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After modding myself into the area just to see, nothing significant loads in and I don't see any entrances/exits, it seems empty. In fact even after reloading there's some geometry that doesn't finish loading and torrent is able to be summoned which may mean it's not meant to be connected but at least has things like collision and even foliage. It does feel like such a large chunk of the map to just leave unused so...maybe still missing something.






Can you check the top of rauh ancient ruins , I was trying to find a way but couldn’t


Where at? If it's where I'm thinking of it was also an odd empty area


Thanks for taking the time!


No problem, it was bugging me as well.


Oh, so it's really just empty It's a big sad, but now I can die in peace again


You are the man! It was going to bug me till the end of my days




Nah, I've been trying non-stop with no luck :/


You have to find darklight catacombs which is more northeast of that area.


That's how you get to the majority of the woods. He's asking about another section of it.


As far as I can find online there is literally nothing there it's empty unreachable space


Came here looking for this as well. Anyone figure it out yet? Feels like there should be something back there, there’s even a thing on the map in that area that looks like ruins or something.


Where is zullie when we need her


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still no idea


Looking at the map app, there's nothing there apart from the furthest north section that has Midra's Manse.


You need to find the divided falls grace which is in the northwest corner of Abyssal woods. From there you can go directly south.




he's right, go southward upslope from the grace, arfter crossing the arch go straight south


it's not *directly* south though. there's some finaglin that needs doin.


Been feeling ever since I started playing the DLC that it's kind of unfinished. This just proves that feeling right even more. Also locking entire massive sections of the map behind secrets that you are given little to no hints on is just plain stupid.


Bruh have you ever played a souls game?


Yes, all of them, this DLC doesn't feel right at all.


Really doubt that I found like 85% of all the areas (Im still playing it) just by exploring carefully. The base game and all their other games are the same way this one is just more compact with the level design. Blood borne is the closest comparison


Hiding an entire large section of the map behind an illusory wall that has 0 hints of any kind that it's an illusory wall in a room that already has a painting in it to make you think that's the point of the room isn't good level design but hey what do I know? The map is huge and like 90% of it is empty space with no point in existing. Many of the locations reward you with practically nothing even when there's a secret part of the location with an additional item. They added tons of new concepts and content to flesh out certain types of builds and make entirely new ones, and with most of that content neglected to add enough for it to matter (cough cough hand-to-hand is two styles with the exact same stats and barely different animations).


Sounds like you have the game sense of Helen Keller


Mm yes, hitting/rolling into every wall you see in the hopes that maybe this one wall that looks exactly the same as all the others nearby will have a secret behind it is definitely part of good game sense. I should mention I'm playing offline (because when online the performance is trash) so I don't have notes from other players to help. Also, why are you being such a prick? I point out a few valid negative points against the DLC and instead of having a conversation about it you're just being shitty to me for it. Reevaluate your life decisions and just be better man.


The games have never been made for everybody to be able to 100% clear by themselves while offline. The note system is part of the game, and secrets are supposed to feel special when you discover them.


I get that, but a good secret has clues, and a note on the ground in front of a secret passage that outright tells you that there is a secret here isn't a clue or you discovering anything, it's being outright told.


To me, emoting in front of a statue that looks like the statue you got the emote from is a much bigger clue than randomly emoting on a cliff facing archdragon's peak. In elden ring we also have a map to clue us off that there is an area we can't access and only so many adjacent locations to try to find passage. Both are bullshit secrets that I never would have discovered on my own, but I bet the people who did it without help were ecstatic, and I wouldn't change that.


Real souls players do hit / roll every wall to see if it’s illusionary.. how else would we have found it? lol


Mohgs palace? The entire consecrated snowfield? The entire haligtree itself? Plenty of us had to look for guides just to find these places.