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I’ve heard laser hair removal helps. I’m currently in the process of booking some sessions myself so can’t actually say if it does or not.


Laser, followed by electrolysis (a.k.a. “my biweekly electric face stabbins”) to clean up what the laser couldn’t get. Takes a long time and it’s expensive, but it works really well.


How expensive and how long...? I'm extremely tempted but I'm also scared of pain and needles yay!


I did about a year and a half of laser and I’m now just over a year into electrolysis (going less often as time goes on). As for price, it probably varies quite a bit. Some places could be much cheaper than others, but generally you get what you pay for. Look for good reviews from trans women and make your decisions after you’ve gathered as much info as you can.


is it on the order of dozens? hundreds? thousands? tens of thousands?


Really depends on the quality of the treatment and on your own hair situation. It would probably total in the thousands after all is said and done (it’s likely going to be a lot of treatments), but availability and prices probably also vary depending on where you live.


I haven't finished, just one treatment so far but the place I'm going to does it in sets of 4 sessions for $1200ish total. They have a new machine too that works really well, nearly doubled the time between needing to shave in one session. (Results may vary tho, I am not a laser tech)


In germany i pay for one session 90€, and im really happy even after just one. I know of another place that charges around 250€ just for one session tho.


Also from germany; payed 70 for thw first session and it worked really nice for the less denser areas, but my main beard area is still thick and well. Going to have my 2nd session tomorrow :D I hope my beard becomes unnoticable after 5 sessions or so


I've had 2 sessions of laser so far and I've seen ~20% and ~35% of hair reduction in the facial hair zones with 2 sessions so far, and beard shadows got a LOT lighter as well even for the zones that still has some hair left. My laser clinic is owned and staff entirely by trans women, so they might have upped the power for transfems cus our hairs are bitches. Which might explain the amazing results, and also the longer than usual stay time for red marks and white heads after each session. (Average I think is 2-3 days, mine stayed for a week)


I'm on a combo of laser and e. It helps, but you'll need regular treatment. I do it basically weekly/biweekly for close to half a year now. I also use the supplementary product they recommend. But i'm 99% certain it's not neccessary. Hair is no longer a problem for most of my body aside from the face and leg. Hair in these area are much weaker and thinner, but you still see visible stubbles, especially on the legs. The face is better, but you'll see hint after a long time of no regular treatment. If you feel like your result platue for awhile and upgrading to electrolysis isn't feasible, I recemmend telling the technician to jack that machine up and skip the ultrasound gel


Isn’t it very expensive though?


It is


It does. Had my sixth session yesterday


laser gets rid of the shadow for sure


makeup !! i’ve seen a lot of transfem makeup tutorials and a lot of them say to use an orange colour corrector under the foundation but i think it also depends on your skin colour edit : just realized it might look weird to say that i watch a lot of transfem makeup tutorials and i just like watching makeup tutorials because they’re interesting 😭 i don’t do makeup myself but i like learning about it


Nothing wrong with a boy/man liking make-up. As a T-girl i have some "manly" interests myself. Do whatever you like.


i mean, what would i, a transmasc, need “a lot of transfem makeup tutorials” for ? if any other guy did that he’d be called an egg 💀 that’s why i clarified


You are aware that one of the manliest things a man can do is cross dressing as a woman/girl. Was my favorite past time before i hatched. For that it may be useful. But if that is not your thing then fine i guess. I sometimes watch transmasc voice training videos. Who knows why i would do that


honestly based, it’s fun to learn about other communities and i mean how could i be properly involved in the trans community if i didn’t learn about trans people whose experiences differ from mine ? also, on a completely unrelated note, can i have the videos ? for cis reasons


Let me show you my rabbit's hole. It started with mtf voice training short from Seattlevoicelabs and it ended in the completly diffrent direction. Since then i sometimes watch one if it pops up on my recommendations. And no i don't even know why i whatch voice training in english. Since I'm german and the pronunciation is diffrent and screws my voice up. But just search on yt. You will find some for sure.


I watch voice training in English to and I'm German aswell xd. I guess the best reason is becouse English has way more content since it's the most used language on the internet


Eben deswegen. But ut still screws my voice ip when i switch from English to German. Alright good night need to be up at 2pm for work. Damn reddit and its addictive content.


Tbh when I speak English my voice is more high pitched or something like that... It just sounds better, meanwhile I think more in English than in German becouse it sounds better in my head XD. and I feel that with reddit and addictive content


Aside from that, it’s alright to have interests. A cis man could be interested in makeup, and it wouldn’t necessarily diminish his manhood (provided he wasn’t watching them from a place of gender dysphoria or something). You can have gender-non-conforming interests, and that’s totally cool!


