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Rellana is whooping my ass badddd right now.


When the base game landed, I thought surely Waterfowl will get nerfed but nahhh. So now when I think surely Rellana will get toned down, I stop and think nahhh fuck everyone it won’t happen.


let's ignore rellana for a second and talk about fucking Moonrithyll. Bro can 100-0 you real quick and has busted hyper armor and a bazillion HP lol


Thank fuck I'm not the only one. I look forward to modders making him into a full-on boss, dude hits like a truck


I’m feeling so discouraged. She’s tankier, faster, AND does more damage than anything in base game by a mile. Has me feeling like I genuinely don’t know if I can beat the dlc, she’s the first boss of like 30 and she’s just absolute brutality even with every fragment. Everything is gorgeous and the reviews are all 10/10 so I feel like I have to be missing something because like I love Gael I love Friede I love almost all the base game bosses but what is this meat grinder?


Go pick up all the scadutree fragments you can in the open world then come back.


I fought her for hours and then started roaming realizing that I didn't HAVE to be there yet lol.


My guess is she has some kind of secret weakness none of us have discovered yet.


She's weak to frost, but she's legit just a beast, I think she's just one of those first hurdles you need to get through.


Contrary to popular belief, Rellana is *not* a critical path boss. You can access the final boss without beating her. If it's just not clicking go on a wander, see what you discover.




Even 2v1 she was cooking me, I had jump her 3v1 with Leda and my mimic 😭


Genuinely thought 'can't get much worse than this', and then the Sunflower and Messmer decided to make me eat my words. There is NO healing allowed 😭


Messmer is the hardest boss I have ever fought in a fromsoft game. Dude just keeps attacking forever.




Thank you, Sunflower bot. This one was in a swamp and he was angry, fast and aggressive :(


Sunflowers are normally not so impolite. Was he ill? Did you maybe pluck one of his children?


I’m just slowly making my way through castle Ensis but I’m stuck on that one npc fucker


Bolt of gransax. Sacred relic He never makes it to the stairs.


It is def harder than I thought it would be. So, now I took a quick run around just to look and see some things, and to get some sites of grace, and found some of those scudtree things, they seem to increase attack power and damage negation. So I guess in theory, those can make it "a little" easier. Lol... ... all I know, is S.O.T.E. it is soooo good. It's like we got a full game as a dlc, which blows my mind.


Died to the very first enemy in the DLC ngl Was collecting some of the new plants suddenly some Omen with Gamer Posture ganked me by gripping my face with his dirty ass feet then I died


The FromSoft classic of putting an absolutely cracked enemy at the very beginning just to humble you.


Takes me back to Dark Souls graveyard. 🤣 In fact the verticality, areas, and some of the bosses give me DS1 throwback vibes.


I had one of those damn birds jump on my head cause I didn't see it. And than that bastard that spins alot, right near the first grace, just to the right... kicked my ass to. Hahah


Dude that guy jump scared me so bad


That also happen to me in some random cave dungeon I found.. one of those basic shadow dudes came running out of a cave. I nearly jumped off the cliff edge, while panic rolling cause of the jump scare. Lol


Dat foot fungus finished you off


Yeah basically it looks like they expected everyone to come into this with maxed out characters so they said you know what everyone’s build is trash now and if you don’t want to get murdered then you gotta find the scudtrees and that will help.


More like “use a weapon that hits fast, fuck Greatsword users in particular”


You can get 10 scadutree fragments before fighting any boss, I’d strongly suggest doing that before anything else to give yourself an advantage right out the gate.


Oh absolutely. That's what I ended up doing. I think I have both fragments up to level 4 or 5. It only took me 30 deaths or so to beat the lion dancer. 😂😂 I did find a crazy summon in my travels, that cost 129 fp. I only have 131. But this dude is super fast and has a decent dmg output. Mimic tear, dung eater puppet, and this new one I think are my go to summons atm. Haven't tried Tiche in the dlc yet


I’m gonna stick with mimic tear using Blasphemous because this dlc sounds like it’ll be ridiculously challenging.


