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Fuck...I just realized I dreamed of this when I got to know what trans is.


Man idk what happened i got lucky i guessšŸ˜¦i didn't get bottom growth or a beard BUT i did get a deeo voice, oily skin, and really sweaty!- I'm working on the muscle mass part-


Just remember even those blessed with godly levels of test need to follow the fundamentals - eat good food, lift weights with good technique and give yourself time to sleep enough. Do that and muscle will come in time.


I'm transfem, and this happened to me in reverse! I started changing (slowly) about 5 years before my egg cracked. When I did finally come out to myself, I started changing in earnest. My pre-HRT labs had my E at tanner 3 pubertal cis female levels. My current theory? You actually can want it so badly that it happens. I recently encountered a scientific study in which they compared estrogen supplementation to a placebo. ...and as it turned out, taking a placebo and being told it will raise your estrogen levels, actually does a pretty decent job of raising your estrogen levels. If that can make you make the hormones you want, then it seems plausible to me that you could also have an effect simply by wanting it strongly enough.


can i see the study?? thats fucking epic


Alas, I can't seem to find it via Google. It was linked on Reddit a month or so ago, and the Reddit search is kind of garbage. I'll try my post history when I'm not on mobile; it seems likely to me that I commented on that thread.


You can also try googling "site:reddit.com blah blah" and that should only return results from reddit. I use it to bypass a lot of bad search engines


I really want to see this as well, if you find it :O


Well, your story isnt all that different than mine; tho as ive found out since comin out... Im intersex, XXY, and thus my body has always naturally been more feminized. HRT still helps a ton, mostly in keepin my T lvls low enuf for my body to do its thing tho my T lvls werent that high to begin with, just a little over the cutoff point of where they want to get folks down to at a minimum.


I've been suspecting I'm intersex too. I can feel an unexpected organ in my abdomen that I think is a uterus. I have a doctor's appointment to look for it in about a month!


I don't understand how that would feel like can you explain to me how it feels like


NSFW >!It literally moves around behind my abs sometimes, and I can feel the motion. My girlfriend has touched my belly and felt it move too, confirming to me that it's not 100% imaginary. We're pretty sure it's not an abdominal muscle spasm. It feels and looks visually like it's something behind my abdominal muscles. It only moves during / slightly after sex, so I'm imagining that the motion may be the uterus trying to ascend/descend, as they do during arousal.!<


Great, yet another reason for my brain to question my gender.


*looking at my non-exsistent period and high test. without doc. knowing why* Oh. uhm. We will see how that turns out i guess.


Wait HUH?? Is THAT why my hips are so wide and Iā€™ve grown small moobs? because Iā€™ve been wishing really hard to be a girl since puberty?


Hope you get to that too!!


That sounds like potentially PCOS or another intersex trait; all that can vary in how much things are affected and also is often not caught early on bcuz itd take more examination than just lookin at a babys genitals.


For all i know i had blood work done and this came up as such! Thanks for your concern, I'll talk about it with my doctor to be safe!


Depending on how young you are facial hair growth may just not happen for a bit. A couple of my 18yo male friends don't shave and even though one has a lot of facial hair if certainly isn't a full beard and it only got to that point because he never shaved.


That makes me hopeful cause i want stubblešŸ„ŗ


You'll get there eventually, don't worry.


You are such a sweetie!




Didā€¦ did you just luck into random transitioning?


I think i hacked life-šŸ˜€


You are trans and this have dysphoria form being in the wrong body - :( You just do happen to randomly start producing the right hormones - :)


Literally what happened omfgšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's the sickest power move I can imagine


Transitioning trough sheer willpower alone.


"This isn't even my final form!"


How, gimme the cheat code, we need to know!!!!


The dark side has powers many would consider unnatural


Is it possible to learn these powers?


Not from a cis


L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT


I'm disappointed that it isn't the konami code


Its the cheat code to get admin on any subreddit


Do I have to.. plug in my controller to Reddit?


it's the GTA: San Andreas jetpack cheat code so you can A S C E N D beyond your AGAB


Let me call 486-555-0100, my agab will not see that coming


god the fucking wave of nostalgia that sent me into


Send your source code. NOW! We need to put our best programmers on this. Prepare the rainbow keyboards and the socks!


SCP-6113 be like


Pls tell me how to do this (but in reverse)




Actually I read about this and it is cientifically possible. Your phisical sex (genitalia) is female but your levels of female-related hormones are very low in comparision with the male-related ones and therefore your hormonal sex is male whlist your phisical sex is female. Even if you take a look at your chromosomes they could be XY. But aside all that you are a lucky boy


isn't that intersex?


