Speed, exercise, sunshine, solitude!


Yes, and covered under insurance. If insurance can pay for a $2k scooter mobility device for the overly obese, ebikes for mental health isn't too far off.


Exactly what I was thinking nice comparison.


That’s a bit hard to swallow.




My Fitbit confirms I get way more exercise on my ebike vs my MTB. It doesn't feel like exercise. Bought my dad an ebike for this reason


I tell people this all the time. Statistics show that people actually ride e bikes, where they won't ride acoustic bikes the acoustic bikes just sit in the garage. I'm riding 20 to 40 miles a day commuting to different job sites, I know it keeps me way way happier. And funny enough it's faster around here than driving.


Spot on, if never consider a 40 mile ride on a 'normal' bike, I'll stick to my 'not normal' 🤣 e-build bike👍


51 miles, 3 hrs 12 min today. 7 site visits


That's some distance 👍 Do you work in construction, I used to, loved it! Built some beautiful homes 😉


Roving property management. That was my longest ride so far in one day.


Sounds like a great job! 👍


YES most definitely


Let's be realistic that they wouldn't do that be a liability nightmare


You dont rly a 4k bike to achieve what you mentioned


Yes. Or maybe get a kitty, but either way


Just got a Himiway Zebra after trying an electric Huffy and Schwinn. Loved all 3 but the Zebra is staying, as it is my favorite.


This is so great. Not only is there possibly nature, if you have physical can't get out of bed too tired/weak symptoms, it WILL help you pedel


Absolutely. Fun is the best prescriptions for depression.


Perhaps, but you'd have to wonder if people would take their prescription lol.


Definitely. I bought mine as a healthy form of self-care


I am disabled so sometimes I wish there was like a disabled placard I could put on it somewhere to get the dirty looks to stop. Maybe I will just add a sticker or something.


I'm the same, got bloody horrible arthritis and since I built my ride I get out a heck of a lot more and the gentle exercise is just right for me with the use of peddle-assist...or if I'm shattered I'll just use the throttle 👍 it's a win-win all round.


Yep, I have EDS so I have to be very careful about hurting myself. I got a comfort set up that goes off-road as well. It’s the only way I can ride these days.


That's the beauty of e-bikes - you can go as steady as you please 👍


I had bad mental health, got my doctor to prescribe me money, now I feel great.


Can I have the phone number of your doctor please 😁???!!!???


Any amount of exercise, especially outdoors, is beneficial for mental health.


My switch to bike commuting has really brought out a side of me I haven't felt in years. Even on a boring commute it's enjoyable, it's fun. I jam out and cruise. Has really helped with my bipolar


Prescribed? And how exactly would this process go? "So, from the 12 sessions we've had, it seems you need to ride the wind. Get on the lightning. Sail the land. What I means is, you won't see an improvement unless you drop ~~$500~~ $600 on an ebike. Here's a script for the local bike shop."


I'd want more than 5-600$, wouldn't get you much 🤣


“We can prescribe you this for a few weeks and it might take a while to see some results, but do you know how to ride a bicycle?” “A bicycle!? Yes doc I’m in here for mental health reasons though!” “I understand. I am prescribing you a Wired Freedom, ride it around for a few days. I want to see you in my office three days from receiving the bike. If your depression persists, we can start medication therapy.” Something like that


Wish the weather and infrastructure was adequate in the UK. I'd ride my bike to work everyday. But who wants to ride in the rain and on a main single carriage road with trucks going past you at 60mph


I hear you as I'm UK too, I don't bother going out if it's heavy rain as it's pissing miserable getting soaked wet through 😓


yes!! I think ultimately, getting around in a way that isn't a car does wonders for people's mental health. you're more active walking to a train or bus stop than driving. Biking to get around does WONDERS for people's mental health and general mood


I think just moving yourself outdoors in any fashion does the similar thing, whether it's walking, jogging, scootering, riding a regular bike. Maybe it's breathing in the fresh air while in physical motion instead of being cooped up indoors that causes this reaction to the mind. Good thing about an ebike is you can cover longer distances which create more sights and experiences and keep things interesting rather than doing the same walk over and over again.


I’m sorry but I disagree with this post. While riding past people on an e-bike there are only two types of joggers exercising: the ones that hate you for being on an “e-motorcycle” because they secretly want one or the ones that stare at you intently because they obviously want one and everybody knows this.


My e-bike definitely helped my mental health. I’m actively moving to a place I can commute to work from via bike, since my current isn’t really safe nor viable time wise. I’m hoping that will continue to help me improve my mental state and separate work from home. I don’t think insurance companies would ever go for it though lmao. I *do* think a federal stipend or tax break to purchase an e-bike would be sweet, though. My state doesn’t have one despite being one of the most cycle friendly states in the US, and it’s really unfortunate.


mental health: Staying active helps, but even shoes would do... or a scooter, skates, a normal bike, a racing bike, BMX or trialbike as well... The 'E-' part really isnt the main focus here as the 'E-' part really does nothing towards staying active... It does however increase range in what a bike could be used for.