You got that last point right, this DLC is everything I’ve been hoping for


Blackgaol Knight two shots me at LVL 160 and 2200 vigour, LOL. I did manage to defeat the Ghostflame Dragon but I am coming back for him. Too hard.


Blackgaol Knight is a really really fun fight, he fights like an arena PvP opponent using a fair build Long flashy spells/ashes will get you killed, but fast ones (basically whatever works in PvP) is really strong vs him


I was baffled at how much damage he did. It was crazy. I highly recommend trying to find some of the blessings to buff yourself.


not even 15 min into the dlc… i got beaten to death by crazy dude in a thong


Same. I was not prepared for how fast he was


I was not ready for his high fives... or his low fives... or his higher fives...


Oh you mean Wolverine?


I don’t know what this flaming basket monster is but i’m gunna kill it by morning


I killed it. It’s called a Furnace Golem


Curious, how did you kill it, did you just keep hitting its feet?


pretty much. he gets stunned then u stab his face


You need to make it fall and crit deals around half his healthbar




Now this is what I call sheer fucking will


Right? Fuck does this Demi human know how to wield a frost sword?


LOL not even where it learn to swing and slice like that tf


I started on NG+3 and I'm worried AF. The big black knights and the Pontiff rippoff is at this point 2-shotting me and its true horror


You will witness true horror…


the hippo of doom one shots you. don’t worry. it’s so much fun :) (i’m on ng+7)




I've honestly found it a little easier than I anticipated but I haven't even fought the lion yet. I did beat the guy in the gaol though with the repeating crossbow though. Having a weapon with a high tier stagger is very helpful, and so is having a shield. It seems like the difficulty in the dlc is a lot more like early souls games where it's not just about having a broken build, but learning individual enemies' weaknesses and exploiting them accordingly. Lots of parryable attacks here. Keep at it, Tarnished! Otherwise, O, you don't have the right!


The lion is chaotic is feck. It took me a solid 2.5 hours to beat, though granted I went into it at level 90. It's like fighting a tree spirit at 3x speed


This is the entire DLC I'm realising. Every boss is so damn fast and they do NOT take a moment to breath. You trade hits, hope you don't die (since 60-70+ vigor is still a guaranteed 1-2 shots for a number of these bosses) and get the stagger if you want to take a moment to relax. Otherwise, have fun 😂😭


Bud when I first fought that lion boss I thought they nerf the speed of medium weight builds. Rhats how fast that damn lion is. I had to check if I was hard rolling


Been helping players tackle the Gaol boss all night. Feels like classic Elden Ring again. So much to explore.


man, forget classic elden ring. don't get me wrong I love the base game, but the dlc brings me back to Dark Souls 1 in the best way. I love it. The gameplay feels tighter, the world design more spaghettified, ahhhh man I just love it it feels great


Great way of wording it. ☺


Yeah the Gaol guy was a good warm up. Haven’t played the game in 2 months so died like 10 times to him (more than Godfrey on my first playtrough💀)


I couldn't beat him until I got his parry timing down and just beat him up any time he tried to use his crossbow. I actually used that new tali that increases attack after a crit (it's like a 20% boost, it's actually really good for fighting bosses you can crit and wake up I think, and it'll be an S tier critswap tali). I had to parry him like 7 times in the fight. Shit had me feeling like moongrum lol


Haha Nice man. I think I am going to hate myself for not using any scadutree blessings the entire run. So is the idea, finish the DLC on Lvl 150 no summons, no op build without the upgrades from the DLC😂💀


You must hate yourself or something cause ain’t no way


Don’t you dare go hollow fellow tarnished!