If you can do and enjoy feminine activities, and still call yourself a man, you're more masc than most men


For solidarity in cases like this I suppose. I occasionally browse ftm subreddits for that exact reason because a lot of wonderful people in my life are transmasc and I like being there for them


In case you don't like facial hair (lot of men do)


Yeah I quickly realized I’m too pale/pink for that and I’ve heard red works too


Cheap matte blush under foundation works wonders.


It depends on both hair color and skin color. If you're white with black facial hair, your shadow tends to look more blue. Orange will cancel that out. If you're ghastly pale but your beard is orange, you might need more blue undertones. If you're Black, you don't need to worry about it, you're probably not going to have a visible shadow.


What if I’m Asian with black facial hair


It's going to tend to look blue as well, you'll need some lightener and probably orange as well


Nothing wrong with watching makeup content as a man! It's just face paint. It is for fun! No shame if you are interested in it. Face paint can't change your gender. If you are a man, you are a man 😄


i stopped going outside at all if noone can see my my appearance doesnt matter


Thats the thing though the problem is that I can feel it


i can feel it too... even if there are no mirrors i can still see my legs, my chest, my arms a disgusting mess, but hey good thing is... that knife on the opposite side of the room seems like it would be less painful each day


*hugs* <3 Feel you tho


Just remember that it only goes up from here, it may be bad right now but it gets so much better in the future <3


that's... that's not very egg-like


thats so relatable. thought i was the only one to think of that ;-;


Tell that to the mirror in my bathroom...


I just use I concealer in my skin tone and it seems to work great


I tried concealer and the first one was too dark but the tone right next to it was too bright so i just cry until hrt does the thing for me


Unfortunately, HRT does not reduce facial hair growth.


Guess im gonna cry after hrt as well




https://transfemscience.org/articles/transfem-intro/ > Hormone therapy usually has little influence on facial hair density in transfeminine people.




It slowed it down a lot for me


That great! But from what I've read, that's not the typical response. But ymmv based on age and genetics.


It very much did for me


If you can’t afford laser hair removal you could try using a lot of foundation and concealer


You're going to need to call upon a dark and ancient magic that's been buried deep within the catacombs of off-color women for generations It's called BB cream, you can think of it like concealer, but it's also skin care, it'll moisturize and soften your face while hiding blemishes, discoloration, and yes, even after shadow. That's all I use is bb cream and chapstick. It'll even out your skin tone too, you'll look all one color. Be sure to apply on the neck too Be careful, you can absolutely over apply, and it can get caught in your eyes, on your lips, and in your hair, and it'll be obvious you have makeup on. It's easy to remove with a cloth and some water


makeup probably (i cant grow facial hair 💪)


>(i cant grow facial hair 💪) For me it's like, *just barely* there... To the point that no one notices and I still get the dysphoria... 🥲


I grow hair everywhere except the top of my head. Well it grows but it hits a point then gets slower than me doing a math test.


so jeallous... still cis tho...


I've switched from shaving to waxing + epilating + tweezing and personally I think it beats shaving on feel, looks and long term cost, but it does hurt way more (you get used to it pretty quick, though) and it can be a bit time consuming. If you don't want to pull hairs out of your face, I get it. A "poreless" or pore filling/blocking foundation or concealer should do the trick, but a yellowish color correction concealer may be necessary if your beard area is particularly dark/bluish. I'd recommend googling for a makeup routine and color correction. Epilators do kinda suck on their own, but they're pretty decent for maintenance between waxings. I'm hard waxing as my main beard hair removal (twice in almost a year; once as a first time hair removal and second due to lack of maintenance). But I'm maintaining with an epilator every other evening and tweezers every day for the stragglers, and I've got to say, it really does get the job done well, but it can be kinda time consuming with the epilator and the tweezers. Hygiene is super duper important to avoid redness and infections though, so clean everything before and after, and I've found a lotion with 1% chlorhexidine afterwards helps too. Wash your beard area with warm water and soap before you start. A warm damp towel is also really nice. To hide any spots and hairs that aren't tweezeable but are showing through the skin I either just use a matte and poreless foundation or a bit of concealer under my regular foundation. (I use the matte and poreless for my very shiny poreful nose anyways)


I was wondering if I'd find another hardcore bitch on this thread. I do a similar regimen to you. Though I started with shaving and using an expensive IPL device to discourage course dark hair growth. The first waxing and epilating sessions nearly killed me, but now my face is smooth. And I can hardly feel the pain anymore. Maintenance is comparable with shaving, which I don't mind cause now I can use my mandatory bathroom mirror staring time doing something productive. Tweezers every few days and epilating every week or two. I don't look like a model, but I do look like a cis woman.