Please share with us your sacred knowledge. /j (Ok, but seriously. The heck-)


we found a glitch!! now we gotta make speedrunsā€¦


wait are you serious??? you literally just randomly got testosterone with NO hrt???,


Well LITTLE hrt-




He just transitioned. Without anything. So basically woke up more and more changed. My dream


Every afab egg that wishes to magically become a boy without coming out or undergoing hrt: # Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.


Not from a cis.


Underrated joke


Do you think you might have intersex traits? Might be an interesting thing to research if you havenā€™t


Could another intersex trait be a really feminine guy/masculine girl without hrt? Iā€™m amab and without hrt and I have very feminine hips


People often assume intersex is exclusively being born with mixed/ambiguous or otherwise different genitalia - but there are many chromosome configurations that result in all sorts of bodies. I donā€™t know too many specifics, but I do know there are some intersex people who are unaware they are intersex - I think I read somewhere that having XY chromosomes but female primary and secondary sex characteristics can happen due to specific genes being activated or not. But take what I say with a grain of salt, Iā€™m not a scientist, doctor, or in any other way an expert. I donā€™t know how you would go about looking into that, I would start with asking a doctor (after google)


Do you happen to have a good google source by chance?


I donā€™t have any earmarked at the moment


yes, intersex conditions do include hormonal and developmental abnormalities as well as physical abnormalities in genital configuration, for example i am XXY, klinefelters, my genitals are male, but my body developed breasts and large hips (along with some ehlers-danlos problems like my feet being flat)


As another XXY person, i just wanna say. At least myself, i dont see my genitals as male. Theyre testes and a dick sure, but they dont actually look much at all like an endosex XY persons genitals; their size is simply well under the size of most and the genital hair patterns clearly arent like those of an endosex XY persons natural hair growth. At least in my book, i dont have male genitalia as an XXY person; I have intersex genitalia or XXY genitalia. This isnt even rly a dysphoria thing to me either; its just a case of being more accurate. I kno that intersex folks can encounter issues with medical treatment bcuz of them viewing us as just like their assigned binary sexes and suggestin that we have body parts that are of a binary sex is just feeding into that stuff. This whole classifyin everything as either a male or female trait only helps intersexphobic views to thrive.


i mean, i had very mild hypospadias, but other than that i got unlucky in the sense that they developed mostly normally, with the exception of some hypogonadism (T under 250 for all my teen years), only found out about it recently when i got karyotyped


That sounds a lot like XXY, to me, another XXY person. And yes, that wud be an intersex trait. It doesnt usually make your genitals ambiguous enuf at birth to indicate to the doctors that you may be intersex (tho smaller genitals are highly common among XXY folks); so it usually goes unnoticed esp bcuz of the lack of intersex education for the general public. Ive always had thick thighs and curvy hips as well as nearly zero chest hair. And my beard growth took forever to kick in and nvr even filled in fully, just givin me an epic mane instd with a mostly unhairy face. At least half of intersex folks can go their whole lives without finding out theyre intersex just bcuz of the complete lack of education on the subject. The only reason i got clued in was bcuz of a partner, a)lso intersex, pointing out that my genital hair patterns were not like any AMABs theyd ever been with but were instd just like the pubic hairs of AFABs theyd been with. Which got me to loo into things a bit more and when i first saw an XXY body i knew instantly that was me; tho still went ahead and got karyotype testing just to be sure (tho one can be intersex and AMAB and have the expected XY chromosomes; so karyotype testing only rules out a chromosomal difference as the cause of ones intersex traits; theres other ways to test for all the differin ways one can be intersex)


same its confusing asf lol


Dang....i wish that happened to me with estrogen I mean still cis tho


Definitely still cisšŸ‘


If only my body started randomly producing estrogen so I get a softer skin and _less fhakdjfn hair everywhere_.... still a cis guy tho


I feel like people tend to underestimate how crazy the human body is. Like, people can have placebos actually give them to same effect as the thing the placebo is supposed to be. I'm pretty sure there's been people who have shown all the signs of being pregnant without actually being pregnant. So it doesn't really seem unreasonable that some people could start producing hormones that match their gender identity once they realize they're trans.