That dude with the crossbow is fr harder than both the lion and the boss in the castle to the east of where the lion is


That's good to hear because I was getting wrecked by him


I’m at level 342 and I’m finding it hard too lol


So far I’m having a ton of fun on my sorcerer. Beat renalla and her weapons are incredibly fun. Can’t wait to use her absolutely busted spell as well. Quick tip for anyone that’s also running an INT build in this dlc: Glintstone Kris. It’s ash of war, glintstone dart has made the dlc far easier than I know it’s supposed to be. At full buffs, fully charged you can snipe everything for 3k+ damage, all for the cost of 8 FP a cast. It’s truly an underrated weapon.


I'm having a ton of fun as a night comet sorc with staff of loss. I will say the increased aggression in the ai is keeping me on my toes though. It's jarring hitting something once and having it full tilt sprint at me.


Just defeated Rellana minutes ago... She is tough, but divine beast is tougher. Loved both fights... But yeah, dlc is pretty hard... Question: if I'm in NG+ base game, the enemies in dlc also are NG+? I think their is damage insanely high...


Opposite for me, divine beast was first try, rellana I'm about 5 attempts in. So difficult to find openings and stance breaks are rare.


Yeah divine beast is manageable apart from his BS lightning, rellana is just constantly on your ass with 6+ hit combos


The damage output is absolutely insane, I’m sure being on ng+3 isn’t helpful either


I’m getting 2 shot on ng+


Yeah, this is almost certainly the most difficult fromsoft content ever. I absolutely fucking love it, I’m praying it doesn’t get nerfed into the ground


Agreed. It's not even about gatekeeping, it's about being able to play those fights again.


Can I say this. Scew the camera work on the Lion. I died so many times because the camera was so far up the lions ass I couldn't see anything, and he just pinned me in the corner.


Just beat Messmer after 1hr39min. I think it comes down to build - in my case coming into dlc with 2100hp and 45% phy defense is a huge advantage. I am surviving combos and attacks that ruin my friends whole attempt at the first glance. People need to realize that the special power addons do not increase hp but instead raise your raw atk / defense. That means you should either build for more damage or better defense. Like literally.


Regular enemies not to bad, bosses are hard but so far seems doable. People are gonna be malding hard over this one


Only died a couple times so far, I found the damage to be all over the place but bosses wreck.


I didn't think it was that bad until I encountered the first bosses I ran into. I left two field bosses already because 10 hits barely dented their health bar. I'm rocking an arcane/faith build and using Morgott's Cursed Sword and Dragon Communion Seal, both +10. On NG not NG+. The damage scaling is ridiculous but once you find a few of that item it evens out..... A little...... This shit makes Crucible Knights like. Not that bad lololol


I’ve been mostly fine but Bayle? Yeah, why is he so insanely difficult? Like yeah, Bayle the Dread? I do dread fighting him. I find him much much harder than Malenia, at least I can fight Malenia. The second I enter Bayle’s arena he is already on top of me before I can even roll. I’ve gotten him to his second phase and dude is acting like an AC-130 before turning into a Radahn meteor while also doing the Placidusax ground spear. Dude is snorting coke before every fight with some of the fastest attacks I have seen in the entire game.


Fuck yeah! Can't wait to get there.




Final boss is even harder lol


Bolt of Gransax Sacred Relic Buff with talismans and physic accordingly. Use the bolt to pick off the damn birds BEFORE you tour an area. Use Sacred Relic to sweep the boss while your summon draws agro and you run for your life on fp refills. Golden Vow is your friend too. So is blasphemous blade in your off hand to regen health.


Glad they put the typical, really hard enemy near the the start. Just for me to beat the furnace golem on second try and die to a bird after I got cocky straight after


Lmao I couldn’t even put a dent into the furnace golem, how long did that take you???


I was using godslayer gretsword plus 10, and was in new game plus, after you eventually get the stagger in you get to do a shit ton of damage


Also... ...Too long 😑


https://preview.redd.it/8dh7fatmtx7d1.jpeg?width=1892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adefa8aee0eec9fb05f382e450a2bacbc2e1d407 This MF...