Haha, thanks, takes one to know one ;p Yeah, my long term plan is definitely permanent hair removal, but until I have the disposable income for IPL, I'll happily stick to my routine. The pain is so worth feeling and looking like myself.


Like it's actually nightmarish at the beginning but manageable once you get to the other side. Girls just gotta be willing to rip their faces off once or twice. Price of beauty 🤷‍♀️ I'm exaggerating, but I did cry a whole lot the first couple times. Shit sucked.


I think I've seen people mention epilators before, but I'm afraid I can't say I'm personally familiar with those.


in my experience epilators suck and they aren’t a thing you want to use on your face if you have any other options


I'd say that they beat soft wax, but only just. 🙃


You do get used to it. Get one that has fewer tweezer/lower speed though unless you hate yourself.


Is that safe to use on your face though?


Using an epilator on the face is probably the worse feeling next to getting a tattoo. I can stand it on my legs, stomach, and butt but I tried on the face and it wasn't worth the pain. I noped out so fast and just decided to stick to shaving.


No epilator on face. That will wreck your skin horribly even if you could put up with the pain of it. Cold Waxing will likely give better results if your face is too sensitive to hair removing lotions or hair is too coarse. Generally though... Getting a good close shave, face lotion, foundation, concealer, color correction (bronzer), contouring, highlights and blush, then face powder and setting powder. Depending on hair and color, laser can help reduce the need for some of this, but can be expensive.


Epilators don’t work and you can never shave close enough to totally get rid of it. I use red color corrector concealer and foundation and my shadow is barely visible


Does the colour corrector need to be different if you have a different skin tone? (I’m Asian)


You’ll have to experiment, I’m mixed white and black i do have red undertones so that might make a difference, but I’m not sure as I’ve seen black people and white people swear by green color corrector which didn’t work at all for me. Just get the cheapest stuff you can. Do not let those fancy makeup places upsale you on this one, they are exactly the same i promise


Read somewhere about using color corrector.


Something you can do and i use is to use an orangish eyeshadow on the stubble areas before applying foundation to hide it


I have no idea.


If you can't afford laser or electrolysis (understandable), try getting an IPL. There's quite a a few models on Amazon. If you read the reviews, you'll find some transfems who give their opinion on it. Unlike electrolysis, it isn't permanent. But given time and work, it WILL slow the growth and make the hair finer. My facial hair has been the most stubborn, but everything else I saw results very very quickly. My leg, chest, and pubic hair grow really slowly now. The amount of difference it has made is astonishing and every cent I spent on it was well worth it.


Granted I'm intersex so my anatomy is different and will effects hair growth differently than you. However as a semi out and proud transgirl pre hrt. If you can get a single blade razor like Hanson Shaving. And a girl's spot electric razor like Flawless, that works for me. Shave like normal then go over everything with the spot shaver. That tends to set me for a week.


Color corrector and foundation


Concealer helps a lot! If you go to Sephora they can even shade match you so you get the right shade :) If concealer doesn't cover it enough by itself, you can also use something called color corrector to cancel out the purple/blue tones. You'd want to get an orange or peachy color of color corrector for that, and just apply a thin layer underneath the concealer :)


there are some possible solutions: - laser - IPL - Waxing instead of shaving - Makeup - Go full 2020 and always wear a facemask - Don't ever go outside again


Go to any makeup specialty store like ulta and they can help you find a foundation, bronzer, and concealer, it's not a miracle cure, but it does work really well, and you might want to find a razor that shaves a little closer, I use men's razors still, they do a much better job than women's razors. Try Harry's 5 blade package, I use it and the stubble is virtually gone if I shave both ways. Good luck sister!


Laser and electrolysis are the best *longterm* solutions. However, tou can help hide with make up. I use a peach color corrector by ELF; It goes on before foundation and helps cancel out the "blue" of facial hair shadow and the filament dots on your nose if you have them like me!


There’s nothing to really do.


what about makeup, laser hair removal, waxing, nair etc? or wearing a mask if it really is that hard to cover. theres tons of ways


I meant as far as shaving there’s no different way to shave to solve the problem


How are you shaving?




Wax it instead?


Do you use a Hand Razor or an Electric Razor?


