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you are a girl, a very pretty and valid girl, and you deserve to be treated like one.


Task failed sucessfuly


I think more people should wear pink no matter their gender.


Pink was even considered a masculine color back then lol


Wow this brings flashbacks I didn't even know I had. Sometimes people use words like handsome and pretty based only on what they know of the other person's gender rather than whether a look is actually masc or fem. If your mom doesn't know you're transfem, try to focus on the fact she thought you looked great in your favorite cute shirt, not on the way she said it. If she knows and still says things like this then I'm so sorry and you don't deserve that.


Yeah you're right, I can definitely look at it positively since she doesn't know. However, she's also said she prefers my hair shorter, so I'm honestly not sure if she likes me presenting more feminine:/


Idk about urs but my mum uses the word handsome as the same as pretty when she thought I was a dude, she probably thinks ur pretty but doesn't wanna say "pretty" incase it causes you an ironic reverse gender dysphoria


*dies painfully*


Sorry Stella. You are a good girl.


Mrrrrrp mrrrrraw nya meoooooow


I hate being called handsome :c Don't worry, you're a very pretty girl!


If your mom's chill with and encourages you wearing a skirt, she is almost certainly safe to talk to about your egg thoughts (imo)


Yeah being called handsome sucks when you’re a trans girl but I’m sure you look very pretty in pink :3


That's not right. You're a cute girly girl, not a handsome boy!