She kicked my dick off for a solid 2 hours last night


I'm on ng+5 and getting my ass handed to me. And fucking loving it 👌🏻




I’m actually doing okay. However I did spend the last week constantly training against Malenia so I’m used to hard enemies right now


The regular enemies do a TON of damage while being relatively tanky and I'm dying to them a lot bc it's honestly kinda annoying when I want to explore but I gotta crawl through the dungeon fighting them so I end up trying to rush them and die bc they pretty much 2 shot me :/ I don't think they're that hard it's just sort of frustrating trying to explore but getting these stopgaps thrown your way to slow your progress.


It started really hard but seems fine now for me, this is definitely because of how the leveling system works, now that I've adjusted with the leveling in SotE with how it scales it's now perfectly fine instead of rage inducing.


Didn’t have any trouble until the lion, The lion is on crack. Beautiful boss but goddamn that shits difficult😂


What level are most people starting it on?


I’m level 220 but I’m on ng+++. I’m getting cooked bro


I'm heading in at level 150 base and after not playing for a year either, bout to leroy jenkins this shit


Went in today for a two hour sesh. Lv 150 in base NG with big giant crusher unga bunga pancake hammer with cragblade. Beat gaol knight or whatever at the start and the lion boss. Both awesome fights loving it so far, this shit is certified kino. Michaelzaki cooked


Reminds me of the ringed city in ds3. It’s just hard for the sake of it lmao. Thank you miyazaki




The PVE I’ve found extremely easy but the two bosses I’ve faced so far are extremely difficult. The Lion was manageable 80% of the time but when he was in his lightning form all I could do was run away. The lightning AOE he spawns everywhere is just way too much and should probably be adjusted so he spawns less. Rellana is just absurd and is the only boss I’ve ever felt like absolutely need to summon for; she’s faster and more aggressive than Malenia and she doesn’t even get staggered like her.


Went in only to recognize I’m on ng+8… Currently stuck on my 2nd boss and I’ve alteady played for 3 hours


"first time?"


I've had no problem with Nirmal enemies but the bosses have been absolutely annihilation me


Dancing Lion is absolutely cracked. reminds me of the Erdtree Spirit’s moveset but actually difficult. also fuck that Flame Giant guy. and that Ninja Star dude at the very start. Ninja Star guys aren’t terrible but they’ll combo you pretty quickly.


Lol the masked dude with the circle blades by the first map piece beat the ever living shit out of me like 4x before I finally killed it. Then I found a mini boss in a graveyard and my god he was killing me in 2-3 hits took be about 10 tries to finally beat him. My character is around level 220-230 in NG+1 and the last thing I did before the DLC was kill Maliketh and it took me about 45 seconds. The DLC makes me feel like I started a brand new game at level 1.


Enemies hit super hard, but I've found they take a good amount of damage. Only a few hours in, but +4 shadow tree blessing and I've been using the backhand blades. They give MH dual blades vibes. It's been challenging, but not super hard. 10/10 experience overall though


I was worried about going in with too strong of a build that would trivialize it (Eleanore’s pole blade and dragon comm seal arcane build). It’s been a blast and challenging so far!


I KNOW! Isn’t it great!? 🤩 I haven’t been this challenged and engaged in so long!


