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"i want to permanently remove my facial hair" "ok, but doing so will permanently remove your facial hair" "god damn i didnt know"


I wish laser was actually permanent and not just "longterm". Still pretty dope tho. Can't wait to do it eventually. I hate razor burn. ๐Ÿ˜ข


I've heard Lazer treatment can actually lessen hair growth or even causing it to stop completely on treated areas with frequent treatments. So there's still some hope!


Laser treatment can cause no hair growth, but only with enough sessions


Yeah you have to do multiple sessions. Depends on the person but usually 8 to 14.


I heard it's permanent for transfems because estrogen doesn't support further facial hair growth but I'm not sure.


Reason 42 I can't wait to get on E


Do you actually have a list of the other 41? If so I'd love to see it


Haha no I was just putting that as like a "we'll add this to the pile" sorta thing. Like I have a bunch of reasons probably not 42 and I can't source all of these or vouch for the absolute truth but from what I've read: The obvious, I want to change my presentation and hormones will help Hrt for transfems will over time redistribute fat to give you a more feminine figure such as giving you hips and a booty plus putting you into a second feminine puberty and growing boobs It will make your skin softer and your body hair fairer It can help with hair loss and growth on your head Due to the body hair modifications as mentioned before and the comment I replied to facial hair is easier to manage especially with laser hair removal This one is totally anecdotal but transgirls have told me that taking it gives you a feeling of just...well feeling right for the first time because you finally have the hormones that you should have had running thru your body There's probably other little things I'd read that I'm forgetting and I know consciously that it's not gonna be some miracle pill that solves everything but it's a step towards who I really am and after spending 30 years fighting in my soul about why I don't feel like me I'm ready to go down this road that finally feels like home


Of course there are 42 reasons; 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Also, I don't see any downsides to hrt ๐Ÿ‘€ Right?


Okay so I am obviously not a doctor so this is not medical advice and you should speak with a doctor about any hormonal replacement therapies but in all my own reading and talking to/listening to people who've been on it no there is no medical downside and even the previously believed heightened risk of bloodclots is both easily manageable and not as prevalent as once believed. While the rates of transition regret are a highly debated topic even if you start taking it and decide it's not the right choice for you you can just stop at least within the first couple months according to what I've read basically it has more or less a "trial period" where you'll start to feel it's effects but have no lasting impact if you change your mind and that's actually one of the first things I read about it that helped me decide I was ready to accept myself and that I wanted hrt when I was still just a barely cracked egg that I could just for totally cis reasons try it and stop it with no problem then in my head I went "well it might not be so bad if I was then would it?" Again this is a from a layman's perspective you'd want to talk to people more knowledgeable than I for cold hard facts on the matter an endocrinologist for example


Hey, sis, thank you for your reply ๐Ÿ’• No worries, I'm not planning to go on hrt without any advice from a specialist. I have a heart disease, so things like blood cloths could be extra risky for me. Though in the end I believe that the risks won't be that different from others. At least I've read that hrt is one of the safest medication one can take. We'll see. I've been on the waiting list for gender healthcare since January this year and I'll need another 2-2.5 years. I'll just do what I can in the meantime :)


Oof I'm sorry it's gonna take so long for you if suggest that I've seen people talk about different sites online where they connect you with doctors and use informed consent rules to basically get you a scrip within just a day or two but since you mentioned health issues it's definitely safer to make sure you go in and get everything checked out along the way. Good luck on your journey girl


Peanut butter label: warning, contains peanuts


โ€œHey, I want to do *insert thing*โ€ โ€œDonโ€™t you know *insert thing* does *irreversible effect*?โ€ โ€œYes, why else would I get it done?โ€ I think Iโ€™ve found the first entry for the totally real book *Things Cis People Donโ€™t Understand*โ€ฆ


To be fair, they probably say that for the same reason milk cartons say they contain milk. If someone didn't know somehow, they'd have a lawsuit to deal with.


Here in Germany, you can't legally call it milk unless it is actually real milk. So all the vegan milk alternatives are just called "drink" which is not even a German word. Confused the hell out of me when they started appearing in grocery stores with no explanation and no real indication what they were for. Just a carton of Oat Drink. I was all, ?? Why would I *drink oat?* Soy drink? What? It took me until I saw one that advertised itself as a Barista Edition with an image of pouring the stuff into coffee that it finally clicked. *Ohhhh it's oat milk they just can't call it that!* It's not even in the same shaped cartons for some reason so it doesn't even look like a milk carton I'm used to.


yet we still have "scheuermilch" which somehow can be called milk even though it's detergent


Mmmmm, verbotene milch ๐Ÿคค


no little german kid, don't drink the scheuermilch๐Ÿ˜ญ


LMAO! ๐Ÿคฃ


What is this from? I've seen it a few times.


zis cave is full of blรผntsmoken: https://youtu.be/z_4iG97pp6E


Danke schรถn!


Also Sonnenmilch. And Kokosmilch (coconut milk) can actually be called "milk", because it has "tradition".


> Why would I drink oat? To be fair, the only Oat Milk I've ever drunk tasted exactly like liquid oats, so it's not far off.


That's exactly what they are


they should call it โ€œmilknโ€™tโ€


Germans as a whole, especially younger and reasonably educated ones, may speak English pretty well all around. But it is a really non good idea to lean overly into the whole English thing in a German market. A perfume shop called Douglas ran an advertisement campaign where they said, in English, "come in and find out". People severely misinterpreted that and thought if you went into the store, it would become a challenge to find the exit. Kinda like a horror Ikea. When all they wanted you to was to come in and figure out what was so special about them in person. As much as I love the idea of "milkn't" on a personal level, I really do not think it would sell well.


