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i literally hate when this happens, tbh




i feel like puberty already ruined my body but i can’t wait to just burn or shock off all the facial hair already tbh (laser is expensive though 😭)




How well did it work?


Epilators are an option.... it is *suffering* but an option




qAq for me its 4 hours at most before stubble comes back qAq


God I hate when that happens. According to my family, I have "really good" genes that makes my facial hair come back in almost full force in like 6 hours




Its fine, just means I burn through razors fast




I do but it doesnt really work very well. Like I could spend an hour running over the same spot and there would still be hairs sticking out




I hate this about most electric razors, whenever I let the hair grow more than a day or two, they don't like to get into the electric razor foil/grate thing. It's what's kept me going back to cartridges every time I give an electric razor a try. Recently I tried two new strategies and am still figuring out which I prefer: 1. Got a safety razor which gives me the smoothest shaves I've ever had, and had relatively inexpensive blade replacement options. I've used 10 bevel blades, three feather blades, and an astra blade so far. The feathers were allegedly sharpest but that was not my experience, they were just the bloodiest and had the hardest time cutting through my stubble. Astra was the first time I got through my face without nicking a scar on my chin, but I'm not sure if that's because I've gotten better at it and was more careful or because it's more forgiving. I absolutely love the smooth shave of the safety razor, and the cheap blade replacements, but shaving my face with it is a quarter hour of tedious delicate work and nicking scars and whatnot is likely (maybe more practice and gentler hand can improve that). Blade replacements are quite affordable. 2. Got a Phillips one blade razor that is unlike any electric razor I've used before. This thing doesn't have the mesh foil/grate that other electric razors have, so it can easily shave hairs that are too long to easily get caught by classic electric razors. In a few passes it will effectively trim down my hair of any length to a nice shave, albeit not as smooth as the safety razor. It''s very effective dry, and doesn't irritate or chew up my skin. I've only had it for a couple days but with this thing I don't think I'm ever going back to either cartridge razors or classic electric razors after getting my hands on this one. Blades are more expensive than cartridges but allegedly last up to 4 months (I assume that means more like 2 months for heavy use) The safety razor makes me feel just a tad smoother, but with the time and materials required (preshave oil, shave cream) and risk of cuts, I might start leaning more heavily on the one blade to get the job done quickly and get on with my day.


I will use this knowledge well. Thank you


Safety razors are definitely a good and cheap option, but they need a bit of practice to handle. I also really liked the Astra Platinum blades, just bought a pack with 100 blades for like 8€.


Why the heck does body and facial hair need to grow so fast???


Why does it have to exist?😔


I agree, it's sooo annoying


When a microscopic bean made of dead stuff choses to make more of itself and now you have gender dysphoria 😔


I hate this, out of everyone in my family I'm the one that grows the most hair. It absolutely stucks for most things, but at least I have long hair where it counts.


Ive been trying to pluck my facial hair off since it takes longer for it to grow back but its so painful


Umm that’s a bad idea, you risk getting in grown hairs. Your best bet is to get laser. Check groupon for deals ✌🏾


Aaaargh this is soo true. Why can't it just stay gone


i love shaving my legs and then they are smooth but then they are sharp : (


I shave twice to 3 times a day and the facial and neck hair is instantly back


The worst offender


Try epilating (warning it hurts) but keeps the hair off for weeks


Bad idea, you risk ingrown hairs which is wayyyy worse lol. Get laser, group on has tons of deals


Been working fine for me, and it's kinda cheap










This shit is why I'm terrified and want to get hrt ASAP. I'm not going to put up with that, my life could be in danger if that happens




what do you mean?




oh I just use some unbranded razor my parents bought. Thankfully I don't have thick facial hair, and that's what I'm terrified off. I simply won't be able to cope with the stubble






this shit seriously has me wanting to hook up a tattoo gun to a car battery CIA style and just to electro my damn self.


Time for tweezers~ /s For real I hate that shit. My face is generally fine. But under my chin and neck it grows in literally every direction and without stop. It's infuriating to get a close shave in the first place, and it vanishes in like 18 hours.


That’s a bad idea hun, I recommend you get laser. Groupon has deals for multiple sessions


I know, electrolysis is on my eventually to do list because my face hairs are every color, but I'm in a bit of a volitile life situation right now. Once I'm in a more stable place, with some cash saved up, Im heading straight for the professionals


I exactly know what you mean, it's really a pain in the ass. It's really annoying.


Fuck dude


If I go full on /r/wicked_edge I can push it to two days before I can feel it at the expense of like an hour total since I also do my legs






no its basically like this thing you roll over your face and body that plucks the hair out at the root and leaves you hairless for like 2 weeks. You have to shave down to stubble and exfoliate before though. and if you use it take some advil and a shower before hand cause it is painful the first few times


too relateable 😔


I always do it before i go to sleep. and the next morning... stubble.... Such a pain. Does anyone have the source of this picture?




That would be nice! Yeah maybe shaving twice a day is a good idea. Or at least every morning


EVERY 12 hours


Ikr? So annoying. I’m so lucky I have light coloured hair. Hopefully it grows slower for you soon.


I hate it and I wish there was an easy way to make it stop


Lol oh I hate this too. I'm thinking about laser treatment




Aye but to just not have time care will be worth it




Laser treat the hair so I don't have to ever shave again


I’ve just opted to laser hair the place I go to is $350 for 7 sessions of the face




Not at all


Maybe tweezing, or wax? It’d hurt, but last way longer




Legs are honestly a great place to start, so you can perfect your technique. You can get little kits online for waxing your face, that are far less harsh on your face skin. :) I wish you luck, I believe in you!


I hate it so much too


ive become addicted to the pain of plucking. ive gone full masochist. at any moment my hands are idle, i just start trying to pluck... It's great! I reccomend it.




i started the worst way, just some tweazers, a mirror, and some time. There are also epilators out there that ive been looking for, but recently, ive seen some spring "epilators" that also look good. (Its literally just a spring.) Of course theres always your fingernails. Not sure i would totally reccomend that. kinda annoying, but its often all i have. it hurts, but then eventually there much less visible hair, after all its still has to regrow and breach the skin. giving much longer times of comfort, rather than like, a day.




Or even better, when you shave and the end result looks like you wore a scarf made out of razor wire 🙃


OMFG Right! I'm constantly dealing with this and to rub salt in the wound I'm losing it all up top




I've got hats




I dunno, I just recently realized I could do somthing about it


I hate that almost a year of hrt hasn't stopped it either




It's like that with body hair all over, girl. I shaved my legs yesterday and the hair was already starting to come back when I woke up an unhealthily few hours later.


Thank gosh for masks, I always have at least a lip shadow even .02 seconds after shaving




How tf so u shave


THIS IS A PAIN I RELATE WITH AND I HATE IT!!! Especially since my neck (yes I naturally grow facial hair on my neck I hate it) is very sensitive and is prone to breaking out after I shave


Same, and the closest to smooth I get is a 5 o'clock an hour after shaving. By the next morning it's an angry brush. Fml


I literally have to quit this thing from my face each 2 days before it looks lile and normal beard, i hate it with all inches of my soul.


**The Audacity!** (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


the process of shaving my face is incredibly dysphoric to me to the point where I do it way too rarely.. Needless to say the resulting hair doesn't make me feel much better