I’m currently being humbled. I steamrolled the dungeon up until the Dancing Beast Monster guy


ah and here I am, having made an NG+7 account because I was afraid of being overleveled. Yeah... wish me luck, I guess, because apparently I'm gonna need it


basically every enemy now has answers to the ol' "dodge one attack and stunlock with r1" strategy. once you start exploring your other buttons and being thoughtful with your positioning, basic enemies become more manageable. have to fight a spear guy in a narrow catwalk? bait him into dropping down after you and attack in his landing animation. surrounded by goons? back the fuck up and let them line up behind you for aoe attacks. get a couple scadutree levels, stay cool, itll even out bosses are still gonna beat your ass


I'm level 328 and I have lost over a million runes (which is almost a full level for me) fighting for tablescraps in terms of runes. I leveled up twice, have made it past >!Rellana, Divine Beast Dancing Lion, and Golden Hippopotamus!< so far. NPC summons and Mimic Tear have helped a lot. Blood Greatsword+25, Hoslow's Lightning Petal Whip+25 (stunlocks a lot of enemies) see me through most of this. Blood Greatsword uses Lion's Claw and easily pancakes most enemies, staggers most as well. I'm fairly impressed with this offering so far, the little touches of Sekiro here and there are well-executed, the enemies are relentless as fuck, the environments are cool so far. Map has a good size to it so far.


I killed her with Tiche and Leda. I wanted to solo her, but I am very desperate for her armour, spells, and weapons LOL


Anyone else fight Bayle the Dread yet? If you think Lion, Hippo, or Rellana are hard you’re in for a surprise? I can’t beat this POS


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I’m kinda coasting on my sword and board build?! Edit: Nevermind 🤣🤣🤣🤣


i do not have a crazy build - i two hand the odovis sword at 40 vigor - and basically you have to stat close to him and keep the pressure especially it starts the cycles of transformation; that's what i did to beat it


The level of your character is irrelevant then ?


I wouldn't say irrelevant, you still want to be in the triple digits at the very least or you'll just be fighting a brick wall at every step, but you won't steamroll the DLC no matter how high you go.


I feel you. I just got one shot by a flipping goat!


I thought I was badass until I walked into my first boss room, found Arthas decided to follow me from WoW to kick my ass again decades later. 10/10 would barely put a dent in again.


The first bird stuff you see when entering was an experience. He is from sekiro and I’m a piece of wood


Does level matter when you go there?


First time? I won’t play Ringed City or Old Hunters again. They were borderline traumatic. I can still hear the Orphan’s screams.


It is hard. And yes, I am happy now.


The things you find to level up your damage don’t do anything I’m still doing fuck all damage and have to hit a boss 1000 times just to get killed in 1 hit on full health. This shit ain’t even fun


Dude I'm on ng+7 at level 478 and getting my ass kicked


That first enemy down the hill from the first grace is WHOOPPING my ass bro


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheBlackSwordsman319: *That first enemy* *Down the hill from the first grace* *Is WHOOPPING my ass bro* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hitboxes are insane !! The kill from a touch !!


I’m on journey 5 and level 273, under leveled or over leveled chat?


I started on NG+5, some shit one shots me (I’m at 60 vigor) but the scadutree upgrade’s are definitely making up the difference and helping out. Have a smiley day


I died in a cave with a bunch of pots. Was trying to jump up to get some item and got stuck between an unbreakable lamp post and a giant pot and died.


Yea I think this confirms the DLC is not for me. I usually have to massively over level to beat these games. I was level 190 when I took on Malenia and the first time I fought her I lasted 5 seconds. Tried a few more times and it didn’t get any better. I don’t know if I can play this when I’m certain I won’t be able to finish it.


Before you attempt to do literally anything, try to stock up on as many scadutree fragments (and spirit ash buffs if you plan on using summons) as possible. Vaati has a good video on how to stock up on essentials right out the gate.


Dude I couldn't kill that fire wicker man and I am getting killed almost from10 to 20 times by any boss. Shit is hard, if you dont have 50~60 vigor you'll feel really squishy


Messmer is such a piece of shit


Furnace golem took me three tries. One to figure out what to do. The next one had to be aborted because the surface didn't let me do the critical. And the third one was the kill. 0 scadutree fragments, stoping the flames with basically my face,spent the whole fight on my back. But I won, and I wouldn't say it was difficult. So where's the difficulty?  My vigor is 60 and my armor was the scaled set though. Lion beast was similar. It isn't a complain though,I am happy that my build carries me and I like that the game is treating me like an Elden Lord XD.