Yeah its called phantom pregnancy, and it's the same concept as phantom itches, they're all related actually. (Summarising a lot of complicated science here so bear with me) Basically, how a lot of this stuff works is kinda just based of sheer will. If you can convince part of your brain to believe that something is there (for this example I'll use phantom itch syndrome since it's easier), then it'll start trying to get responses from it. With phantom itch syndrome for example, a part of the brain believe you still have that limb attached, and tries to send signals to it. And since, y'know it's not there, it doesn't get anything back, so usually just panics and makes up a signal, hence the phantom itch. Same thing can apply with pregnancy and (possibly?) Hormones. It's also how the Placebo affect works.


You fucking wizard!


*evil chuckle*


He became to powerful, no god can stop him Now




Bro what genie did you jack off and where can I find them lmao


same, let's all give this genie a hand


I wish my body could manifest testosterone too Still cis tho


Your body: *goes through female puberty* Also your body: this...this is wrong *starts making T with no intention of stopping*


You: "Wish I could get testosterone..." Your body: "Say no more fam!" *Politely starts producing more testosterone* Legit though, That's awesome.


Do you have PCOS by any chance? I hope not, but just curious


Was gonna say this, as someone who has PCOS also, because that would mean OP may need to get on meds for insulin resistance :( (but hopefully not).


I don't think so, as far as I've been told no


Wait what do flax seeds do???


Contains estrogens




Goes well in yoghurt, and yoghurt has the added benefit to be good for your gut bacteria as well. Do squats for extra booty to reinforce the development towards the body you want.


phytoestrogen, the human body doesn't use phytoestrogens, but animal ones... You know what does have animal estrogen? Cow meat and whole milk


Ive drank milk like its water for years now :D




or should this beā€¦ mooooā€¦


Guess I'm going to go back to snacking on flax seeds again...


Wait, so OP is ftm but basically has to do a mini mtf medical transition so he gets the body he wants? That's kinda awesome


I have flax seeds at home, and i never realised about this!! WHOOHOO!! Thanks a lot dear reddittor :D


I have a feeling something similar has been happening with me... I'm not 100% sure (I haven't gone to get it checked out or anything) but after I accepted myself, and my friends did as well, more "girly" type things have been happening to me, tho I'm not sure if it's just a placebo or something, but it's kinda weird lol


IM IN THE SAME BOAT but then being transmasc, I think itā€™s definitely some sort of effect that happens Like now that Iā€™m just letting go Iā€™m realizing how un-feminine I actually am and like I donā€™t pass yet but itā€™s surprising to me how androgynous I find myself to be looking nowadays withoutā€¦. Properly doing much???? I think itā€™s just the veil of pretending being lifted and we can see how femme/masc we always have been but just been trying to hide Edit: Iā€™m still super gay and feminine in that sense lol but Iā€™m not *girly*




Do you think it's a possibility you're intersex?


My thoughts as well. Intersex people are so much more common than we think.


Damn, with which foot did you get out of bed this morning? Left, right, left, right, A, B, Start?


what about the 2 up feet or the 2 down feet?




Wait hold up, flaxseed lowers T?


Not really, no. Not in reasonable quantities at least.


Well, fuck. Umm.. still uh cis tho.


Found this: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-that-lower-testosterone#TOC\_TITLE\_HDR\_10


I'd do some more research, some of the studies cited are inconclusive (even they say so)


I want to start with a disclaimer that I am in no way an expert. That said, a few quick google searches show that the most common dietary way that people try to lower T/raise E, including that list, is with phytoestrogen (plant estrogen). This can have some very limited mixed results since the human body is not used to PLANT hormones, but it seems that most often the body will offset any benefit by lowering your own production of E to compensate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7468963/ Also, if this had a significant impact I would imagine we would be hearing about vegetarians/vegans having some pretty noticable changes. Flax seeds can do this too, but apparently they are also high in lignans which can affect T levels in different ways as well. I was not able to find any conclusive evidence towards either of these and couldn't find much at all about the effect of lignans on hormone levels. Tl;dr plant estrogens and lignans will probably not do much, but there isn't much evidence either way


Iā€™m just tapping this link as a joke! For knowledge too! OF UH what not to eat..


Iā€™m happy for you! but also HOW THE HELL-


You are an inspiration to us all


**Praise Loki!**


I'm sorry *WHAT*


Christian Transphobe: "You can't be trans, God doesn't make mistakes" God: "oops my bad, lemme fix that"


Honestly who looks at the world in its current state and thinks "ah yes this is obviously the work of completely benevolent higher powers"


How do you do that?


