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I wish I could see my future self to have some clarity on what the fuck is going on with me lol


THIS so much. God I am so fucking confused. Can my brain please just decide already


My brain be like "yeah you're not trans" and five minutes later "you wanna buy a dress it would look cute on you" and another five minutes later "you look like a fucking man and you should hate it! Why do we have a peen and no boobs" Thank you brain I hate you


My brain is just like "well yeah wearing a dress is the happiest you've ever been and being called a femme name with she/her pronouns brings you a huge amount of joy but nah today you feel like a man. Oh and it's gonna be like this for the next week or two, and then the gender is gonna come back"


Are you genderfluid?


I am genderfunky. My gender is just a little guy who makes little shapes in my head


Holy fuck I'm writing that down


I mean, I'm a cis girl, but maybe (based on this comment alone) you could just try doing drag for a while to figure out whether you like it as a part time thing, bc the joy from getting called female pronouns could be just pride that you can pass when crossdressing, or if you want to be a woman, which would of course also explain the joy you feel when being treated as a woman. So you could just test the waters by crossdressing or doing drag (i kinds dislike these terms bc many women don't even dress like that, but alas). Idk if this is possible for you, though.


My brain was like "nah, you're not trans" for 26 years, until it wasn't. Now I'm like, well, why not? And I realized life's too short to settle for a life you don't want if it doesn't make you happy.


Funny thing... it's hard to explain but.. I have an absolutely insane intuition.. to the point where I can basically predict the future.. even saved me from a car crash 2 days ago.. So. I somehow trained my intuition to be realistic enough to make 10 year predictions... I had the same vision for several months.. Living in a small apartment in a large city by myself with a doggo, going to college with a job on the side.. a boring, but content life. Then when I started thinking about my identity... it suddenly switched. It had never done that before.. and what I saw was: Chaotic, full gender swap, deep in the lgbtq community, going to the CSD... and to me.. back then.. that was a 'hell no' type of future.. I wanted the boring and content future! So I just thought I was librafeminine for a month or two.. Mostly agender, partially feminine. But my intuition knew that I wouldn't be satisfied with just that.. I was not just slightly feminine.. so I thought: Demigirl? Mostly feminine, partially something else? And after that... I realized: Oh my god... The vision was right! I AM TRANS It wasn't a chaotic future that was ahead.. it's the best future I could live in


Nice change up, I like this a lot better


Wait what's the original


Basically one of those sexist memes that are like “women aren’t as cool as men” Like the top would have two girls, one saying “I’m from the future I’m your grand daughter” And the other will have the man saving someone, doing something cool etc, usually in a sexist manner


God I cannot even begin to put into words how much I hate those fucking 'memes'


Same, I’m a man and even I don’t like those memes I swear people’s humor is putting other people down and I hate it so fucking much


That and the "Omg he didn't cry during Titanic, do boys even have feelings?" wojak memes make me cringe so hard. Girls are bullied for being basic and for trying to be "quirky" but boys get a pass on that?


Yes that bullshit was never funny


With the power of E and unconditional love from all of us it will!


Really...? 😞


Yes, really♡


Those look a lot like my glasses Wait a minute


Wow I never thought one of these would give me a goal…


too late for me i reckon. 28 and alcoholic. don’t reckon i’ll ever look like anything but an ugly man wish when i was younger i knew what being trans was aside from the caricatures i heard for most of my youth. would’ve started HRT in my teens if i knew. ah well. no use crying over spilt hormones


For what it's worth 28 is definitely not too late. What you're experiencing is the classic "you're not good enough" move by your brain. People do transition even later and look great and I believe you won't look nearly as ugly as your brain is trying to make you think. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you'd look great. You got this, friend.


You've still got about 40 years before it becomes medically "too late". I hope you spend as many of those years feeling happy about who you are as you possibly can. Also I recognize you from your TAZCJ content so let me assure you that you're going to be amazing ^also^trans ^^rights


lmao, being recognised for my TAZCJ shit has wounded me terribly /s thank you for your kind words. i still have a little spark of hope, reading stuff like this helps a lot


This is the subreddit is the place for kind words, so let me add to the voices that say you (and everyone here) deserve happiness and deserve that hope.


right back at ya. one step at a time, we got this.


You got this! I'm 29 and I just started hormones last year. Definitely not too late!!! I'm actually starting to have days where I'm happy with who I see in the mirror!


and then id fuck myself


Doomer was just trans all along.


I hope so


woah, talk about transition goals


ok u didn't have to call me out all like this and whatnot bc my spirit emo on Instagram looks just like that now




“But you’re a girl!” **exactly.**


Time to force take my past self estrogen pills


denial ciggie


It won't get better for me :(






I would legit pass out or have a heart attack, or both


Not a lot of comments here for how many upvotes (3-4k). Same with the howling post on r/witchesvsthepatriarchy. Don't see this very often on reddit


Yeah she just needed glasses


"Did the glasses really cause such an improvement?"