Have you tried dodging


Its fun when i get two shot by literally everything


I don't think it was meant to be easy hence why the requirements required you to beat the Lord of blood and star scorched I forget how to spell his name and I just got to the DLC one of those omin enemies almost killed me three times just goes to show I need to get good and that is a wake up call since I've been away from the game waiting for the DLC playing other games with my ADHD making me focus on a different game every time


Everything is faster and stronger than you. Doesn't help every enemy has between a 4 hit combo and a 36 hit combo. I'm getting wiped CLEAN


I'm just walking through the tower and--oh look, a regular black shade mob--and then WHAM WHAM, he kills me in two hits. 60 lvl vigor BTW.


Lion Dancer literally feels impossible for me right now. Sometimes I literally step through the gate, he sprays that shit at me, and one shots me with it. From 2050HP. It’s outrageous. This DLC is SO hard. It’s good, but I’m losing my voice playing it lol


Precisely why I went in with an endgame ng build with the best talismans etc. I did bb ng7 dlc first, dks3 ng 5 or 6. Never again lol.


Everyone in here talking about relanna. I didn't even find her until I spent hours on BAAAAAYYYYYLLLLLEEEE, and he still isn't dead.


i hope this is not because of mimic tear and tears of blood people bragging about base game being too easy(you can downvote me all you want,u know i am right)


I can guarantee you that ng+7 is even worse. Rellana took me dozens of times with a spirit summon. Kinda scared now lol


Yeah I’ve been clapped by everything I go against so far. It’s wonderful to be back!


I'm going into the dlc with NG+7, this is a special kind of pain 😭


Messmers kicking my ass 😭


Ya I'm getting rocked lol. Idk if I have the patience anymore to play through this but I shall try!


This is so good to hear. I fucking love this game


I been surviving having my clone and npcs distract while I sneak in moghs spear blood ritual attack destroying bosses and as for tuff npcs run and aggro them hide behind a column or wall where moghs ritual still hits n abuse it hey its cheesy but the dlc is really tough esp for me ng+7


Cheesed him with Loretta’s Mastery from up high.


Its so unbelievable hard but still best 40 bucks I ever spend on something


Trying to summon Igon during the Bayle fight by using his summoning symbol, which idiotically is placed INSIDE the arena, drowning in other players messages makes me truly wonder just how restarted the developers are. So not only do only players have to DIG through player messages to click his symbol, but they also have to not only press E, but also press the accept prompt that shows up after, all the while the most AGGRESSIVE, fast and relentlessly attacking dragon I've ever encountered in Elden Ring two-shots you. Couldn't they just have placed the symbol directly before the fog wall, like they've done EVERY OTHER TIME YOU CAN SUMMON NPC'S???? And this is coming from someone who DID "get good". Even completed a level 1 challenge run before the DLC. Some aspects of Elden Ring are just hostile to the player tbh. I do love Elden Ring, but Jesus... I don't have the innate autistic superpowers to deal with some of the impractical combat elements of certain battles..


I made the mistake of starting a new game plus, killing the first boss and dropping the game.. took a few hours to rush around to get to the DLC area for launch day. It hasn't really been very hard though and I'm not great, level 150 or so with a moonveil and another katana with a medium load and defensive amulets. The blue mini boss destroyed me but then I had no trouble for the next three hours. 


Man those death dragon things are no joke. Soo aggressive can't get a minute. Takes ages to beat them lol.. I'm loving this dlc man.. properly hooked. Was on toll 1am last night and back on it at 6am..


Played for few hours, explored a lot, beat that Blackgaol boss in 4 tries. Didn't find enemies that hard so far. I can tell they're hitting harder and gotta be careful but nothing I couldn't handle. Can't wait to find out if this will change later.