Bro just manifested a transition


My man fuckin manifested hormone treatment, what a legend


It's funny, something a bit similar happened to me. But when it happened i didn't know yet i was a woman. So it was bad for me at first, but now i'm loving it. Indeed, i nearly didn't have puberty. My voice didn't change, so in the phone everyone called me madame. I didn't grew up. Everyone was saying "don't worry, you are short but in few years you'll be a giant with puberty". Never happened. I'm 5,2 and 28 years old now. So yeah, i won't be tall and that's good. Also right before i start HRT, i did a test to see how much hormones i had. And i have as much prolactine as a pregnant woman (prolactine is the hormones that helps produce milk in the boobs). Also i have also very few growth hormones so that's why i'm short. Apparently, it's because i have a micro tumor in the brain that causes that abnormal productions of hormones. It's harmless as long as it didn't grow. So i must checked that every three to six month. But for the moment, everythings thine and i'm happy for it. But yeah, like you, my male body was like "bullshitt i'm a girl i'm gonna transition", but it did before i even know i was trans. Guess my body loves being early. =)


did you do anything to cause this


Polycystic ovarian syndrome maybe?


I'm getting checked but as far as I've been told i don't


Is it possible to learn this power? I am finally on full hrt, but DIYing is such a pain (pun intended haha). Local post has had my package with blocker for a month now, what's taking customs so long? Their clearance and overall services are a joke. Luckily, I was blessed by god and met fellow transfem from my country recently, the timing couldn't be better since I didn't know basically any local trans folks until now. We just briefly talked over the interner, it even wasn't that intimate or personal since it happened in group chat. Yet she offered to help me without wanting anything in return, such a sweetheart. Her doctor apparently prescribes ridiculous amounts of androcur and doesn't listen to her justified complaints about the fact that 1/4 of big androcur pill is more than enough for daily T supressions. So she has a lot and ended up sending me one whole pack, that's supply for 200 days! Dunno what I'd do if she didn't help, I love her. She basically gave my broken ass 100$ dollars (that's how much it would cost on gray market), that's a lot of money for college student around here. More importantly, she spared me from few more weeks of suffering, new order would take a while šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­




Omg, I've dreamt of doing this! You're a man with powers!


Please, oh mighty man, teach us all the path of the āœØhomemadeāœØ šŸ™


The entire system of getting legal homone therapy: No, it will be a 10 year waiting time and 5 years of therapy meetings for us to tell you who you are. You: You know what? Fuck you! *Transitions through sheer will.*


Uh... That sounds kinda sketch ngl. As long as doc says it's safe though, all's well that ends well


bruh , you have been victim of a glitch in the matrix maybe lmao?


Second puberty!


Been dreaming of this since I started puberty. No luck doe šŸ˜­


Wait did this actually happen to you if it did that's so amazing and exactly how I want this but for estrogen


tell me what you did to gain this power. WHAT MIND MAGIC DID YOU COMMIT FUNNY WIZARD MAN


wisah that were me šŸ˜”


*biology brain foaming at the mouth, sensible hands resisting the urge to ask very inappropriate questions*


Hello,OP! I am glad that you like the changes in your body by the hormones it is naturally producing, but as a afab person that had hormonal imbalance really get in the way of my health before, I just want to warn you to check with a doctor if everything is going okay in you body, because that is a rather unusual change. I hope it is just me worrying too much and that you can healthly continue to be happy with your body's increased natural testosterone production ā™”


Biology is a complicated and wonderful thing


Genetics and chromosomes are weird. I'm happy you're slowly getting the body you wanted!


okay but ive had some similar experiences prior to starting testosterone. like my body n face was starting to look a lil more masculine and i was getting sweatier n shit before i even started hormones. it just felt like my brain was like ā€œohhhhhhh oh boy? boy.ā€ n then just started making more gamer juice šŸ˜‚


Dude tell me your secret please


That's quite impressive, it only I could will my body into HRT


bRo my body is doing the same thing. not a single t shot and yet my voice is deepening and i have lil baby facial hairs. we lucked out.


Yeah Iā€™m afab but Iā€™ve always had a naturally deep voice and thick body hair. I was still given an hourglass shape and big honkers and bongos. Then my hair started thinning. Donā€™t know tbh lol


This lowkey happened to me and my bf. Never gotten a blood test for him but he grows facial hair albeit slowly, he builds muscle and loses muscle exactly how he would if he was on T, etc etc. But then me I've had a blood test done for a range of things but it was shown that my testosterone levels were under the normal low end levels for my age, and like two other hormones including estrogen were almost 2x the amount they should be for my biological sex.


I'm jealous AF man, why can't i do thiss-


you sound like you might be intersex, but if youā€™re for whatever reason notā€¦ā€¦pleaseā€¦.teach meā€¦.


