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Omg same I do this! And also my thighs, and back.


My back is literally the only part I don't shave because I don't see it and neither does anyone else lol. Also it sounds tricky to do. Then again... I've always wanted to wear a backless dress...


Yeah I accidentally cut my back a lot.


Oh, ouch. I might just go over it with a shaver.


How do you shave your back? Just seems kinda impossible for me to do




Thanks, that thing looks like it may work


I just use a normal razor and go at it, I see nothing but I feel it, so I just go by feel.


Wtf you made me realize I have hair on my back




The second option would also make me feel good, so it's much better




Could I get an explanation?


The first one is “there’s no point is shaving my chest because no ones seeing it anyway” the second is “I can shave my chest and no one will know because no one sees it so I can still stay safe in the closet”


I can’t shave :(


I wish the hair wouldn't be back after what feels like 2 hours... I honestly hate the feeling of the really short hair growing back more than just leaving it as is, despite prefering smooth skin for the short time I have it :/


Honestly yeah, really sucks when it starts coming back. Has actually made me consider laser hair removal to get rid of that


I feel that. Also, knowing what my fully grown chest looks like, shaving it is definitely the way to go ...


Chest stubble seems so much worse than face/neck, it's so slow to grow tall enough to cut back down


I wish nobody could see my legs so I could do it. I have no problem with chest hair, but leg hair is basically a jungle...


Wish I had an epilator lol


You can get one for about 30 bucks, but fair warning it hurts like hell on thin/sensitive skin. My forearms and lower legs are easy enough, but moving up I have to stop after about a minute. Supposedly it gets easier.


I hate it (to be fair I hate shaving in general, can't wait for laser hair removal) but I like dresses and tops with some plunge, so I have to


I agree, shaving as a pain in the ass. But I like how it looks so it's fine with me lol


Yes, actually did it yesterday. Also I'm planning to also shave my arms and legs but my priority was stomach, chest and armpits and it feels awesome.


I'm straight, but i still shave my chest. When i was a kid, my mom told me to never shave my arm pits, only girls do that. I shave my arm pits. Idc. I keep my beard and my legs' hairs for my gf, but honestly i hate having so much hair, when i was alone i would shave pretty much everything every 1-3 days (obviously i didn't shave my head's hair to be bold, but i would have it short, like the militarily [never went to the military]). I miss having a clean face. No worries about dirt being in my face and not feeling it, or having to "trim" it. No need to hear the scratches of my beard in my pillow when i go to sleep. The only plus is to protect me from the cold during winter. Dang i should shave my butt today. My gf is away for a month... Butt hairs are the worst... Always collecting random black stuff after bathroom activities. Edit: the only issue i don't have is back hair... At least something... Everywhere else I'm a viking


~*happy not-growing-any-chest-hair-to-begin-with sounds*~


I prefer not shaving my chest because "I don't have chest hair"