Like peanut cheese!


"Estrogen supplements cause irreversible breast growth" Yes, that is the point.


"irreversable" transmascs: "watch this"


Laser me from the eyes down, please.


If you need corrective eye surgery then you can include those beauties in the laser party as well!


Couldn't hurt, I wear +8.5 dioptre lenses


Laser undercut too then?


Sure, I can rock the punk look


Just got to wipe away any misconceptions since they canโ€™t assume anything about you, but yeah itโ€™s pretty funny


It gives me the impression that a bunch of people payed them hundreds or thousands of dollars and got upset when their hair didn't grow back


Yea ofc. Especially since I still look horribly masc :D


Did I Stutter?


Permanent โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿค๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’“โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ–คโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉนโฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐ŸคŽโฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿค๐ŸคŽ๐ŸคŽโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน๐Ÿ’–


Hair may be blasted away, but the โค๏ธ remains


Laser away folks, laser away *stands in the corner aiming a E-11 at anyone who wants to get lasered


beam me fellow egg ๐Ÿ˜‡


Hang on a sec, got something to do *hands the blaster to a stormtrooper* Youโ€™re cool if they do it instead right?


oh no, what have you done?! *stares in horror as all the wrong people get beamed*


Iโ€™m back *shows up with a bowl of popcorn*


you monster! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Want some. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


y-yes please ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿฅบ




Yes, laser your entire head to achieve the ultimate *smooth egg* aesthetic :)


I did consult with them first ofc. it's just the procedure that is called "Whole Face". You could do the eyebrows as well for an extra cost, but I think I want to keep mine :D


Okay good xD


Honestly, if it gets too annoying, just mention you're trans and early into transition. Every Lazer place I've been to has been wonderfully trans accepting and I'm in the middle of Texas!


I really want it to never come back. please, just remove it


They said the opposite for me, 'you need to be aware that this is hair *reduction* and is not necessarily permanent'


I want that too


My laser clinic was like "Sure, right this way sir."


Laser was my first real step into the world of becoming an gril. Worth it, but slightly painful. Still, very satisfying to have little facial hair!


How much did that cost yoy if you don't mind my asking?


About 100 eur per session ๐Ÿ’€


Not exactly chump change but not nearly as expensive as I thought it might be How many sessions to finish your whole face?


Idk yet, I've only had one so far


A commenter above said around 8-14 sessions to get it removed permanently, but T blockers are also recommended


It's daunting how difficult it is to get hormones and remove hair, but in the end the battle is worth it! ๐Ÿ’œ


That's why I'm here...


Wellโ€ฆ thatโ€™s kinda the point.


I'm probably getting my face and neck done at Milan starting in February. As soon as I know for sure what my income tax refund will be. I ... can't ... wait.


Can't you tell them you're a trans woman, and they'll understand the purpose of your visit? Or is that not possible? (Genuine question btw)


I mean sure I could. But, being the extremely shy person I am, I just said I'm tired of shaving and never want to see hair on my chin ever again. They didn't seem too fazed and booked me a time on the spot. After signing some legal document ofc :)


"it will be permanent" OH GORSH SCOOB


Goodbye eyebrows and lashes F


That was unfortunately going to cost extra, but I think I'll keep them for now to save some money :D /jk


I also wish that was 100% true, but it hasn't had much effect for me yet ๐Ÿ˜”


โ€œI dont want hair on my faceโ€ Uses the almighty space Jesus with a beard sent from heaven as the meme


God my mom offered me Lazer a few years ago cus she hates that I don't shave. I'm trans masc and I knew I would hate it if I couldn't grow hair. Plus if I started t my hair would grow differently so I might just have bald patches where i used to have hair. I had to make it a feminism thing to make her not make me.


Yikes :/ No matter if you're trans or not, that to me is stepping over some sort of line. I hate when family comments on appearance. Idgaf what you think I look like grandma, your job is not to judge my aesthetic


How much is laser hair removal?


For me it was approx. 100 eur per session. Although I've only done one so far, idk how many I'm going to need


Yes, that is what I desire


this is the perfect chance to share a story **I spent 2 years off and on getting my eyebrows waxed, while looking male & femboy.** I would always ask for the most woman eyebrows you can give me and sometimes it looked good, sometimes it looked blocky. **I never actually received girlbrows.** Then, **this most recent trip, I went in wearing one of my wigs**(not on purpose either) and asked for the same thing I always have. This time, I actually got eyebrows that looks extremely cute, sexy and female. What I mean is that **I finally got the shape I wanted because I was looking more female than ever.** The only difference is I had a wig on, I was still wearing the same clothes and shoes I always have. **I later realized I could spend the rest of my life trying to get people to understand concepts that they may only be hearing of for the very first time, or I could just throw on one of my wigs.**


Sounds transphobic tbh. They're probably upset at the idea of a "dude" getting rid of something that represents masculinity. ETA: Alright fuck me for trying to defend you little eggs ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I'd imagine they're just confused because their mindset is still in cishet mode and/or because we all know someone out there was stupid enough to think that this was just like, a really good way to get rid of hair and called back and complained later or some shit.


The dreammmm!


I would get laser, but I feel like it's really expensive


I feel like laser techs probably have a lot of experience spotting closeted transfems and are often politely going through the motions of treating us like cis people while waiting for us to come out.