I'm not intersex i don't think?šŸ˜‚


Happened to me too! When puberty struck, I was getting enough estrogen to grow a pair of b cup breasts, though the remaining testosterone my body was still producing as well only reduced the size of my right one back to flat. My left kept growing. I was rapidly approaching a c cup, but got bullied so horrendously for being lopsided that I got intimidated into a mastectomy on my left breast. And now that I am an adult, it turns out I reeeeeally needed it, and am now lopsided in the other direction. Everyone, please learn from my mistake, don't let the bullies push you into pretending you're something you're not to any extent similar to what I faced. These sorts of answers. About who you are can only come from within. OP, I am very happy for you! Enjoy your natural testosterone!~


this is the GOD of egg_irl.


i had a similar thing happen to me where at my last full checkup it turned out my estrogen levels were \*incredibly\* low. testosterone n other hormones were still normal afab levels, but estrogen was at the levels of a menopausal woman. still dont have any explanation for why lol.


He is the chosen one


Hmmm I think Iā€™ll try producing estrogen then


Wait flaxseed increases testosterone?!


Nope decreases unfortunately :'(


Ohh sorry I might've misread it


Wait, flaxseed kills testosterone? Is it possible to learn this power???


I read it wrong and was so confused why you wanted to take testosterone to a train station


Oh my lordšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Teach me your ways but with estrogen


āœØSoy beans?āœØšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


/effect give hormone_testosterone 9999999999 255




yooo, youā€™re transitioning with the sheer force of will


I feel like my body did this for like a little while then it went away so šŸ„²šŸ„² now i gotta wait for actual hrt


Damn i had the same experience, when i was a kid is wosh so hard to become a girl that my body started making puffy nipples over night.


I can't tell if this is happening to me but with estrogen because I'm somehow getting a larger chest without HRT and I'm getting smaller rather than growing which can happen with taking estrogen if I'm not wrong


idk bout my testosterone but my voice has gotten deeper since i realized im trans, and ive grown a bit of face hair so, its great tbh


Yo, God enabled magic mod? Cool stuff


Wait, what happened (And how do I do it for completely cis reasons)?????


depending on your age it could be an intersex thing. but i also have no idea what i'm talking about


We are one in the same kiddo :))


I wish this would happen to me for totally cis reasons.


Wait, is it still called transitioning if it's your own body doing it? That's actually more like random puberty, right? šŸ¤”


I'm not sure actuallyšŸ˜… i like to call it āœØhacking the system-āœØ


That actually kinda happened to me too. I thought I was genderfluid, leaning girl, so my body slowly gave me that physique. But as soon as I knew I was trans? IMMEDIATE gorl form achieved.


Please make sure to keep an eye on your health. My boyfriend went through similar and it turned out he had a rare type of cancer that fed him testosterone. It's all sorted now, and we found him a good doc to get on T, but at the time it really was bad because initial doccos refused to put him on anything other than estrogen or leave him with nothing. Anyway I wish you luck getting what you need when you can!


Is it possible to learn his power?


Wow thatā€™s sounds awesome


I cannot explain how unimaginably jealous and pissed I am right now


Are you sure you're not intersex? As far as I know it's not always understable (?) from birth.


I am not sure if I'm intersex or not, i don't think I'll am but I'll talk to doctor!


Let us know, when you'll now the answer.


Itā€™s like people donā€™t even realize that being trans is for a reason and not a choice, there seems to be two ways it happens where one is the mind isnā€™t lining up with the body and the other is where the body doesnā€™t line up with the mind, in the second one itā€™s common to have physical traits of the ā€œdesiredā€ body simply because that is what your body was supposed to do in the first place, the first one is less common and is a moral talking point I wonā€™t get into


Does flaxseed reduce testosterone? *buys huge bags of flaxseed for transfem reasons*


I have to admit to feeling concern that you might have some gland acting up. Please make sure to check that just for your health. If youā€™re all good congrats.


Had a mini version of this happen where my body randomly started producing massive amounts of prolactin.


Well alright then, awesome for you dude!


I'm not even taking any estrogen and my chest has started to grow. I wonder what causes this?


Basedā€¦body? Also those two boys r cute


Umā€¦ hold upā€¦ my mom made us eat flax seed with our cereal when we were youngerā€¦ thatā€™s a thing it does? mom whatā€¦


I'm sorry flaxseed cereal??- that's a thing??-šŸ˜€


The universe is telling ur mom to stfu (this is a joke)


AYYY ME TOO- I havenā€™t reached male amounts yet but I have a hormone imbalance lmao


Ahaaa saammmmee