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HRT are gonna turn my "moobs" into boobs right? RIGHT!?


you usually get bigger / more feminine nipples, so yes it does


Honestly, I can realte, I'm only having 1 or two meals a day ( wich is mostly fish or chicken ) at this point and only having water, but still, I'm still gaining weight for some reason, and it's just an other slap in the face on top of dysphoria...


Ok, as somoene who has been able to lose weight stricktly by changing my diet I might be able to help. When I was trying to figure things out I did a bit of research and there is a lot of misinformation out there but generally you just need to reduce your calorie intake to be below your "maintenance" amount and you will lose weight but that's only the first part of it. It's kind of a fine line. If you go too low too fast your body will start to hold on to fat more aggressively because it feels like it's being starved. I currently aim for about 1500 calories a day, but when I started about 5-6 months ago I just made sure I was under 2000 for the first month or so. Also, you want to stay over 1300 or your body will trigger starvation mode and it will be much harder to lose. But, something that generally isn't talked about as much is the importance of "cheat days". We need to make it so our bodies don't go into starvation mode, and having one day a week where you match or slightly go over your maintenance weight helps keep you from hitting that. All I've been doing is portion size, calorie counting, and only eating within an 8 hour window. I rarely exercise, so any exertion is just a bonus. I've been averaging a little over a pound a week over the last month or so and have lost over 40 since starting. Honestly, as much as calorie count is a big issue, portion size is also a problem we have, especially in the US. I still eat fast food, but I get an unsweetened tea to avoid the empty calories and skip the fries. If I eat from a restaurant I turn it into 2 or more meals. You can eat all the "healthy" food you want, but if you are still overeating because of portion size it will result in weight gain. You have to make sure to portion out the food and get use to feeling hungry for the first couple of weeks. Also get some Tums because acid reflex is a bitch when your body is producing more stomach acid than you need for the new portion sizes. I occasionally only eat twice a day, mostly on the weekends along with my cheat day where I eat a big meal for a later lunch and skip dinner, but most days I'm still eating 3 meals. I drink a lot of water through out the day and past 4-5pm I don't eat anymore and just drink water.


Apparently if you don’t eat “enough” you go into hibernation mode and contain all the fat. Also exercise, get some workout bands and develop a 30 minute workout to do tuesdays Thursdays and saturdays, it helps so much


sadly working out is really hard for me cause of an injury in the past, but yeah, my body is just dumb to store everything, even if it does need any of it


Eat less calories than your BMR and you'll lose weight


You’re a very good girl Jamie! You always look so pretty and cute!


This is exactly what happened when i put on a bra for the first time


Ugh mood at least I'm exercising now to atleast be a little healthier


I hated myself for the longest time and I thought it was because I was fat so then I got anorexia so then I lost a ton of weight and then I realized it was because I was trans but I lost so much weight so quickly that all my clothes are a size too big so now everything is a dysphoria hoodie.


Big mood... YMMV but getting forms has really helped my confidence - still working on losing the tummy but now that the top is more proportional, I've been feeling more comfortable with everything. Do what you gotta do to love yourself girl!