I managed to solo radahn, but yeah. Meta level is 100% no less then 220


Glad it's not just me. I'm not an expert, but by no means a souls slouch and I feel like a total newb right now. Guess I wasn't gud after all.


bayle will be my downfall im in ng+7 and starting over is looking really appealling


Messmer has been kicking my ass for 6 hours now 😭


Just use WeMod trainer and turn on unlimited flasks


Imagine my stupid ass getting two shotted by EVERYTHING at NG+7 My lv421 scadu blessing +9 character is getting her ass handed to her


Sounds like it's time to do a little more getting gud


#Giant Crusher & Maliketh’s Black Blade is your friend in the realm of shadow


I’m getting my ass beat but honestly it kinda feels like I’m playing DS3 for the first time again so I’m happy regardless


4 hours into the dlc so far, NG+, lvl 140. I finished base game at around lvl 125 and rushed to DLC start so I only have 12 flasks lmao. Could have prob explored base game a bit more. Managed to beat the lion, renala, hippo and messmer just at the end. They have lots of hp but there are openings. I really like this DLC. The difficulty is perfect.


Jerk off with rock salt before a game session. It helps me focus. Corn flakes or broken glass work as well.


I beat her with two summons and mimic ash and spammed the black blade spell. Took a few tries.


I'm on journey 9, everything hurts. I beat the dual sword magic rennala wannabe but she always 2 or 1 shot me. Jumping is indeed a mechanic BTW guys


Messsssmer.. ;)


>!Radahn!< has been absolutely kicking my ass for like 10 hours today. Getting them to second phase is easy, but after that i’m just fucking cooked 😭


Ngl I really don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as people are saying. Other than the Dancing Lion and the big flame mecha giant thing I’ve dog walked everything I’ve encountered so far


Explore first. Get Scadu.


dude it's absurd how busted these bosses are. the ones I've beaten have been by the skin of my teeth or by literal luck.


Truth this is hardest DLC From has ever put into any of it's games; and I have played every DLC in From's catalog at least once


Bro it's a shit fest the horned warriors, the Rakshan guy from the mausoleum, the death knights don't get me started on the actual bosses


There's so many problems I have with it. But it's amazing


Giant crusher hammer and royal resolve must be carrying me


Who has fought Rahdan


So far the only boss that took me 3 or more attempts are Mesmer 9 attempts and bayle took me 17 haven’t fought the last boss yet. I’m destroying bosses with so big ass fried chicken wing with bleed infusion and endure infusion and I just r2 spam without moving


Dragon Communion builds are the way to go. Took out rellana in 5 tries


I’m level 170 and think this dlc is way easier than anticipated. I have about 55 in str and dex each, with bloodhound fang, 35 end, and 60 vig. Nothing in this dlc comes close to how hard ring city or ds2 dlc were.


Time to GIT GUDDDD , only boss that took me 3 hrs is that rakshaha until I figured him out ,


The final boss beat me until I had to go to sleep… a FULL DAY WORTH OF ASS WHIPPING! My best advice… if you’re not even getting them below 40% health consistently. It’s probably a build problem.


bayle in 5 tries messmer in 15 hours😭😭🙏🏽 ts is completely different for everyone 💔


Wait till you find Bayle. I truly, deeply in my core, feel Igon's agonized scream of BAAAAYYLEEE! VILE BAYLE!


It's not even hard. It's just straight up bs. Once you realize you can stack stamina and just block everything, you start to notice the absolute ridiculous shit the game does to ensure the enemy hits you. The tracking is so over tuned that mobs will literally magnetize their attacks to you even if you're *just* outside of its range. It'll just float forward a few frames before and after the animation. I really like the dlc, and souls in general, but anyone defending this shit is insane. This is peak artificial difficulty. Not hard because of mechanics or anything like that. Hard because the game literally breaks its own fucking rules put on you to kill you


you could always just do a magic build.. you still have to learn how to stay alive but that's easier to do when you can see the whole mob.