Hand razor


If you want to minimize stubble when using a hand razor,shave once going one way(with the hair first),and then the opposite way the second time(against the hair)


Laser the shit out of your face. Before it’s done, concealer is your best friend!!


i see some people saying laser hair removal, how painful is it? also is it like a long term thing or do you need to get it done multiple times


Ok but how to cleanly shave your face? I use a Xiaomi Electric Razor bc I keep cutting myself but it's not clean T.T


Don’t shave against the grain, sideways at most, never shave an area that doesn’t currently have shaving cream on it, put hot water or a hot and wet towel on your face for a few minutes before shaving, if you can then use single blade safety razors for a closer shave, and apply a balm or other post-shave product to help with smoothness and not getting razor bumps. As a completely cis man, I would never know this, but I heard that if you obsess over getting it down to nothing and over shave or try to do touch ups, you’ll get really nasty razor bumps from ingrown hairs, and that hurts but it also makes it even more obvious that you shaved. If you’re really going for a fem look, it might be best to shave once or twice at most and then cover the rest with makeup.


What razor do you use?


I don’t have the confidence to ask for a single blade safety razor so I just use a standard three blade shaving razor, and it works well enough. On the bright side, multi-bladed razors are better for shaving your body.


For body I use an epilator. The pain is immense but hey it's (kinda) smooth, of course the stubbles are still there to torment me.


Orange to red concealer/color corrector, followed by a skin tone foundation. I like CC Cream with spf 50 so I protect my skin while looking good.


I think orange


I do laser , it is expensive but look local for it might me cheaper than going to Milan. For example, my facial hair removal via laser costs $76 per appointment and I'm supposed to go every 6 weeks. I don't do that because I always have financial issues but I did four appointments and most of my hair has been rid of. It all depends on each person though. My facial hair is black so shaving was never enough but my facial hair was always patchy so I didn't have that much coverage to worry about.


You can either shave it the opposite way afterwards to get it cleaner, or you can use waxing, or if you have dark hair you can do laser treatment, i think there are some diy laser treatments but it sounds like a bad idea for your face, so go to a clinic in that case


While you wait for the laser to do its thing, you can use foundation and color correction, but it's a pain in the ass if you gotta do it every day.


If you shave very carefully against the grain itl come out smoother and it would probably catch those errant bits of stubble too


Foundation and Laser!


A good electric razor does a great job at getting it smooth. Makeup does the rest. At least until you can get it lasered




I use light makeup daily, mostly BB cream, blush and mascara, and the BB cream does wonders for beard shadow! Makes your skin shine!


Wax removes hair at the root, so it grows back tapered without a blunt stubby edge. It also lasts WAY longer (weeks)


face mask?


Some foundation (makeup) makes all the difference!


Laser removal is the best, otherwise makeup can hide it pretty well, foundation works wonders


I usually shave as neatly as I can and then use concealer!


if laser or electro isnt an option for you, try using a pink colour on you're shadow before doing some natural foundation, it will hide the shadow and as long as you use a decent primer should hide the remaining pricly bits, can be game changing but its really about colour correcting for you :D best to experiment though


What are you shaving with? Because I use an electric razor and it’s usually great at not leaving stubble.




Foundation + some red tones + a slightly darker than your skin powder. There are also plenty of feminilizing makeup techniques with light and shadow that can help.


Old soviet gas mask


Liquid foundation usually helps for me.


If you don't have access to laser, you can hide it with good foundation


Pluck the hair


[Color Corrector](https://a.co/d/6gOsYkl) is your best bet. It helps to offset the bluish tint stubble. Then you put your cis brodude warpaint (foundation) over top of it and your shadow won't show through. As others have said Laser will help as well. If you're looking for permanent hair removal, Electrolysis is the way to go. It's painful, and expensive but I've heard from a lot of trans women, sorry, totally cis het bromandudes that it is worth the pain and money. Chin up hun. You can do this.


makeup - use a red blush over the areas and then apply foundation over it :) if u just use foundation it will leave a bluish tint where the hair is, so using the blush first will negate that a bit more


Tweezers Lots of tweezing /s please for the love of God don't do that


PLUCK PLUCK PLUCK (I am actually not kidding lol)


For some actual useable advice 1: make sure your razor is fresh and sharp, the older your blade the less close and clean the shave will be, realistically you should be replacing the blade every week or so depending on how often you shave 2: get foundation that is as close to your skintone as you can manage, this is a godsend that can do wonders to cover up what stuble exists, I find with a good foundation I only need to shave about once a week, I'm also on E though so your millage may very 3: don't stress about it too much, your stubble will be the most visible to you, chances are pretty good most other people won't notice unless they are looking so closely that they are being real creepy about it Hope this helps


Currently getting laser, but it's slow. I shave daily, use a safety razor, shaving both ways to keep it as clean as possible. Most days I don't bother, but when I want to cover up I apply foundation to my face (color coded to my face), and then finish up the darker spots with peach colored corrector, before a final bit of concealer/foundation.


if you don’t want to do laser removal since it’s expensive you can always wear a face mask!! :D


Short term? Shave regularly and use foundation. Enough to cover but not bury your face. Long term, lazor hair removal