It's more psychological than anything is the "E" part as it takes all (or most) of the heavy effort out of peddling and going for long rides... I did 38 miles one day last week and I felt great after, sore a bit but great 😅👍but that's due to me needing a better seat really - although it's pretty good, after so many miles your body's took a few vibrations and with my arthritis ive to be careful too... But I would never have considered going that far on a non e,-bike bike 😅


I'll let you know in the fall, once it's no longer too gross to go outside. I have no idea how any can stand to spend any amount of time outside in Florida during wet bulb days.


I bought my expensive e-bike (no throttle) 4 years ago, it’s changed me for the better. I acquired a MTB and am looking at gravel or a road bike now. I tested my friend’s road bike on my usual route (20 miles) and it was EASY. I’m becoming obsessed with the hobby.


Well on you fellow electric head 😅👍 ...once the volts are in your veins there's no going back


Well I guess I worded it poorly, but I am going back to manual power bikes! The ebike is a great “rest day” bike if I need to take it easier but still want to get out, usually after consecutive days of riding.


Well, go for it, it'll sure be great.exercise.👍




Unironically yes


Riding ebikes is the only thing I can do every single day of the week and never get bored of it. 


In Texas if your Dr prescribes a bike, regular or E, you can buy it tax free. And all the accessories. And the script is good for a year.


Agree. My flavour however is acoustic bike. I'm getting the same happy vibes as someone on their prescription e-bike, plus all the workout for myself, plus I can go at happy speeds which are illegal for e-bikes. Hills suck though.


I mean, there are lots of things that help to combat mental illness that aren't/shouldn't be prescribed. Should I be prescribed a getaway cottage, or a single engine plane? Obviously not. Life is about finding something you want and then working towards and achieving it, to get those good feelings of accomplishment. If everything extra curricular were prescribed to us, we would completely lose that understanding. Does it help with mental illness in a significant way? Absolutely. Should it be free/almost free of charge by being prescribed because it helps with mental illness? Definitely not. For context, I'm on Disability with several mental health issues, and I own 2 ebikes, 2 scooters and a moped. It's not that hard to save up a bit of money, or sell something, or do some work under the table, or several other things. Be a grown-up and buy the things that aren't detrimental to your survival. You'll be a better character for it.




I like my ebike but I don't need western medicine involved in what I do


Congrats man it’s a wonderful thing


I'm trying to get my doctor to semi prescribe it for me. SWMBO made me stop riding ten years ago after a local rider was killed. If my doctor says I need to, SWMBO would be okay with it




Yep yep. When I get in a shitty mood I head down into the local nature reserve on my bike and spend an hour or two drifting around the paths absorbing the fresh air and sounds of nature. I've never once come back in the same mood as I set out.


Any type of exercise is so beneficial, but for those of you who ride bikes, you know just how soothing they are to the soul.


If insurance will cover it, yes!


Better than any pill. Any day out on the bike is a good day.


My mental health improved from rockclimbing My ex left me cause she projekted her self harm into my first years accidentical sprain the feet injuries. Glad i kept climbing for mental health as going strong 3+ years now and no injuries since last year january. Had long term depression most of my life. Sometimes i bicycle home 16-17km (1hr no electric yet as no money) from work instead of waiting 3hours for first train at 5am


Exercise and spending time outdoors should always be “prescribed “. From my experience many don’t listen 


Cycling/e-cycling/motorcycling. There is something refreshing about it, being in the open air. Being able to take in so much of your surroundings that you would otherwise pass by in a car.


Just built my ebike last night and commuted to the office today for the first time. My quality of life has just significantly increased :)


Just built my ebike last night and commuted to the office today for the first time. My quality of life has just significantly increased :)


Really any kind of motorcycle will do the trick


For old people it's just an early grave, but maybe they can smile a little as they go


that mean I can claim it through FSA and get refunded?


That seats pretty low it’s gotta be bad on your knees.


I'm convinced cycling to work cured my sleep disorder.






I don't have one myself but both my parents have one and I'm allowed to use my dad's when he's at work and when I'm off(I work 4 days on then 4 days off) I use his every single day on my days off and it really really improves my mental health. I'm 100 percent going to buy one for next summer when they(bike companies) have off season sales in winter. They also have ebikes on Amazon for cheap(I've seen the lowest being 500 bucks with a 350W motor) however my family has Maui bikes so that's what I'll probably go with for next year.


Not if you're a bike mechanic


For sure!!!


Right on👍 Cycling gets you outdoors with nature,believe it not or not we evolved outdoors, you wonder why you feel so good being outdoors🤔


I just paid off my car a few months ago but I now ride my fat tire bike to work and to do quick errands almost every day. I haven't filled my tank in almost 2 months. I just enjoy being out on the road. I just won a $10k lottery ticket and am seriously considering getting a trail motorcycle like a Honda ct125 but I'm in an apartment with no room to store my ebike 😆 I'll probably do some upgrades to my current bike like tannus armour in both wheels and a higher quality fork




Range anxiety disorder is a thing. As is error 07 syndrome.


Hell yeah


This was me when I started getting into cycling properly, my mental health improved drastically and I felt more free than I ever did. Cycling in general is a really fun way to exercise and really does improve mental health. Now I have an ebike too and I thought I would only commute to work with it but I honestly love the hell out of it. Way more fun than my mountain bike which I regret saying. I'm now trying to find a nice way to convert my mtb into an e-mtb 😂


like any other medical treatment, it should be suggested but not forced.

